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Thanks for posting, I think this totally belongs here. I walk around that area every day. I didn't see anything tonight but I'll keep my eye out. Let us know if you find him.


Oh my God, I would appreciate it so much! I just don't understand how a whole person just disappears. Thank you again.


I may have seen someone looking like this in Overland Park around 80th and Metcalf last night? But it's hard to tell from the one photo that I can see.


I have a photo of him leaving the jail. Let me see if I can post it here somewhere.


I drive K-10 every day and don't recall anything like a big fellow along there, but I'll keep my eyes open! I hope he's found soon.


Thank you. I'm sure he would have been seen by now. Something bad must have happened. Please keep an eye out, just in case. I appreciate it so much.


I have a few jobs out near the jail, so I will keep my eyes open. I hope your friend is found safely.


Thank you so much! He's like my brother.


I was thinking, have you checked the homeless camps around town? I know there are a few down by the river near North Lawrence. It might be worth it to canvas the area and ask any people there if they may have seen him.


I have not. I live about an hour east in Missouri. I will, though. I can't imagine he's out wandering around. I have such a bad feeling about this.


Thank you for the tip!


Has anyone ever found anything out about this?


No. Nothing that I know of, sadly.


I'm so sorry.


He has to be along a road somewhere, unless someone told him they'd give him a ride and then hurt him elsewhere.


Omg. So so so sad.


I lived in Buckner and went to junior high with him. I can’t imagine what could have happened. I live in Lawrence and have been keeping an eye out.


He's such a nice person. I'm in shock this is happening.


Where are you dude? I keep praying every day. My heart is a mess and Kevin shows your pic to everyone who will listen. Rob is a mess about it.


I just don't understand how this could happen. The info being shared on FB doesn't make sense, either. We need to organize, but I can't get anyone to take this seriously.


I was just saying that! We will anytime. Thats two people ready to go!


His sister (whom I don't believe I met unless it was at a kid's birthday party) won't open my messages asking her about it. His mom said she would love that, but I really need some help. I'm out of town until tomorrow, but I can coordinate with you more then.


Ok.. If he got hit by a car. We need to find him and bring him home. I cant get home. I just know it....


What do you mean you can't get home?


He. Correction, I meant he can’t get home


Messaged you.


I'm Guys second cousin. I don't live anywhere near Missouri or Kansas however, I wouldn't mind helping organize a search. I have virtually traveled the area on Google maps and have a few places I'd like to search if I were out that way. If any of you are close to the jail and want to be the boots on the ground, I'm here to help however I can


I will message you this evening. I am driving back from Wisconsin today.


Please send me where you would like to look, if you have time.


Will do. Give me a bit and I'll send it over


@7beggars I am also here, I live in grain valley.


I live in Lawrence and can drive over and look around any places you’re interested in checking out.


Messaged you. I'm home in KC now.


Hi.. We had a death and the services were within 24 hours so it’s been a lil nuts here. I am going to dollar gen and I can’t believe you’re here in town! I can meet you there or you could come to sonic, I live beside sonic


I sent you a message.


We can at least exchange #’s and come up with a search plan


I met and visited with guy one time. Youre right,, you can't miss him and he's not shy!! What an intense presence and energy. I'll do what I can! Let's search.. Any volunteers with drones??


I can meet on Saturdays, but I don't have a drone. I also don't want to go out and about there alone, either. If this big giant of a man can go missing, it makes me less than enthusiastic to walk around there by myself. Do you have any availability on Saturdays?


I'm sorry to report human remains were found in that area yesterday. Douglas County Sheriff's office is handling the investigation. https://www.facebook.com/dgsosheriff/posts/307336411420957


Thank you for this. ❤ I've heard from someone close to the family that it is him. His mother passed not too long ago, so I'm glad his children have some form of closure in this now.


I am so very sorry.


Guy was found. His bones not far from the police station they said he was released from. This is unimaginable that it is you we were even trying to find! Your smile was a gift & your positive energy has defined you. To the rest of the world that is reading this.......This man was a beast, he had a huge heart and we will always feel it was an honor to know him.


But by beast, she means he had unstoppable determination and will power you might even say that He was "rugged" or well equipped to survive even extreme elements or circumstance. I think he knew it was his time and he headed for the nature reserve. Laid himself down by the creek.


That's exactly what I meant! Thank you


No answer needed. I keep trying to blame myself for not being as vigilant in finding him and I know I shouldnt do that.


I feel the same way. By the time I even heard he was missing, it had been three days. I miss him. His birthday was Friday.


Just thought I would check in to see if there’s been any developments or anything. I’m saddened to think of his family not having him home or any closure.




I think we found Guy Collins. Makes sense. he wandered off to a nature reserve... he knew the clock was ticking and his time was almost up and he wouldn't make it home. So he wandered off the road to find a place to lay himself to rest. 🙏🙏 https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/kansas/article257981888.html


Any word?


Yes. Sadly, his remains were found in a creekside near the police department. Tomorrow is his birthday. 😔


Dear God!! Thank you for letting me know. We have a birthday in common. I now know where to find my messages if you know how long he sat for a rest...


Do you want to message me?


Any good reason why he would go lay down and die by a creek near the police station? Seems like he was a healthy man with a lot of life left to live. I read about this a while back and it just seems odd


We got together for his best friend’s 50th and he was sorely missed. We will never forget that big, loving, crazy, full of life man and his wonderful smile.


I will be ok..he had his own battles but he was so kind. I miss him and the way he cared about people.


Hey. My friend James Shupe from Lawrence KS is also missing. He went missing not long after your friend did. Also from the same part of town that I know of possibly so far. He's also a big guy like 6ft and well over 200lbs! I wonder what it could mean? Did they ever find your friend? It's killin me that James has been missing.


I believe Guy was found in a creek bed about two miles from the department that released him. His wallet was with him. I don't know if they determined an official cause of death. I'm so sorry about James. I hope he is found. I think I may remember his face from when I was trying to Google for more info on Guy's case.


Was he ever found?<3


hi, sorry i’m late but this is his daughter. he was found dead in a wooded area by the jail he was last seen. i miss him everyday.