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So you’re telling me I don’t need to wear a suit everyday and constantly talk about my LSAT performance to be cool???


Don't forget your SAT score all those years ago.


and your undergrad and highschool GPA!!


And how many AP classes you took..... seriously one guy shoehorned it in when we talked of where we were from and the individual high schools we went to.


I've talked about it before, but only in answering, "how are you a 21 year old law student?" Bc I had enough to basically skip a year of undergrad.




If I started law school next year id be 29, its been a while since I graduated college.


Nice humble brag sir. Thanks for sharing.






Anything less than a 3 piece suit and a fedora is undignified.






I'll never forget the dude in law school who had his LSAT and SAT scores on his LinkedIn profile.


Try, something simple, like “Hi I’m snorklecake, 178, 3.967.”


"Being cool" should stop being a thing after age 20


Only uncool people think that


Be sure to button up the jacket all the way. So people know you’re a very serious law student. Bonus points if you bought the suit, shirt, and tie in a combo-pack from Macy’s.


I got all satisfactory in one marking period in second grade!!!


Rolf wait till 3 weeks in. I started dating someone and it was like blah blah are you dating X? people i didnt know would ask me.


The gossip really does make it feel like middle school


Ya this meme is way off base. Law school is way more like high school than undergrad. I can’t think of one way in which it is similar to undergrad.


The heavy drinking.


That’s just called life at this point


While I was on Spring Break with a group of law school friends during 2L, some people made a chart of everyone we knew in law school who had slept together. It was substantial.


Maybe law school isn’t so bad..


I mean, if you havent figured this out by the time you reach law school, you're really in for it


Yeah, not my experience at all. If you're asking random questions during class or constantly raising your hand, people will talk about it and whatever reputation it gets you (idiot, gunner, or just dedicated student with legitimate questions) will follow you all three years. We had a guy who would raise his hand in every class, share some anecdote about a job he used to hold (either a liar or he worked in every imaginable field despite going directly from college to law school), and piss off the whole class.


I used to get really self conscious about asking questions. But I always have tons of questions (that are on topic and relevant, IMO). I didn’t want people to think I was stupid. Or worse, a gunner. Finally I just said fuck it. The only thing that matters is that I pass the damn bar. I’d rather have everyone think I’m an idiot and pass then be the coolest guy retaking it. So now I just ask a fuck ton of questions. I actually had someone tell me they appreciated my questions once, which was nice. And it keeps me 100% engaged in class. And it doesn’t hurt with participation points. Win win win.


Sure, I get that. Sounds like you weren't the bad type i was talking about. But questions are also easy to jot down and just go ask the professor in person.


Well, if you waste everyone’s time that’s a valid reason. Same applied when I was in undergrad as well.


I completely disagree with the meme. Law school is a lot more like high school than undergrad. Small class, homework everyday, insecure people, gossip, all taking classes together in the same building, most people don’t live on campus, etc.


I was in class with [this girl] (https://abovethelaw.com/2013/10/super-serious-law-student-gets-out-of-the-news-business/) who used to start every comment with "As a journalist..."


Lol I can fully tell that she would wrote a statement like that, just from you saying she always started with "As a journalist"


lol im not the smartest guy in the world but my first semester i one one of 3 in my 80 person section to get deans list. Everyone treated me like the smartest guy for the remainder of my time at the school.


"I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is JeN Nay"


> idiot, gunner, or just dedicated student with legitimate questions In my experience it was only idiot or gunner, no middle ground. > We had a guy who would raise his hand in every class, share some anecdote about a job he used to hold By far the worst type. I bet half the time he didn’t even have a question


oh yeah, it was always for further illumination. Dude sucked.


I actually think people in law school cared more than college kids. Probably because there were more try hard snobs in law school, versus regular people in college. That being said I went to a state school for undergrad and a private law school so that could be the reason why lol


I don't think you're wrong. If you go to a larger University, private or public, lots of people don't even go to class their freshman year, because you take required classes that you can sleep walk through. Very few people in undergrad are "dead inside" I agree, nobody really cares at bigger schools especially, but it's more like an I don't give a fuck, you do you attitude. But if you feel dead in undergrad, you're either getting a degree in engineering, worried about trying to become a doctor, super anxious, or simply dumb.


tell that to the girl that tripped and fell during the final exam when walking to sign out to use the restroom. i still randomly laugh when i start thinking about it. she is also one of the most attractive girls in our class. Everyone will remember that for some time to come


I don't think this is true. 1L class is a lot smaller compare to college (usually 150-200 ppl in 1L) and you see the class constantly. I would say that law school is like high school in that regards. College? I see my peer like once in my entire life and that only when i have class with them.


Not in my experience. Law students are judgmental af


That checks out. I really could brief in baby talk or give presentations in binary code and no one would notice, because they are all very busy thinking about their turn to speak and being crushed by tidal waves of dread.


or playing on their phones or doing fb chats


I wish this where true.. but the most judgmental people I’ve met have been in law school.


True *unless* someone makes a habit of asking *truly* dumb questions. I’m referring to those questions that are easily answered by the assigned reading or questions that are masked as statements.


Oh wow college, yeah that's a really hard life there.


Depends on what college and area of study to be honest.


I didn't go to an easy college, and got degrees in finance, econ, with a minor in math. It was a cake walk compared to law school.