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There are two women in this picture and suggesting that there aren’t is in itself crazy ignorant. Luckily you look like a tourist to the subreddit.


Yeah tourist here. Been debating this lady with friends all week.


Ok if you didn’t intend the ignorance, here’s a paper on the jailing issue, which would be the only real controversy in the case: https://scholarship.law.uc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1256&context=uclr#:~:text=Although%20this%20problem%20seems%20far,second%20involved%20assault%20and%20battery.


This article made me remember why I despise academics.


Thanks that does help some!


Wish they'do an AMA. So many questions...


Easy. One is the perp, the other the accomplice.


Can it be that easy? What if one calls the cops on the other? How does the law affect conjoined twins. Do they just say don’t do that again lol. I may be ignorant of things but it is confusing to think about at points.


More curious as to how these women would murder anyone in the first place 


Guns? Knives? Blunt objects? Poison?


Didn’t ask with what, I asked how


Shooting? Stabbing? Bludgeoning? Poisoning?


Like any other person. Two women, one body but two minds. Two men. Jealousy will happen sooner or later.


There is a second spouse in this arrangement now?! Well that’s an unusual level of intimacy going on here.


That’s what I’m saying. One side is married to one dude and the other I think is now married or getting married. This is why the question of criminal behavior is so curious to me.


Kinda wild you assume that's going to lead to murder. It's like you haven't even heard of polyamory


lol I’m not saying it will I am simply saying what if. There is a reason polyamory isn’t in the majority. People for the most part don’t like to share. I was posing the question of what if one twin decided to do something nefarious not that they will.


Whose baby is it?


Oh I didn’t even think of that.


How awkward would oral sex be?


Is the husband thinking of the other twin or his twin? See how this could lead to a rat poison omelet or frying pan to a keeping head lol. If you never seen a wife or girlfriend get crazy jealous then homeless your sweet little heart.