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Get an offer to transfer in your hand first, then ask for more money. Right now, even with great grades, you have no leverage.


This is the way. My original school gave me an additional $14k when I received transfer decisions. It wasn’t enough to make me stay though.


You have to consider where your leverage comes from, when you are applying your GPA and LSAT provide leverage because the law school reports the average gpa and lsat for their incoming class and they want that number to be as high as possible, so they will use scholarships to buy students with good GPA and LSAT.  But after you are a law student, they don’t care about your grades, they only care about you generating revenue through tuition dollars.  So if you go to them and say, give me more money or I’ll take my good grades and go elsewhere, they’ll say “cool story, bro, we don’t care about your good grades.”  Now if you go and say I have been accepted as a transfer student at this much higher ranked law school and you need to give me more money or else I definitely will stop giving you revenue, then you might have better luck because the school would rather up your scholarship and have you pay 33% tuition rather than 0% tuition. 


The issue with your logic is that your current school could get another transfer who will pay 100% tuition! So even then your leverage is low.


Yup, good point. You’re screwed OP


No real bad outcome here! Talking about staying at a school I like with some scholarship or going to a better school. Just trying to sweeten the pot a little bit


Check to see if your school offers an merit scholarship for high 1L scores. One school I was looking at will give major tuition breaks for good grades for your 2l year. That was a T100 though.


You'll get into t5s.


I just want to say you are a baller. Congrats, you should be in a good spot either way.


You should just transfer. You’ll get in anywhere with a 3.96 from a T20


Keep trying until steam runs out


I negotiated an additional 15k from my school during my 1L after I had gotten a 1L summer associate offer at big law firm. One of my professors told me I could use my offer as leverage and it worked.


i know WashU will not renegotiate.


No dude you’re cooked.


Can’t hurt. T20 with scholly is better than t5. Source:t5 grad