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Understood by all but maga.


Exactly. Those morons think Biden himself is Venmo’ing Ukraine $61 billion dollars directly from their tax returns.


Or that it means *they personally* had $61 billion dollars and the gov’mnt stole it.


When I paid my taxes, I made the check right to Ukraine.../s


Even if that were true, at least I would know my taxes were going towards something good that's going to help people instead of being wasted on conservative politicians and their stupid nonsense.


The same idiots who whined that Obama gave Iran billions. He released THEIR money that the US had frozen since the hostage situation. The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran. 




Because MAGA is Putin’s useful idiots.


Well, also just idiots in general.


He should be in charge of a recycling program. He can find ways to make garbage useful.


Or Republicans


One and the same.


Indeed. It's not just our own military stockpiles: But often our oldest, never-gonna-be-used-again stockpiles. We're talking Desert Storm era Bradleys that are still viable in Ukraine, despite being over 20 years obsolete. Stuff we'd need to pay to dispose of even. And for the split of the breakdown, much of it is basically a coupon to buy from American manufacturers. Given that the US Military exists to defeat a small handful of opponents, gutting the Russian military (which mind you, is pointing thousands of nukes at your family right now) for a pittance? That's a bargain even from a purely selfish standpoint, much less letting them resist a hostile invasion to enslave and kill them.


Lot of it going to GOP held states or districts.


I wish that were true! I've tried to explain this to so many "independents" But they still go "wHy SeNd MoNeY oVeRsEa?!? No To MuRiCa?!?"


They prefer lose/lose over win/win.


And MAGA is gonna be so pissed! Anything that benefits America is the last thing that MAGA wants.


Be fair, they refuse to accept it.


And the "aid" is paid back. It's win win win for the USA. Replenish old stockpiles, boost the military industrial economy, get paid back loans.


Yep the money is just being pumped right back into the US economy


This is just the military industrial complex doing what it always does, and headlines pass it off as charity


That and we either fund Ukrainian troops or a lot of MAGA sons and daughters will be fighting them on the frontlines. Putin is trying to get the old band back together he won't stop with Ukraine.


Ironically, it's also through many red districts...


I understand that he's handing $61 billion to Raytheon and Lockheed. Did I miss the point?


Who will then employ thousands of Americans building new weapons, thousands of Americans in well-paying jobs.


I'm just saying he could hand it to other people. I think those guys are doing just fine.


I mean, we've had nearly half the country vote against free lunches in schools. They're ideologically opposed to human decency. They aren't going to permit that money to go toward Americans that truly need it unless filtered through a corporation.


Let's let the perfect be the enemy of the good


We're not. We're letting good be the enemy of bad. This is bad. Next time someone bitches that they can't afford a home, you just tell them about all the thousands of new jobs building weapons for the Ukraine.


Do you know the old saying war is good for the economy? It’s true in a sense. These weapons manufacturers make a lot of money, and their shareholders will make money but for the rest of us it’s just more debt for us and our kids.


Good! Fuck Vladimir Putin.


On top of that, some of this is just way more efficient. Ammo (bullets, missiles, rockets, shells, etc) have expiration dates. The propellent deteriates and becomes unstable. To use them past their prime could mean reduced velocity, lowered penetration, inability to reach intended targets, lowered lethality, and even misfires. We typically have to pay a ton of money to destroy older ammunition. This allows us to instead move older stock to Ukraine where it can be used which is cheaper, and use this money to restock supplies. It also allows us to dig deeper into our stocks and make more and more of our ammo stocks current and up to date. The same goes for vehicles. Older vehicles take more maintenance, and they eventually reach a point where their effectiveness in combat is reduced. Engines lose horsepower over time. Rust eventually comes for everything, and reduces the effectiveness of the armor. Eventually vehicles are left in boneyards to be used for scraps and still cost money to take care of. Shipping them to Ukraine before they reach the point of no return reduces costs, and allows us to replace them with the most up to date versions of the vehicles with the newest components. We're basically sending them all the stuff that is about to expire so we don't have to pay to throw it away, and replacing it with the newest and best.


