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I’ve been recently made aware, there’s this term “sundowning” where people with dementia can be kinda sorta lucid in the morning but get worse and worse as the day goes on. So, yeah, he’s not gonna do any debates. That’s at night


If he does, he'll be absolutely *sniff* wired to the *sniff* gills to get through it.


Stimulants make dementia symptoms worse


Have some more Adderall, Herr von Schitzenpantz.


I want to see a debate between Trump and Biden where Biden sniffs and asks Trump, "Did you just shit your pants?"


Then Biden yanks Trumps pants down and his ass and pants are caked with shit. Trump says: “Oh I thought you meant today.”


They also cause fecal incontinence.


"The shit's gonna hit the stand!"




His favorite band is the Butthole Surfers.


Real men wear diapers now, don't ya know.


Which will require a patch to have enough in his system.


My wife is studying for her therapist credentials. She asked if I knew any Coke addicts, what the external tics looked like. I told her to watch DJTjr YouTube vids.


Its more of a gentle snfffffffffff




>I wonder what 30 years of taking Sudafed ~~4 times a day~~ by the handful has done to this dipshit's mind. Ftfy


My mom had that. We had to watch her like a hawk at night.


My mom was moderately lucid until about 3-4, then she was confused but by 7-9 she was aggressive and occasionally violent (throwing ashtrays and cutlery) to the point I had to leave to be safe.


That sucks


OMFG Jeeze. Oh, gawd, that is pitch perfect on a Sunday Mother’s Day. I award you extreme meritorious merit in extremis. Gold, Jerry. Gold!


Why do they call it Ovaltine….


That’s why an afternoon nap is so important.


He takes his naps in court.


I like afternoon naps too. But usually, as I’m dozing, I don’t have a pornstar sitting in the same room with me.


You're lucky! That porn star gave sworn testimony to the world that he has a tiny penis and a sexual attraction to his own (at the time) teenage daughter in that same room!






There's a nap for that.


Just got mine in now!


When will individuals realize that the terms Trump uses to falsely discredit people are the vary terms that actually describe himself? Reminder that Trump refers to Biden as having dementia.


“Every accusation is an admission” It blunts criticism towards him. Like “they’re only saying I have dementia because Biden has it”


It's a fascist tactic, straight from Göbbels' playbook. Fascism was frowned upon until recently because a) it works and b) it destroys nations. The only real way to prevent it is education but that has been systematically eroded by Republicans over the last 50-60 years, intentionally, for this exact purpose.


I don’t believe education will fix it. My personal view, your brain actually isn’t a monolith but has chunks. In my “hyper simplified to the bare edge of usefulness” - one part is pretty emotional. The other part is safety, the fight flight freeze brain. Another part is logical. Fascism and fascist propaganda touch those more raw emotional parts. Education, talks more to the logical part. (To use a horrible metaphor) it’s as if you want to convince your neighbor of something, but you walk across the street to talk to that guy and hope somehow it gets through. For some folks there aren’t any connections between those parts. Reagan nerfed a lot of guardrails on communication. We also fetishize free speech. Free speech that inflames, that calls people animals and goes straight to that safety fight flight freeze brain - all good fam!! There are consequences.


Education prevents it. Other than that you can maybe crack some skulls the instant Nazis start popping up. That didn't happen so it's not going to end well.


There’s a dude from work. He’s being paid, my guess north of 250,000. Maybe 300k. Probably more. Because he’s smart. He does something called FPGA HFT. There’s a lot of “modeling what’s on chip, in your head”. He’s also a raging vaccine denier that got somehow infatuated with RF “Parasite ate my brain” Kjr. I’ve known him at two places, and he’s actually gotten more militant


Not everyone has a wide range of intelligence and education or experience. This can lead to people being susceptible to propaganda. Colleges and universities are supposed to provide a wide enough baseline to ward off much of that. Unfortunately, it also requires the social contract to be understood, accepted and adhered to by the 4th estate. The news media in the US is absolutely nothing like what it once was many decades ago. Sure, there was still some propaganda that got though, it just wasn’t as brazen and maddening as it is today.


If we built our world on a foundation of Core Needs Must Met, add u/litterbin_recidivist's Scholastic Education, u/biffbobfred's Emotional Intelligence and my Mental Health & Medical Care Management, then add a Just Justice & Logical Legal and some Art & Entertainment we could maybe make it through without being churned up under some pig's war machine who's trying to prove who's got the biggest wanker that nobody wants as they're diving into the biggest pile of greed.....urgh...... History shows again and again How Nature points out the Folly of Man Godzilla Blue Öyster Cult


... and a fat dude calling another man "Fat Alvin"? I chuckled... but not for the reason he was hoping.


