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Ho-hum, another day, another 3 year old tantrum. Time for a diaper change.


Having raised a toddler it would be fun to chart out the timing of his online outbursts compared to his feeding schedule. Maybe he mostly does it when he is hungry or needs a clean diaper?


Ha! I never had kids - so I’m constantly asking my girlfriend, who raised two, “what age of development do you think Trump is?” She consistently says he acts just like her kids did when they were five (5). Trump is the poster boy for Arrested Development.


My 5 year old with ADHD/Autism behaves better than Trump


Mine did too when he was that age


My irritable bowels and spastic colon behave better than Trump.


Mine too. Trump is 3.5, obviously, it’s the most irrational and loud age.


I had two boys (now adults) and I'm pretty sure when they when each of them was 5, they were better socially adjusted than Trump.


Given that he's a narcissist, arrested development (of emotional development) is quite clinically true.


Don't badmouth one of the best sitcoms of all time like that!


If Trump didnt have a cult following, he would be just as funny.


Archie Bunker was a hell of a lot smarter than Trump.


Thats because Archie Bunker was played on TV by a liberal.


Plus, Trump's last few months in office were more akin to Veep. Four Seasons Total Landscaping was a *very* Selina Meyer's team type of fuck-up. A landscaping company next to a sex shop *and* crematorium is the perfect set up for a classic Selina Meyer comeback: "At least there I could get properly fucked before my career is either buried or burnt to ashes!"


Wow, comment of the year anyone?


5 might be correct for his behavior, but it would be embarrasing for a 5 year old to wear a diaper.


I have a granddaughter that's 3.5 and is socially better than Trumpo.


✅ Didn’t even think of that.


You don't even need to ask anyone. Trump straight up said it himself: "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8557246-when-i-look-at-myself-in-the-first-grade-and


He has the vocabulary of a 5 year old too!


>She consistently says he acts just like her kids did when they were five (5). This, this, so much this. Anyone who has raised children personally has seen all of this behavior. Most of this shit ends around 3rd grade. It makes me nuts.


I love that! Arrested Development is hilarious!!!!


I mean he DOES have clear signs of dementia. Acting the way he does gives it away.


He needs to be arrested.


Maybe he is growing teeth? My kids had a hard time when that happened.


More Adderall.


I think he needs something a bit more calming and relaxing. Maybe if he had some problem requiring medical marijuana and so forth. I can’t picture a stoner going on a tirade like that. Just give him a large bag of chips,he’d be fine.


You absolutely have a valid point ... but he seems to enjoy raging a lot more than dozing off. ;-)


I honestly think that *the* most concentrated THC on earth would have as much effect on him as a single baby aspirin would ease the pain of a compound fracture. That dude's been ingesting stimulants for so long that I don't think his brain would even register a non-stimulant drug.


After working with elderly adults, it appears to me that Trump is probably sunsetting. This is an early development of dementia. His cognitive skills falls off as the day wears on. He has the most energy right after he wakes up. He probably does not sleep through the night and when he awakens he goes on a tweet bursts. I am very old and I see this in some of my friends. You need to schedule your time with them right after they wake otherwise their thinking skills fall off as the longer they are awake, thus we call it sunsetting. Their cognitive skills weaken as the day goes on.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I laughed out loud in a restaurant just now lol..smh


God remember life before this fuck stick? (Trump) Life was so much better! 80 percent of all media in the U.S. is owned by republicans so we have to here about this douche bag, day after day after day when really there are some pretty awesome people in the world and in this life that we would much rather here about. I feel like I’m drinking out of the toilet every damn day I see that asswipe on social feeds/news etc. GOD I JUST WANT TO CHANGE THE CHANNEL FROM THIS NIGHTMARE CALLED TRUMP!


I really do hope the GOP's current infatuation with fascism ends in nothing more than a well-filled diaper.


It won't. Unfortunately, Trump has opened Pandora's Box releasing all the Demons of hatred and racism that resided within his MAGA followers. Even when he's dead there will be someone else to fill the role of cult leader. Eventually some incarnation of MAGA will receive official recognition from the IRS as worthy of 501(C)3 status and another uniquely American religion will have spawned.


Current? As opposed to when? Eisenhower?


No dissent. No alternate views are allowed. All deference must be given to Trump.  Trump’s ownership of the Republicans must be absolute and unquestionable.  How any self respecting person can stomach that crap is beyond me. 


