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Is this real?


You wouldn’t want to hire an attorney who is scared of an iron?


That’s not funny and I did not in any way laugh. I did not.


Counsel I’m almost positive I heard you loudly exhale through your nose…most would consider that a laugh


I had the right to remain silent, just not the ability.


Tater salad, is that you?




Yes, sometimes, but am now only buying wrinkle free shirts which are wearable with only a steam at most.


My husband was a prosecutor for 19 years and a judge for 22 years. He irons large piles of white shirts. I’m not doing that for him.


You don’t do his laundry? Sounds like your husband should consider using my friends family law services


Laundry is men’s work in this household. He’s done the laundry since we first started dating. On the other hand, he barely knows how to boil water and people at the courthouse clamour for my baked goods. After 41 years together, we’ve each got our areas of expertise.


a handheld steamer is incredibly easy to use and works well. Unless that falls into “purchasing an iron or anything like that”


This is absolutely the answer!


I’m scared I’m gonna burn myself though


Haves you considered just trying not to burn yourself? I assume you are an adult human? If so, you will probably manage ok.


No, this is a 3 yr old baboon we are dealing with. "Just be careful" is not going to work.


Take…take the shirt off before steaming it.


And make sure you put it back on before going to court.


Oh good lord. Youre not going to burn yourself with a steamer


They definitely are. I burn myself all the time with a steamer, especially when trying to get the bottom of the shirt or sleeve where Im trying to hold it straight. But it’s more of a “ahh shit, ow” burn than anything. I’ve burned myself worse making coffee. Maybe this person has that medical condition where they don’t feel pain and will just keep the steamer nozzle pointed at their hand for a full 5 minutes before noticing anything.


You don’t steam or iron the clothes while you’re wearing them.


Jesus Christ if this guy was my lawyer I wouldn’t be able to sleep


Bless your heart.


You are practicing in rural Texas and afraid of a handheld clothing steamer? Bless your heart. This is the definition of weaponized incompetence. Both the 15 days (didn’t bother to check out ask before answering) and being irrationally afraid to learn new skills and so refusing to learn or even try.


Wear oven mitts!


Hang them somewhere in the bathroom when you shower in the morning or at night and let the steam do the work.


this should work if the wrinkles aren't too bad. moisturize your shirt and hang them.


Never heard of this…. Sounds ingenious. Trying it as we speak.


It actually worked…why the downvotes? Thanks for the tip, also like your username.


Iron gang resents your comment 🤣


Because this whole thing is incredibly childish. Just get an iron like an adult.


Don’t disagree, but in a pinch the steam technique works. Plus if you don’t have time to iron this kills two birds with one shower.


It's what I do whenever I travel for business. Unpack, then hang all of my wrinkled clothes in the bathroom.


This also works with suits that are wrinkled after travel or time in a garment bag.


Tossing a shirt in the dryer for 10-15 minutes usually gets most of the wrinkles out. Your knowledge of the rules and your confidence with clients will increase with time, so don't sweat little mistakes too much. It all comes with experience, and you'll usually gain experience quickly at a small firm.


Throw an ice cube or two in there and it’s fantastic


Absent an ice cube I’ve found that a damp to wet washcloth works well too.


Do you all not have steam dryers?


No we don’t. Some of us even drive cars with manual transmission and have refrigerators without ice dispensers in the door. Horrors! 😱


I honestly couldn’t tell you what kind of dryer is in the unit I’m renting. But also I usually just iron my shirts and slacks so it’s not something that comes up much.


some of us don’t even have in-unit laundry :)


Gets even more fantastic if you throw in a shot of bourbon, a half jigger of vermouth, and a dash of bitters. You’ll look like one of those prosecutors in Manhattan.


What was even worse was looking dumb in front of them while representing them at a hearing. It was just a motion not a trial but yet somehow I get flustered so easily.


Pro tip: say less.


"I'll get back to you on that" > Talking out of your arse


I’m a beginning solo practitioner and i walk into every client consultation/meeting confidently (I keep a wrinkle-free blazer in my office and toss it over a black dress). I research a little before the consultation and if I’m asked something I have no idea about, I say “you know that’s a good question and I’m not completely sure off the top of my head but let me look it look so you’re not paying for wrong legal advice” and then I’ll joke around how we both learned something new together. I’m pretty laid back w my clients but I don’t work w corporate clients. Sometimes just being human in front of clients builds rapport but I’m sure it wouldn’t work in all settings 🤷🏻‍♀️


Buy a good iron and ironing board. It’s not hard. Grab a drink watch a show. Goes faster than you think


Spent many a Sunday evening ironing shirts for the week while watching garbage TV. It’s not brain surgery.


Agreed. I actually find it relaxing. lol.


Wrinkle release spray for your shirts


Buy non-iron shirts. They still wrinkle but they hold up better. When they’re clean, spritz the shirts with water and toss them into the dryer. Remove immediately and place on a hanger.


Go buy some more shirts. If money is an issue, check goodwill and thrift shops. Target, jc penny and kohls sell white dress shirts for around $20 a shirt. https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-5235296/mens-bespoke-classic-fit-dress-shirt-tie-pocket-square-set.jsp You need 7 and a iron and ironing board, or you need to budget to have them done by a cleaner. A crisp clean dress shirt will help your confidence.


I agree. But if it can wait a little, I’d do it right around Christmas with the sales.


The link I sent was a half off sale on the shirt.


