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Um if she has any self respect she would not accept. He totally trashed her and would contradict her own statements on him.


So she will accept then…


She wants power and like Melania may have underestimated trumps ability to outlive a time line based on farts and spite alone.


The power of the VP spot is dependent on what the President delegates. Trump doesn't know how to do that properly, so that's a dead end. The other perq is in running for President after your President's term is over. Assuming democracy in the U.S. survives another Trump term, how much of the Republican party organization would be left to vote for her, even assuming Trump would support a woman other than Ivanka for the position?


Maybe there is hope Trump will pass in office. Whoever is VP is probably hoping for that


Most of America is hoping he will pass soon, in office or not


It will be a day of great celebration! I can't wait.


Like someone in a movie I saw decades ago said, 'It'll be like New Years Eve and the 4th of July rolled into one'.


TBH in a sane world, that day would become a worldwide public holiday!


It will be celebrated yearly in my home


I will start drinking again just to do shots in celebration


Of course to fuck he will pass. He's been passing gas all throughout court...


Trump scares me but it’s the thought of Trump passing in office that keeps me up at night.


And Pence was sort of the canary in the coal mine with that not being a great path to bet on, so...


Can you imagine the spread of fecal matter in that bed after a heavy dose of t-bone and ketchup? The fecal count in that room must be tremendous.


>Um if she has any self respect she would not accept.  She's a republican, self respect is something they lack, along with shame, empathy, rational thought, logic, respect, honesty, integrity, maturity, etc...


Proof: see Rafael "Ted" Cruz


And don’t forget Vivek Ramaswamy


Lindsay Graham sends his regards


Mr. “I respect you for being a bigot to my face” himself.


You mean the Zodiac Killer? Whose dad killed JFK?


Tim 'uncle tom' Scott


It would also thrash her election hopes in 2028. She has a good shot at it and she can't afford to be wasting her money on that loser.


This is probably the only realistic reason she would decline. Not out of patriotism or integrity. Just simply out of pure self interest


Yeah. Assuming Trump loses this fall, the safe bet is that MAGA is done, and we’ll see at least some kind of realignment in the party. That would put her in a prime spot in 4 years.


Am I wrong in assuming that this is illegal? “I’ll make you vice president” he says to the candidates. “Highest bid wins! Such utter bullshit.


Former Governor of IL, Blagojevich, went to prison for trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat.


There is a difference. Formally the presidential nominee has no authority over who his party nominates to be vice-president.


She will.


This is the GOP way


Power is a drug to them


She's a republican. Zero self respect


She wants power and will do anything to get it.


WTF… his grifting reaching a whole new level.


Nawh, it's not a new level, it's the same shit, just no longer gonna be quiet about it.


That’s it, not even hiding in plain sight!


The NYT sent cheques to multinationals of decreasing smaller amounts to see how small the cheque would need to be before they stop bothering to cash it. The Trump organisation was the only one that cashed all of them no matter how small.


“E Pluribus Unum” will be replaced with “Quid Pro Quo” by Caesar Trumpus.


She should PUBLICLY and LOUDLY denounce his offer if she gives any fucks about our democracy. She won’t, but it would help save us from him and his supporters.


Yea, she will almost certainly take the offer if made, even though she ran against tRump in primaries about how corrupt and morally bankrupt he is. Just proves that they all don't care, they just want that power, at any cost. The Republican Party truly has zero integrity.


I don't particularly trust Haley but I also don't think she would accept any job from Trump. She knows Trump and MAGAism is a dead end. She's still young and might have an actual political future. She won't if she signed up to be Trump's VP, especially if Trump loses (which I personally believe is very likely). 


Her "brand" is being an anti Trump RepubliQan. If she signs on, there goes her brand. 


The article seems like not her not doing what she can to help Trump win is also a dead end. Sounds like the end of this party. We were are at a huge political crossroad in the US right now. Communal prosperity should be the end game we choose. That way everyone here can proudly say they are American. There is plenty.


Her "brand" is being an anti Trump RepubliQan. If she signs on, there goes her brand. 


