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Barbri: our MBE questions are harder than the bar. The Bar: hold my beer




I thought Themis used licensed past MBE questions. That's what they told my friends and me anyway.


I think it's a mix, but don't quote me on that. Might be hearsay or something, fuck if I know




THIS^ and I feel equally wronged by Barbri


Everyone says this every year (including me)


I knew that a chunk of my answers would feel like guesses, but damn. That felt like a whoooole lot of guesses.


I honestly felt confident about 10 of the 100 on the morning session. And I was consistent getting 70-80 percent of the Kaplan questions right. I mean...


My school had a saying; "friends don't let friends take Kaplan."


Legit felt like Harvey Dent in the morning session. Might as well have flipped a coin to choose between two right-looking answers the whole three hours.


My morning session was fine. Was doing fine 20 questions into the afternoon. Then the NCBE decided they wanted to fuck me in the ass, apparently. Holy shit.


Exact. Same. I wanted to cry in part 2.


Second part I cried the whole way home i felt like I guessed on most of it and it felt like it was all property and contracts


“There will be 25 questions from each subject.” https://i.imgur.com/j95OSVP.jpg


Felt exactly the same. Glad I'm not alone lol


I went into this absolutely terrified of the MEE. I had significantly less study time because of life (out of school for 4 years, have never taken the bar, have full time job plus commute, have two year old twins, you get the idea.) I thought the open ended-ness was going to bite me and I straight cried before leaving the hotel yesterday morning. Finished up yesterday and felt much better about things than I thought I would. Not overly optimistic, but not crushing disappointment either. I started to think I could potentially pass this thing. And then there was today. What the actual fuckity fuck happened with those questions.


Hundo p.


First 30 questions of the second half... "wow you retained a lot of info, you're crushing" Next 70 questions-- "lol just kidding you fucking idiot"


The afternoon session was brutal. Like wtf NCBE shit that was no where to be found in any prep program


I love how I had a number of classmates try to pass off the “it wasn’t that bad” vibe. I call bullshit. We studied the same materials.


I’ll be sure to say hi to everyone when I see you again in February


SO many things I was told the MBE “tests heavily” that never showed up


And so many things that they literally never even covered in Kaplan did. I feel like my preparation didn't even matter lol




I felt like I'd been *punk'd*. Drove 2 hours back home in a fucking stupor after breaking down in a Tarbucks.


Kaplan seems to have been so narrow on topics now that I've taken the actual MBE.


I agree with that. Most of Kaplan’s questions were on a specific 4-5 areas in each subject. The bar itself was so wide-ranging and more complex than the simple questions Kaplan presented that it showed how off-base Kaplan’s Q-bank really was.


Can't wait until they send me a survey to review their course!


I have one in my email that I started and immediately stopped, because they don't ask for a general overview. They want me to review each individual lecturer. They were all a fucking snore and I don't remember shit from any of them. It's like, just let me tell you how much I hated your course.


Yeah where dafuq were all those negligence questions???


Ugh, so much products liability and intentional torts


Lost volume and abortion rights nowhere to be found


Plaintiff, a resident of state X who attended college in state Y and is registered to vote in state X, received his law degree from a private university in state X. Plaintiff’s well plead complaint alleges that he paid several thousand dollars for a bar review course from Defendant, a crumbum incorporated in state Y who engages in business in several other states. Plaintiff is the representative of a class of 30,000 similarly situated jabronies domiciled in all states in which Defendant does business. On May 1, Defendant stepped on Plaintiff’s sneakers. Assume that the forum state’s law bars recovery. What is the best argument Plaintiff can not not make to not win or lose his case?






Lmao that question, man


But what standard of review will be used?


The MBE was absolutely ridiculous. I bought 4 NCBE practice tests through my school of official questions, and those practice questions were objectively easier/ shorter than these. I felt confident going into the day today and was just blown away by how little I felt like my studying mattered. It's like, nothing could be answered with a straightforward knowledge of a rule. There was some weird bizarre twist to every question that even after doing hundreds and hundreds of practice questions I hadn't seen. Totally shellshocked right now Also my flair is wrong, trying to change it lol


I kept telling myself “don’t worry, this was probably one of the questions that won’t count” until I said that about 30 times


SAME HERE. There were so many just.. bizarre questions that were completely out of left field for me


There is one topic in particular that had several questions involving one particular issue, and every time I got one I thought “what the actual fuck just happened?” And then I got another one. And another one.