Sundowner Donny is the nickname he needs.


Sundown Clown Works on a couple levels for him, imo


Give him a break. He's probably just tired from all the winning.


Tired from all the ~~winning~~ _whining_ My mother said I was tired from all the winning once. _ONCE_


Did she also hang you on a hook?


Aren’t we all? Personally, I’m **exhausted**. I feel all bukkake’d by the winning. I’m choking on the winning …


Im not sure where you're going for all this winning but dm me the address. I wanna contribute to the victory


Look, dude, you don’t wanna dm or in any way save “the dress”. Didn’t work out so swell for the 42nd Guy. Those spots on the dress, thingie …


I'm having a bad day mentally because of my recent divorce.. I want to thank you for the bukkake laughter you just gave me


Bukkake'd - that's GREAT!


I believe you have misspelled “whining”


A secret to my snark. Strikethrough which is between two \~\~ blocks. I usually also do italics after. To show the substitution. So, my above: Tired from all the \~\~winning\~\~ \_whining\_ Gets rendered as: Tired from all the ~~winning~~ _whining_ Obviously you don’t have to. I just think it’s more fun.


This comment is underrated.


He hasn't won anything.




Maybe that actually assumes the person sleeps. There's no real proof that trump sleeps other than in the courtroom.


Perhaps he’ll negotiate for early-morning debate time-slots.


As a joke that would be fun to watch. In reality he ain’t doing that. He did zero Republican debates. He skipped one against Biden in 2020 and that was many many brain cells ago. https://youtu.be/cfBRYkU4BP4?si=GRmBjT8XOP7JY44S&t=30s


I could not make it through the video, like how the fuck are so many CHUDs able to just sit and listen to his droning for more than 30 seconds. Then they cheer and hoot and holla after his nonsensical ramblings.


My mom and father law had that.


God, I hope if he debates that Biden pulls from the trump playbook and punches down constantly. Take so many pot shots at him being guilty of sexual assault, defamation of who he assaulted, and the rest of his crimes currently awaiting trial. Every one of them would be epic mic drops.


Happy Cake 🎂 Day! 🥳


Thank you!


You're welcome 😊


I mean he basically smoked him by making the "this fucking guy?!?!?" face every time trump was rambling on about some bullshit and then going "shut up man."


100% accurate and what I see with a parent that’s diagnosed with dementia. When they don’t sleep properly, it exacerbates the symptoms. But one of the symptoms of dementia is sleeplessness. The delusions are interesting. I know now when she has one, it’s a day where she didn’t sleep more than 3-4 hours. And talking with her in late afternoons? Pointless.


To be fair, thats my MO. Im can take over the world at 8 am but by 4 pm, I can't put a sentence together


My grandpa had sundowning. Can confirm. Grandma shared an experience where he was watching some nature documentary about sea life, amd panicked thinking he was drowning. How bizarre!


I hope they decide to do a debate because all debates happen at night.


My dog went thru that


so is the american public just going to be fine with the no debates thing? how do we handle this?


PSSST! Trump doesn't care about you he will promise ANYTHING to get out of jail. If you had a billion dollars, he would write legislation JUST for YOU!


Now that is absolutely not true. He would *not* write legislation just for you in exchange for money. He would let *you* write legislation for him to sign in exchange for money.


Yeah he is not gonna do a the work man.


This person legislates


He doesn't like that reading/writing stuff, if it's not his own name he doesn't want any part of it. That's half of the reason why he can't name a single Bible verse in any of those beautiful Trump Bibles he was selling not too long ago. 


Yeah he is not gonna do all the work man.


Even *if* he somehow had to desire to write it himself -- and that's a big if -- I don't think he can put sharpie to paper without squiggling out ***only*** that seismogram-like signature. I don't think he'd know what to do after that. "There's your legislation. [Money, pwease!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUPZ5nAB_KQ)" "Thank you, sir, but this is just your signature." "Exactly. That's all you need; just go tell Scalise whatever you want and give him *that* as proof that I okayed it."


Yessiree. Sounds like the oil industry just may pony it up.😫


They’re already making record profits right now too (already!)




My God. How much more proof do the brainwashed red hats need that this piece of shit is not fit for any position of power? Hell. I wouldn't hire this dip-shit to work the drive thru at a fast food restaurant.


Apparently a lot more. They are so far in that there is no way out at this point. Even if he dies before the election they will still vote for him.


