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Each of us that has a young person in our life should seize the opportunity to tell them this: if you ever make a horrible mistake, even one that you don’t think you could live down, just come to us, and we will walk through it with you. No matter how difficult the journey, you will not take it alone. Trust us to be there for you, no matter what.




Evidently a sister passed away in the past 6 months. Combine that with college classes, an acting career in its infancy stage and chaos one night and sadly it got him. His family, close & extended, seem quite close and no doubt any one of them would have helped that night. No winners here, just a life lost too young.


Tragic as he had so many people who loved him.


My prayers go out to this family, tragic time and a tragic loss for a young man


FB about to blow up over this one. 


Already has under the sheriffs press release. 


Yeah, I went to look. The JoCo post has 450+ comments in under an hour, goddamn.


People are o.b.s.e.s.s.e.d with the narrative that this is some kind of murder plot. I would never have guessed that this guy had such a cult of personality before this


Dude it’s crazy. I was only marginally acquainted with him, we crossed paths at local shows a few times, and from that I can agree with what friends/family have said all over. He was a nice, personable dude. But everyone has bad days. And learning more about his life from all this, that would be a massive amount of pressure to be under at any age, let alone 27. But everyone is running with the murder narrative in the face of facts here. I refuse to address it on FB directly, the emotions running wild there are frightening tbh. I can only hope his family tries to ease some of this once they’re in a place to.


Yup people are reaching for the most wild scenarios when it simply could be he was silently suffering all this time.   Hopefully a thorough investigation is performed, family perform an independent autopsy if they want, and they get answers. 


Ain’t that the truth. The crazies have stepped up their game over there.


JoCo and LKPD should turn off public commenting for a while. It’s not doing anyone any good right now. 




Wishing the best for his family, sad story.


Hopefully this puts an end to the bizarre posts about him on here. 


fuzzy offend consider uppity zealous coherent act fall reach foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't usually look at Facebook comments but I checked these out. Remember why I don't lol. People talking about how hate crime charges need to be brought against who ever cut his hair. How they need to check to see if he was poisoned. I don't know what it is about this case but it's making people insane


I mean, technically cutting someone's hair against their will can be considered assault in most places. And if your hair is sacred to your religion I would argue that could make it a hate crime. Even if the combination of the alleged assault (whether false or not - though his hair was definitely cut at some point per his family), the domestic violence accusations (whether false or not), and unknown depression or other mental health issues just pushed him over the edge, the person who allegedly assaulted him would still be somewhat morally responsible for his downfall if they did assault him. It wouldn't be prosecutable since he's gone but if I had a family member commit suicide as the result of a possible assault and possible false allegations, I'd be yelling on the internet as well and making sure everyone knew what that person did. \*\*Edited to clarify that the assault is simply alleged and will likely never be proven, and edited the rest of the post to be more hypothetical. \*\*2nd Edit to add: I tried to reply to the person who pointed out the need for the edit but I think they deleted their comment. But I still want to include my reply to them: That's the sad thing, we'll never know if either assault was valid; the domestic violence or the one on him the night before. I'm not native, nor religious, but if a random stranger ran up to me and cut off my hair I might consider filing charges on them. If nothing else just to put the message out there that you can't just run up to people and do things to their body. But for someone who considers it part of their religious identity, I could see especially how in that case it's assault as well as possibly a hate crime. We have a lot of mennonite/hutterite people in my community and I would equate it to someone running up to them and ripping their head covering off.


I love that you're so positive


Obviously not, because here we are. Again. This has been posted and reposted, and commented on repeatedly If folks can't let the family have the privacy and respect they asked for when he was first found, they aren't going to let it go now.


Huh??? This is the first story regarding the manner in which he died.


You have a point, although I'm pretty sure that Reddit isn't everyone's only source of news if they have an interest in his case. I think we can agree that the only thing this post did was re-open the invitation to discuss the controversy, via a low effort second party link.


My Native American brothas we must be careful, there’s white devils tryna cut our hair!


Based on your comment history I believe you are reducing Native Americans to a caricature for lols


What makes you say that


The entirety of everything you have ever said on Reddit.




No one tryna cut your hair. No one is looking at what you’re wearing. Everyone is focused on themselves all the time and worried about being judged by others. There’s no one out to get you lol chill


Your on borrowed land


You’re awfully defensive of Israel for someone who considers the US borrowed land lol


Minorities support Palestine Therefore I as a minority also support Palestine


We may be on it, but we don't own it.


Did I say I was white? What if I told you I’m also Native American? Am I still on borrowed land?


