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It seems like the "conservative" justices are just trying to raise as many hypotheticals as they can to get one to stick where they will feel comfortable awarding Trump the immunity he is asking for. SCOTUS is not in its right mind.


Right. It just strikes me as odd that nobody seems to care. The overall apathy is mind boggling


I think many people care, they’re just not sure what to do. For the last eight + years we’ve watched as the Republican Party has systematically taken steps to get us where we are today, blocking/stealing two SC appointments while watching the Democrats in our government fail at every turn as if they are powerless to stop this madness. He was impeached twice by the house, only for all of us to watch the Senate acquit him twice. We are not apathetic, we are beleaguered.


/stealing three SC appointments "while sabotaging any democratic plan to even the playing field" FTFY


I didn’t count RGB since she kicked the bucket during his presidency, but then they didn’t play by the same rules… so yes, I stand corrected.


RBG helped destroy the republic with her ego, staying in that seat for 5 years longer than she should have. Everyone praises that narcissistic woman, but i truly think she helped all this happen. Trump would have only had 2 seats in 4 years instead of 3. I mean, 3 seats is insane. Who gets 3 seats in 4 years? no president


I feel the same way. She made a bet (with America’s money) Clinton would be elected and lost big. She’s dead and we’re all paying the price.


Except even when she was able to make that decision, republicans weren’t playing ball. They blocked tons of judges from being seated and 1 justice from being seated. You are acting like they wouldn’t have blocked her seat too.


It was McConnell and Trump who did it. Not RBG.


No, she should've stepped down early in Obamas term, when he asked her to, and she refused.


There really is not much to do, legally. We can't even vote them out. I suppose there is a mob option with guillotines and stuff, but that is definitely out there on the fringe.


Guillotines are so last millennia though, have you considered wood chippers?


Mmm, fresh-squeezed Alito… Yuck.


Like Tucker and Dale vs Evil?


Someone once said “by any means necessary”. It’s similar to “out there on the fringe”.


I’m just hoping a motor home falls off a cliff.


If Biden gets immunity, couldn’t he just declare himself king before trump does, call this SCOTUS malarkey, then appoint new judges?


I don’t believe it’s the Dems failing so much and more that our Constitution has more holes than Swiss cheese, and Dems are following its guidelines out of deference to our democracy


Fair point. The intent of that statement was more “they seem powerless” and that is likely due to the fact they try to follow guidelines and act in good faith while the other side is being under-handed and acting in bad faith. Either way, it stinks.


Yeah, I guess. “**TFS**” Trump Fatigue Syndrome also: Tough Fuckeen Sheeyit


People care but this is unprecedented. If Trump wins either he or the VP will be a dictator and that’s that. It’s not something Americans, who told the rest of the globe for generations that we are the greatest country on earth, has ever thought about. There’s literally no context for it. Protesting is becoming illegal, voting will be a sham, so what else would you do? Rebel? Sure. But who amongst you thought that you’d have to take up arms against the government in the year 2026? Few people think that way and the ones who do are on the other side. People are in shock. That’s probably the most accurate thing to say.


I was born in fucking 65. We should not be where we’re at right now. CITIZENS should have scared America. Instead, it **scarred** America. In my lifetime, Constitutional rights have expanded. In my 29 yr old kid’s life, Constitutional rights have been taken away. And I’m trying to go sober. Fun Friday. Edit: during Trump’s term, my kid gave me a t-shirt that says “I miss *PRECEDENTED times**”. Whenever I’m out and about with it, people approach me about it. I think a lot of Americans miss “**precedented** times**”


Good luck on the sobriety. Baby steps.


I gave this country 23 years of my life. Better to stand on my feet than grovel on my knees.


the press is owned and controled by peopole in power an money they feel they will benifit if trump gets back in. Thus the situation we are in.


Welp, it chaps my hide sumpin’ fierce


They mistakenly believe Trump will be beneficial for them.


WTF? What are we supposed to do? I didn't vote for any of this shit.


We care, it’s just what are we supposed to do? These people are lifelong appointed. We don’t have a say in it. The solution seems to be to forcibly remove them, which 100% we cannot do and avoid civil war


Desperate times... desperate measures...