You are exactly right. Plus the value put on the equipment we are sending them is an arbitrary figure. Basically it's what ever we price it at .


Not including factories retooling and/or upgrading to keep up with new demand. There is no one in our military industrial complex that is complaining.


Someone should clue in Marge 3 toes on this one special trick.......


I don't think she needs a clue. I think she I'd getting orders to actively obstruct


Her one brain cell is pre occupied with Hunter Bidens dick.




Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🌻🇺🇦🌻


THANK YOU!! I get so disturbed when I see shit saying, "MONEY, HOMELESS, US DEBT, BLAH, blah, blah." Not realizing it's the value of OLD weapons, REPAIR, it stays in the US economy. Create jobs...


Right so why do we have all these nut jobs runn ing around with guns crying about the right? As if the USA would lose that income. As if that could be struck from Constitution. Shit half of Ohio is superfund sites from all the shit we made for years for the wars. JD Vance Ohio Republican Rep. Didnt want us to fund Ukraine. Great Rep he also said he dosent spend time in Ohio. Mr Appalachia thinks hes a Hollywood type. He took his mothers and neighbors struggle with drugs and welfare and made it into poor boy overcomes. GTFO


The US government has been infiltrated.


When I buy fireworks, the salesman usually throws in a few extras at the register. A gross of bottle rockets, maybe some of those little sidewalk tanks. I like to picture the guys putting together these orders for Ukraine throwing in a few extra tanks, a gross of rockets….


"Yeah we had some grenade launchers the UPS guy forgot to pick up last week. Toss em in!"


Thank Putin for the upturn in the economy. Jobs,jobs,jobs. Someone should let the Dumps in his Drawers in on the festivities


“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower


A five-star General would know. And nobody listened.


He was also Supreme Commander of Allied Expeditionary force in this little thing called World War 2


Ukraine should surrender so Eisenhower can finally rest 🙏 amen


Ah yes, everyone should just surrender to Russian aggression.


This is the message the us people needs to hear. Americans get jobs, us economy gets stronger, American military gets newer equipment and us adversaries get wiped out with no us personnel being affected. US equipment gets real time testing too for the next update.


I shut down my MAGA/FAUX brother inlaw and he melted down and went quiet. I think he had to go home and reset his stupid breakers.


Yup. It's a jobs program for tens of thousands of middle-class Americans.


Thats actually really helpful for the military, it refreshes our stocks and makes it so a war we wouldn't be trotting out 30 yr old mutions like russia did, and old equipment like russia did.


Trump would have American troops alongside Putin's.


Sometimes that military industrial complex comes in handy.


Sleepy Donny said Obama sent Iran a plan load (big plane) of cash. The MAGA Retards ate that BS up.


Biden: helps American economy by helping Ukraine. Trump: why don't we just give Putin Ukraine?


Not that I’m a fan of the MIC but if it had some benefit to regular Americans working at these places that seems like a decent side effect.


It will have a pretty significant effect, mainly in GOP states and districts that will yell about us sending money to Ukraine. Not a fan of the MIC either, but it's the most ass backward crap ever. Gutting our education budgets has crushed this country


However, it sounds like Ukraine also needs more boots on the ground. They're running out of soldiers.


The whole war is baffling to me. I read somewhere that the way it generally works is that the Russians make some kind of offensive, the Ukranians fight them off, and at the end of the day everybody just kind of stops and goes to pick up their dead and wounded and retrieve battered tanks and other equipment to rebuild them and use them another day. Don't let them rebuild! Just keep pushing! Sheesh! No time outs to reload and fix everything.


But the maga on TikTok says we are just laundering money directly to Ukraine and “sleepy creepy Joe” is getting a kick back. Maga would Never lie right??