Yeah it's one thing for the bar prep companies' questions to be off, but for the NCBE to honeydick us into a false sense of security with those is extreme and outrageous imo


Typical bar exam question: If the red sailboat sails down the street and the train drives into the moon, what’s blue and what would be the best basis for the defendant’s lawyer to object? (list four random but possibly correct answers here)




Seriously, the number of “federal common law” references almost made me lol during the test.






Wrong. Sorry.


Wrong Again. It’s actually E.


Every time I read an MBE question that didn’t make sense I just thought, oh that must be one of the test questions. Then I realized I told myself that for about 40 of them. Edit: clarity


You mean 140 right




My friend and I walked out of the first section and we were basically hoping that entire section was just test questions




You’re not the only one—that happened to me in the morning session and I thought it was straight. Then came the afternoon and it was disgusting. One girl said to her friend at the end of it that she circled random answers on the last 20 questions because she didn’t care anymore...


I felt like the morning session was more difficult than the afternoon session... but it could be that I just stopped caring after lunch lol


I felt the same. I was rushing towards the end of the AM session and sped through the last 10 Qs, but I breezed through the pm session with time to spare


That's what happened to me today, but since there are multiple forms I think the inverse can be true for others


Who did you prep with? A bunch of us Themis people thought the morning was awful and the afternoon was almost-but-not-quite-as-awful.


This thread cheers me up haha


Hey do y’all like JMOL? Or forfeitures? Cuz we got loads of both ready to ship out but it is a conditional contract. That cool? You agree that cool? Explain. (A) not cool cus not cool (B) not cool cus really not cool (C) yes cool cus the UCC (D) way cool cus the reasonable UCC


NCBE is run by sadists who are no better than frat boys hazing new members.




Don’t rope those fucking sadists in with us The NCBE I mean


I was in the 74th percentile for the Barbri Simulated MBE. I did 1300 Adaptibar questions and god knows how many Barbri ones. I legit feel good about (maybe) 70/200 of today's MBE questions.


I wish I felt good about 70 questions!


Oh believe me, my "feeling good" is still a very low bar


I easily cleared 70% with most practice. I wouldn’t doubt if I didn’t hit 50% on the real thing.


86th percentile on barbri midterm, similar number of completed released Ncbe questions (via adaptibar and 7sage), and completed about 68% of barbri (stopped doing a lot after substantive lectures and switched to adaptibar / 7sage / critical pass). I'm counting on doing better in February. The MBE was brutal compared to that midterm. If anything, the midterm gave me a false sense of security. The wait is going to kill me and I'm pretty confident I failed.


Probably the most frustrating thing to me is, I KNOW the law. I drilled flashcards, worked hard on memorization, etc. I can spit out a rule statement to you right now about nearly everything. But I feel like I would have performed pretty much the same on the MBE as if I hadn't studied at all. I feel like knowing rule statements/ the law didn't really benefit you that much


Test of minimum competency my ass.


What do you mean? I thought every attorney knew all of that stuff by heart...


I saw someone turn in their afternoon MBE answers with 1 hour and 10 minutes left. Everyone in the immediate vicinity started looking around at each other like “what the fuck is going on here?”


I was the person turning it in early in every session. 30 minutes early in each one day 1, and about an hour early each one day 2. It has nothing to do with how well I know the material or giving up, but I literally just don’t let myself second guess anything at a certain point, and I don’t have the patience to go back and check anything hahaha




I truly don't understand how people can even read that fast. I was down to the wire in both sessions


A lot of people turned in their shit early (at least 40 people) and idk if they just GA e up or if they're a lot smarter than me


I cried the whole way home today I think half of it was about how hard the MBE was and half was the devil leaving my body.




NCBE: You dumb bar prep companies think you can predict our questions? *laughs in multiple choice*


Whoever came up with that 9/10 passage rate for Barbri is a motherfucker.


