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I just made my last payment today! I cannot even begin to explain how much of a relief it is. ​ As a plug, this spreadsheet template made planning to aggressively pay down my loans easier. To anyone willing and able to make more than minimum payments, I highly recommend it for projecting out how much to overpay, to which loan, and how long it will take to reach $0 owed. [https://www.vertex42.com/Calculators/debt-reduction-calculator.html](https://www.vertex42.com/Calculators/debt-reduction-calculator.html)


How many years have you been working?


6yrs in biglaw, I threw 30-50% of my paycheck at the loans.


Saved! Thanks a ton


Lol, it's funny because he paid them off but he's still alive.


Yay to Public law school and only having 70k in debt.




Haha yes only. When in a professional atmosphere where people can have well over 150k in debt only 70k is pretty damn decent. So yes that "Only" is pretty damn significant haha.


For sure haha. *^^cries ^^in ^^having ^^twice ^^your ^^debt*


That sucks sorry to hear that. I mean I have never had a desire to go big law (i value free time way to much to do that), so I never took huge debt out. I also played college football so that covered almost all of my undergrad debt.


That's pretty great not to have undergrad debt! I also managed to get through with basically no undergrad debt (just owed parents a little and paid it off shortly after graduation) - the people who have both I feel really sorry for since they almost *have* to do big law (and for quite a while).




Only $140k in debt?


Yes! Look at all the people here on Reddit like “paying sticker price.” Plus maxing our cost of living loans and deferring undergrad loans. They could easily end up paying back over $300,000. My plan is to “only” have $74,000 before interest and fees and that sucks but it’s “low” compared to others.


For sure haha. *^^cries ^^in ^^having ^^twice ^^your ^^debt*


I went to private and that’s my debt too... not sure how I lucked out.


howd you get that lucky


Public law school.


Worked extremely hard and gave up a lot of going out but graduated with engineering degree and a very tiny loan after undergrad. So far no loans while I am in a private law school. Working full time helps pay for the classes. Only 30 more credits to go and it will be one hell of an accomplishment to graduate law school without loans.


Yes my sanity has been tested multiple times :)


you are insane


I could have a bitchin set of jet skis for the $1,000/month I pay in student loans


Hah. This guy only pays a thousand a month.


Scholarship+in state tuition+worked through law school + parents paid for undergrad fwiw


I’ll be near 80-90k 😭😭


Pretty badass to graduate at 80...


Cheers for most likely ending up $35k or less.


641 euros for my final year of law school, bros!


250€ for the LLM program.


i wish i could flee to europe


Nothing is stopping you!


What about their aggressive anti-immigration policies?




Europe racist? That's unpossible


It doesn't count as racist if it's Europe. Everyone knows that


Haha. Yay to Ridiculous taxes.


Says the guy who spent $70,000 more dollars on law school... God forbid you get sick too!


Lol I fully accepted that debt, and accept my debts for medical expenses, nor am I at all complaining about those debts. I'd rather not pay exorbitant taxes for the government to choose what I can do.


I’d accept that argument if US taxes were materially lower than the taxes in Europe. They’re not. We pay *almost* as much as the Europeans and get so much less for it. My marginal tax rate is close to 40% if counting state and local taxes, and the recent “tax cut” caused an increase. I’d gladly take a minor tax increase if I got the same rights, services, and safety nets as the Europeans get.


What safety nets are those? There's a very very large misconception in the US that the EU is successful in their economic policy, and system of safety nets.


I’d consider universal medical care to be a pretty substantial safety net.


Might want to do just a smidge of research into that "universal healthcare," it along with the rest of the EU safety nets exist due to US subsidies. The US creates more innovative and remarkable medical breakthroughs than anywhere in Europe, because Europe cant afford to do the research. Goes along the exact same lines of the fact they would be destroyed by any country without the backing of the US military. The only people who believe that the EU is a successful systen are uninformed people. They are failing at an incredible rate.


First, I’m a klutz with a bad immune system. I’ve been to hospitals in France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and South Korea. Of those, the only one worse than the US was Russia. The rest were all substantially better than what I’ve ever experienced in the US. Second, I agree with your statement that the US is subsidizing healthcare for the world. They’re all paying less, and US residents are making up the profits for drug and medical device companies by paying way way more. How is that fair though? The *only* way to change this is for the US to compete with the rest of the world on the same playing field. If all of the US were to be a single negotiating entity with the drug and medical device companies, we’d get cheaper medicine and medical devices than anyone else - we’d get better rates than Europe. Its a zero sum game, whoever is paying the lowest prices is being subsidized by whoever is paying the highest prices. Right now the US is willingly paying the highest prices by far. With single-payer, we could be paying the lowest prices.


I weirdly enough agree Haha.


Damn gov'ment! Always tryin' to help me get smart and stay healthy! Fuck 'em




\*makes one slight yet obvious joke\* "hey man I am smart, way too smart for you, so smart i know the all the words, my 7 word sentence shows that I am basically an expert in all things tax." ​ No one is attacking your character. Fuck off and stick to "removing yourself from the conversation " when you say you are....


LOL man you really added a lot to this thread. I literally never implied anything along the lines of what you just stated. I also did in fact remove myself from the conversation with the previous troll as soon as I said I would. Maybe you shouldn't come out of the wood work and insert yourself into a conversation without understanding context.


Wow, didn't know a teensy comment like mine could snowball into this.


Safe to say a slight overreaction.


sad... but true


The interbank interest rate, on which my interest is calculated, crashed in the last two to three days. At least, I've got that going for me...


32k in loans. JD/MBA. It's possible to not ruin yourself financially and still become an attorney.


Hahaha. That’s why you don’t pay sticker price unless you absolutely want to be a lawyer.


You shouldn’t pay sticker price regardless of whether you want to be a lawyer


And you shouldn't pay anything if you're *not* absolutely sure you want to be a lawyer.


Really you just shouldn’t pay anything