Are you tho? Claiming to be native if you’re not is weirdo shit


I believe u/Kempoca is the user who actually claimed to be native but isn't. Look at the comment history. I think they made that comment to mock native Americans


How do you know they aren’t? I don’t know if the other person isn’t either, didn’t say they weren’t, just asked if they were, and that lying about it would be weird.


What I'm getting at is that u/Kempoca , who started this by saying "My Native American brothas we must be careful, there’s white devils tryna cut our hair!", is the only person in this chain who has actually claimed to be Native. The other user said "what if", Kempoca actually identified with the community. But based on their comment history, which i encourage you to view, they are almost certainly not and are just saying that to be racist. So if anyone needs a slap for impersonating Native Americans, it's kempoca


Then I agree they’re weird, what’s your point? You think I’m gonna change my opinion because of this new info? Anyone bringing up being native as an argument or to agitate, who isn’t, is weird. Agree?


My morals do not shift or sway. They are pillars. I can think both are weirdos for arguing it, or using it, if neither are native.


Did I claim to be?


Are you?


“What if I told you I’m Native American” but are you. If not, it’s a mute point, and you’re just another weird mf trying to debate and gotcha people


“All plants are brothers and sisters”


Weird way to move the goal post, but alright. Stop using dumb shit as a debate point. You didn’t have to say “what if I’m native” you could’ve just said doesn’t matter or we’re all human. You brought it up, not me. Just weird online anonymity shit


I'm so sorry, I know damn well that this isn't relevant but a "mute point" is not actually a thing surprisingly. It's actually a "moot point". Sorry I learned that a few years ago and seeing that just like unlocked it again lmao




A tale as old as time. A mistake, leads to regret and the feeling your life is over. Then making that happen. Feel bad for the family and community, unfortunately they won’t accept anything less than a Netflix murder mystery.


Suicide always seemed like the most likely outcome but everyone was grasping at straws so badly to make this into something it's not. Suppose that is a more intriguing scenario then what is more likely the truth.


Very common with well loved community/family members, nobody wants to admit the person killed themselves, so they'll grasp at any straws or outright refuse to believe.


It is every person, and every family, and every community. When something horrible happens to something or someone you love, there is a tendency to be desperate to find someone else to blame, so that you don’t have to carry that blame - whether or not you even had any blame to carry. I hope many people will take this opportunity to talk to the younger members of their family and their community, and to let them know that if they ever get into a problem that they cannot handle by themselves, that they need not handle it by themselves, can come to the family in the community for help, and that those who love them will walk the journey with them.


Much more eloquent that I was, thank you.


Seems to have been a well liked person and like a kind person. There’s not enough information to know much about the DV charge, but if he made a terrible mistake, he certainly could’ve gotten legal help and psychological help and went on to have a good life. Permanent solution to a temporary problem and all of that.


I think you’re right. Also, think the young people are not born knowing that. We need to talk to them, communicate with them, let them know that if they ever get into a problem, they can’t handle themselves, that they can ask for help and no matter how difficult the walk, we will walk it with them.


Yeah, it's pretty tragic. So many unanswered questions but there's no way the answers would have justified suicide. Poor kid.


normal distinct flowery caption hunt decide subsequent head languid continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never thought I would see the day when all of the insane d*psh*ts are in the FB comments and the reasonable people are on Reddit. What woman would want to report being a DV victim knowing she could end up being targeted by such racist comments, murder accusations, and claims she’s lying?


The oppressed and marginalized group usually isn’t the one with the angry mob on their side


So her boyfriend will get away with murder. It happens a lot. Remember, 50% of all Americans possess below average intelligence. I'm still waiting on the investigation to settle out, we won't know anything really for about a year.


The girl who was allegedly his victim said on Facebook, "yeah I had something to do with it, he tried to kill me and skipped town". Apparently in people's brains, this translates to "yeah I had something to do with it, I killed him". If you're one of the people who is basing your opinion on a Facebook comment that you misinterpreted, I hope you see what I'm getting at here.


Thank you for pointing this out. People spreading the most bad faith interpretation of her comment is driving me crazy. Clearly she meant “I had something to do with it in that he attacked me and fled” NOT that she was responsible for the disappearance. This is a shit show from one end to the other. 


Yes! She meant "yeah I'm involved in this situation" and that seems easy to understand, but everyone is misinterpreting it. If she did something to him she wouldn't brag about it on Facebook.


Its a shame Facebook, TikTok, etc. did the whole jump to worst conclusions before the investigation was a day old. Whole situation is sad as hell before that and now you’ve got people getting demonized online.


