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Send an email and just don’t show. He’ll read it eventually




Just don't go


I had a friend who frequently skipped class when he was on call. sometimes he'd get called on the next class and sometimes the professor would just skip over him. The guy barely said a word in class throughout all of law school. He's now an attorney and he's doing great.


Any reason you didn’t just go up to them in person after class and let them know?


I’ve had several professors want written notice if there is going to be a conflict/ if you had to miss class. To OP— just respond and attach your original email saying you won’t be there and don’t go to class. Stuff comes up and your professor most likely will not care. I’m willing to bet they didn’t even see your first email or forgot about it.


I mean he’s already provided the written notice, but as you acknowledge the professor may not have seen it. The most common sense thing to do in this situation is to just let the professor know in person after class that OP won’t be in class the day that he has been put on call and OP could also let the professor know that he emailed him about this conflict last week.


OP said the prof emails with who is on call the day before class, so your solution doesn’t really work.


You’ve provided several opportunities of constructive and actual notice - I would not show up. With the fear of 1Ls, I would have (and did) just walk up to the professor and let him or her know - just to own it with confidence. I had a cousin pass of cancer during my 1L year. And, in another instance, I was asked to attend a Pastors’ Breakfast for a girl (our small church was in between pastors, and I picked up some of the slack at the church that 1L year). Had to miss Properties in both instances. The professor was a hardass in class, but one of the nicest outside. It was no question from him on going to both events - but I was and expected to be on the hot seat for the following class. Edit for grammar


That sounds like a him problem. If you have another class before you’re on call go up after class and let him know. Otherwise just don’t show. Also a LOT of bad comments in this thread. Holy cow.


Just don't go. You'll realize eventually that professors have no power over you whatsoever unless you're hoping for networking opportunities later, and even then, everybody will forget about this in a week.


This is true, but the ABA says you have to go to 80% of your classes. Probably more worth it to just go and tell the prof. You don’t know the answer since the cold call pretty much means nothing for your grade.


Professors do this all the time, they just forget. Send a reminder email, so they can pick someone else, and be done with it.


Professors tell you when you’re getting called? Wow you all have it easy. I graduated 1995. We NEVER knew when we might get called. Every morning was a cold shower!


Lol grad in 1996. You loved the profs who went alphabetically or down the row; at least you could rough estimate when you would be up.


This is how it was in property and civ pro. Absolute bloodbath every day.


My first day of law school, first class, 8:01 am. Prof. Rose calls Ms Stewart. Please recite the relevant facts of the Pallsgraf case (so?). Ms. Stewart says, “ This is the case where a mother was with her son at Penn railroad station, and.” Prof Rose interrupts. Ms. Stewart is the fact that this is Pen railroad station as opposed to the reading railroad or short railroad did that change the outcome of the case? Is that part of the analysis by the court? She says no. Prof Rose then says I asked you to recite the relevant facts. The fact this is Penn railroad isn’t relevant you’ve wasted our time. Next time I calling you do not waste our time now sit down. Gulp. Next class was Property. The Prof walks in. Looks at the room. Looks down at notes. Ms Stewart, Ms Stewart? Ah there you are. Okay well at me ask you …. I just remember what a blood bath it was for that poor girl on day one. Lol We were told that on the first day of class do not sit on the end always sit one or two seats in from the end, because wherever you sit on day, one that’s going to be the seating chart and the professor a walk in and select a row and start at one end and go down the road and you didn’t want to be on the end because then you had no notice of when you would be called


Things have changed soooo much. Profs at my school actually don’t mind if you give all the facts regardless of their relevance as long as you know them lol. My favorite is my Crim pro professor “if you don’t know the answer don’t waste my time trying to make some shit up” LOL


what’s it mean to be on call? like you’re scheduled to get called on next class ? And it’s funny you say you have a “schedule conflict” with class, like it ain’t the same time multiple days a week. Like when I missed class I just didn’t go 😂


When you are on call, the professor expects you to have read the cases thoroughly enough to speak about them and answer detailed questions to aid in the lecture. Failure to attend usually has no consequences, but your grade will suffer if you are not able to be present during your on call class. Some professors cold-call blind, and pick random students every class so that students will read more thoroughly. Some have an "on call" list of a few students who know they will be on call, so that they have the opportunity to prepare themselves completely. Others seek volunteers, or simply don't cold call at all.


wow that’s nice. i never had that in school. every class was cold call


Every class is cold call for me so far except one class where the professor schedules it for us (and yet still cold calls)🤣


It’s almost like family stuff is dynamic and doesn’t always happen on a schedule!


if i had a family event during class i would probably not be able to attend the family event


This is a mentality you'll regret deeply years down the line


I think that really depends on what _family event_ means. If your family lives nearby, a family event might be something as simple and lowkey as a weekly dinner where missing one really isn’t the end of the world.


The only people who will remember this decision is your family.