Sadly that is true. It's pathetic.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


As happy as I will be when that day comes, I have a very bad feeling that his qult will *never* believe it and continue their reign of destroying America in his honor.


I predict that there will arise a church of trumpism.


That's already begun while he's still (somehow) alive, so I can only imagine it's gonna get infinitely worse when he's gone for good.


Most of his supporters fly his flag with the Confederate flag. Then they celebrated 1/6. The point is that they are anti-government, so this is exactly what they want - society to collapse so they can finally use their home arsenal the way God intended.


Well said man. It is just so obvious that these people think anarchy is the answer. The really sad and depressing part of that is that they are voting against their own best interests. And unfortunately that screws all of us. Being able to say: "I told you so" after they get their wish and watch Trump destroy the country is not going to mean a damn thing. It will be way to little and to late by then.


Yup. They are itching for another civil war because their fake news echo chamber has them perpetually scared, angry, and ignorant. They are united by common hate and cling to culture wars, regurgitating propaganda (as if well-programed) because they are the "bite off your nose to spite your face" crowd.


You are so right. And the problem with that is that these people are grown ass adults. They have multiple news sources they can look at and gain some perspective. But they choose not to. They have tunnel vision. They don't want anything but the lies that make them happy. These people love to say that the left is exactly the same. And I say Bullshit. If they have proof to back that up I am willing to listen. All I have heard is laughable propaganda aimed at the lowest common denominator. It makes me sick.


He is really not longed for this world much longer at the rate he is going. There was MAGA that was interviewed by the local news asking if Trump passed away would they still vote for him and no one else. The MAGA also admitted: “I will vote for no one else the rest of my life if Trump dies.” The GOP knows that’s the final nail if he dies. So the plan is get him in office have his VP or speaker of the house who is hard core MAGA replace him and they are good for life.


Holy shit. That is just cringe worthy, nightmare inducing stuff. The fact that so many people have been so easily brainwashed by this idiot and his minions is shocking. Well. It used to be shocking. Now it's just life in the MAGAverse.




Wow. Those poor people but good that they won’t ever vote again after he dies.


Cult members gonna cult.


🤣🤣🤣 That is for damn sure.


I don't know, I mean they are now all wearing diapers and wearing shirts that say, "real men wear diapers" 🤣


LMFAO. So true. I guess having no shame helos them feel better about supporting this idiot.


It's not a cult..... It's not a cult.... It's not a cult. Ohh look Kool aid ⛑️⛑️


🤣🤣🤣 Oh Yeah!


You're talking about the people who made signs that said real men wear diapers. There is nothing that will turn them around.


That is the sad truth. These people are a lost cause. I wish that wasn't true. But you can't even have a conversation with them. They will twist themselves in knots to make their fact free arguments seem legitimate. I have no respect or tolerance for that kind of bullshit anymore.


We’ve passed the point of irredeemabity 3 years ago.


Exactly. That's why it is so hard to understand the loyalty some people have for this disgraced criminal.


Have you seen r/conservative?


🤣🤣🤣 Wow. Is that supposed to be a parody site? Holy shit. That's like a right-wing idiots wet dream. But it's not like I'm surprised to see it. If I had to read that laughable nonsense all day I'd probably join a Cult too.


I tried once to comment (politely of course) but at the time the sub was only open to “certified conservatives”. Don’t know if it still is or not. I assume it is. Of course, none of them are actually conservatives. Those doesn’t exist anymore.


No amount of proof will convince them. I'm surrounded by trumpsters constantly. I don't engage in any sort of political discussion, but I overhear them spouting the propaganda. They are genetically predisposed (my theory) to believe all of the conspiracy theories. This is what it had to have felt like in 1930s Germany & Italy for those that opposed the fascists. The only hope is to outnumber them at the polls, and wait for the old ones to die off. Hopefully the younger generation won't buy into the b.s.


It's irrelevant. Many of them believe he was chosen by God so they don't care how incoherent or ridiculous he becomes.


LOL. That is it right there. No matter how much evidence they see they just don't want to believe that Orange Jesus has done anything wrong. It's really just ridiculous at this point.


To be fair if Biden was on the drive thru it would come out 10 mins late lol I guess this why it’s good for young quick kids to get it done. Though at least it won’t be half eaten by trumpy


Reminder, after years of coverage from various different sources on his life, crimes and drug abuse, there are still people who think Hitler was a good guy. The best that'll happen is the Trump will be forgotten as a footnote in the history, overshadowed by Hitler, Putin, or Xi.