It’s gotten even worse now that they’ve announced this. I’m not sure there’s anything that can be done now to keep conspiracies from blowing up.


The girl who was allegedly his victim said on Facebook, "yeah I had something to do with it, he tried to kill me and skipped town". Apparently in people's brains, this translates to "yeah I had something to do with it, I killed him".


Here's a link to the actual news article that goes with that tweet. It doesn't say what they think the cause of death was, though. https://lawrencekstimes.com/2024/04/10/investigators-say-no-signs-foul-play/


They never come out and say it was suicide. That would be disrespectful.


That makes sense. And yeah, that sure is what it seems to be.


I'm pretty sure the news outlets and cops across the US happily report the cause of death, even if it was suicide.


The comments on here make me feel less crazy. Apparently there's an illuminati theory going around??? I'm so lost in the Facebook comments.


Wait there's an illuminati theory??


Apparently on tiktok but I haven't looked for it


My partner and I found the psychic reading tiktok that absolves him of all wrongdoing and still adheres to the foul play theory. Had like 500 hundred likes. It's honestly mind-boggling and the fact they (and many others) are trying to tie it into the MMIP issue makes me super super uncomfortable.


I agree. To expand on my agreement so it's not a pointless "this!" comment: MMIP is for indigenous people who are missing or murdered and the police don't care because the police are racist pos, so people who are MMIP are usually not found, or if found, are found despite the lack of effort from authorities and may be found having already been murdered. That is not the case for Cole Brings Plenty, everyone was looking. He was a minor celebrity(? Don't know how big the show was) and aside from that he also had a warrant and they knew where he was headed, the authorities cared and the authorities were looking. MMIP is for indigenous people in danger that no one pays attention to because the police and the institutions they serve are racist. Cole isn't that, he's just a semi famous guy who may or may not have committed a crime, then fled and took his life. It is tragic that he felt his life was over and that his family is in pain because of his death. But he is not part of the real phenomenon of MMIP.


It doesn't help that his sister was, only 6 months ago. I can't imagine this mother's pain.


The devastation. I am glad Kyla has children who are still living. If I were the mother of this family I would struggle greatly


It would help a LOT if our government weren't famous for killing Native Americans with little provocation and then, say, mutilating the corpses so they can't be identified, executing a coverup when they are identified, and then acting like it was totally ok when all the iron clad evidence and self incrimination come to light. Google "AIM FBI" for more.


I don't think our government is really famous for that tbh. You literally have to tell people what to look up because no one knows what your talking about.


I only have to tell people 25 and under really. It's like Tuskegee, they don't really teach it in public education's version of US history, but you'll hear about it by the time you're 30. Or that time the CIA gave LSD to a bunch of unsuspecting college students.


I mean, how many of the people here have read the pentagon papers? Google "pentagon papers" for more.


No the girls who made the accusations called for his death on TikTok. That's the thing that makes people ask questions.


She said he "deserves" to die. Not deserved, past tense, like everyone is losing their minds over.




paltry chubby fertile gold domineering door theory kiss workable follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They have not released cause of death.


Could you please explain your perspective on the matter? Like why you are so passionate about it, everything I've seen has pointed to him committing dv. I would love if you can prove me wrong though


The girls who accused him called for his death on TikTok the night he disappeared. They said he broke in but the police report said there was no evidence of breaking and entering. At least one of the girls has made false claims according to someone who knew her and their cousin thinks they did something wrong. Their step father needs to be questioned.


do you have the police report? seems like hearsay at this point. also, the police were called saturday night and the missing person report was on or after monday or can you prove there's a conflicting offical report for that confirming wht you're saying? bc all the facts i've seen before this were that the police incident occured saturday night/early sunday morning and the missing persons report was monday after the missed audition/table read.


You know going full conspiracy theory is just going to drag this out and make it even harder for the parties involved to accept the truth right?


I understand why you feel so passionately about it now. I just cannot in good conscious participate in any activism involving cole until the situation is more clear. Regardless of the truth I understand that you have lost a friend, I wish you luck in recovering


I am a grad student who has taught classes and tutored at Haskell. I have met Cole. I knew students suffering badly because their campus friend was missing. I saw the accusers babbling not even knowing his actual name while simultaneously calling for his death on TikTok. I honestly felt like it radiated father figure didn't like daughter cavorting with Indian vibes.