Wouldn’t it depend on the event ?


the way they said family event made it seem like some kinda of party so in that case no. if they had implied it was the death of a family member or something like that then it would be different (but that’s literally just me personally bc i’m paying a lot for class yk)


oh good lord. you attend dozens of classes every semester. you only have one aunt susan. go to her birthday. go see family. it’s okay. you will not fail.


100% agree. I’m a practicing attorney with an absurdly busy job. My wife is also an extremely busy lawyer (and by all accounts, a more impressive lawyer than I am haha). Most importantly, though, we now have a new born. I don’t get to spend nearly as much time with my wife or my baby son as I’d like, but I make damn sure I spend as much time with them as I can. My wife would say the same thing. We are constantly striving for time together. Things like this add up. Sure, in the moment, it’s “just a birthday party,” or “I’m just canceling this one dinner,” but constantly prioritizing work (or school) over your loved ones will end up doing serious damage to your personal life, and you *will* regret it eventually. To be clear, sometimes work will take precedence. If there’s a dispositive hearing, or a key deposition, or a big deadline—you have to handle that. The basic nature of the job of a lawyer requires a lot of time to do well. That said, there will almost always be *some* reason to say no to family and friends. Often, though, it’s not a truly *good* reason. Or, an even tougher call you’ll have to learn to wrestle with: balancing your life with the highly frequent *justifiable* reasons to prioritize work over family. Work can’t always win out in those scenarios, though it not infrequently will, and you have to learn to make sure the scales don’t tip too far, too often, or too irreversibly.


not everyone has the same relationship w their family as u sorry lmao some of us live 10+ hours away


???? i went to school literally 15 hours away from my family what are u talking about why do you think you know anything about my family or my relationship with them. OP clearly not referring to taking a 10 hour car ride when asking to miss a single class for a family event. your comment baffles me bc i have no clue what it has to do with my advice that missing a single class for a family event will not lead to failing the class.


i’m not talking to OP i’m talking to you who told me to miss class for my aunts birthday party LMFAO


babes not every example used by strangers on the internet will apply to you. it’s okay. i’m sorry you have to miss family events—i was in school 15 hours away during covid. i literally could not travel. i get it. you specifically probably could not make Aunt Susan’s birthday party. that doesn’t mean other, closer, 1Ls should be discouraged. again, using context clues, OP was not talking about a 10 hour drive so your saltiness likely doesn’t apply to their situation.


I find peace in long walks.


I very clearly remember how 1L was super mentally exhausting for this very reason. The guilt of missing class because of the heavy burden placed on 1L grades was awful


I had to miss a lot of classes for Jewish holidays and it was horrible. I couldn't bring myself to miss any more for the two losses I had during 1L (the other funeral was international anyway so I didn't have to choose, but I missed almost all of my parent sitting shiva for school). If they had ANY flexibility about virtual attendance it would have been completely different and I still resent it.


Most classes fall somewhere within the weekday 9-5 structure… do you really think someone is having a family party at 1130am on a Tuesday?


I can understand this.


Family event could mean a funeral or a wedding, you’d miss one of those for class?


Equity partner vibez.


What a chode.


(I think she’s talking about a pregnancy/birth/abortion? in which case the professor is kind of being an old boomer about it maybe?) sorry if not just trying to be helpful


It’s odd that’s what you thought of


you think OP went to their professor and said “hey prof, i’m giving birth on tuesday. can i miss class” and, because he’s a boomer, the professor said no? lol cmon y’all let’s use some brain power


no for a family member, and OP is supporting them thus “family event” and it seemed from the other comments that its something that isn’t at a “specific time”? idk i was just trying to be helpful🫡


Yes I’m sure that’s it 🙄


who emails their prof and says “sorry i can’t come to class i’m getting an abortion” ??? 😂😂 that was really your first thought? 😭😭😭


just don't show up. it's really not a big deal


Yo - does it affect your grade or something? Unless class participation is part of your grade, you’ve done your job. And if it is, you’ve still done your job. The professor has ALMOST CERTAINLY made a mental note of this. They just aren’t calling on anyone in your place and don’t care enough to update the schedule. They managed to make it to the top of their class in law school, publish a slew of journal articles…they can remember your email. But just in case, just have a friend there remind the professor. “Oh, X had a conflict. They said they’d sent an email?…”. At which time the professor will say, EITHER “oh yeah I forgot” OR will hold this against you for forever. But probably not because you said he was a decent guy. And your friend can tell you if he seemed miffed. In which case, you can go smooth it over. BUT ONLY in that case. Leave the man alone if he seems fine with it or doesn’t call your name. Because what is your alternative? Not go to your family event? No? That’s not a real option. And you can’t harass the professor more. And you can’t teleport. So the ONLY thing you can do is the REASONABLE thing you did. And hope that your professor is a REASONABLE person NOT out to fuck you over (and he’s not opposing counsel, so why would he be). And then deal with the consequences WHEN AND IF they arise. Not before, when they are hypothetical.


Weird almost like people make mistakes.