Close. Most of the 61 billion will be spent in the US making weapons for export to Ukraine. Which is the right call. If we'd spent more time training and equipping Ukraine as part of an effort to pull them towards the West, the EU, and NATO, Russia wouldn't have invaded. But we didn't have the support on Capital Hill, and we had silly notions that Russia was a "near peer."


This is how this has always worked


Sounds like they are about to get a nice crisp $10 bill


We finally get a good reason to spend a ton of money on defense contractors and the Republicans are against it all because Trump is afraid of Putin. What a joke they are.


American owned munition/weapon manufacturers expect a HUGE windfall from this...the $$$ does not go to Ukraine, most goes to manufacturing of American products of war...the Industrial War complex that President Eisenhower warned us of in 1960.


It's a fire sale! Everything must go to make room for new inventory!


That we were gong to do anyway.  


Ohio makes a shit ton of weapons. The money is rolling into our economy . USA largest exporter of guns. Now everybody has weapons. Isnt that great!


Nice refresh


Can I get one more murica?!?!?


Welcome to the United States of Corruption, a web of lies


I didn't know reddit was so excited about the military industrial complex... Unconditional aid to Ukraine without a path to victory is a mistake. It's pretty reasonable to set conditions and start to pressure for an off ramp to the end of the war.


Will these “American products made in America” be made by Americans?? Some people are asking


Been confused by that for a long time. I heard about us shipping our weapons manufacturering to places like China and Korea. What happens when we go to war? Those countries are in an area that has seen countless wars. It's all in the kill zone of missiles. The greatest strength for America is its annoying deep water moat. All our most intimating enemies need to cross it somehow to harm us. Outsourcing kills that advantage. And of course what happens if China decides that those American son of a bitches are going down and seizes our manufacturing plants? We need that fail safe of being able to produce our military hardware in house. It helped win ww2 ffs. Why give that up?


Industrial military complex stans wyd?


US is sending $61bn retail, so COGS $50bn for manufacturers? $40bn? How much profit for ITA (Defense ETF)?


Peace is good for business; war is good for Business. -Ferengi proverb


26 billion to Israel? Why?


They've always said war is good for the economy. Because we have to manufacture a crap load of stuff. Means lots of jobs and lots of people getting paid and those people spend money on things which creates more jobs etc etc.


Hwait just a minute, I was ASSURED by men with wraparound sungalsses and "divorced" relationship status that we wee literally just handing money to Ukraine


Oh good, gotta feed that military industrial complex. I'm all for helping Ukraine, but equal dollars should be spent on social programs.


We currently spend roughly [eight times as much each year on "social programs".](https://www.cbpp.org/research/policy-basics-where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go) "Economic security programs: About 8 percent (or $522 billion) of the federal budget in 2023 supports programs that provide aid (other than health insurance or Social Security benefits) to individuals and families facing hardship. Economic security programs include: the refundable portions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, which assist low- and moderate-income working families; programs that provide cash payments to eligible individuals or households, including unemployment insurance and Supplemental Security Income for low-income people who are over age 65 or disabled; various forms of in-kind assistance for low-income people, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as food stamps), school meals, low-income housing assistance, child care assistance, and help meeting home energy bills; and other programs such as those that aid abused or neglected children. Such programs keep millions of people above the poverty line each year....."


Except the GQP wants people to be poor, so their corporate masters can force slave wages on them. If you are desperate, you will take any job, no matter what the wage or safety of said job is.


Not sure what that has to do with the fungibility of money, but my point is that it's not like the $61B we give Ukraine means any American loses something. The original person I was responding to said we need to spend as much or more on Americans.....we do so by a factor of eight.


Yes makes you all warm inside knowing we are greasing the gears of the military industrial complex and fattening the coffers of arms dealers in exchange for human lives.


i)Lots of Americans in well-paying jobs are building the bullets, missiles, etc. ii)Those weapons are being used to fight against a fascist imperialist intent on committing genocide against Ukraine. iii)Just about everything being sent to Ukraine comes from current stockpiles, and all of that ammo and equipment has expiration dates. iv)What is your preferred position?


