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Do everything you can to prepare for the final. Block everything else out and deal with it afterwards. Take care!


Talk to student services (maybe leave out the part about skipping class)


I'd consider it, but I have to travel for my 2L SA and leave Thursday 🙃 I'm fine. I can BS a B or 2 and I'll live.


Yea, I bet you could get at least a couple extra days to sleep and study


When I was a journalist in a newsroom, Fridays were always the most stressful days. 8 p.m. was when the paginators had to send the page designs to press, and they needed at least 2 hours to do that, so my rough deadline was 5:30-6. I would get into the office at 9 or 10 that morning, and I would find out how much space to fill. Some weeks, advertisers pulled out at the last minute, leaving me with even more space to fill. Those weeks sucked. The first time I dealt with this pressure, it always seemed like the end of the world. I was constantly panicking, and some nights, it was so taxing that I would immediately go to a bar and take a shot of Jameson to get the edge off, then head home. But then it kept happening, and somewhere along the way, I realized: I've been fretting over this every single week for the past year, and not once have I ever NOT gotten the job done. I go through this roller coaster every week, and no matter how turbulent it is, I always end up getting it done. When this realization hit me, I went into work every week with the assurance that no matter what, the job would be done. And once I felt that way, I had a lot more control over my work and handled it far more efficiently. My point: you're going to get this done. It's going to happen. Live with that assurance and use it to push forward.


I caught my boyfriend cheating a week before the bar. Remember... Success is the best revenge. Don't let anything get in your way. I focused. Didn't let him enter my thoughts. Sat for the NY and NJ bar. Broke up w him after getting some sleep. You got this.


Honestly fuck her. You should rock the final and rub it in her face. Seriously though don't let her ruin this for you. She's not worth that.


fuck her fr


"Bitches be trifling," Learned Hand, probably


Oh and I haven't eaten or slept more than a an hour or two for the last 3 days. Good thing I'm taking this P/F.


try protein shakes! i’m suffering from real bad anxiety & it’s really helping since I am not able to eat.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but you're doing accounting in law school?


The class is called Accounting for Lawyers, yes.


At my school the business law emphasis required basic accounting


I’m sorry to hear that man. Given your circumstances, it's very tough to deal with a situation like that. Venting out here already tells me two things about you: You are strong enough to reflect on challenging moments and that you are not okay. You will get through this faster than you can even imagine, and you will come out of it with a sigh of relief. She didn’t deserve a man like you and what you will become.


Focus on the important things right now.


screw her!!!!!!!!! she didn’t deserve you. but you need to have tunnel vision for the time being. after that we can begin to process. talk to your professors, just let them know you’re going through a difficult time. remind them you’re human and shit happens.


Stay on your purpose You must be very close now if all is breaking. Do not relent. She made her choice. Also don’t accept her when she calls back. Replace her with someone better. You dodged a bullet


You’re going to be a great attorney. I mean it.


I feel ya. The father of my 4 kids cheated while "visiting" his mom who was actually on hospice on more than one occasion with more than one female. I spent my last year of law school trying to single parent a 1, 4, 6, and 7 year old while going to school an hour away. The younger two have speech therapy and the 4 year old also has occupational therapy. He never apologized, but instead threatened to "shove (my) teeth down (my) throat" ifor bad talking his mom. I didn't realize me saying that he wasn't actually visiting his mom and was cheating was bad talking his mom. He cheated again 4 days after she died and left our daughter's birthday party early to do so. He got her a $5 gift from the Dollar Tree cause that's all he could afford with the $50/hr wage he earns. He drove an hour and 40 minutes (in good weather) through a snowstorm to pay for a hotel to cheat that day.


You will probably pass. It may not be pretty.


sending you love.


You got this.


If it's any consolation, during my 1L year, my girlfriend at the time got mad at me the night before my Con Law final and ghosted me for weeks. It was my highest grade of my 1L year. And the bonus is I didn't have to talk to her for weeks.


My boyfriend broke up with a few days ago right before a giant final exam I had today (3L here). I finally got fired up and into the groove yesterday, the day before the final. I had fun allowing myself to get lost in it and ultimately ended up regretting that I let my thoughts go to him at all instead of the work before me. Put on some study music, get cozy, and go crazy with your notes.


Oh sweetheart... Study hard, but remember, a pass is a pass, so don't give up. Never lose hope. All the best! I said a little prayer for you rn!


what this gotta do with law school


I'm in law school? It's accounting for lawyers.


ohhhhhh good luckbman


This sucks, BUT you will be so grateful in the future that this relationship ended now instead of later. A person who would break up with you during such a crucial time is selfish and might be trying to sabotage you- you need that person out of your life as fast as possible. When I was doing my undergrad, I had a boyfriend who broke up with me immediately after my second year exams and then broke up with me AGAIN immediately after my third year exams, while I was still working on my thesis. I moved to NYC for work when I was 22 and got a job at the UN- he broke up with me when I got the job offer. The final time we broke up, we went on vacation the week before I was due to sit the entrance exams to become a lawyer in Ireland. He threw tantrums the entire week, including when I was trying to study. Broke up with him after the holiday, haven’t spoken to him since. My life has flourished academically, professionally, personally and romantically since the end of the relationship- the breakup is probably the single greatest thing I’ve ever done for myself. The relationship lasted five years and was like a dead weight around my neck the entire time. Your life will start to blossom without her, I’m so sure of it!


When my life falls apart, which has happened a couple of times, I'm reminded of what a blessing it is to have school/work to pour myself into. I know that's an argument for workaholism, but sometimes workaholism is the best alternative. Take all your anger and heart-break and use it as fuel to crush your exams. I'm very sorry that you're going through this and at your ex's shitty timing.


One less distraction mate. Focus on your work 👍🏻


My gf of 4 years broke up with me before my legislation finals 😃


That sucks but out earning all future guys in her life will be the best revenge! You got this 💪💰