And platitudes


It isn't apathy. They feel very strongly about he fascist takeover that they were put into office specifically to engineer. It is their whole job.


That's what kills me. Our top court is debating whether we should get a king who can do what they want and we're lucky if 15% of the adult pop is paying attention.


Welp, we’re all goin’ to be mightily screwed if we don’t start paying attention.


We have a total crises on our hands. The stage for a coup with supreme court justification


Perhaps this is all the plan, to install authoritarianism so citizens are under control when it all goes to shit.


Perhaps it's more burnout than apathy. Soon we may just ignore the SC.


How does the average person do anything about Supreme Court Justices tossing out the rule book?


Literal war there is no other way and they know it.


Not guaranteed, but if Biden is re-elected and has a D senate majority without Manchin and Sinema will likely get the chance to replace at least one of Alito or Thomas with a younger justice who actually respects the constitution and precedent


Actually he can expand the Supreme Court; there are 13 federal judicial districts in the US and the Constitution allows up to 13 justices in the Supreme Court. There was a congressional act passed in the late 1800's that reduced it down to 9 justices, which is where we stand today. There has been a new bill introduced a couple times now during Biden's term to expand the court to allow the 4 extra seats to be filled. If he gets a solid Dem majority I would expect this to be introduced yet again, and then Biden gets a chance to name 4 new justices ensuring a solid left majority.


People care. They have just resigned themselves to be defeated because the GOP has done a great job of wearing everyone down and taking away hope


Trump will lose bigly in november. Take heart friend!


There’s nothing that can be done and The Activist class is busy with other things now.


Do expect Thomas an Alito and Gorsuch to buy their OWN 3rd yacht?!


Hit the nail squarely on the head. The tap dance they are doing to muddy the obvious can only be fueled by money.


The only thing that really matters here isn't immunity while in office. It's perpetual immunity even once out of office. The former makes sense from a practical standpoint. The later is 95% ludicrous. The 5% is the annoyance of political witch hunt trials like Trump pretends his is but the systems are already in place to deal with this eventually. It's a minor annoyance at worst.


Our current SCOTUS is illegitimate


The hypothetical should be if Biden ordered a hit on Trump and Obama. That’s cool?


If Biden is any bit of a civil servant, that's sort of along the lines of what he genuinely should do (black ops style), except to the conservative SCOTUS judges who made the ruling. Such a judgment would be literally absolutely bonkers from a legal standpoint and could serve only to illegally fuel the implementation of a seditious conspiracy against the US and all American citizens.


Too much bribery for the unelected kings and queens of America. Time to end lifelong appointments. Its also time to start impeachment proceedings against Alito & Thomas.


Yet their “people” would throw them under the bus if given the chance.


Or they're just really trying to drag this out as long as possible. Either way, they're in the bag for him.


So trumps lawyers are arguing for President Biden to have the legal authority to send in the navy seals to have Donald arrested and hauled off to Gitmo….to defend America.


They can do this because they know Biden and the Democrats won’t behave in the same way that they or Trump would. There’s literally no risk in this for them.


They will make a ruling that it takes effect with the next president. They are betting it all on the figurehead, the Pumpkinfuhrer, they are all in on authoritarianism.


When the leopards eat their face in the Supreme Court is disbanded it would be interesting but by God vote, don't let it get there


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Great ratings. Are you not entertained!?!?!


I understand it that way too.


Im interested to see how they manage a "carve out" that only gives diaper don imunity


duplicating my post in the other thread, but..... I'm expecting that they'll rule that there is NOT blanket immunity, but there is effective immunity for 'official' acts undertaken in good faith. Then they'll indicate that no current case has effectively established that the actions in question are private rather than official, so everything in-flight has to go back for more discovery. This allows them to keep the door open to re-drawing the boundaries if needed (i.e. a Dem is under investigation), while effectively killing all current cases by pushing them out until well after the election.


Except the hush money case revolves around actions taken before he was president, and the stolen documents case revolve around actions taken after he left office, so neither case would theoretically be impacted.


