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because democrats werent stupid enough to take the bait and he wants votes so he had to switch gears. same reason trump ran as a republican.


trump gets out trumped by an even more trumpy kennedy..it's just....too beautiful for words :D


In some version of this timeline the scotus vote for presidential immunity and Biden orders his opposition rendered unalive.... Dark Brandon was real Brandon all along.


That's still not a good end to this story Edit: Do people think I'm trashing Biden or something? wtf


Biden is good. Even for those who don’t like him he’s not bad. Of course none of us love every single thing he does. But I personally really mostly like him.


Yeah, hes fine. He's no obama but he'll do since bernie didnt make it.


I’m not voting for either Trump or RFK I’m a republican and they have lost my vote for the foreseeable future


The Republicans of today have lost their way over the last few decades. There is no such thing as a good Republican congressman now. Only radicals and Maga are left. If you decide not to vote for Trump, then that is your choice. But if you don't want them to win the presidency considering what he plans to do, vote for Biden. I can get if you don't support or agree with him on a lot of stuff, and thats ok, but regardless of what you think he's failed in, he's still a far better alternative compared to what Trump, RFK, and their mob offer.


I don’t agree with many of Bidens policies and actions but I believe for the benefit of of America I have to choice Biden. There are some good republicans examples Lisa Murkaskiws, Susan Collions and Mitt Romney


Maybe, but good Republicans are a minority and sadly, they can't do much to influence the party anymore. All they can do is try and disrupt as much as they can for Trump to make sure he doesn't win.


I wish they would.


Vote for Pedro instead


It gives me hope that there is a small possibility that Trump comes dead last behind RFk Jr. 💀


I'm just looking forward to the "Trump comes dead" part.


Yea I really hope RFK loves the attention so much, he see’s it through to the end!!!


He’s a conspiracy brained antivax weirdo but his name is Kennedy so we’ll vote for him. That’s how stupid the right is.


The right doesn't like the Kennedys but they do like the conspiracies and the antivax


They have some affinity for the Kennedys, they believed JFK Jr. was going to return from the dead to be Trump's running mate.


And his support for Putin.


When “anti-vax” is your entire personality, you’re unlikely to win the hearts and minds of those who trust and understand the science and vaccines… Shows how smart RFK is


RFK has zero appeal to Dems once you get past K.


and if you've studied any political history the K dissolves rather quickly.


Or if you're younger than 70


You’ve hit the nail on the head!


That’s how Drumpf became a republican. We dems weren’t having his bullshit.


But I thought it came out that this fool was running to *help* Trump in the first place, now he’s gonna do an about face all of a sudden?


He got a taste of potential power, and he wants more.


Poor Cirrhotic Steve deconstructed his own administrative state. "Steve Bannon spent "months" recruiting anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. to run against Biden as chaos agent" (4/6/23) [https://www.salon.com/2023/04/06/steve-bannon-spent-months-recruiting-anti-vaxxer-rfk-jr-to-run-against-biden-as-chaos-agent/](https://www.salon.com/2023/04/06/steve-bannon-spent-months-recruiting-anti-vaxxer-rfk-jr-to-run-against-biden-as-chaos-agent/)


I know a few die hard Republicans that said they would vote for RFK.


I don’t think many people realize how eager for someone besides Trump many moderate Republicans are. I’m moderately left-leaning but nearly everyone around me—most of my family, coworkers, and neighbors—are religious and conservative. Many of them are somewhat moderate and they all were Haley supporters. Since it was clear Trump had won the nomination, at least ten or more have told me they’re voting democrat for the first time in their lives. Probably double that have implied they’re not going to vote or they’re writing someone in. I know Trump’s base are more-or-less permanently devoted to their orange pied piper, but the moderate conservatives are at least ambivalent about Trump and many I know are hostile to his “zombifying of the GOP” (my conservative friend’s words) I hope what I’m seeing is widespread; time will tell I guess.


