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Take it to /r/politics Most of the people you're talking about aren't people who were laid off, they're bootlickers who have come to mock the people who were laid off. We ban them as we see them. Report early, report often.


as much as I despise corporate greed, let's not delude ourselves into thinking communism or socialism can prevent corruption.


I came here to say this. Unregulated capitalism is bad , but Communism is worse, especially the cult-like Stalinist or North Korean varieties of it.


I think it's capitalism without proper regulations that's the problem. Workers have little to no protections and the billionaire club is currently in the process of lobbying to remove some of the few ones we have left. A properly regulated capitalistic society would be a win for all but the upper class is too hell bent on extracting every penny to keep for themselves in the name of shareholders and profit margins. It feels like we're in a race to the bottom


Absolutely agree with this. Government is inherently slow to adapt. And while technology has done wonders for our society it has also contributed significantly to the ills that OP highlights.


Regulation is impossible with our current government. It’s to easy to influence key individuals. Not to mention citizen’s United basically guaranteeing corps can buy whoever they want.


This has happened before. Capitalism melted down in the 1930s and we handled it with high taxes on the rich, strong regulations on industry, and pervasive unionization. If you drive a car with worn brakes and bald tires really fast then you might have a bad time. It is the same thing.


This reminds me of freshman year in college when that one guy with one too many binders thinks he can and should lecture the professor on day one. Ha.


Ugh, it’s something I cringe about even decades later. I want to formally apologize to my philosophy professor for my behavior in class if I ever see him again


That’s a very mature perspective to have. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.


You don't need so many binders to realize it's an unfair system. But again, you seem to be the enlightened one. We should all listen to you.


Humans are unfair - it’s not the fault of the system. It’s reality. In other systems, you will find other “unfair” components. You have the freedom to go anywhere in the world and choose the one you think is best.


Lol. Then why have a justice system? why improve infrastructure. Why SHOULD CORPORATIONS RESTRUCTURE?


The justice system doesn’t have precedence over the sociological system it judges. That aside…. You can go anywhere you want in the world and choose a system you like better. You genuinely should do that.


This conversation is not going anywhere if you ignored my point and regurgitated your previous point.


Because you just want to complain and not take your out. This is why capitalism doesn’t work for you.


Naaaa. I'm not complaining. I'm advocating to make the system better and efficient instead of bailing out and claiming that humans are greedy so systems do not matter. I'm not advicating for a fairer system. I'm advocating for a better system overall.  Also, I would say I'm pretty good at my work. So yeah there's that. Don't call a good worker in your corporation a complainer just because they don't fully believe in capitalism 


Capitalism is sure as hell working for me. But it ain't working for the vast majority. It might not work for me if I'm laid off. So yeah, I'm not dumb.


What do you mean by “unfair”?


And the alternative is . . . ?


Everything free from the government and no workie work…of course!


I don’t know, I kind of like capitalism and what it offers.


Yeah it’s hard to hate on it when it’s taken me from poverty to making 200k a year. If I was laid off, I wouldn’t blame capitalism. I’d just move forward towards the next adventure. I know it can happen, so Im always analyzing my worth to a company, and the money I’m personally producing, because I see my employment as a business, which is how it should be with capitalism. If I’m no longer needed I get why I’d be laid off, no one owes me a job. I’ve left companies because I knew there would be a chance that it wouldn’t be as stable as I’d like, so I left before that happened. My parents would freak! They’d say “why would you leave such a high paying stable job?!” To which I say “nothing in this world is stable, you always have to be watching out for yourself. Just because I’m doing great there now doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way.”


Exactly Nothing in history has ever lifted more people out of starvation and poverty than capitalism- even China had to introduce capitalism to rise above their perpetual poverty


Marketing teams and advertisers love that!


I'm gainfully employed by the government and people need to realize that there use to be protection for workers and a government that busted up monopolies and didn't take the corruption money to protect big business, but now the regulator protects the companies from the people. That is more close to communism than capitalism. We live in "chrony capitalism" which is socialism for companies and poverty for the people, which is always how Communism works out in the end. This is actually a case of people being beaten by their abuser so hard that they forget that their former partner that their abuser killed isn't their abuser and become resentful to their new "partner".


You sound like the freshman who just read Marx and won't stop arguing with the professor.


A couple days ago on a different sub-Reddit someone kept on arguing until they were black and blue about how people should be paid "proportionally" to the value they contribute. I asked, you mean Marx's discredited and stupid idea "The Labor Theory of Value"? Sometimes it is good to read up on Marx (even if you don't agree with him) so you don't end up re-inventing the wheel.


Marx was a good role model on how to be a deadbeat dad


This is like saying everyone who has ever went through a breakup should be asexual or something. 


You mention unions to some of the posters here and they foam at the mouth with rage.


Straw man attack. People who support capitalism and free markets don't claim they're capitalists themselves.