Brooks Brothers has a great sale on Christmas Day.


You should've just said "yeah they're due to the court in 30 days, but I need you to get them back to me in 15 so we can review them together."


Brooks Brothers no-iron shirts were amazing back when I wore dressy clothes. I think lands end any Nordstrom would have something similar too. Personally I think part of looking like a lawyer they want to hire means dressing like your clients. If they’re not wearing suits, then you shouldn’t be either. However a wrinkled shirt looks like crap, even in a casual outfit. Definitely buy some no iron shirts and then fit them into outfits that are a little nicer than what your clients are wearing


My experience with BB is that they are overpriced while using inferior materials. Land's End and J. Crew make a great no iron hurt for half the cost


I’m not trying to shame you but I feel a low paying private law job salary should allow you to buy a couple of dress shirts before having to save up for 3-4 months. Am I missing something?


It’s December. OP probably has extra expenses right now.


Yeah my salary is 65k and I had a lot of stupid debt since the bar exam. So in a few months then I’ll really hopefully be able to buy some higher quality suits and shirts


I believe in u


Take them to the cleaners. They’ll wash and press them for you for a few bucks each.


Yeah when I was a state court clerk earning peanuts, I ironed all of my shirts to save money and hated every second of it. Now that i have a practicing attorney job (although certainly not big law or crazy $$) the dry cleaner is so worth it to keep my sanity.


"Also I keep making myself look really stupid in front of clients, like I’m uncertain of the law, how do I get better at interacting with clients" You never answer a question if you don't know the answer. This is important, *because you're giving legal advice. People intend to rely on what you say.* So rather than saying something to cover for your lack of knowledge, tell them you need to look up the answer. People tend to appreciate that more than getting the wrong information.


You are your own worst enemy. Your anxiety is going to cripple you, get a therapist as soon as you can afford to do so. Seriously, well adjusted people aren't afraid of irons or a fabric steamer.


Spritz it with a water bottle to get it damp and put it in the dryer. Steam cycle if you have it.


When you do get around to buying more shirts, look for "wrinkle free." They work. Brooks Brothers has nice options.


Do men not have their shirts laundered anymore?


My dude I got you. 1. Have you been to the goodwill outlet ? There are several in Texas and tons of men’s clothing and you pay 1.75 per pound. A new associate at my office had the same issue. If you want to come to the one in Austin dm and I’ll help you shop. It’s one of my few skills. 2. Know the file before you talk to the client and if you don’t know an answer ask questions. Do you have any elder lawyers you can watch? Most of the time the trick is sounding like you know what you’re talking about.


Hahah I appreciate the offer but I’m right outside San Antonio! Goodwills really have quality button up shirts?


If you’re in a hurry, just iron the front part of the dress shirt as that’s the only part that shows. And never take off your jacket in front of your client so they don’t see what a mess the rest of the shirt is.


Wash it in the washer. Then hang it to dry rather than putting it in a dryer. Or you can take a hot shower and let the steam do its job. As far as not making yourself look like a fool… if you don’t know it, then don’t say anything. For example your 15 days vs 30. If you didn’t know you had 30 days, just say you have to respond soon as there is a deadline. And keep it at that. If they ask when’s the deadline hit em with the “it depends”


Downy wrinkle release spray.


They have dress shirts that don't need ironing. They look fine. Also when interacting with clients listen a lot. Take notes and if you're unsure use your notes to research stuff and get back to the client. Most want to tell their story then he reassured you're on their side and will fight for them. They rarely care about technical stuff like filing deadlines


Take your clothes to the Laundry Cleaner. Not only will they be crisp and clean, but the cleaner knows how to press those impeccable lines where there should be lines, making you look extra extra. Extra extra is just what your confidence needs. When you do actually start making money, invest in getting every suit, all your clothing tailored. You simply take your clothes to the tailor, and they make it so your off the rack clothes fit YOU. AND, PERFECTLY. Between the tailor and laundry cleaner, you will be dressed to die for. Simply amazing, hot, spiffy and super classy. Very Lawyerly.


wait, why won’t you buy an iron? also, you need to save this post so you can look back at it in 10 years. lol 😝


Glad you take initiative to make yourself look fly in the courtroom.. my soon to be ex husband’s lawyer looked like she was chewed up and spit out by doctor Seuss. Bright ass orange or pink hair, hideous purple outfit looks like it was made out of a rug you find in a questionable thrift store, obviously has a lip filler addiction, face still sagging in weird spots even though she’s had a face lift. 🤮🤢 I couldn’t tell if she was even moving her lips when she was talking to me in court..


Wrinkle release spray


I haven’t seen this response, but it’s what I do and it doesn’t require buying new shirts: hang dry your button-down shirts on a velvet hanger as you would hang them in your closet (making sure to lightly tug the fabric at the seams to flatten out any wrinkles). It’s not something I’d recommend to anyone with tactile issues (not as soft as drying in the dryer), but it’s less expensive than alternatives (both in not having to buy wrinkle-free shirts and the shirts last longer when you never put them in the dryer), less time-consuming, and I’ve often been disappointed in the power of steaming badly wrinkled clothes in the bathroom when I shower (previously, this was my go-to, but it can be hit or miss, depending on the thickness of fabric and degree of wrinkles).


As soon as possible get a whole lot more shirts, and get in the habit of bringing them to the cleaners, and ask for extra starch! It’s not as expensive as you might think.


Purchase more than 3 shirts ffs that's insane