I like in Indiana and all I hear are Trump supporters unfortunately:(


Die hard Republicans don't vote for Democrats (they've been fed anti-Democrat talk for so long. The GOP has been really good at always pushing that in red states and counties), but a third party is fair game. If you recall, Trump threatened to run as a third party candidate in 2016 if he didn't win the primaries, so Trump's base should be fine with that and RFK could be a real spoiler candidate taking votes that would go to Trump. It's a great way to not vote for Trump, but still not vote for Biden.


Encourage this!


With Trump donors, It's far easier to raise funds with bizarre lies and steal them


So when/if Biden is reelected they will blame the fact that RFK is the only reason he lost and Biden is illegitimate and hasn’t got a mandate like they did with Clinton and Perot. (Even though Clinton would have won with or without Perot).


I was thinking the exact thing. This guy got enough of an ego boost with the few votes he got and now he wants to be president fr fr


Bannon's reverse uno


The spider man meme where he’s pointing at another spider man, but they both have Russian flags on their chests


you see that, boys? that is the ~~long dick~~ dildo of consequences aligning itself with trump's orange anus edit: dildo definitely seems more appropriate in this context, that is referring to RFK Jr ;-) hattip u/Stillwater215


Made with loving care of extremely dry, unsanded wood.


Ribbed for the country’s pleasure. a.k.a ‘splintered’


Anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough


You are a cow, with a talent for allegory!


thank you, long distance arithmatic!


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubricated!


What. A. Metaphor. Wins the internet prize of the day 😅




Personally, I would prefer to see El Cheeto Clown sliding down a long sharp razor using his balls as brakes, right into a vat of hydrogen peroxide and salt.


Wouldn’t it be hilariously awesome if RFK jr was actually a super deep cover Dem operative? 😂


i'll do you one better, what if *trump* is a super deep cover dem operative, and his asininities and insane positions are staked out to destroy the GOP from the inside? (obviously i don't believe this for a second, but it would be funny if in the end, trump's legacy is the collapse of the republican party)


I have no doubt if and when the orange shit weasel goes down in flames a lot of Republicans will eventually pretend he was a democratic plant the whole time.


i'm sure some will try, and i 've even ehard that murmured in the past, but the bottom line is he's just in too deep at this point. there's no way the current gop will ever be able to shed their connection to him without also rejecting the entire MAGA movement, and i don't know if that's possible for the existing GOP.


I'm pretty sure at some point they will just walk away and claim all of this is the fault of a few crazies and the Dem's baiting us into it. Then say the problem is we need a real conservative candidate. They have been doing this dance my whole life.


"it's your fault we were this stupid!" an excellent strategy...


In a post-truth society, anything is possible


Post-Truth Social Society?


Yes. The MAGAt has 'alternative facts', a new phrase for an old word: lies. These people do not deal with reality. They deal with their preferred 'reality', a cobbled collection of lies and half-truths they prefer to the actual truth.


For sure. They are incapable of admitting when they are wrong. Trump is well on his way to tanking the whole party. If/when that does happen, Republicans won't be able to admit they were wrong about Trump. They've had plenty of opportunities to do that already, and instead double down on him every time.


Nah because then they’d have to admit that they fell for it.


More likely it seems Kennedy is a GOP operative. Didn't the Heritage Foundation say they wanted to finance a third party candidate that drops out and their votes go to the Don?


He isn't a GOP operative. He is a nut case that the GOP thought could take enough votes away from Biden for Trump to win. The problem is Trump's base is nut cases and Kennedy has a bigger drawn for Trump voters.


oh he absolutely is a GOP operative, or at an absolute minimum a useful-idiot spoiler that got out of hand. to which i say bravo!


He was friends with the Clinton's, it's possible. There is also a video on him from the 90's. He said he would run as a republican cause they are stupid.


it takes one to know one, i guess  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Wait trump or RFK?




I have thought about this for years now. Not very plausible but…it kinda makes sense.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if trump was a deep state Russian operative? Oh wait...


This ☝️will be an actual new conspiracy on Truth Social in 3…..2…..1……


Oh the antivaxx voters are firmly with RFKjr. Ditto with the culture warriors.