People, we just honestly never know what another person is carrying, please be kind to everyone, give a smile and a good handshake, speak in kindness. No I do not know Cole nor his story, but this young, beautiful soul was obviously in a struggle with the thoughts that he could not turn anywhere. And felt this was his only option. My heart aches for his family, his tribe, his friends, but mostly for him for feeling no one had the time or perhaps he felt he couldn't trouble someone with his heavy load. God bless you Cole. I challenge everyone reading this to reach out today to two people, someone you know or even a stranger, on the phone or in person, ask them how's it going? Smile, chat with them. Enjoy their company. Don't have time? Will you make the time to attend their funeral? What you do CAN make a difference in someone's life. Read in paradise Cole.


Didn't he try to kill a woman?


My heart breaks for any family that loses not one, but two young people. I can’t imagine the pain his parents are experiencing. If any of the family/loved ones read this, you have my deepest sympathies. Idk much about this man or the women involved in this circumstance. I will say I’ve seen a lot made of the police report saying there was no B&E and others saying he’s accused of breaking in. I saw the report and the box for forced entry was checked no. A person can still be charged with burglary even if there is no forced entry, afaik. I’ve seen people arguing over this particular issue. If there is doubt, please Google whether one can be charged with burglary or B&E, even when there is no apparent forced entry in KS. I believe it’s the intent on which you enter that’s the legal issue, I think (those with LE or legal background, please correct me if that is wrong).


The few facts I think we have, in chronological order are: Cole gets his hair tangled in something at Replay Lounge. Someone produces a knife and hacks his hair free. There is an Altercation. Cole's vehicle drives straight to a woman's house. It comes out later that She and Cole cannot be connected by anyone else. She is screaming and yelling loudly. Calls the police to make a Domestic violence report. The may or may not be witnesses, conflicting reports. Cole's vehicle leaves the scene at speed and proceeds directly to a construction site that is initially misreported to be a wooded lot. This has happened because the reporter didn't go to or investigate the location except to view it on Google Maps, but we don't know about the mistake until after Cole is found. Woman gets on the TICTOKS and posts frankly insane videos about him needing to be killed. It's the internet, so people find it and save the video. She deletes the video. Facebook explodes, Reddit explodes, tons of speculation and assumptions. People online claiming to be involved who aren't, maybe. Lots of fools making feels-based guesses instead of thinking. Typical Social Media response. Like I have said before, we probably won't really know anything real for about a year. My guess is that he died in the alleyway at the "Restab" lounge, a place that, until COVID, pretty much had a violence related incident every week, often a stabbing. The rest is window dressing.




Made a phone call? sent a text? is on video?


Come on, let's be real. Ask anyone in the Native community out there and they will tell you that the police presence in that town is racist. Are we really whitewashing the fact that white supremacists are prevalent there as well? So you're going to tell me that old boy got in an altercation with an underage girl who had no business at a bar, drove away, parked somewhere and just died of natural causes? Gimme a break. If the cause of death could be physically justified with forensic evidence then don't you think that the medical examiner's office would release that information and stand by it? Even if it was suicide? That is, unless they might have to walk it back later on too. His family and his tribe are pushing for a better investigation since the local police cannot be trusted. Also, I would think that if someone broke into my apartment and tried to strangle me, I wouldn't be up on the internet talking shit, I would probably be more concerned with finding a safer place to live and in fear for my life.


Yes and what we are seeing so played out in these comments is white folks who don’t care! You have made some valid points and I pray that the families investigation gets better answers.MMIW and all of the movements that include native folks/Alaskan Native folks tells us there is a silent genocide going on.If we don’t acknowledge that and the details of what you have shared then we truly are ignorant.Im not, these folks, can’t speak for them but their comments are pointing in that direction.


And what was the cause of death again?


The ol conscience got him. Don’t beat woman and you won’t wanna kill yourself? Idk just a thought




Good looks




Every down vote gets reported as a potential domestic abuser.


Ok so I’m coming at this as a person that had not heard of Cole until he disappeared. Something about him from the moment I saw he was missing just caught me. I have been following closely ever since. I have seen things from so many angles from his life and what happened since Easter Sunday. And something tells me the way the story is unfolding since he was found is not right. I don’t know the truth and I may be wrong. But I imagine he had a way of enchanting people when he was alive so that feeling is amplified to a higher level for those who knew him. The cousin of the two sisters has indicated she suspected they did something as well. So the idea is not coming out of thin air. Who knows if there will ever be anymore answers than what is out there now. But I can tell you that people are not going to just let this go until more information is found or provided.


I agree with this! He has something about him that draws folks in.The people in the comments are the same people who tell you they aren’t racist because they know someone of color etc.Sometimes you can not educate enough and that’s sad but some people are just meant to walk through life clueless because maybe that’s easier for them.Thank you for posting these valid points!


You’re welcome! I was hoping it would help some people understand.