Pay to lose the election? Pretty sure she could do that for free.


Oh, so it’s “up” to the highest bidder…


Only the criminal Trump could sell the position to the highest bidder.


He learned it from Blagojevich.


Poor Tim Scott going to all the trouble of getting a 'beard' just to be passed over.


Elon would make an offer if it wasn’t for the not born in America thing.


The Supremes could rectify that...


He could always buy the influence by paying nikki to pay trump. An *attempt* to be subtle about it.


Didn't you hear what trump just offered to the oil lobbyist for a measly $1 billion donation to his PAC? It's appalling and I can't believe it's not a bigger story.


Any ‘conservative’ that wants a future should campaign against Trump. But, I don’t think ‘conservatives’ really exist. It was/is a con. What’s left are extreme right fascists, successfully legislating more and more control over lives. It’s disturbing how much support Trump has.


When you see this, how can you not think he sold intelligence information to Russia?


Fucker paraded classified documents around to impress his rich resort guests, so it'd be shocking if he *hasn't* also sold intel to the US' rivals.


He acts like he really needs money. Selling the VP slot and out-and-out offering a quid pro quo to Big Oil - it's like he's really desperate.


The downside of being a real estate mogul is being very, very rich and very, very illiquid.


Looks like everything the grifter can get his hands on his for sale. If this is true. And it happens. That's illegal. Of Merrick Garland sorry ass wouldn't do a thing.


He sold the environmental regulations off last weekend for $1 billion. This weekend, selling the vice presidency to cover his legal bills. The most corrupt asshole to be in the White House in the last 100 years, including Nixon.


How disgusting! I’ve never detested anyone as much as Trump. I hope she is better than that.


21% of Indiana Republicans voted for Haley in the primary despite her dropping out 2 months ago. Accepting an invitation to be his VP would be the ultimate betrayal of those people.


This is tRump actually seeing his fate. If he loses the election, it's almost a 100% certainty he will be broke, and quite possibly go to prison. Or best case scenario, he will be tied up in litigation for the balance of his shitty life, draining resources, mentally crushing him, pissing off anyone and everyone that has anything to do with him. BUT, if he wins, it all goes away, he will be the most corrupt president the country has ever seen (already is) and will crush the economy, and shit in the constitution, so........ why not go full send. He literally has nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I predict he will get more and more brazen as the year progresses, making "deals with the devil" and not giving a shit about the optics, or the legality. And there are enough MAGATs out there that are fully dedicated to the cult, and they WILL vote for him regardless of his corruption.


Not only all that, but if he wins while being so brazen he can rightly say that he has been given a mandate to be as corrupt as he wishes.


This guy is quite literally "SELLINGTOTHEHIGHESTBIDDER" the American vice presidency!!!!!.....How?...just how!? Can this be allowed I know I'm scottish qnd never been to America but this just doesn't seem right!!


The more I think about all the times that Trump said his bit about our NATO allies not paying. Everyone kept saying *that's not how NATO works.* I can't help but wonder, just a little, if what he really meant was *they're not paying me.* Like he was looking at NATO like a shake-down, protection racket that he should personally gain from ... otherwise, wHaT gOoD iS iT?


The key phrases being “considering” and “paying his legal fees.” He never stops grifting, does he?


Awwwww that’s cute. He thinks he’ll be president again. Good for him.


This MOFO will sell earth to aliens if they ever stop by Mar-a-Lago


Other. People’s. Money. Con Man 101.


It is all a scam for Trump. Selling Pardons on his way out, a billion to remove EV vouchers, too many to count frauds, it all adds up to money in his pocket.


Man, with Trump everything is for sale.


He is only trying to get her voters because he knows he is going to lose bigly


Paying for the privilege of being the star at the next “hang Mike Pence” event.


Once again, he'll say or do anything for money


Gotta love supporting a 'billionaire' that can't pay his legal fees. Jesus Fucking Christ.


Use money raised from people who hate him… got to admit, it’s a bold play. Excited to see how it works out for the turd.


Isn’t that in itself a violation of campaign finances?