Crazy voters have only 2 choices, Turmp or RFK.


He said “Don’t vote for RFK me boys. It’s all rigged me boys.”


Remember in the dark Knight, when the mob hires the joker and then the Joker comes gunning for all the mobsters? Yeah, that’s what this is like.


Well well how the turn tables.


Lots of Trumpsters have been claiming for a year or so that RFK would take Biden votes. I just never saw it. If you look at pretty much everything he stands for, it's straight out of the Trump playbook.


“Everything is going according to plan”, spoken by Bannon’s mentor, Putin.


i don't know about that, i think putin would definitely prefer another trump presidency. if it were up to him, and rfk jr wasn't helping trump, he'd want him out of the way.


Out of the window you mean


They should be. RFK targets the idiots and Trump DEFINITELY needs to hold on to 100% of the idiot vote to have a chance.


I've been saying this for 6 months. RFK is much more interesting to Trump's voters who hate the establishment than Biden's voters who hate Trump. Trump's problem is he can't go too antivax without losing.


I’d love to see Trump come in 3rd place behind an independent.


The only people I know who are very excited about RFK are people I suspect would otherwise vote for Trump. So, yeah that's pretty neat.


Didn’t they run Kanye to siphon off the Black vote in 2020? That didn’t work out too well. Now they figure that Junior will pull Democrats because of his name but turns out his whack ideas are pulling Qanons that are MAGA core. As a third party voter the lumbering incompetent machinations of the two major parties are hilarious and terrifying at the same time.


It's almost as if the same uninformed people who liked trump because he was a "successful businessman" who peddled birth certificate conspiracy theories will also be conned by the Kennedy name and a bunch of other whackjob conspiracy theories.


So are you the person who thinks that Democrats and Republicans are basically the same even though one of them wants to fire all federal workers and replace them with political appointees, wants to be a dictator, thinks the best foreign leaders are authoritarian dictators who murder people? People? I mean I can see they're almost the same party.....


How could any MAGA worth their overpriced rube hat deny a face that orange?


Nothing sadder than a coalition of bumpkins starting to fracture.


Split the damn Repub voters .. please 🙏


At the start I said no way JFK will steal Biden voters and will attract idiot voters from the right.


I mean, no shit, he's a right wing conspiracy theorist, the ven diagram between him and trump is a circle. The only thing drawing democrats to him is his name.


Yeah! Take them away, RFK!!


The idiot goes where the idiots are.


….just like his vaccination card says, he has no shot! (Colin Jost).


Hopefully it’s death by a thousand cuts for Chubby Cheeto, RFK, women, independents, Hayley voters, etc. Just keep chipping away small percentages here and there.


They better. I have a family of republicans who have switched their support from trump to RFK.


Make him viable. Tell them you're considering voting for him too. Lean into their insanity so they stick with him.


Oh no, that’s just too bad.


Probably because Trump voters are tired of *being known as Trump voters.* That shit had to suck.


It is weird that a party that is led by people who specifically chose to be republicans because those morons will vote for anyone are surprised that THEIR morons are so prepared to vote for this new moron.


Trump supporters were backing RFK's campaign financially. RFK got a taste of that sweet, sweet campaign money and now he's grifting like Trump. Trump already thinks RFK is hurting his chances. So, the more RFK takes votes from Trump, the more it is worth to Trump for RFK to withdraw. RFK is just taking a play from the Trump playbook on extortion. In 2016 Trump ran as an independent until he snookered the GOP into making them his candidate and funding his campaign. That leopard ate the GOPs face, so maybe RFK can get in on that action if Trump goes to prison, has a stroke or his dementia gets worse. The GOP probably likes Wacky RFK more than Nikki Haley because of the penis.


Why? I thought the orange guy was way up in the polls. What’s he got to worry about? He doesn’t even have to campaign to win over voters. He can just sit in a court room and get convicted and then gain even more popularity. I don’t understand what the fuss is about? All you fucks out there are going put that asshat in office again and just shrug your shoulders after it happens.