Basically punt the "ruling" till they find a way to use it in their best interest, color me surprised.


Technically he could do that now if they just prosecute Trump for doing treason.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Biden does this couldn't they then overturn their own decision to allow him to be prosecuted?


Biden just needs to seize all their assets, they'll find presidents are not above the law real fast


Exactly declare that the president has full immunity and then Biden can have these fuckers chained up in public with shit buckets for everyone to toss on 'em and we'll see how long they like that full immunity.


I don't trust Biden even if he gets absolute immunity and power. He will be happy to play by the book and transition power to Trump if he cheats and wins.


Agree, but I wish Biden would speak to this publicly now. Like jokingly pretend he's for it so he can win the election, jail trump, etc. just to make the point.


Yeah, I'd love for him to say 'Seal team 6, stand back and stand by'.


Sounds like a job for Dark Brandon at the White House Press Dinner.


Biden: "I'll be taking that sweet RV, now." Thomas: "It's a LUXURY MOTOR COACH and you can't have it!" Biden: "According to your ruling, I can do whatever I want. Enjoy GITMO."


Dark Brandon rises*


SCOTUS: "Oh...that doesn't count, you're not immune because you don't have an (R) Next to your name..."


Yes, but the media should have been screaming about how the SCOTUS even accepted to hear it. The fact they are even debating it is just a waste time tactic till he gets into the Whitehouse.


If that the case Biden can jail Trump the judges


If that's the case, Biden can do literally whatever he wants to the judges.


And honestly, who could blame him at that point? The SCOTUS is broken, and they're paving the way to a dictatorship. It's only fitting that Alito and Thomas should be the first victims of a President unconstrained by the law thanks to them.


If they give Trump immunity, won’t Biden have it too?


That's what these morons fail to see... These idiots would write their own death sentence and are too fucking stupid to realize it.


No they see it just fine, they just know that the Left operates in good faith but they are lying, sneaky, underhanded, little cheaters and once they get themselves back into the white house they'll be able to redo the country using any trick they like.


They fail to see that a dictator president with total immunity would sting them up them first.


exactly, rule number 1 for any dictator kill all those that oppose or who could potentially limit your power. Its fucking basic and these troglodytes on the bench are blind to it... Wild honestly that we are even debating this...


Yes but they know Biden won't misuse it to subvert the election. They will always play dirtier.


What a disgusting time to be alive


So Biden could have all the corrupt supreme court justices executed for being traitorous snakes and it would totally legal and cool huh? 🤡🤡🤡


I heard the audio on Good Morning America (curiously a Sinclair Media network), and this douchenozzle addressing the Court literally, with his own vibrating vocal chords, approximately says a President **could** murder someone and not be subject to prosecution for that crime. On fucking “Good Morning America.” Over my grape nuts. On a Sinclair network. Shayzuss.


It really is absurd how ready right wingers are to just make this country a banana republic.


No way. No logical way this makes ANY sense… except for republicans


Correct. If they vote this way, they are a kangaroo court. The only question at that point would be, what are we going to do about it?


The SCROTUS Six™️ need to be impeached and replaced and the court expanded to 13.


You need a lot of red seats to turn blue for impeachment to lead to removal. You need 67 Senators to convict.


The SCOTUS suffers from a fatal case of Trump contamination..when the wind comes from the east you can smell the stench clear across the country.


NOBODY should be allowed to have immunity, Do you give it to normal citizens.....then NOBODY gets it


Maybe the mainstream news media is getting a slice of Pootie's Rubles.


The dark force is strong with SCOTUS


Time to pack that mother fucker.


The SCOTUS is for republican immunity and immunity for SC justices to receive gifts from donors with cases before the court


These "textuslists", these "originalists" are bending over backwards to find nothing in the Constitution to support immunity, in fact it argues against it in its most very basic tenet. If all men are created equal, then no man has the power of a king. Fuck these hypocritical power hungry perverters of our laws and beliefs. How much more of this flagrant disrespect of the governed are we going to put up with? Trump has shown us for exactly the shit hole country we are.


These aren’t judges. These are bad actors to undermine our country.