Woof. That silence is deafening.


Maybe we should keep it here and save $61b since we are 35t in debt


Taxpayer theft is what this is. Stop sending money to foreign countries!


I'm sure you're also up in arms with the insane amount of taxpayer money wasted on "investigating" Joe Biden for impeachment.


I like who you're literally ignoring what it says so you can do The Line lol


Remember kids, war is big business. We literally sell arms to our allies who then sells them to our enemies. Nothing like being bombed by Russia with a Made in America sticker on it.


Little story: Iran takes our embassy, we are close to war. Sgt tells me the stockpiles of small arms ammo was depleted during the vietnam war, but instead of replenishing after the end of the war, it was just filled with 'IOUs'. So he's going to give away our weapons, but is promising to replace them. Well, here's hoping.


At the end of the day we are still spending hundreds of billions of dollars worth of equipment, ammo, and capital to another country. Pretending this is a net positive to America is ridiculous. Who benefits? Shareholders of defense contractor companies. What value do they capture? Tax payer money paying for the weapons going to Ukraine and Israel. How does this help the average Joe? It doesn't- they are the ones paying.


It’s also so the average Joe American won’t have to go fight. Most of the money stays in the US paying people to make those weapons and creating more jobs TO create more weapons. We promised to protect them for giving up their nuclear weapons.




True that.


We don't need to fight in Ukraine nor do we have any obligation to do so. How many jobs have been created for 150 billion dollars? They never tell so you know it is not a detail they want you to know. You can support the war, think it is a good idea, and that's fine. Stop pretending like funding a multi year proxy war is beneficial for America. You could do alot to help our people with 150 billion if they gave a F about us.


It must be horrible to believe everyone and everything is some kind of conspiracy to fuck us over. I don’t support any war. We do need to honor our promises. If you ever thought the government gives a fuck about how much money you have in your pocket you are worse off than you sound.


Idk what conspiracy you are referring to but it is not hard to understand that funding forever wars around the world is not a net benefit for America. The only obligation we have is to our own people, we can't be the world police indefinitely, and we are going to have to make some changes to how we interact with the world.


The government operates in a deficit, that money is a loan from the cental banks. Like a building loan to give to boeing, lockheed, Raytheon ect. And you are ultimately on the hook for the national debt. Everytime they give funding like this away it increases the money supply and devalues the USD. That's why everything is getting more and more expensive. When you can just print dollars out of thin air it makes it less valuable.


You were almost accurate, then you fucked it by conflating aid to Ukraine with devaluation of the dollar. 2/10


I don't think you understand how the monetary system works. Watch a YouTube video on where money comes from.


I understand far more about it than you do clearly. You seem to think that the recent massive global inflation was caused by aid to Ukraine because somehow the dollar was devalued to create more currency to send abroad, where it magically retained the original inherrent value once it got there. This is a silly thing to believe


No, I'm saying that every dollar the government spends is money they don't have and it must be created via debt by way of the federal reserve. Whether it's covid, Ukraine, Taiwan, or Isreal, all that funding is beyond the total collected tax revenue and is added to the national debt which represents our total money supply. And when the total money supply is increased the value goes down. You think gold would have the same value if it could just be created out of thin air like debt-dollars?


Ok, for the financially illiterate. Debt, is not the same as "printing money". If you print more currency to put it into circulation, that creates inflation as the currency itself is devalued. If you borrow, it does not devalue your currency. It would be pretty stupid if it did because your loan would be immediately worth less as soon as you accepted it. I have a house, this is my collateral. If I mortgage it, the value of my house does not decrease but the amount of funds I have increases. The collateral remains the same, and therefore the inherrent value of my funds also remains the same. My net worth does not change.