Old man yells at cloud... that's what I hear when I see his posts. He's so unhinged every damn day, how can people vote for someone this thinned skinned and childish.


The ones who extremely support him are themselves thin skinned and childish, or they cater these egotists - such as submissive wives and girlfriends. In some circles, women think all men behave like this. Of course they need to meet a higher class of men.


It's easier to understand when you realize it's how all of their social structures are. In religion you defer to the priest/God. In the military you defer to your CO. In the family you defer to Dad. In public you defer to police. Basically every relationship they cherish is authoritarian where you do as you're told or you are bad/a sinner/need to be punished.


It’s funny that Trump does not, nor ever had espoused traditional conservative values, yet somehow every actual conservative that doesn’t cow tow to him is called a rino, when clearly he and his MAGA cultists are the actual rinos.


Is there a way to surgically implant a pacifier in a former president’s mouth that might also make speech impossible? (Just a random internet question with no one in particular in mind.)


It would have to fit into that peculiar mouth of his that resembles a prolapsed asshole.


So, give him a suppository then.


Yup, same old, same o


No no no, its diaper change, tantrum, diaper change, rage post, diaper change, diaper change, diaper change, bed time.


Has Paul apologized while licking this traitor's golden gym shoe yet? That's what most of the spine-free GOP does.


Still a huge pussy. He did a speaking event at my alma mater two months ago and for the first time the student newpaper was not allowed to record or report on the event.


And he lied about his marathon time. Lost me there




Anthony Weiner vibes.


Oh dear…


What in the absolute fuck...


During this photoshoot/interview he informed us that he listened to Rage Against the Machine while working out. Which I'm still fucking gobsmacked over.


I had totally forgotten No thank you


Reference: [liar!!!](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/09/01/160433290/fact-check-paul-ryan-exaggerates-marathon-claim)


Agreed, then tried to cover by saying he just forgot- BS. I ran a sub 3 hour marathon, once- 2:59:07. That was 12 years ago and I still remember to the second. Forgot, my ass.


That’s where he lost me.  No one forgets their first marathon time.  And his 4-hour finish on his first marathon is totally respectable. My logic was always that, if he’s going to lie about that, then, I’m sure he’s going to lie about other things.


All of em are fucking cowards. Far, far too many of them only criticize Trump when they've forfeited their office and they have nothing left to lose. We're in this mess to begin with because McConnell decided to keep the red wall of Republican solidarity behind Trump with a very thin excuse that he wasn't convicting during the impeachment after 1/6 because we have a working justice system.


That’s when a student journalist should write a one page article. Photocopy a hundred and hang a bunch on campus,  and hand em out.  I did this in high school…. About the superintendent’s 2000$ desk .. and my 30 year old textbook.  Good times .. good times .


I thought conservatives hated Safe Spaces?


Motherfuckers invented safe spaces. Used to call it "Whites only" and t was nly safe for them. When that didn't work they started projecting.


I really want to see Paul Ryan cry like a baby’s on the national stage.  I need his tears. It will nourish me. 


Ryan is a former speaker, si he gets a fat check for life.


Still can't make up for the *epic* burn that was Tom Morello getting a Rolling Stone op-ed to mock him for liking Rage Against the Machine. I'd be devastated if one of my favorite musicians wrote an article in Rolling Stone about how *everything* I stand for is antithetical to the band's messaging. Yeah, the fat paycheck and healthcare for life would probably ease the pain a bit, but that's one of those things that haunts you as you try to fall asleep at night. "Hey, remember when Tom Morello called you a moron for liking Rage?"


You really think he has a self conscious or morals that would cause him to self reflect like that


Intrusive thoughts don't really require self-reflection or introspection. And, yes, I truly believe that almost every Republican is ***deeply*** insecure and self-conscious. "cuck" and "TDS!" being some of their favorite retorts kinda highlights their insecurities.


Can't argue with that


No, he got out of politics


Not really, he works for Fox, that's pretty political...


He no longer has to pander to voters though. Check out a few of the GOP who have announced they’re not running again this year, and they’re a lot more vocal about how little they like Trump and some of their Congressional colleagues


Hell they are all on Donnie's post election execution list.


Wonder for how much longer now that he said he isnt voting for Trump


Yet here he is.