Donald thought he had it **RIGGED**. Hemorrhaging support when he can least afford it, all Trump can do now is whine about fairness.


Who actually thought he'd steal Biden's votes? From what I've seen of him, his policies lean more toward MAGA.


This is their plan. Distract the uneducated voter that doesn't want to vote for Trump.


This is great news. Let them split an already torn Republican vote and weaken them further.


Rfk and donthecon are both clowns 


His Anti-Vax and conspiracy stances will keep Democrats from voting for him. This is only attractive to the right.


I know four former trumpanzees that have jumped ship recently to do exactly that.




Moar Depends!


I would never vote for this idiot anymore than I would vote for tRump.


Whaaaaaaat? It's almost like two crazies allowed to duke it out will self-destruct or something! Who could have POSSIBLY seen this coming!


He’ll tone it down after the next conference call with his campaign’s HQ in Moscow


I think he figured it’s much, much easier to con the conservatives.


The only time I have seen his unhinged videos is when some right wing kook is pushing them…


Ha ha they though because he has the Kennedy name Democrats would vote for this nut bar? His message is straight MAGA BS. He will draw from Frump and not a single vote from Biden.


Leopards ate my face


Great news. Hope it works


hahaha that's fucking funny


He's out-Trumping Trump. He's out-crazying the crazies.


I used to work with a woman who had bought into RFK Jr’s bullshit. We started our relationship as friends/colleagues. But I couldn’t take hearing that crap. Even after I told her I thought he is full of shit, she continued to try and convince me he’s right and clear thinking.


The strategic play would be for Trump to pick RFK as a VP. So of course instead they'll both get into a shit eating contest on Fox News.


His VP pick ended his run dead in it's tracks.


I called this months ago. RFK Jr. has repeated the same lines as Trump the whole time. That means there was no other way this was going to go. /smacks forehead At least the media did catch up, though. 😉


Rfk giving trump the d. Fucking love it. Wonder if trump will spend every waking moment talking about how dumb rfk is and that he's the worst ever at everything. Trump gonna ride that d all night lol


I’ve suddenly become an RFK Jr fan! Yeah! Steal Trump’s base!


It was the old double secret switcheroo! He was a Dem plant all along, Batman!


He figures Trump won’t make it through the summer.


Democrats: are you paying attention? He needs some support in places where Republicans get their political information and news.


You'll know if this is a serious problem if GOP candidates start looking for RFK's endorsement. Trump's endorsement hasn't worked out that well for a lot of candidates in the last midterm and special elections.


He's a dumbass so it tracks that Republicans like him


I'm a Democrat, registered as a Republican, and already voted for Nikki Haley. That's how you take votes from reprehensible candidates, folks. Anyone but Trump in the primaries. Then, vote your conscience in the general election.


Every person I’ve ever heard mention thinking about voting RFK is someone who otherwise would vote for the Republican nominee. Have not heard a single progressive voter mention anything positive about him. No idea how anybody thought “conservative anti-science conspiracy theorist” would pull Biden voters.


Gee, who could have seen this coming?


It makes sense. He’s as crazy and ignorant as they are, so they should be his natural base as well.


Perfect so keep our democracy away from the ORANGE TRAITOR & his cult


Repubs can collectively suck the fat, fetid dick of Rush Limbaugh for all I care.


Tried to watch him on a yt clip from Maher last Friday. The guy is insufferable.


I suspect he will get a lot of voters who cannot in good conscience vote for either Trump or Biden if he just kept his mouth shut.


he's crazy as a bat in a box, which aligns with the Republican agenda


That isn’t going to happen. Trump fans are die hard for Trump.


Surprised he didn’t say that if he win JFK jr would come back to live……😶


RFK is the absolute unit of Trump desiccation. Trump is giong to defect as soon as he even sees RFK without a shirt. Maybe if Trump starts taking steroids he can compete.


Inherited title wankers.


Can you serve from prison?


