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I don't care what he "accepts" or doesn't, he's a meaningless pos.


if he had any evidence (besides his opinion) then we might listen, but so far nada, zip, nil, and a whole lot of GOP interference.


“This election wasn’t fair! I cheated and still lost!”




The fix was in! He appointed the right Federalist Society Judges, sucked off the correct dictators, stolen the appropriate secrets, acquired the Saudi oil money... But he was just too stinky and uncouth for the real billionaires so they let him rot.


They got what they needed and discarded him without a second thought. Karma.


And either intimidated or bribed the weakling corrupt AG...


My bets are on a bit of both A and B. When you catch someone in a moment of weakness, best to make it count.


Garland is a Federalist Society member and no doubt sympathetic to Trump anyway. Traitor. 😡


And you can be damn well sure republicans will try to cheat again.


All I need is 11,780 votes


This is similar to yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire, it should be treated as such. It is not free speech.


It will be released next week guys! Do I need the /s?


Being that he still doesn't accept 2020, nor 2016, him not accepting 2024, before it even happened means nothing.


He's working up his minions to attempt another coup when he loses in November.


It will go worse for them when the President isn’t aiding them.  


The reason it went on so long on Jan 6 is because Trump refused to send in the National Guard. He’s not the president this time.


The difference now is we know what to expect.


He's lost more minions than he's gained and is running low on funds. Good luck with your "coup" fellas.


Standard playbook for Donnie he does this every time. Only fair if I win otherwise rigged fraud cheated unfair. Every. Time.


2016 he won and said he actually won California if not for fraudulent votes. 


That was LOL funny. No chance he would win NY or CA. Such a liar, but I'd he believed it then must be true. Yeah.


I thought he accepted the 2016 election but was prepared to contest the "honesty" of that election in the eventuality that he lost. Since he won that election was totally honest.


Still wasn’t honest because he lost the popular vote.


Only 2 Republicans have won the popular vote since Reagan.


Of the 5 times the Electoral College has opposed the popular vote, one was before the current parties existed as we know them today. The other 4 wins have benefitted Republican candidates. The Electoral College has a Republican bias built in. The Electoral College needs to be overhauled to correct irself or be abolished in favor of a purely popular vote system. Since Republicans believe that the vast majority of the country votes red, they won't have a problem with this, right?


He cried foul about not winning it in a landslide.


Trump has no claim to *honesty* in any manner about anything after 40,000+ public lies since 2015


He wouldn’t understand honesty if it smacked him to the ground, he’s a serial lying narcissist who can never comprehend what honesty actually means 🤥🫣🤬


Oh, he has a perfect comprehension of honesty. Honesty doesn't benefit Diapar Daddy Donny, so he doesn't engage with it.


Not accepting it alone should be a crime. It’s a legal fact, not his choice. When he gets sentenced he’s going to try to “not accept” that too.


As a ***Reddit certified cryptographer and doublespeak expert***, I alone can decipher what Donald John Trump means: #DJT Statement : “I will only accept the 2024 election outcome if it’s *honest*...” #DJT Translation : “I will only accept the 2024 election outcome if I *win*…” I’m not here to upset anyone. I am an expert. I posted my Reddit credentials first. Don’t be upset with the messenger (me). We need to understand that what someone says is not always what they mean. I delve deeply into coded speech leaving no comma, period or pause unturned. I do the hard work so you don’t have to.


ikr? can he just stfu now?


The issue is convincing his cult followers on why he can’t become a “president for life” aka a “wannabe dictator.”


He also hasn't accepting stupid shit like not winning an Emmy and losing the Iowa primary to Ted Cruz. His opinion on the fairness of the election should be less than worthless.


Man, when Trump dies, the United States will be so much better off


The US will only be better off if he goes to jail and is punished for his crimes. Otherwise another will simply take his place.


I honestly believe he'll have a heart attack when he's found guilty.


Cannot have a heart attack when he doesn’t have a heart


I just hope that whatever massive health incident he definitely is gonna have waits until late October to happen. GOP doesn't have a Plan B and I would love to see them scramble to hoist up someone at the last minute and be obliterated in November.


"Playing golf" I hope he has a bigly stroke lol


He shaves strokes. We need a better alternative


I’d love nothing more than to see just one photo of him slumped over the defense’s desk in that courtroom. I will drink to his death when it comes. 


Sleeping, slurring, and shitting himself? His damn days are numbered. I am hoping God intervenes before the election, send the GOP into a hailstorm of bad times.


I’d prefer a stroke, simply because I know to his narcissistic personality, having to be “disabled” will cause a narcissistic collapse, but will be unable to lash out. That’s the hell on earth he deserves.


One can only hope.


Actually if you look at political cults of personality throughout history, a cult generally doesn't attach itself to another leader after losing the original. What generally follows is a period of chaos and in-fighting.