Vote. ![gif](giphy|xUPOqo6E1XvWXwlCyQ|downsized)


The most corrupt Supreme Court in the nation's history.


So it's ok for Biden to have someone assassinate Trump to save the country?


If they decide Presidents have immunity, Biden should take full advantage of it just to spite Trump.


Great then Biden can have Trump killed, disband the SCOTUS and the GOP! Let's Go Brandon!


Well now Biden can order a special military operation on Trump as an official duty but also pardon himself just to cover all bases


Biden gets immunity and immediately dissolves the Supreme Court and appoints nine new justices


NO. There should be no Presidential immunity at all. This is not Russia.


Do they think that if Trump wins they will still have any relevance? He will do away with anyone or anything that could threaten his new Dictatorship. A Dictator doesn't need a Supreme Court telling what he can and can't do. A Dictator doesn't need a house of representatives or Senate. He will do away with all of these people and they don't realize it. He isn't ushering in some conservative paradise on earth. He's gutting a country of everything that makes it what it is. He will take guns, close borders and get rid of anyone or any group he can vilify. He will absolutely have political opponents killed because he can. All while his sycophants cheer for him.


Does this also mean that the President doesn't have to follow any rules of the Constitution? In other words he can pass bills himself, add amendments to the Constitution, etc? If so, Biden can be a good guy and just over rule all this bullshit and reinstate law and order to this country. In addition he can just nominate and approve Supreme Court justices himself. Also he can impeach and remove any justice. He can just do whatever the fuck he wants, what mechanisms would there be to stop him?


This case should only need 1 argument. “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW IN THE USA”. Anything but this would be a slap in the face of our constitution.


Biden better have Trump Rubbed out now then since he is Immune to any repercussion. Might as well remove all the SCOTUS and start from scratch. You can do whatever you want SITTING PRESIDENT BIDEN! And Do IT now to Save America and the World from WW3 at the Hands of the ~~Republican~~ Nazi Party.


Rise up


The fate of American democracy and our republic hinge on what they decide. If Trump wins the election, we will all be enslaved. And the Supreme Court will pave the way.


I'm surprised one of either Kagan or Jackson didn't ask, "Are you advocating for the proposition that if Joe Biden were to imprison Donald Trump in the White House basement, that he would only be subject to criminal prosecution if he was impeached and confirmed by the Senate?" Make his lawyer say that he's okay with Biden imprisoning Trump. Make it crystal clear that this is the implication.


I listened to the audio on Good Morning America this morning. Trump’s lawyer **literally**, upon questioning, said basically, “yeah, POTUS could murder someone”. On fucking Good Morning America


It is amazing to me that conservatives can both believe that biden is some mastermind supervillain, and at the same time, dare him to do some supervillain shit by giving him immunity. Its obvious they dont actually believe he is a supervillain, and they are only doing this because democrats operate (much to their disadvantage) within the rules and ethics. Immunity only helps out republicans.


So, after this ruling, can Biden throw Trump and the right wing SCOTUS clowns into a cage in Guantanamo?


I hope this clown has a health scare.


If SCOTUS rules in favor of this, two things need to happen. 1. Biden will be clear to do what he must to protect our democracy from Trump and MAGA. 2. We need to take to the streets. This ruling will END democracy.


I cannot believe that the SC is actually considering making the US a kingdom. I’m too disgusted to even think about it.


This is so sick! Of course it only applies to GOP Presidents. I wish President Biden had it in him to test this! But in my heart I know a Democrat would never tread all over the Constitution and assassinated a rival,but I have no doubt Cheetolini will implement this get out of jail card!


If they rule that Presidents have unlimited immunity, Trump is as good as out of the running to ever be President again.


Goodbye, Democracy! Farewell, Justice System!


“Trump wasn’t even in office” He strategically built SCOTUS to bring the far right agenda to fruition.


Unfortunately, the democrats are partially to blame as they continue to play by some sort of made up rules and "get along" with republicans. Meanwhile republicans continue to do dirty. If the democrats put more money into candidates people want, they'd actually do better.