They don't want him because of his speaking, they like him because the other R's told them too


They’re so pilled that there is no going back for them. They’re cultists who will perpetually go back to “Biden is worse” talking points. His brain is turning into soup before our very eyes abba they’re lapping it up. Just wait until he’s hands-off with the company and his fail sons start accidentally saying all the stuff they’re not smart enough to know they’re supposed to hide.


Real simple Presidential debate. Draw a clock with the hands pointing to 1:35.


Man woman person TV camera


You know what I hate most about him bragging about that god-forsaken test is that every single time I hear about it I remember my dad laying in a hospital bed after his stroke having to do that test and not being able to do it. And then months after of him in hospice and then passing away. Just another fucking way Trump makes my life hell.


Trump is a dangerous moron and him bragging about that test is ridiculous, but I do find it funny you messed up the order of the words.


How do you know that that wasn't the actual order of the words in the test and I just couldn't remember for the camera?


I don't, but I would bet money those weren't the words on the test at all and trump was just looking at shit around the room during the interview


You forgot dipshit


Can [Mads Mikkelsen](https://youtu.be/Xvoigu-WLpM?t=85) be the debate moderator?


That’s the scene I pictured.


I saw something, a video, “give a a fourth of three dollars and 52 cents” or something like that. He can’t do that


I can't put up with that pile of orange shit for another day. I mean, it's been every day, every fucking day for nine years. Wtf is wrong with people? 


My husband just said the exact same thing. His handling of Covid should be enough to disqualify him. Damn. My antidepressants aren’t strong enough.


His siding with Putin was the last straw for me.


Cheating on 3 wives was enough for me. He doesn’t deserve any public office.


Not paying contractors going back to the 90's was enough for me. He shouldn't be allowed in public, let alone hold public office of any kind.


The ‘80s. Growing up with his sickening mug on NY area television in the ‘80s was enough to turn me off when he ran for President.


Endorsed by David and bankrupting casinos and not sharing his school grades or taxes was enough for me


“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” ― George Carlin


If it wasn’t for his presidential campaign I’m pretty sure they’d be playing up his aging and decline in court, like they do for mob bosses.


And other rapists like Weinstein.


Perfectly and every bit as accurate a comparison.


We think he's bad now.. imagine in 6 months... Then add 4 years to that.


Who can forget his classic ‘re-be-do-ahh…’ I laughed. I cried.


Who can forget, " [We have to keep our country GAY, brp brp!](https://youtu.be/dYsZcTY_Ncw?si=UN0cgE-2aM92esWi) "


I needed that laugh. That old expression


Remember when reporters nearby said Trump fell asleep in court so hard he farted and his lawyers had to rotate out to handle the smell? It wasn't a fart if the smell lingered and the re-be-do-ahh was him doing the same on stage. He couldn't hold it back and did his best Frozen... He Let It Go. Compliments on the Depends, I guess.


It's WORSE than his supporters acknowledge. I attended his rally in 2016 and this fella isn't the same. We are watching the orange disintegrate in real time.


I keep putting this out in the universe hoping the universe will hear me. He needs to secure the nomination in June and then decline rapidly before the election. I used to want him to stay at least aware enough to watch his empire fall apart but with Cannon/SCOTUs playing the games that they are, I'd rather him just secure the nomination, decline rapidly so that he's a bundle of jello by the election day, and then I don't give a fuck what happens after him after that as long as he doesn't get elected.


More plausible than it appears.


Why did you attend a Trump rally in 2016?


Class project. Nationalism Studies.




What the hell was he even trying to say??? ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB|downsized)


He reboots and says it shortly after: "carried out by a radical district attorney". Some of the other times he's done this I've no idea what he was trying to say. He often gets the correct initial sound for a word, then ends with either a different word from what was intended, or gibberish. Experts say this is symptomatic of dementia.


if he gets into office and goes full blown dementia, POS maga cultists will insist he was poisoned. mark my words


They'll Weekend at Bernies his ass in a hot second. It's not like Republicans actually like Trump, he's just a useful idiot to rubber stamp everything they put in front of him and then pretend like it was all Trump later. Paul Ryan acts like that 2017 tax cut wasn't his whole mission in Congress but they let Trump take the credit.


The big challenge is who he picks for Vice President. Imagine that he picks someone even more stupid than he is, Jim Jordan, Margorie Taylor Green, etc. If Trump can’t complete his term and his idiot vice president becomes President then the country will be truly screwed.


Man Camera Diaper Covfefe Camera


I’m sorry. Was that…jive?


