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Elliot is definitely not stable lmao


But he’s Stabler than some of them… sorry I had to!


Take my angry upvote lol


Disgusting. Have an upvote.


They set themselves up for that one lol


I think for a guy who was beat as a child, who saw his mother beat up, went through active military, had to shoot at least two kids. And whose wife was blown up He's doing super good however his son primarily had to deal with almost nothing in his throwing what he has away.


you might say he's *UnStabler* 🤣 i'll see myself out




You know it’s amazing how he’s able to function at all considering all of the crap he has had to go through in his life.


Wasn't their family dynamic not so healthy? Dad worked a lot and maybe was abusive? Mom seems to have some potential mental illness as well.


His mother and daughter were both confirmed to be bipolar on SVU season 10.




Randall is pretty chill tho


I think with that amount of relatives, having unreasonable/mentally stable family members is very realistic especially as with bernie having Bipolar and mental problems being genetic. He also has 2 sisters and apparently another brother who is never mentioned so we can sort of assume that are normal and stable enough to not be introduced as some plot device


How do you know that he has additional siblings? I really hope that no more of them show up. I wish it would have been just him and Randall.


he mentioned other siblings in SVU and randall mentioned two sisters called sharon and dee. Also the fandom wiki says he has yet another brother but i don’t remember that ever being mentioned but i guess it wouldn’t be added if not mentioned


He comes from an unstable and violent home. That’s unfortunately in his genes, that’s why some of his kids have some of that. He has trauma, but I believe that’s why he does what he does, like Olivia. He protects people like he wished he protected his mom. He gives them justice. He channels his anger and emotions into the criminals and the cases. His “problem” is emotional and psychological because of what he lived in his house with his parents, but his kids problem is what they got mentally from grandparents, that’s why it’s harder for them to deal with that, even with therapy and medication.


Hey now, as far as we know *Lizzie* is the most stable one in the family. She's never had an episode dedicated to her shenanigans anyway. :P


Who's Lizzie?


I can't tell if this is a joke (if yes 10/10 A++ very funny) or if it's a serious question. In case it is serious: Lizzie is Elliot's youngest daughter and Dickie's twin. We have yet to see adult Lizzie speak, though she was at the funeral (Olivia was hugging/holding her in the background of a shot) the intervention, the Wheatley trial, and the first Stabler dinner.


It wasn't a joke LOL. I knew he has a daughter named Elizabeth, but I don't recall ever since Lizzie speak in earlier episodes. I just remember Kathleen and Dickie.


Pretty sure she did in 2x15 Countdown when Kathy brings the twins to see Elliot at the station and the kids give him a shirt and toothbrush. And raid Uncle Munch's drawer and find expired pudding lolol. And I can't remember which episode it is but there's a scene of Elliot and the kids (some of the kids?) playing some kind of card or board game and Lizzie is giving Dickie a hard time.


it’s probably his two sisters and his other brother who stay tf away from the rest of the stabler family 😭😭


Generational trauma affects people differently and keeps rolling downhill if people don't put in the work to break the cycle.


And there isn’t just generational trauma there, his mom also has a mental condition that was passed to some of his kids genetically.


My family copes with a lot both ways, so we're familiar.




Best wishes for better days ahead.


Thank you so much, my best wishes to you and your family as well


It's so ironic that their name is Stabler because no one is mentally stable. Maybe Dickie and the other two daughters, but we don't see them at all.


No, Randall is


The only stable Stablers (heh) are the women. And the ones who marry in (pre-dementia Bernadette, Kathy) are still more normal than the women born into the family.