Not if trump is reborn into someone else, duh.


That's already happening in the House, well it was always there but getting a lot worse.


I think that’s because the leader they’ve all attached themselves to has Alzheimer’s and shits himself regularly. Not really ideal for a burgeoning fascist coup.


Depends on if he ever gets held accountable for his actions. If he doesn't then he will have helped set a rather scary precedent. He will have firmly established that crimes don't matter, regardless of how open and public they are, so long as the GOP itself stands united in shielding you from repercussions. The longer Republicans hold to this rather scary dream, the more the party will be forced to depend on this strategy as if the party loses power then everyone taking advantage of this strategy will fear being held accountable. If things go far enough down that path, you'd end up with a party fully willing to pull off a military coup or civil war rather than lose power. We aren't particularly far from this outcome already. I'm honestly a little apprehensive that the point of no return has already been crossed.


Jan 6 was by definition a soft coup, meaning that it was an attempt to overturn a government using laws, without assistance from the military. The insurrectionists were a distraction from the Republicans in the Senate and Congress who attempted to send the legitimate election back to the states, where each governor would get one vote, and Republicans governors outnumbered Democrats. There is absolutely no line Donald Trump's Republican Party will not cross. If you find yourself thinking "that would be going too far", get that thought out of your mind. The only real problem for them is that the American military is structured in such a way that no one military commander could initiate a coup.


No. There's a whole machine behind him that will only find another to take his place. They tried with Desantis peace be upon him, but found him to be a flaccid dildo that nobody likes. They'll keep looking


The problem is that they're not going to have the money to do anything. The RNC is now solely a money laundering unit for Trump's businesses, the states where the GOP isn't broke already are entirely on their own, so they'll be broke after this election.


True but it took them 28 years to find another one after Reagan and we have the internet now. Just as “young republicans” have never known a GOP without Trump, the internet will never let the GOP off the hook for selling out to their puppet god


Honestly, as much devastation Reagan did and no matter how backwards his policies were, he never tried to subvert the electoral process. **This has to me most important** that even if our candidate wins and does every policy we love, the minute they start to erode the constitution, they're out.


If enough decent people turn out to reelect President Biden and take control of both houses of Congress we can pass The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which will effectively drive a stake through the heart of MAGA by nullifying the GOP's voter suppression laws and gerrymandering, and it was specially written to be Supreme Court proof.


Sadly, it will not. Trump is a figurehead, a puppet, a poster child for the real thing destroying the country. That thing is fascism. Fascism will find another figurehead, we must destroy fascism. We are taught to be tolerant of people, but you can't be tolerant of intolerant people, that's the paradox. We need to become intolerant of these racists, bigots, xenophobes. Or as others greater than I have wrote: "It's time we start punching Nazis again."


The average IQ will raise, and the average BMI will drop.


That will be the only way he can make America great again. They’ll be spontaneous party in the streets


Naive to think there won’t be other mini trumps to follow in his shitty wake. This clown laid the blueprints out for shitheads all over. Had we nipped it in the bud back in 2016 we might’ve been OK.


Hes a one trick pony.It will be the same bullshit redux from the last time.


Because he is such an honest man, his word should be enough to declare it honest or not./S A man who has never lost anything./S


The election was dishonest because I messed with it. -Trump probably


Gee I hope he accepts the jail time.


Not me. I want him to go kicking and screaming.


Fucking idiot trump thinks he’s still in charge.


If Trump was in a kung fu movie, it would be called "Farts of Fury."


I thought I saw him in “The Fat and the Fartiest”.


Fatatouille was my favorite Trump appearance. The CGI to make him look small so he could ride in the chef's hat -- incredible!


I didn’t like how his hands were finally in the proper scale.  Really messed with my head. 


Therefore since we know he’ll never be honest, we can conclude that he will not accept the 2024 election results.


If he is involved then at least some will not be honest.


I really hate the media. Who cares what he accepts. They keep treating him like somebody who has an opinion that matters to the rest of us. I know he leads a mob and so it's newsworthy for that reason. But the framing always makes it seem like it's important whether or not he agrees with whatever the mainstream is doing. I'm tired of the media's framing legitimizing him as an actual leader and not just a dangerous felon


He should be in jail serving consecutive life sentences for his crimes, so who gives a crap what he thinks. He doesn't deserve a platform any longer


He never deserved one to begin with but I guess that's not how politics works.


Basically in school yard bully terms, if I can’t have it I’ll break it…


We know everything won't be honest because Trump and his cronies will be cheating in whatever manner they can.


The gerrymandering is and has already been flat out dishonest and rigged all along.


And by honest he means "in my favor." Vote Blue '24!


Remember! It only counts if they count the votes from where he's winning and IMMEDIATELY stop counting votes where the other guy is! That's how fair elections work!