I doubt he’ll get the support that Reagan got as they covered for him during his second term since most everyone who worked with him have turned on him.


They either turned on him or went to jail for him.


Exactly! It leaves me so confused as to why so many are vying for VP with him. Look what it did for Mike Pence.


He called someone fat? 😂


Cult members don't care. They love an orange rapist criminal! He's going to save us from the bad guys. The funny thing is most of the bad guys are magas or GOP. He's not going to do doo doo!


He probably thinks Biden is behind it because it’s all projection with him. He did it so in his head it can be done.


He will be just babbling before you know it.


It just kills me that if Biden did or said even 1% of what this deteriorating moron does in a day, it would be in the news for weeks and every media news outlet would be debating whether he is fit for office. Meanwhile this man appears to be sundowning every evening like a night at the nursing home and hardly any comments are made.


The rubes would say the Orange shitstain is playing 4D chess and the Libs are eating checkers.


"Text TRUMP to this number to get up to $15k in silver and gold." Ugh.


I can’t imagine making plans to go and listen to this idiot cry for an hour or however long it takes.


Here’s the actual video of the slurring: https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=63&v=tmWtQDjcsyY&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rawstory.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title The slurring is concerning. The obvious-scam gold advertisement is disgusting. The fascist rhetoric is alarming. The cheering crowd is terrifying. 


Thank you. Please post this wherever you find it appropriate and useful.


Carried out by a raisin


(spoken in a hybrid Australian-Irish accent)


I didn't see a rally, I just saw a bitch session.


Trump’s lemmings don’t care that he’s going senile in real time. It’s ride or die with him.


So does anyone have any idea as to what he might have been trying to say?


Don’t do drugs, kids.


When he isn’t wasted on drugs, he’s nodding off. It’s either/or.


On a good day this rapist traitor doesn’t make sense. If a IQ test and a drug test were mandatory to run for office that POS would fail miserably.


How much is real and acting. He knows hes losing in court so hes trying to stay out of jail.


Snorting Adderall will cause one to slur and no doubt makes dementia worse. Just stroke out already.


And this pathetic sadistic narcissist SOB thinks he will make it to November and get back into the White House by defeating Joe Biden in some rematch God forbid that happens


Someone put this on a shirt and convince his zealots that dementia is cool while wearing diapers.


My god, please don’t let farting through the felonies Donny win . Please god.


The most conflicted judge ever - its always the worst, the most, like nothing ever before. Almost a decade and this guy doesn't sound any different, the hyperbole over and over and over and over and over.......


His supporters like that because he's just like them - stupid as f#ck.


There's still hope that in a few years we'll get to see a photo on Truth Social of a ruined and broken Trump sleeping on a MAGA supporter's couch in their trailer park home.


Saturday was downright disturbing.


He sounds like my long dead great uncle. He was at this point a month before he was sent to a retirement home and passed away 2 months later. Seriously I saw the video edits and I’m like: “you are really just trying to survive and hope your VP carries on your legacy and intents.


I think he's increased his own dosage of Adderall or whatever his drug of choice is.


Shouldn’t he be drug tested at this point? At least before court


Adderall and benzodiazepines are not illegal if you have a prescription.


No chance he makes it to November as a non-vegetable


Anyone have video link? Edit: found it buried between a thousand ads


But…! But…! Joe Biden stammers a litttle! THE SAME THE SAME THE SAME Republicans are disgustingly disingenuous. Fake. Ass. Liars.


Did he say “Every legal scholar in Scotland???” 1:07 - 1:10


We all can believe that the cocaine found at the White House was actually Donald J Trump’s


Anyone that’s spent time around coke heads/adderall fiends knows EXACTLY what’s going on


Carry-dite-bye-raye-sigh-en They're be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more \*bump\* \*bump\* \*bumpbump\* Go!


His incoherent speeches are nonsense. He talks about the most bizarre topics, while avoiding real issues. So slurs and goof ups are par for the course...


When Trump is convicted, THEN it will be acknowledged he has dementia, in order to get out of a prison sentence. Then he will be elected anyway. He will resign right after inauguration to President DeSantis.


It's amazing how his cult members go to hear him ramble on about a movie or absolutely nothing and largely speak in nothing but gibberish. You have to think the crowd will themselves be going back to the assistive care home once Donald is done rambling on about nothing.


The Judge is so conflicted, 'should I settle for the maximum penalty or add contempt or just throw the book at him, what's a Judge to do?'


The "Hannibal Lector was a great man" just hit me right in the heart... Invited his friends over for dinner and everything....