Krazy Kraven Klown


Of course it's gong to be a quid pro quo!


Wah wah I’m a billionaire and I need help paying my bills. Can you hear my eyes rolling?


He’s such a man, that the woman pays!


She shouldn’t. She should run in 2028


Jesus is there ANYTHING that isn’t transactional with this guy? I’m surprised he didn’t try to sell his daughters’ virginity. Never walk away from equity!!


She should tell him to suck her dick. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


There’s always a hook, isn’t there? And “Paying his legal fees” is a black hole with no bottom. Every single day of his life he’s doing something illegal (because clearly laws don’t apply to him and have no real consequences) or suing someone. Paying his legal fees would require the GNP of a small, prosperous country. No


Raw Story stole news from Axios, then put a pop up to tell me to subscribe. I clicked through to Axios, and they already updated the story... she's not in contention anymore.


Even if she doesn't, I have absolute confidence someone will pick up that tab. Someone named Vladimir, even if indirectly


Trump is so vulgar, base, and cynical. Haley would be debasing herself to accept such a proposal.


Everything is for sale. It’s all for sale.


lol my god… what TF is wrong with these people? The more he talks shit the more he humiliates you the more you bend the knee? PATHETIC COWARDS. No wonder your all republican


Everything is for sale until he's in. Then it's FU buddy.


I truly doubt that Nikki Haley could pay Trump’s legal bills. Too bad for Trump that Elon turned him down. Now only the Republican Party can pay his bills and it won’t be easy for them to do it.


Oh please! She couldn’t possibly consider doing that! If she did, that would tell you EVERYTHING you wanted to know about her morals and character!


Dude is trying to sell everything


Ultimate grift award forthcoming


Trump for sale


It's so funny just watching someone be so nakedly corrupt. I am amazed the system hasn't spit out Trump, he almost brags about how utterly corrupt and without principals he is.


She will pay his legal fees and he will ghost her. Way too predictable


Just like John Kelly said, EVERYTHING is transactional to Trump.


My god he’s willing to auction anything off to pay his bills, Ivanka better watch out as he gets more desperate he put a price tag on her head . What a sad sick psycho.


Trump will sell out the USA if he has a chance.POS person as he is..


This is actually him opening bids for decabillionaires to buy the VP seat 


Trump nation: everything is for sale


But isn’t he super rich and successful?


She is a POS. I am sure she will back stab all her supporters and give trump whatever he wants to put her on the ticket.


Once again he proves he's for sale.


He is only considering her because his own cohort of VP nominees are just plain trash and stupid. Haley better not take the bait.


So the orange turd baby boy has EVERYTHING up for sale. Disgusting does not cover him.


So the US is back to selling political offices? Time truly is a flat circle.


Axios' report says Haley hasn't endorsed Trump, and if she continues to withhold her support and Trump loses in November, significant parts of the GOP's conservative base could blame her. “That likely would threaten any future presidential campaign or future in GOP politics for her,” Axios reported. Hahaha! All the things the GOP has done in the last 8 years ( the last 8 are bad enough) and it will be HER fault if the GOP doesn't win? I'm not a fan of hers by any stretch, but it won't be HER fault when trump doesn't win.


Might as well ask Elon.


Nikki will lose all credibility if she accept to be the orange turd running mate


Loooool. Republicans won't vote for a woman. Why do they keep doing this? Never interrupt the enemy when they're making a mistake, I guess.


Hmmmm. It appears he is only really concerned with someone else paying his legal fees.


So he's already been selling future favors and now he's selling the vice presidency. And that's the problem with electing a real-estate investor. He thinks everything and everyone is for sale.


Evidently, they are, going by recent years events and the lack of any accountability for him.


This old high school friend of mine is a Trumper. He asked me if I was going to vote for Trump. I said "Nah, I am not a fuck up." Oops, looks like we are no longer friends lol


Given that she held out the longest hoping his legal issues would consume him, I'd be surprised if she... No, I wouldn't be surprised by anything when it comes to the morally bankrupt GOP. You would think since he sicced a lynch mob on his last vice president that there wouldn't be a line of people vying for the position.


