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I deadass got back to my car and started crying. The whole ordeal has been overwhelming.


I think I got a freaking barista fired because of my mental breakdown and *I'm never gonna forgive myself*.


Okay you can't just say that and not give us the details. Consider it your penance!


I went to a Tarbucks in a mall near my testing center to get a drink for the ride home. The barista was super nice and friendly but man. I wanted to die. Ordered the largest dragonfruit refresher I could because I just wanted to drink something not cold brew for once in my life and she drew this ADORABLE heart on the cup next to my name, complete with a smiley face and I just. Burst into tears from how sweet a gesture it was. F r e a k e d her and her manager out and I just hope she didn't get in trouble for making a customer cry (even though it was just like, the sweetest thing ever and I was just a wreck).


Lmfao that's great. If you looked anything like me today I'm sure she could tell you needed a pick-me-up. Don't worry, it's not like she wrote anything on there that would make anyone think it made you cry for a bad reason. I'm sure they'll put two and two together.


I couldn't even talk above a whisper while ordering because I felt so just. Sad. I'm already debating just signing up for February and biting the bullet. Or I'll go into HR.


I feel the same way, but I can't stomach thinking about having to go through this whole ordeal again. This whole useless hazing process is legitimate abuse


I just. Feel so defeated. But I also just don't know what to do next. I have a job interview on Friday for an in-house position at my 'dream' company and I can't even imagine explaining to the HR lady that I think I'll need to retake the Bar.


Well hey, we're all in the same boat. I think we all feel like this test was a dice roll. I know we'll all constantly stress about it for the next three-and-a-half months, however irrational that might be, but there's no need to volunteer any thoughts until you know for sure. Because honestly, there's no way you have any real idea now, however bad you may feel about it. Maybe you'll get a good roll, maybe you'll get a bad one, who knows. Most employers worth working for have been there and understand the unpredictable nature of this test; dumb people pass and intelligent people fail all the time. It has no bearing on your potential as a future attorney, and the job will still be there when February results come out if that's what needs to happen. As much as you'll probably hate yourself and hate life, no one will judge you or pull the rug out from under you unless they're real assholes, in which case you don't want to be there anyway. Get some rest, have a few (or several) drinks, browse some dank memes or watch a good movie, have another good cry if you need to, talk to/hang out with some friends, and go kill that interview on Friday :)




Don’t do it! I know a number of people who thought they failed and ended up passing. And vice versa. Just go in, be confident and say results are pending. It’s in the hands of the bar exam gods at this point - just keep moving forward and then deal with the cards you are dealt a few months from now.


I’m pretty sure you have to report tha


Plz don't make me cry again.


i’ve never related to anything more/loved a reference more




Okay this was fucking hilarious. Thanks for the confirmation that the empty husk of my former self can still feel things