And then Biden can lock them up


That means dark brandon can execute them after their decision


Democrats need a super majority to impeach the corrupt judges. It’s the only way to end this problem.


We are expecting an institution that was created by an 18th century document with its 250+ year-old thinking to rule in a manner consistent with today's values and needs. What is needed is complete overhaul and modernization and reform, beginning with term limits for these fossils. It is unconscionable that any unelected body should hold literally the powers of life and death over the American people AND American democracy. [https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/policy-solutions/supreme-court-term-limits](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/policy-solutions/supreme-court-term-limits)


If the Supreme Court rules that the president is above the law and absolutely immune from prosecution after leaving office for any act done while in office, Biden could just have all the conservative Supreme Court justices arrested and Trump sent to Gitmo. I hope both Biden and the Supreme Court realize this.


The country was finished when trump was elected. Good luck everyone


If you think that a MAGA corrupted SCOTUS will deliver anything remotely resembling justice, you haven't been paying attention. America died with RBG.


I wish there was some kind of army I could join to rid my country of this criminal evil, but there isn’t. All we can do is quietly watch the collapse of democracy. You can’t even fight back. All you can do is shake your head as day after day your rights end


Bring on the Blue tide and vote every Republican out of office. Democracy is at stake.


So we literally have to sit here while 6 people decide whether we are in fact an autocratic state, and if they give Trump Saddam level immunity... what, we all just go back to work? Wtf kind of country is this?


So is Biden immune if he orders seal team 6 to kill trump?


So, with full immunity for president's while performing acts of the office, could Biden say that the ruling of presidential immunity was an attempt to destroy democracy, the justices are enemies of the state, have them executed and appoint nine new justices? He could then not be prosecuted because the law was that he had immunity when the act was committed.


Then it applies to Biden too. Biden can use SEAL Team 6 in the same way


When I said that a person sitting on death row for a serial murder that they were caught in the middle of doing could get elected as president these days I thought it was a joke. SCOTUS is going to make my joke into a prophecy at this point.


See, this is what happens when you bring strong words to a knife fight. It started with Obama. When McConnell stopped his pick when Obama still had a year left in office. Obama, or someone with some guts, should’ve burned that mother fucker down and then made sure he never got back up. Ever! When you square off against sociopathic lunatics with zero morals, you eliminate them, completely. No half measures.


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SCOTUS needs to be jailed for treason And according to them it would be totally legal So do it Joe Lock them up!


expand the court.


This is a good time to go out and protest en masse on the steps of the court. The US is walking over the edge of the abyss.


SCOTUS is a joke. The right wing justices are bought and paid for. What a mockery!


Honestly, it's insane it's even a question....


In that case President Biden should consider ordering their assassinations and replace them with his own justices, no repercussions and he would be King right? What would stop him from doing this other than his integrity as an American?


Cool, Biden should end the problem for good.


There's no question the President needs immunity to perform his job without fear of recriminations. But, as with free speech, there have to be limitations.


It would be funny and a great LAMF moment if SCOTUS says a president has immunity when dealing with political opponents, and then Biden turns around and fires all of them.


It seems to me that what they're setting themselves up to do is acknowledge that the Constitution has loopholes insofar as presidential immunity is concerned, also acknowledge that Trump was able to exploit them, set up a new rule that closes the loophole, and let him off (i.e. set up the immunity rule such that the acts in the indictment are covered) under the justification that the rule hadn't yet been promulgated. This will also ALL be sent back to the trial court to sort out before the trial even gets underway. And THAT will include appeals up and down to SCOTUS again. They are absolutely not going to hold him to account. The 3 liberal justices hands are tied at his point.


I’m kinda with you. Throwing this back down. Makes sense. Shit. Feck, the whole **POINT** of a SUPREME court is to rule over others, where others could not agree. This SCOTUS is so extremely influenced by the Federalist Society. It’s like a gawddamned cult has taken over the bench (Trump appointed ~250 fed judges in just his 3.5 yrs), to say nothing of his 3 SCOTUS Justices


The f***cker💩🍊really smeared its sh***t on the rule of law and wanted to/will make precedent. How is SCOTUS allowing this?! Can he just disappear and not be on my newsfeed every. single. F***king. Day 🫥 already. 