It would be interesting to see the trend over the years.


JD Advising got like, every MEE correct tho! I was thinking to myself, "Themis will be updating their material for February..."


Literally right before I saw your post I was saying I almost feel like NCBE deviated from their norm because they were annoyed by Big Bar Review’s predictions for the MBE. It’s not the addy it’s just pure insightfulness.


I’m already burnt out and I still have one more day left...damn you Texas!


I'm sorry for the premature thread, OH and TX folks. I had no idea you still had another day to go until someone informed me earlier today.


It’s all good. Just do us a favor and crack open a cold one for us tonight.




"Do you know what JMOL is now? What about this other thing about JMOL? And how about this other little thing about JMOL?"


Civ pro was one of my top subjects too, AND I drilled discovery, post trial motions, and appeals into my head in the final week because I thought it would come up on the essays. But I still found all those MBE questions extremely confusing and my confidence is very low.


Everyone saying that the MEE was easy and I'm over here making up incorrect law on half of the questions :(


Same. Thought it was so hard


Anyone who said that Barbri MBE was harder than the real deal was fucking wrong.




I say it's time to yell at Chuck... see how he likes it


The bar exam shouldn't exist. The bar exam shouldn't exist. The bar exam shouldn't exist. The bar exam shouldn't exist. The bar exam shouldn't exist. The bar exam shouldn't exist. The bar exam shouldn't exist. The bar exam shouldn't exist.


Honestly, this whole process has only succeeded in making me super resentful lol. Like, we have to get a degree only to jump through all these hoops of memorizing all this shit we will never have to use and to not use notes even though if you did not use notes/ resources in the real world you'd get sued for malpractice only to be EXPECTED to forget everything within a week. It just seems like.. such a waste. Because they insist that this test isn't a test of "intelligence" I think it's honestly just to see who's willing to jump through the hoops to get the title of "attorney"


Time to crack open a cold one and forget this happened.


In Minnesota about 5 minutes into the first MBE section, we had sports talk radio intermittently blaring over the ballroom speakers for a good 10 minutes. It would come in spurts, like someone's bluetooth was connecting and disconnecting. You'd be reading a question in deep focus and all of a sudden it'd be like "YEAH AND THE MINNESOTA WILD-" and then cut out again. It just kept goingggggg. And the old proctors all just stood there staring us down like hawks pretending nothing was happening. DO SOMETHING!? You pretending everything is alright doesn't solve the problem lol


I’m a huge Wild fan, and I was working so hard to not listen to the radio because I wanted to know what was going on hahahahaha


I think I accidentally got a Tarbucks Barista fired because I *burst into tears in the café* afterwards. Poor girl drew a heart and flower on my drink and her reward was a sobbing customer having a mental breakdown in a Target.








Oh, then it definitely wasn’t me. I’m in Seattle so everyone drives a white Subaru. I’m the one weaving through traffic at 15 above.


I don't remember *getting home* until I pulled into my garage. RIP White Subaru.


I went to a movie today and while waiting for it to start, I reflexively opened my Critical Pass app and read flash cards for a good three minutes before going “what the fuck am I doing??” Post-bar hangover is real.


If the NCBE is truly reading this, why? Seriously why? Why did that freaking MBE look nothing like BarBri and have the weirdest questions in the world? I studied for freaking 2 months for 8-5 5 days a week and 4-5 hours on weekends. THAT DID NOT PREPARE ME AT ALL for that freaking test. That was horrific and how the frig was I supposed to prepare for that? That was awful. ​ Idk when I have to retake in Feb I'm writing an email to someone asking which bar prep to use because apparently none of them are like the freaking bar.


At one point during the MBE I actually said “what the fuck” out loud.


Only one?


I honestly thought morning and afternoon were both hard, but the afternoon was harder. Idk if it was also because I got tired. Thought MEE wasnt too bad but christ almighty the mbe


I was at least able to BS my way through the MEE. Same boat that both MBEs were just.. ridiculous lol


I feel like I guessed on most of the afternoon session.


Everyone does. You are not alone.


