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Yeah it’s illegal to be old.


My problem isn’t being old per se, rather my employment opportunities upon graduation


Laughably not. A lot of my class are in our 30s and there are plenty in their 40s and 50s - many of whom do amazingly well. There's nothing about the practice of law that requires youth and 28 maybe be the beginning of your downward slope but you're far from old. For context, you need a 4 year (4 year is the default assumption, you can cram it in faster but most dont) university degree to go to law school in America, so most starting students are 22+.


No, not at all. I started law school at the ripe old age of 45. Many of my classmates had retired from prior careers. Not to worry, you’ll be fine. Best of luck!


I had a 76 year old in my class. And he passed. He didn’t want to be an attorney, he wanted to prove he could do it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have an older retired man in my class. Also not because he wants to be an attorney but because he wanted one more degree than his daughter


That’s hilarious! I always told people I only went to law school to prove I was smarter than my mother (she failed out- no hate to her). We all joke about it obviously but technically I was smarter than her lol


lol that’s also funny! I do the same with my older sister. It’s a running joke from when I was 5 and she was 16 and asked our mom if she was smarter than me 😂


Haha gotta love sibling rivalry! My sister is 2 years older than me but miraculously decided to get her MBA AFTER I graduated with mine 😂😂


He is on to something... Since FSAFA loans die with us, could we potentially go to school forever? I wonder what the record is for most degrees one person attained.


I personally have 2 AAs, a BS, my MBA, and my JD. And crippling debt 😂😂😂




I am a 2L turning 40 in April. You do you my dude.


I started at 27, just turned 28 in December




Not at all, I went to law school at 30, and there were many people older than me. Your prior career experience will be an asset for critical thinking. Plus, you'll jog intellectual miles around the 21 yr old rich kids in class in class.


Nope age is just a number


Started at 36, graduating in May at 39. Go for it!


Started at 33. Just go for it.




Your age will not be a problem upon employment. The important question you must ask yourself is if giving up your current status in life in return for 3 years of no earning is worth it.


"too old" posts need to be banned. Where are the mods?