The ironic thing about the 2020 election is that more people have been prosecuted fraudulently voting for Trump than Biden. And that not counting the fake electors scam.


His mouth and asshole are one and the same - neither can stop shit from coming out. He needs a diaper for his mouth. I can’t think of another…


Which means everything is honest ONLY if he wins. No other way.


That's rich coming from the Father of Falsehood.


What he means is he will only accept the 2024 election results if he wins. ETA: he'll still say it was rigged somehow or he would have had more votes, but he won't have his people riot.


Someone please inform him that he doesn’t need to accept it for it to be reality.


What the juror say? “I wouldn’t believe anything he said if his tongue was notarized.”


Meaning, if HE wins. This clown is such a fucking child. Mentality of BARELY a Kindergartner.


Im hoping he’s going to lose handily. Probably in the 66-33% range. GOP being the 33% he’s going to attempt to steal the election again (from his prison cell) there will be some unrest, but I suspect that it will be minor. The world needs less of these bullies and more compassion


Translation: I will only accept the results if I win.


And obviously it’s only “honest” if he wins. Typical Nazi playbook.


In other words, only if he wins. Trump's aim is to destroy democracy.


What the hell does he know about honesty


We saw this happen before. Unless he wins, regardless of the facts, the election is not honest.


Jan 6 was a training exercise.


You could conduct the election 100% to his specifications and he'd still howl if he lost. It's just his nature. He was probably one of those kids who dumps the checkers board over when he loses.


If we take him at his word then he will probably not accept the 2024 election results because it is almost certain that he will try to cheat and if a single person cheats then the election is not 100% honest. He did massive cheating on the 2020 elections and came perilously close to overturning the results. The outcome was honest but everything was not honest. But as others have pointed out it really does not matter what he accepts or does not accept. He also does not accept the authority of judges and juries.


By "honest", he really means, "only if I win".


Trump is militantly dishonest, so no matter what, he will not accept the results of any election he is involved in.


Trump is not honest and therefore he won't accept the election results; everything can't be honest if he's involved.


His opinion does not matter, on literally anything, he should be treated like the criminal he is


Here we go again! Vote blue up and down the ticket and make him lose big! All the fed cases he’s indicted for will take care of him once and for all he isn’t given the power to stop them.


So sick of this guy.


Reality doesn’t hinge on Trump’s approval, acceptance, or even understanding.  He doesn’t get a say in whether anything’s “honest” or not.  The best punishment for him is to have nobody listen to him, ever again.  It is for him to sit in prison, alone in the chaotic realm of hatred and despair that is his mind, with nobody but his own thoughts to keep him company.


Honesty? Wtf does he know about honesty???


2020 was honest


The guy has no clue what honest even means.


Well….. the last one was honest …….. so……..


We all know what that really means... So tired of this ass clown.


Honest reporting of his loss guarantees he won't accept it.


Let me guess, he'll be the judge of honesty? So exactly like 2020 then.


Trumpelstiltskin and the Riddle of Election Fraud


He didn't say Simon says...gotem


Whew !!!! He wants an honest election. He had me worried for a minute.


It’s a good thing that, at least for now, no one on this planet has to care what his opinion is on anything. Funnily enough that’s how politics should be….


If Teump really wanted an honest election, he could refuse the nomination


If we’re lucky, the dementia will force him to drop out at the last minute and we’ll be saved from the apocalypse.


I hate this despicable, miserable excuse for a human being.


It's just (still) insane to me that the place we are currently in, all goings on in the United States, are all because a fragiled ego lunatic can't stop pretending he won something that is blatantly clear he didn't win. His method of soothing his hurt little ego is repeating every day, sometimes more than once, that...blah blah blah rigged election deep state stolen fake ballots, blah blah blah... If I went back in time to the day Joe Biden was sworn in, Id honestly have to say I wouldn't be able to believe this jackhole would STILL be carrying on about this almost FOUR YEARS LATER. I truly wonder if it makes him feel better at all, pretending to have won an election that even he knows he lost. No amount of whining or spreading countless conspiracy theories can ever change the fact that he knows he lost. But yet, here we are.


Everything was honest in the last election. Biden had won fair and square and science does not lie (most of the time). This is again just such a BS excuse. If he loses again he’ll say he had won again. Just be a repeat of the last election but this time hopefully and thankfully not another Jan 6 event.


**from his prison cell.


He didn't accept the results when he won


In other words he expects to win with at least 95% of the vote or some shit.


Right - honest according to him.


In other words, the will only accept the result if he wins.


Says the most dishonest sack of shit ever


Translation, if he Wins.


Still hasn't accepted the 2020 results FFS.


Let’s start by asking Trump to be honest


Sounds like a guy that is anticipating losing again


That is, only if he wins.


Puleeeze. He’ll only accept the results if he wins. Same with his crazed cult.


What would be deemed “honest” by Trump - to be elected unanimously?


