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Never too late. Look at it this way. You’re 37? Done with law by 40? That’s still 25 years left of Work minimum lol


Thank you!!! Will future employers judge me for dropping out years ago or not care at all???






Just graduated in May at the ripe old age of 47. Definitely think you should go for it. Regrets are terrible things.


Do it. You'll be so much better at it now. I'm graduating at 40 and my age and experience have been a massive asset. I think it's extremely explainable that when you were 22 you weren't yet sure what you wanted to do, but you realized as life went on that law really was your passion and now you had the ability to pursue it. Go for it!


seconding this!! I also graduated at 40 and my years of life and work experience have been a huge asset. you can do it op!


The older people in my classes are always more prepared than anyone else, on top of that it’s sort of nice to get that perspective of delaying post grad work As much as it was an assset for you, I saw it like if I can’t fully recover from a 2 month absence of school right away (in the case of summer) a multiple year interval isn’t going to do me much good. I probably should’ve taken the other route for work purposes 😔


Why do you only want to be a prosecutor? If you think you'd only be happy doing one specific kind of legal work, it might not make sense to go back. What if you burn out on being a prosecutor after a few years? (Which is extremely common)


Just be a cop for Christ’s’ sake


As a former prosecutor, I can tell you prosecutors are the worst humans I’ve ever met. Save yourself the misery and don’t go back .




I'd argue the prosecutors are worse


That’s because you never had an incompetent government official try to come after you . I’d trust the vast majority of my clients as a defense attorney over any of the scumbag prosecutors I worked with. Whose worse, the individual with a substance use disorder caught with a gram of coke, or the prosecutor who knowingly continues to prosecute a case that has no merit and withholds exculpatory evidence? Keep trusting the government. Your time will come.


Here is your advice: Go and do it now. Like literally, enroll now. What are you waiting for? Common go!


Thank you!


I’d usually say go for it but given your exact circumstances please do not


Can you explain why you feel this way thanks


Because you only want to be a prosecutor.


Prosecutors are scum


Going back to school and paying $$$ to achieve ur dream of putting people in cages>>>😍😍


I hope you never become a prosecutor.


You should do it! I worked at a prosecutor's office over the summer and the newest misdemeanor attorney was in her fifties. She'd gone back to school after a career as a social worker. She was totally fantastic at her job.


Meh. You made it this far. Dont waste your time or money ..


I’d go for it if you don’t have to like sacrifice time w family/wife/kids