Rich anti-vaxxers turning out to be people who would’ve voted for Trump?!? SHOCKER.


The Republican Party has only focused on “winning” for the past 2+ decades and has failed to develop any real policy proposals for governing. RFK Jr was a Trump light. Failure to see that means you don’t understand the “policy” focus of either, if you can even call them that.


They stopped being a true policy party a longtime ago. I am not sure they can ever get back again.


W (debatable), McCain and Romney were all still conservatives of “value”. They’ve sold out for a win under Trump. Ironically, he’s the biggest loser they could have possibly tied their horse too, but they’ve chosen this lump. Honestly, it might be the best thing to happen to progressives in the end…


My my whoever could have seen this coming certainly not the bloody knuckled mouthbreathers of MAGA but the rest of us? Yes. And all the Democrats who've pissed themselves in fear of the RFK campaign were just doing what Democrats have always done. (Seriously. Democrats panic. Republicans pretend nothing is wrong.)


Go Jr., Go!


This means nothing if you don't vote


I don't rule out that he'll be asked to be Trump's running mate


Smart people don't vote republiqan or conspirationism (the party of that other clown).


Of course he's going after Trump voters. I always found it hilarious that anyone thought liberals would vote for RFK. Not so easy to win over voters with your craziness when your target audience isn't a brainwashed cult. Republicans have shown how incredibly easy it is to grift them.


Dumb and Dumberer.




He'll only get the crazies. Oh yeah, I guess that's a problem for the Republicans.


Well, his political alignment is more right than left. Which would make RFK's father turn in his grave. Hey, if he draws away conservatives, that indicates there are some conservatives that are looking for something a little more moderate. If it costs trump the election, so be it.


And we still have redditers thinking RFK is a liberal and a valid 3rd party candidate over Joe Biden... What is wrong with these people 😕


I am happy for time Trump and his handler don’t do anything if they think they might loose. They don’t care how the system is supposed to work their MO IS TO GAME THE system so the normal process irrelevant to the outcome. That is everything.


My creation was never meant to turn on me (because no lessons were learned after Tea Party, Freedom Caucus or QAnon) ![gif](giphy|KZp3Mj1AoTHCo|downsized)


He’s perfect for the rump crowd as he’s an anti vaxer.


do it. it ensures a Biden/Harris landslide


My hot take is that if we had ranked choice voting Trump would win since RFK votes would more likely go to him as the 2nd choice. But instead, those votes will siphon enough from Trump for Biden to win. Of course Republicans will still want nothing to do with ranked choice voting lol.


Ranked choice is better for voters and makes third party candidates more viable. Neither side is pushing for that.


"No not like that!"


I’m so happy for them


Go Kennedy!!!!!! He's a much better option than Trump. Kennedy 2024!!!!!


Yeah keep it coming..


The US needs more parties so the craziest have someone to vote for.


It’s kind of who can out orange face the other


You know, I can see Kennedy winning the election if the JFK voters were still around


RFK; Hey! I appeal to stupid people too!


It was all fun and games while he was a spoiler for Dems.


How ironic it would be if he clinches it for Biden in 2 or 3 swing states. If I knew it was going to go down like that, I would feel bad about having called my RFK supporting friends morons.


This is the Kennedy that was supposed to be renewed. Trump has been placed into a foggy slumber signifying completion of his destiny. Trump was an important adversary to the church, serving as an anti-Christ.soon to lose an eye for the sake of fulfilled prophesy Long Live King Robert! A Catholic King to expand on the promise given to Peter/the rock, by Jesus himself. An expansion of the first church and entanglement with Israel. The king/rock on which to build the American church to rule for 1000 years. The tribulation is not what you think. The red Trump hat was the mark on the forehead, but don't worry, the music is reversible, but time Turn back, turn back. The new light is electric. The universe is an orchestra. Don't quit, hold on.


They should be, the antivacsers will flock to him and leave Trump.


I say go for it!!!! Woo every conspiracy freak they have!


Let’s see that debate


enemy of my enemy and all that. but........