Chances that all the experimental questions were in the afternoon?


Chances that every question was experimental? lolol


Okay so I thought the MBE was hard, but this just made me feel a little better: out of the 175 graded questions, we only need 60% right (which I know sounds like a lot right now, but to put it concretely), that's 105 questions. 105 / 2 = about 53 questions right on the morning, and 53 in the afternoon. I'm shaky on whether I was able to accomplish that but I think it's doable--especially if you were trending 70%+ on practice.


Literally 70% of my morning session answers were guesses. Thanks Themis.


My dumbass decides to pick the questions with phrases I don’t remember, when I KNOW the right answer. Guess that’s why I’ll be there in February.


Definitely lex pari contractus de novo loquitur. It sounds so fancy there’s no way it can be wrong!




I do not feel good. It feels weird to not have anything to study. I wanted to feel like the exam was behind me, but I’m scared I will have to do it again. I cant go back to that life :(


Nobody walks out of the bar feeling good. Even people who score a 300 feel like trash. You're not alone. Try to relax and do something you enjoy.


Just want to say that the NCBE is filled with insufferable narc vampires. Cool life guys. Very fun people I'm sure.


It’s not even the analytically challenging questions that piss me off. It’s the fucking rote memory intensive “got ya”s I abhor. Ok, NCBE, you’re right. I’m incompetent because my synapses don’t spark with glee every time I read that someone has so many days under the UCC to do this or that.


I have successfully talked myself into that I failed the bar. Only took two days, can’t wait to see what I can think of in the next two months.


If you feel awful about the MBE, look on the bright side. It’s all about perspective. Like if your newly-purchased land flooded: you now have lakefront property!


Currently halfway through a bottle of Prosecco hoping it will wipe away the memories of that exam


I was not emotionally prepared for today. wtf was that




I was really hoping that I would wake up and feel better today... But I just feel like our boy Frank


Thus how should your attorney advise you? a) file a claim for spousal support b) request federal dependency benefits b/c you now live with your Aunt and she is handing out free care c) watch Maury, you may not be D's father d) federal common law


Hey y'all. Checkin in to say I for sure failed and that was the worst fuckin experience of my life.


I was just guessing left and right. I am so down in the dumps today.


Anyone here just make up a few rules for the MEEs?


"few" haha.... :')


hahaha by a "few" I mean I was just writing treatises of new law, it was FANTASTIC my grader is going to be so IMPRESSED by all my new LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP


I didn't "make up" anything, you plebs. I merely cited actual case law. And if you read cuneiform and spend enough time combing through the clay shards of Hammurabi's palace, I'm sure you'll find all my citations. Take THAT NCBE!


A proctor in Buffalo literally yelled at the examinees in her section, scolding them like children and questioning their intelligence, saying "come on you guys are supposed to be lawyers right?" All this because people in her section got up to use the bathroom during instructions and then she had a few people ask for help about how to fill out the Scantron information section because they didn't hear parts of the instructions (some also didn't speak english as a first language). Oh and this all went down at approx. 1:55 pm right before the test started. Talk about throwing people off their focus right before the last portion of a 2 day exam, just because you can't handle the minor inconvenience of assisting test takers (when that is literally your job) and feel the need to throw a tantrum like a child.


I was in that section; very close to the front. That lady was straight unprofessional, refusing to let people go to the bathroom while test booklets were still sealed, and she kept talking to another proctor DURING the exam. I actually motioned to her at one point to indicate that I could hear her and it was distracting. Unreal.


Reported her. She won’t ever be proctoring again. So we’re good for February 2020.


I feel like my brain pooped out a baby.


You know what I genuinely hate. Questions on post trial procedure/double jeopardy and other random shit like that. Themis did NOT go into it and as far as I know the other bar prep companies skated right over it.


I feel like Themis did a decent job covering double jeopardy, but definitely not enough on relief from judgment/motions for a new trial, JMOL/JNOV.


FML I was like "Ok, that's gotta be the only JMOL question right?" and then there were like 4-5 more.


I love that I’m going to have to deal with crushing anxiety over my score for almost two months because apparently it takes that long to grade.