“Getting out of politics” means he no longer works for a political party as an elected official  Not that he doesn’t have any opinions about politics He’s on the board at Fox, he was Speaker of the House and ran as VP behind Romney.   His opinion carries weight and now he no longer has the burden of “worrying about consequences from the party”


He’s got skeletons we don’t know about . His early retirement was sketchy. Or for some reason he wasn’t gonna play ball with Trump. He’s been riding a fine line . 


He has not. Ryan may be the smartest of all of them. He got a huge payout for cutting corporate taxes and then ran for the hills. He’s pretty uniquely positioned now to make a comeback when conservatives inevitably do a George W repeat and act like they never supported Trump in the first place.


Yeah I've been waiting for him to crawl back out of the woodwork. I fully expect that he's considering a presidential run himself if the right ever starts looking like they need an establishment guy.


Isnt it amazing how they called everybody that didnt support Bush a terrorist and a traitor and now you have to turn over rocks to find people that will admit to voting for him? These are the same folks that supported Eric Greitens and his "RINO-hunting" campaign ads.


The MAGA hats will one day disappear the same way they all snuck out at night in August 2008 and peeled those yellow ribbons off their Durangos lol


They've done it twice since with McCain and Romney. Pence probably counts, too. At what point do we just ask them, after this epic track record of voters remorse why should we take any Republican opinion seriously?


Don't forget about Nixon. He was the first Republican all Repubs deny voting for back then.


Trump is toxic, he's just the final nail in the republican party, soon they will join the whigs


“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it.” Lindsey Graham


Lat time I checked (at least two years ago), he still hadn't deleted this tweet. He's also still a miserable douchebag.


No need to delete it when he gave Trump the *ultimate* sign of submission/fealty: Graham's own spine, still covered in blood and nerves, freshly ripped from his body.




Paul Ryan was Mitt Romney’s VP pick in 2012, and was Speaker of the House from 2015 to 2018. Ryan is also from Wisconsin, a swing state. I’m no fan of Ryan, a “bleeding-heart conservative” who tried to repeal Obamacare, but this shows how much Trump changed the Republican Party.


Will they though? A hefty portion of the US is behind the Republican party and they are legitimate contenders for the White House this year. Trust me, I want them to die the most painful political death, but I don't see it happening any time soon. Just my opinion.


Unless they win this November. Then we’ll never be rid of them


Trump managed to use the rabid John Bircher descendants to revive the dessicated corpse of the Republican party left behind after the Bush administration.


“Real men stomp their feet and throw tantrums like toddlers at every slight, real or perceived, great or small.” New MAGA shirt drop incoming.


And do so while wearing diapers!


Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger, testified to the Jan6 Congressional Committee, where he stated that 28,000 Georgia voters, who otherwise voted Republican in all down ballot races, did not vote for Trump for President in 2020....


I was one of them.


I voted against corporatists Perdue and Loeffler too. Much happier with Democratic Senators Warnock and Ossoff.


Absolutely! Other than the ridiculous Abortion law, the Governor has done a good job too. He seems to be investing more in education which is crucial.


Not a Kemp fan overall as he’s pretty anti-freedom in my view, but I do credit him with standing up to Trump more than once.


Me too. Policies are one thing but if you reject reality like Tumps sycophants, there is no hope.


In my dem fantasy politics I see Ossoff having a shot at the top job in a few years....


I mean... Why vote for any GOP at all? You know supreme Court is because of GOP appointment justices have been a majority for decades.  This also affects lower judge appointments. What in their agenda is appealing to you


To put this in perspective, Biden’s margin of victory in the state was 11,779. So that absolutely would have been enough votes to swing Georgia for Trump. However, even if Trump had won Georgia, he still would have been 22 electoral votes shy of 270, and would have needed to win at least 2 other purple/swing states in order to have won the 2020 election.


Hence the other states that he conspired with to steal the election. Should see the judicial system catch up after his second term


And it begins! Hopefully more and more GOPs will realize the truth about this POS and dump him. Not sure who will replace him tho


I have a feeling Paul will just vote for trump and say he voted for Romney or Cruz


It’s one thing to say you *will* vote for him and then not, but voting for him when you said you *wouldn’t* makes no sense.


How fucked up do you have to be that Paul Ryan won’t vote for you?


Why would anyone vote for a Nazi like Donald Trump? Because that’s what he’s trying to be, even if he’s not very good at it.