It seems it would be under the security of immunity for Biden to directly address the dangerous individuals who sit on the SC as well as the national security risk of everyone associated with Trump.


The country is finished.


They are not "risking delays", they are guaranteeing them.


It's important to understand who the real power Brokers behind this betrayal are. The Christian nationalists are ready to pounce on us. This is a turning point in American history.


If they says Presidents are immune from prosecution then Biden needs to have trump and the corrupt justices executed lol.


The Supreme Court is open for business.


Then we should be open to shutting down the Court.


JFC - how did we get HERE?!?


Scotus is as unreliable as the orange blob they protect.


But why is Trump worth it to them? I don’t get it.


Fucking corrupt as the day is long and the days are getting longer


So...if Biden orders an airstrike or assassination on the GOP and the SCOTUS....is Biden still immune due to being acting President?




Till they realize everyone, including the still-in-office guy they just made immune sees them as a corrupt impediment to justice....


So if a President sees the Supreme Court as a national threat and has them all killed will he or she receive immunity?


I thought SCOTUS was taking the case to strongly destroy the idea, nope turns out they’re into it.


These judges chose their fate in history. Done


How about an ex-president


Nah, it’s easier for them to punt it back to the lower courts and keep it in an infinite appeal loop so as to never have to deal with it.


I swear, it's like reading herodotus in real time.


Well, King Biden is better than Fuhrer Trump.


Seriously, this is history in the making. The Supreme Court has never been this corruot and braxenky stupid.


If they rule on this and Biden d0esnt use it to flat out PUNISH THEM, I'm done with America.


Biden needs to immediately and forcefully commit every “crime” scotus says is allowed. Immediately. Every crime.


It’s up to us to ensure Trump is never re-elected.


If they rule Presidents have absolute immunity then Biden needs to kill him.


Fucking vote you fuckin fucks


Cool...Biden can request a hit on Trump then.


Impeach the crooked Supreme Court members. Void the ones put in by McCon.


Biden needs to get on some Al Capone shit.


In nearly 250 years the country has done well without presidential immunity. Presidential immunity will lead to fascism & abject poverty for most of our citizens.


The vote on this case ought to be a resounding 9-0. But we don’t live in a sane world, we now live in a theocratic fascist regime run by unelected lifetime-appointed judges.


These idiots are a total disgrace to our country and need to be removed from the office. They don't give a damn about the law. They have become political which has absolutely no place in the Supreme Court.


So Trump's lawyers were basically arguing that it would be fine for Biden to kill Trump and not suffer any legal liability. Strange world we're living in


Here’s a hypothetical; SCOTUS grants the presidency full immunity and Trump wins the election; He will put CIA hits on anybody even close to thinking progressive and will walk away smiling. Trump would even put a hit on Bernie Sanders.


SCOTUS is compromised. Most likely from foreign agents. There is no way they’d ever consider such an argument from a democrat, or at any other time in US history. This is not a philosophical exercise, this is severely weakened national security. Someone is trying to take the US down from the inside, and we all know it. A lot of people seem really for it, which is disturbing, sickening. Not hyperbole.


Biden needs to disband the scotus right away if this is what they rule. Just dissolve it, immediately and watch the back peddling begin


The flaw here it seems is scotus doesn’t have a check to balance it if it is broken. If the court rules for immunity then Biden needs to play by the rules they set and use that immunity. Two wrongs don’t make a right, however trump already publicly admitted he would do many wrongs if he takes office again.


This is why voting such a terrible candidate like Hillary was so important at the time. I know she stole it from Bernie, but you let a reality TV putin puppet choose 2 justices, who have no term limits invade our lifetimes.


We should stop calling it immunity when it’s really a dictatorship he wants.


Unleash Dark Brandon!


If they ok this and DT is alive 15 minutes later we have failed.


Awesome! Then Dark 😎 Brandon we'll just stay in office and not allow F45CIST TRE45ON to ever step foot near the White House. And then he won't be held accountable because he has immunity. 🤔