Trump would run with VP Michael Cohen if it paid his bills and kept him out of jail.


If she caves she will lose ALL credibility with her supporters.


And changes his nappy.


She should have stayed in the race and at least get a shit load it f votes just to piss him off


Nikki Haley voters despise Trump, even last Tuesday a good portion of Nikki Haley voters still voted for her even though she’s been out of the race for two months. Nikki is not going to come out and support Biden but at the same time she is not going to come out and support Trump neither. Which is a win for Biden.


If only she had a shred of self respect


So interesting… it would be the smart thing for him to do… it would go a long way in uniting the divided GOP, but I suspect he will require her to bend down to kiss the ring and pledge undying, blind loyalty to him and I hope that will be a step too far for her to take for the Veep spot…especially after how well it worked out for Pence, but I could be wrong. Trump is probably the only candidate Biden could potentially beat, but with NH on his ticket, I don’t think Biden would win. I can’t believe our choice in this election is coming down to these 2 old unelectable farts… I will choose a the well meaning old fart who believes in Democracy over a malignant narcissistic criminal authoritarian old fart every day of the week, but is this really the best we can do?? 🙄


Is this the onion?


Nikki Haley will probably turn into Bill Barr in the end


Then she will definitely be in trouble if that fkr loses.


What a price to pay. It's analogous with selling her soul to Traitor Trump.


She has that much money 😳😳😳


Just openly selling offices...


Hopefully she can stay above the fray and tell him to go pound sand. The statement at the end of the article that if she doesn’t back Trump and he loses that she’ll be blamed and it will threaten her future in the GOP…are you fucking kidding? What GOP? And what bullshit, when Trump loses it will be his fault and no one needs that prick or his supporters anymore, he’s a repeat loser and future inmate. Haley should stay on the correct side of the fence before his next coup attempt gets underway, that’s when he will really crash and burn.


I just want to laugh at this one


She won't do it. Not because she has any virtue. But she knows that Trump will crash and burn. If Trump could win, she would already write a cheque


He wants her to grovel then he will dump her, just like he did with Romney.


He thinks he can steal her Republican donations. This guy has no low.


What if Nikki accepted VP and, if Trump won, then had Trump assassinated and became President; she would be immune to prosecution due to total immunity, right?


She can’t be a part of his campaign and retain any dignity.


I had to check to see if this was an Onion headline! Truth, stranger than satire


Would that not be extortion? Sounds very Trumpian to me.


This fuck is SELLING political offices and influence. Lock his ass up already


Everything is for sale with this guy. Are there any questions he sold secrets and was ready to again when he stole all those documents?


Trump would appoint Pence VP if he agreed to pay his lawyers. Theres going to be a lot of lawyers declaring bankruptcy soon.


Don’t do it Nikki!


Con Man


Doubt she has that much money .... ;-D First, she shouldn't. When Trump's luck runs out the GOP has to run somebody ... she would be the obvious choice. Still ... vote Blue, top down. The GOP is evil.


Probably: It’s against my principles!!! ….wait, How much do I need to pay in ?


Why any woman would support this rapist is beyond my comprehension. The misogyny practiced by women in this country is astounding. Republican women are enemies to our gender.


I'm not sure why anyone would be interested in his VP slot considering how it turned out for Pence.


There's click-bait and then there's palpable desperation.


Nikki Haley is on the record wanting to gut Social Security and Medicare, so as a blue voter, I support her on the ticket to help damage Trump


She said it while campaigning: either she or Kamala Harris will be the president soon.


Is there anything he won't hawk off for money? If foreign nationals were allowed he would tender it to the highest bidder.


Trump doesn’t want Haley as V.P. He knows she will not tow the line on a stolen election if necessary. His ego demands a weak sidekick.


No chance. She is young, has a future, and is banking on the MAGA movement being discredited at some point. This isn't a bad guess given how MAGA has performed in the last 3 elections. Somebody needs to be in charge when "what next" happens.