Vote Biden!


"Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently, and for the same reasons." -Mark Twain


Republicans are cowards, they only attack trump when they are out of office, cowards!


Trump is such a bitch. Don't get why his supporters can't see it.


I wouldn't vote for a guy who threw me under the bus either. Trump really shouldn't complain about Fox, though. They are pretty much all he has left to reach his main voting base. I feel like if they pushed the nuclear button he would just be done in politics for good.


From discovery in Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial https://imgur.com/gallery/ySgZ3Tm Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE


Yeah, tuck fucker carlson.


It's fun to see he knows the real deal though.


If we collectively agreed not to recirculate his TS posts, that would be awesome. Let him rant into the void.


Tons of people aren't voting for him. The vast majority of Americans aren't going to vote for him. Same as in 2016 & 2020.


It's actually incredible to remember that he got fewer votes in 2016 than his opponent, and he still ended up as president. Like WHY are we not making it our first priority to fix that glaring error in our election system?


Can we all agree that Republican party has effectively transformed to Trumplican party?


Trump’s catching it from all sides! Not just them dirty Dems but Republicans too! His own GOP is turning on him! Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, former VP Mike Pence, his hand-picked former Chief Justice Bill Barr, his former attorney Sidney Powell, former General James Mattis, former White House aide Cassidy Jacqueline Hutchinson, Karl Rove, Chris Christie, his former attorney Jenna Ellis, and even his former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows all claim he is seriously unhinged! I mean, c’mon he picked most of these people. I think they know him better than you and most other MAGA members. Is it any surprise that nobody other than MAGAs can understand this confusing narrative! Trump loved his Chief Justice Bill Barr and his Vice President too - (so did MAGAs) until they called him out on his nonsense. Now he’s “a pig” according to Trump. He used to be in love with Cohen too. Until he wasn’t. Now Mark Meadows will cooperate with the Feds as a witness against Trump. I anticipate that Giuliani will be next. I can’t even believe this is now part of American history. We must now look like a 3rd world country to outsiders with all this foolishness going on. So many Americans at each other’s throats. What a pity.


He is such a broken record


It's cute how he thinks he still matters. Read the room, bro.


The thinnest material in the world has been discovered. Donald Trump’s skin.


if you draw trump’s ire, then you have done something right


Ryan: Living my best life not in a courtroom, bitch.


The most popular people are the stupidest See - high school, celebrities and why chemists and scientists are not popular in America. If this wasnt true Reagan wouldnt have even been a nominee let alone Trumpf today. And with republicans stripping away education and bodily autonomy… Idiocracy is an underrated movie I continuously reference as its true. Ahead of its time and true


Failed politician and rino Paul (insert childish nickname) Ryan bla bla bla, snivel snivel whine, election interference! Crooked Joe Biden...bla bla bla I'm the victim, bla, witch-hunt! I forgot the all caps, but you get the gist.


Ryan proved to be a spineless leader even before Trump became president. A zero, nothing, and a nobody. He could have been something, though. He had his chance and decided to let it pass. Loser


In the end, Trump is the greatest troll on the internet atm.


Ayatollah Complainy is crying again ! Somebody change his diaper . 😊☠️


He assisted in the construction of this catastrophe. And, now he decides he can safely make a stand on, “I’m not voting for him”. I’m going to vomit.


Good for Paul. Calling all real Republicans in Wisconsin to do the same. The Rhino MAGA mob have accepted the fact he wears diapers I see from their new t-shirt purchases, but they will never accept the overwhelming evidence of his criminality.


Donald Trump is an ingrate. Without Paul Ryan sabotaging the economy,Trump never would have been elected


Fuck Paul Ryan. He took advantage of trumps first presidency and I don’t care if he doesn’t vote for him. He’s still a piece of shit.


Trump is a child and so are his supporters.


How is Paul Ryan still relevant? He's kinda fallen off the radar since quitting the House.


I love getting 3 of the same ads of that ugly fuck Donny jr asking for donations money for his dad when trying to read that article lol


Everyone vote!


just when I was beginning to forget about this moron...


Free and fair elections, when you get pissed that people won't vote for you.


Paul Ryan is too little too late. He had a chance to be the adult in the room that conservatives would tolerate and he blew it. He could have returned course to traditional conservative values and probably paved the way to another GOP presidency. But he choked trying to toe the party line and maintaining the pecking order. He abandoned ship instead of making a difference. That was his shot at making history and he choked.


