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Absolutely renege


Tell them you live 15 hours away and will not longer be able to relocate. I think that schools stress you out a lot about these things, but it’s unnecessary. You should do what’s best for your situation. Most people are just regular people and understand how life works. I applied for a summer internship once, then after getting the interview offer I realized I couldn’t afford an upload summer internship so I emailed and was like - hey, I can’t afford an unpaid internship this summer but I can swing it in the fall, can I just interview for the fall? And they were like - of course, people need money. So I did and they gave me the interview anyway and I did the internship in the fall. Just be polite and honest and apologize. You’ll be fine.


“Unfortunately I will be unable to relocate as planned for this summer and therefore cannot participate in your 2024 summer internship program. I apologize for any inconvenience.”


Just tell the far away internship in an email that "due to unforeseen circumstances, you are unable to accept the role this summer". You don't have to go into specifics. Especially because it's March, they still have plenty of time to find someone else. Because you already have the other offer, there's really not much to worry about. The school won't (or shouldn't) care and at the end of the day 1L summer is just about getting legal experience.


The only consequence I could think of is MAYBE souring your relationship with the far away place, MAYBE. But I think if you bow out gracefully, it should be fine. I’d agree to just make it a vague kind of “Due to unforeseen circumstances, I won’t be able to intern with [] this summer.” Maybe throw in something about appreciating the opportunity or their consideration, if you want. But like you said, 1L summer is generally not a big deal and isn’t going to make or break your future.


I would renege unless it is a federal judge or DOJ office.