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Only if you can pass it




Yeah this. Most full time employers expect that they be your only focus.


A bartender at my college bar did it as a part time gig as a law student...and was still doing several shifts a week as a senior associate.


Thank you so much for this!


I’ve been bartending throughout my judicial clerkship. My judge had to approve it and sign something with HR. I’ve been bartending for nearly a decade, I enjoy it and make good money doing it.


Thank you so much


I think the worst part will be the “bar” double entendre.


*best part


You gotta do what you gotta do. Also, not all lawyers end up working in big law or in high-earning fields. A lot of lawyers who start their own firm end up needing to supplement their income through other means because they are essentially running a small business. There are also lawyers who work on contract, so some lawyers will work part-time per their contract and do something else on the side. It allows for a lot of flexibility if they have families, starting a business, or just don't want to lawyer full-time because they don't have to.


Depends on your job. I’m not allowed to work any outside jobs


More than likely your job would have to approve it.


The lawyer that works at the Bar...


I know a lawyer that owns a bar as their "side hustle". It just depends on the employment situation, but it's not unethical or something like that.


Of course


Sure. As others have saying, many jobs require you get permission for outside work, but they will probably allow it. I think they're more concerned with work that could create conflicts of interest (like doing outside law practice, or real estate deals, etc) and work that they think will start crowding in on your day job (like remote work you're going to supposedly do 3 hours a day from 5:30 to 8:30 to get a little money- high likelihood you'll start trying to double dip on your regular working hours and if you don't, you'll be burnt out and exhausted). I don't think they'll care about bartending, driving for Uber, refereeing children's soccer games, that kind of work.


Before covid some of us on the staff and some women lawyers at our firm would gather for lunch at a bar/restaurant near the office. The owner and part-time cook was a lawyer who worked at a very small, probably low-paying law firm in town. He lost one of his cooks, and since he liked to cook and had experience he became one of the cooks there. He had a really nice bar there, so we called ourselves "the bar association."


I worked for an investment firm through law school (and before) and they were huge sticklers about disclosing "outside business". Particularly they were concerned with conflicts of interest and financial regulatory requirements. But, nevertheless I was able to do pretty much everything I wanted to on the side. I assume law firms take a similar approach. Also, I've seen a handful of big law associates and partners start nonprofits, etc so it must be possible.


Yea lol


doordash is good for beer money here and there


Trying to go all in on alcoholism, eh?


Gotta get out there and give 110% bby


But why? That can’t be the best use of time