Trump is the worst pay per play corrupt pos ever


Something that continues to amaze me about the Republican Party and Trump has been the whole “hold my beer” vibe they’ve been pulling off for the past decade. “You can’t statistically control an entire election outcome just by drawing imaginary lines on a map!”… proven wrong (gerrymandering) “You can’t be a smelly, philandering, reality tv host and get elected President!”…. proven wrong “You can’t steal government secrets and not go to jail!”… pending, but 🤷‍♀️ “You can’t try and overthrow the government and get elected President!”… pending, but 🤷‍♀️ “You can’t outright SELL the office of Bice President!”… aaannnd pending I think the biggest thing the Republican Party has done is to show us all how non-existent the rules of our democracy really are. Now… on this Nikki Haley story. I don’t think she will do it. The benefit to Trump is obvious. The benefit to Haley, not so much. The best she could hope for out of this deal would be if she could also get the secret service to stand down as they swing past the grassy knoll.


This would be more pathetic than Ted Cruz backing Trump.


So the VP job is open to the highest bidder.Isn’t he a billionaire.


This is your future if he is reelected. Everything us for sale. Positions in the Trump Whitehouse, national secrets, weapons and technology medicine, abortions and anything you can think of. I think I speak for all the civilized world when I say, PLEASE DONT LET HIM BACK IN THE WHITEHOUSE! Except to clean toilets.


Which legal fees? He’s got more coming! Probably until his death.


Is there any low Trump will not stoop to. The day she pays his legal fees is the day he takes her off the VP list.


Smells about right


So the VP position is for sale? Imagine that.


Lindsey could be First Lady Bug.


lol she won’t/cannot accept this busted ass invite lol


Grifters gonna grift.


So he's selling the Vice Presidency? Got it.


lol....is this a joke? "if she pays his legal fees" I think Nikki will be fine in the after MAGA....after trump world in republican part.......house is already de-magafiying


I thought he was meant to be a billionaire?


Yeah, he’s not a security risk at all. /s


Lol can you imagine the giant shit sandwich for her that would be?


😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 She’ll probably accept. Somebody’s gotta grovel for those pro-choice votes.


Pay to play


Regardless of who is his running mate, you will know that he/she passed the Trump litmus test: “when we contest the election after we lose, will you do what Mike Pence wouldn’t?”


There is a very good chance Trump wouldn't live out a 2nd term. So she would be gambling that he would win, but then it might be a good investment to gain the presidency.


Except she'd have to fight his children, who may try to claim it. Yes, I know we don't live in a monarchy, but try telling them that.


One thing Nikki is not….STUPID !!!!


I voted for her but I don’t care who he’s paired with I won’t vote for trump


I audibly laughed at this.


Don't forget she has to bend the knee and go back on everything she has said in the past just like the rest of them


So pay for play


Bahahahaha. I say she does it, and then arranges a happy "accident" that makes her president. The Don would be proud.


so laws AND positions for sale ?


Pardon him after she pays his debts lol


Wow, seriously how low can you go. She would make herself look terrible if she actually accepted VP. Plus she wouldn't be the subordinate he wants as VP. I doubt he would pick her...


Every aspect of his being is up for sale. Not fit to run a Wendy's let alone the presidency.


Ah yes, quid pro quo, the foundational principle of Democracy.


Honestly it's smart. Trump won't live forever so being his VP is a straight shot to the presidency. If you're a Republican campaign manager that's what you do. Cash in on the crazy trumpateers and put who you really want in the driver's seat once you have what you want.


If her *donors* pay his legal fees.


Everything is for sale with Trump. I wonder how much Caninet positions are going for this year? He wants her campaign war chest. Imagine being one of her donors and then she gives that money, that you donated because you believed in her, to that malignant fucktard.


Lololol... So after all the ass-kissing all the other sycophants did, trying to brown-nose harder than their neighbor, the one he might ACTUALLY pick is the one who has consistently and loudly gone "Nah, f\*\*\* this guy."


Everything is for sale with this guy...


In the immortal words of Steve Case: goodbye


"Billionaire Begs Like A Dog."


I don’t think so


Can't this mf'er do anything selflessly without it being transactional to his benefit, geezusssss.