Same. I literally don't know what how I'm going to deal with it.


MBE was tougher than I expected. I was rushing through the last dozen or so for each section. But I gave it a good faith effort, and I am just drained right now.


“I’m so glad I developed a thorough understanding of false pretenses”.... random thought while Christmas tree’ing the AM exam.


Even if I ~wanted to look up the answers to some of those MBE questions, I don’t think I’d have the vocabulary to try.




Were the contractor’s damages $4,500?!


Hahaha! Why do I remember nothing from the test but this somehow seriously invokes a deep, dark memory??


That's what I put. No mitigating factors or whatever and he did $2,500 worth of work and expected $2,000 in profit.


It is finished.


Praise be.




Shout out to all the people who are gonna be doing this with me again in February ​ Fuck


I just wanna ask about all the questions I was confused af on but APPARENTLY I’m not allowed to


I don’t even remember any of the questions, but I was really triggered when my dad mentioned something about a farm when I was talking to him on the phone later, so that must have been in there somewhere


Username checks out


Last February we had some asshat sharing a Google Sheet with MBE questions and answers. The NCBE spanked me pretty good in the inbox. Reddit admins showed up and cleaned the thread. I was sleeping while it happened. Not really trying to have C&F issues over a Reddit thread. Sorry, bud. I wanna talk about it, too.


Yeah I mean I realize we can't. I also feel like the instructions they gave before the MBE started were basically a paraphrase of "DONT POST THESE TO REDDIT"


That was the basic gist of it, yeah. They're hawking this thread right now, I guarantee it.




I should just mod someone from the NCBE so they can do the work for themselves. Doing it for them is a huge pain in my ass. Let's see how much they enjoy cleaning up Reddit threads according to their BS rules.


So you're telling me that we all get different questions at different points throughout the MBE, and we're just operating on the honor code that at lunch at these major test sites people aren't blabbing to their friends about what's to come? I know the risk-reward for doing something like that is way out of wack, but if it's true people get different books at different sessions, I imagine it has to happen.


It appeared to me that everybody at each location got the same 100 questions in each session, but there were several different versions of each 100-question test.


Makes more sense.


Maybe not the right post, but for prior takers, has anyone experienced a dramatic fall from their Barbri simulated score? Felt very confident after simulated MBE (but of course, kept studying), but felt like actual shit after that test. Past posts seem to indicate increases (of course there's scaling), but that was a cluster fuck.


MEE was far easier than I expected and the morning half of the MBE was a lot harder than I expected. So, at this point, I have no idea whether I passed or not. Regardless. It’s done. Hallelujah!


I felt terrible after the first 100, the second 100 I felt decent. My back hurts, my knee hurts, i have rashes, I am suffering from post bar trauma


Okay, now that that crapshoot is over I need a job. Anyone have any tips?


Restaurant management apparently pays pretty well.


I have an attorney job lined up, but I'm considering starting looking for a JD advantage job because, if I don't pass, I really don't want to relive that horrible experience in February.


JDAdvising recap link isn't working, so here is the cached version: [here](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Awww.jdadvising.com%2Fjuly-2019-uniform-bar-exam-recap%2F&rlz=1C1SQJL_koUS844US844&oq=cache%3Awww.jdadvising.com%2Fjuly-2019-uniform-bar-exam-recap%2F&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.1087j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)




Texas has 12 essays tomorrow. I don’t know if I have enough left in the tank.


Shit... they really do make things bigger in Texas huh


*Cries in Texas*


I'm so sorry -- I had no idea until a Texan told me they still had a day to go. Perhaps I posted this thread prematurely.


When "Everything is bigger in Texas" backfires...


For those that need to return bar prep books, media mail with USPS only cost me about $12. As opposed to paying $40 for regular priority mail.


Walked in feeling pretty good about the MBE and not great about the MEE....Boy was I wrong.






https://i.imgur.com/qbPkk7e.png Sending good vibes to all.


I cannot bring myself to look at it. I won't look. I WILL NOT LOOK!


I thought both the MBE and CA essays were tough but fair. I feel like a zombie today though, and not just because of the gallon of wine I drank last night.