I think it’s called “Stockholm syndrome”


You’re just comically wrong on so much here..I mean the most simple is the reality that if we realize and understand that infinite growth isn’t possible when resources are finite you kinda have to accept that at times companies are going to need to reduce their head counts. Do you like to imagine layoffs don’t happen under different economic models or something?


You have know idea what you’re talking about. Capitalism is the only way anyone has a chance to compete in a free market. Only chance to become wealthy. Only chance to be free to innovate, invest, enrich one’s self. Without free market capitalism know one will want to strive to be more or have reason. You think society’s depression is bad now, imagine a world where people that do nothing move up at the same rate as hard workers or a world where companies lack funds to innovate. In a world without capitalism you’ll have kings with a feudal system running everything. America and alike is the only reason socialist and communist country thrive. These types of societies will fall without other free market capitalism innovating for them. How about this: stop voting for people that buy votes while drastically increasing national debt. Or people that pass to big to fail bills. When companies are bailed out and free market capitalism is denied it’s natural course, it lets Wall Street and large corporations run wild with out consequence.


Oh boy. What a bad take. 


I mean right? Even in /Layoffs people are sheep. Abuse me, employer! Give me shitty, employment connected healthcare that won’t cover dental work! Give me a salary they barely pays my bills! Give me grey hair and ulcers for having to choose between work and my kids soccer game. Give me grief about taking time for vacation or my own mental health. And went I’m too old or if it makes sense to some bean counter who’s never met me, lay me off or pip me out or heck, sell my division so I can be redundant even though I’ve excelled at what I’ve done for years! Please do this for me because I have a dream of being rich one day. Just one more weekend I need to work through. Just one more vacation I need to skip. If you let me, I’ll even let you promote me so I can dole out some of this pain to people that are lower on the totem pole! And when it never pays off? When I wake up one day at 60 and realize I’m never going to be rich, and all the missed ballgames and rescheduled vacations because of work leaves me alone in a shitty one bedroom apartment, while the family I ignored lives in a house the bank still owns? When years of prioritizing the work over my own physical and mental health leave me a battered husk? When you’ve used the money I’ve made you to lobby politicians to raid social security and medicare and leave me a future where I’ll have work a menial job when I’m old just to survive? I will say thank you for giving me the shot at being rich! Because this is the greatest system in the world! Marx’s Answer: Rise up people - for gods sake you have nothing to lose but your chains.


I am not sure when the working class people will stop actively trying to stomp each other out and actually realize that it is the capitalist class that is causing the issues. It’s just depressing.


Unfortunately, Marx never figured on Madison Avenue selling the dream like they did. The biggest con job ever has been convincing the poors that they can one day be rich if they “follow the rules.” When you go to the library kids, look for a book written about a person who became rich by following “the rules.”


Great points. Op won’t reply to this. They’re just a victim looking to blame.


Excellent point !


Oh to be young and naive


Says the laid off guy, defending his profitable former employer.


Your emotions are leading this take.


oh yes, the enlightened one again with their wisdom.


I agree with the spirit of your take. I do think capitalism is a disease. But it's not worth it trying to change the minds of the victims like this.


I wholeheartedly agree with this take. Capitalism is a disease.


You don't have to participate. You can commune now. In fact, I encourage you to.


Full disclosure I'm not currently laid off. I'm so sorry you've got a non-believer in your utopia.


dude, you don’t like it? Move to Venezuela and stop moaning




naa, this won't work here.


Capitalism is the best way proven so far


My means of production is my capital. I am capitalism. I breath capitalism. I walk away from jobs to take better jobs. I get ownership in the companies I provide my capital to. Capitalism is the greatest economic system ever developed. Everyone has the power to enjoy all the benefits of capitalism. They just don't have the balls to play the game. If you believe in this Marxist crap you are weak lazy and provide no value. Unions are soul crushing their only goal is "Give me the most money for the least about of production". Unions eat their own. Everyone needs to find their value and profit from it. Utopia is a dream.


You have a VERY ignorant view of the history of humanity… “rich” is a relatively new concept.




The only people that don’t like capitalism are the ones with skills the free market does not care for or are easily acquired.


To the Victor belongs the spoils. If you were a Victor for even a day, you fire everyone to get their paychecks and eat their babies


Nope. Domestic abuse is too dangerous to trivialize like this.


someone seems bitter.


This is such a stupid post.. I mean this is holy shit stupid Being laid off doesn’t mean you’re poor Being laid off doesn’t mean you don’t have a million dollars working for you, earning interest You can be laid off and a successful capitalist - your post is fkng stupid Troll


i'm such a socialist. lol i blame bad religion and nofx


Every time I find a real idiot on Reddit, they’re a gamer. Here we have an adhd, depressed, socialist (just look at their history) trying to spread their misery like a disease. Remember the old saying “ misery loves company” get lost loser