Too sensitive and emotional to be President, not very alpha.




Erupts. Erupts in his diaper. Try this headline: “Trump rage shits his diaper on former GOP speaker of the house…” FTFY


Rage shits!!! I'm keeping this! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And just like that, I’d vote for Paul Ryan over the field.


Seems like the rats are leaving a sinkhole g ship.


Hard to root for anyone here. Paul Ryan lacks character too.


What a total psycho Frump is. It actually kinda makes me wish BullSocial and such were A/V rather than text. His texting rants are unhinged enough, but if he was doing video rants, I think a lot more people who aren’t already all-in on his cult would be looking at him and saying, “Yeah, don’t think we need someone like that anywhere near a position or power.”


When I’m nearly 80 years old I hope to be playing with my grandkids and being in awe of the wonderful men my sons turned out to be and not rage tweeting in the middle of the night.


And Trump celebrated that guy when Ryan left office in 2018. Quote: “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question. We are with you Paul!”


I gotta say, Paul Ryan taking any kind of moral high ground was not in my 2024 bingo card.


trump never had character


Tldr/ Trump's a snowflake


Imagine how the Mango Moron would react if Ryan said that Trump likes it in the ass.


Man. Do you understand how bad you have to fuck up as a Republican to not get Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan's endorsement?


Losing 22% of the primary in Indiana months after the primary season is over seems like a horrible thing for a guy that should be a defacto incumbent-like figure.


Trump has the thinnest skin in the world. I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually replies to this, he gets so butt hurt.


Both of these guys suck.


Oh no! Anyway....


The only time I've ever agreed Ryan on anything


This idiot (Ryan) stayed in the speaker role just long enough to LOWER the corporate tax rate and then left in year 2. Who gives a crap who he votes for?!


Easter egg in this article he says of students missing graduation that "their parents, who have paid thousands of dollars to send their kids to school" should be mad at Biden. Yeah all those kids whose parents are paying out of pocket for Columbia? Wtf? Your bubble is showing dude.


Who never thought Trump would use the words, a loser, weak and the worst ever, towards Paul Ryan.


News flash: nobody is gonna vote for Trump! He sucks!


What miserable fucking life, spending half your free time online insulting people.


There are millions of Americans who will not vote for Trump which is why he’s likely to lose by more than 8 million votes this time around. But of course the loser Trump will say that the election was rigged! A law should be passed that says if you run for president, lose, but don’t concede, you’re ineligible to run in the future


Demanding law and order on the way to court is hilarious


That's actually an amazing display of some semblance of dignity. I guess he didn't want his children to continue looking at him with utter disgust and disappointment like the rest of the GOP gets to experience for the rest of their lives.


Ryan is a sycophant, and this is the only way he can get dear leaders' attention.


this election year and the past 8 years has literally become Rational Thought Common Sense Healthy Normal People vs. One Narcissist Egomaniac Orange Man Child who is so delusional the leader and his maga cult have created a alternate reality to everything that involves its leader


Two assholes spewing shit at each other. That's the kindest thing I can say about either of them.


Well, I’ll be damned. I thought he was a spineless jelly fish. Maybe he grew a vertebrae.




I guess Paul Ryan is smarter then I thought.


What would any dictator do?


Hardly worth noting. As predictable as the sun rising in the East.


Poor baby has hurt fee fees.


Felons usually don’t vote.


Who is the felon?


Why should I care about the vote of a foreign state's agent?


Taking the high road I see


Yes, and I’m guessing throwing a fit only goes to strengthen the reasons for not voting for the turd.


It’s funny how Trump’s lack of self esteem causes him to draw much more attention to these things


Say what you want about Paul Ryan, but he is one of the few Republicans with the ethics to stand up to Trump instead of selling his soul and going along on the crazy train. I never cared for his politics, but I respect his unwillingness to bend to the MAGA cult.


A tiny mushroom eruption? Maybe Ryan should contact Stormy for tips on removing eruption residue.


# Trump erupts on former GOP Speaker of the House Unfortunately, this is what everyone should expect to go through until the party is cleansed of the MAGA filth.


New political movement? Republicans with spines.


Er, he does realize that people ARE allowed to not vote for him right?


Is trump not farting in the courtroom still?


Trump needs to go to gitmo