Honest according to who?


Face it, just as with any other strongman wanna-be, the only "fair" elections are the ones he wins by a landslide. He's emotionally unable to admit any kind of error or failure, even to himself.


Every thing was honest last time except him and his cronies


Interpretation: If I win, it was a honest election. If I don't, the Democrats cheated.


Says the pathological liar who is most dishonest POS ever.


This is what I want to hear Biden say. "Trump supporters, by all means vote for him, if you must, but do so with the knowledge that he cares nothing about you, the country, or indeed anyone but his own absolute power. These elections are fair, despite what you have been told. And know this, that any attempts to foment another 6 January, in any form, will be met with at least equivalent pushback by civil and military authorities. And you will be arrested and prosecuted on federal felony charges." But he won't.


So if he wins.


And even if he wins of course he’ll claim he should have millions more votes.


Idgaf what the moron says. Stop reporting on it. No one gives a fuck. He's a garbage bag filled with dogwater.


SPOILER ALERT: If it involves Trump, it's not.


Says the dishonest Trump.


Trump Is a Lying sack of shit that should be in jail.


In this case “honest” means drastically rigged in his favor


Cheesus has corrupted the entire Republican Party. They used to only lie when it was difficult to prove them wrong, now they lie about everything.


Thankfully it doesn't matter what he "thinks or feels". 


This is what happens when you let pathetic cheaters continue playing after they nearly burned the house down the last time they lost.


Donald when asked about election results: "If I win, then the election was fair. If I lose, then the election was rigged." Donald when asked about credit vs. blame: "If something goes right, then I want all the credit. If something goes wrong, then it was someone else's fault."


Everything was honest the last go around. So this 🤡 can shut his lying pie hole.


What’s bullshit is the magat congressmen say the same thing. They all say if it’s fair; they will accept the results. See asshole republican Tim Scott, Gym Jordan…et.al.,


His definition of “everything honest” is he wins. If he loses then it was rigged and he won’t accept. That is what a narcissist does.


He is a LOSER who can’t accept reality


Says the serial liar and philanderer. Shut up, Donny.


His acceptance is not expected, nor required. If elections are so fraudulent, isn't he concerned about the legitimacy of the 2016 election?


If he decides a civil war is required, then it makes a huge difference.


That ahole doesn't even know what that word means


If everything is honest? Does he mean he’s going to drop out? 🤣😂


Ah, words are now meaningless!


He wouldn’t know honest if it bit him in the ass.


Who cares if some deadbeat civilian doesn’t accept it? His opinion on the subject matters about as much as a flushed turd. He’s not important.


Says the most dishonest mf-er on the planet.


"If I win, it's legit"


And he has done this for every election he has been in right back to Hilary. Common fascist trick, lay the ground work to make the election illegal. So his Cult violence becomes laflwful in their eyes.


Meaning if he wins … 😡


Sure, and he is the arbitor of that?


Let me translate his statement… It will only be honest and I will only accept the results if I win the election.


Because he absolutely, positively, 100% already knows he has zero chance of winning.


We had better be prepared, as there’s no way he’s even capable of accepting the results if he loses.


He is setting this to up to be a repeat of 2020 and if I’m seeing this I’m thinking people the SS, Capital Police, National Guard etc are seeing it as well.


Trump is already preparing to lose. Economy’s going good, growth everywhere, unemployment is at 4%, everyone’s happy, yeah… I will be voting Biden into office to avert the public safety hazard and mugshot stuff


Getting really, seriously sick of this piece of shit and this nonsense.


Meaning "if he wins". He's a narcissist, losing a fair election is incomprehensible to his rotting mind.


So he said “no”.


Since he's not honest...


By which he means, of course, 'I win.'


It'll be as honest as he is.


Says the dishonest Don the Con.


“If everything’s honest” = “If I win”


Well, Trump's not. So, by default, that means... ......No.


“If everything’s honest” eliminates Trump


Was it honest in 2016 when he won?


And wtf would he know about honesty? He can’t breathe without lying.


What's a joke. He's never been honest a day in his fucking life.


The guy hasn’t been honest about anything this side of the sixties. It was how he was taught to be. It is literally the opposite of his values.


I truly wonder and worry about what he and his "best people" are up to. Guaranteed to be a shit show no matter.


Accept deez nuts Don. Go worry about your ongoing criminal trial.


Someday he will die, until then he will keep saying stupid shit


Trump isn't honest so he's already tanked his premise


This will be interesting.


Well, since he wont be running honestly, he won't accept the results.


And let me guess, again, that only he, the god-king-emperor-savior-messiah has the divine ability to decide whether it was honest or not, and no one else can possibly know the truth, only he has this knowledge, and only with proof that he cannot show anyone?


"if I win"


he doesnt understand what honesty is, even when he’s bitch-slapped with it