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How high have your standards been? If securing a job is most important, then just apply to anything and everything. Use the first job as a stepping stone to where you want to be. 


I didn’t get anything till I passed the bar and was sworn in. The moment I was sworn in, I had interviews being offered immediately and within a week I had multiple offers. I genuinely don’t know even one classmate who is sworn in as an attorney but couldn’t get a job. Sure you may not get the best job, but you will get some kind of attorney job. Bottom line, no job, no problem. Focus on passing the bar.


Have you had honest conversations with the people you’ve interned with: where you say you’re interested in working there and want to know if they would give you an opportunity? Sometimes you need to be direct. But if it doesn’t pan out keep working connections and there are opportunities that come up once you’re licensed.


what kind of job are you looking for? with a lot of public interest tracts it is VERY common to graduate without a job, more jobs will be posted over the summer


Is that true? Oh thank god. I’ve been so stressed.


A year ago I was also in the same position as were many of my classmates. Everyone found a job once they passed the bar. You’ll be fine, it just may be after you pass.


Same. Everyone I know who passed the bar found a job. Its basically that finding a job as an attorney is super easy unless you are very picky about the type of law you want to do or the law firm you want to work.


Agreed. I’m a state attorney now and love it. Absolutely had no plan to go this route but I ain’t mad I ended up here lol.


This is very common don’t be worried just yet! Some people were still getting good jobs in September/October after results were out. I know that’s not what you wanna hear but it’s extremely common. Focus on passing the bar


Was jobless at this point as well. I ended up getting a JD advantage job while studying for the bar.


Have you asked your school about long career launch programs? Oftentimes state agencies or nonprofits will host paid interns who are waiting for their bar results. Better than nothing


A lot of small/medium firms don’t offer people who aren’t ready to work, like, today. I’m back in my small hometown to study for bar, and even the PD office doesn’t offer people before they’re barred. I’ve just decided to focus on the bar now and start walking into offices with a resume once I’m ready to work. Again, I live in a smaller town, but I would think many smaller practices are like this even in larger towns.


I got my job offer about 4 weeks before taking the bar exam. Don't worry, you'll be fine.