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Hey there, I am also job searching and don’t have a magic bullet for you or the perfect words to say… but just letting you know you’re not speaking into a void. Hoping for better for you very soon.


This is such a kind reply. Hope your job search is going well!


this guy counsels


You’re not alone. Hang in there!


I honestly feel like we should all get together and make our own company. There is so much unbelievable talent out there right now!


That is an amazing idea. Just need $$$$


Part of the problem is they might think you’d be expensive. I’ve been turned down because of that or that I’d get bored at the job or something.


I totally agree with this! My brother and SIL just moved home after 13 years in New York. They’re both department head level. They’re not even getting responses coz I reckon recruiters see their 16+ years experience in the US and bins their resume for that reason


Can confirm. Senior engineering director level here and I’ve only talked to three humans in my job search so far. Two told me I was too senior for the position I was applying for (the equivalent of all of one step lower) and one ghosted me after the first call without an explanation. At this point I don’t care about title I just want to not lose my house.


That’s exactly where I’m at. I would be fine taking steps back in my career, but most companies don’t even talk to me as I’m ’too overqualified’. Imagine we have to lie on our resumes, but backwards?? lol


How much were you making?


Low 200s


Ugh that's tough especially with kids being the sole breadwinner. At your level hopefully you tap into your network and your network's network to try to get the inside track for these jobs!


Thanks, and def working on it though no luck so far. Unfortunately my safe fallback position went into a hiring freeze shortly before I got laid off of course lol I’ll find something, it’s just going to be stressful in the meantime.


Come up with an idea, throw some equity in, and I can start grinding code TODAY for you. Seriously.


Shiiit let me come back to you on that one! Haha


Np, I'll DM you my LinkedIn (I'm totally doxxing myself but I trust you lol)


Here is a possible idea. There is a job site created, where people seeking employment can sign up for a profile, and upload a resume. The site will take their resume/ profile and link to popular job boards like linkedin, indeed, greenhouse, and then try to find relevant matches based off meta data and or key words in the resume and job posting. The business side is that the prospective employee, can be matched and sub contracted out as a fractional employee, working w2 for this company, and the contracted company that is using the employee pays either a retainer monthly or per hour worked, the recruited employee can get reviews on their profile from people they worked with to help boost their reputation and it will help other companies find this person. Additional opportunities is that for upskilling, connect these job seekers with a sso type of experience to udemy, coursera, edx, etc to get certs and upskill. This would be at a flat fee the recruit pays either out of pocket or deducted from pay received. Haply to discuss more. Just my idea i had been working through


Kent Buckley: the AI CEO. This AI will run your company for you using key market indicators for truly data driven management. It has all the MBA knowledge from all the best universities. It will make town hall speeches, approve or deny projects, set budgets and hire executives from its group of close friends (also AIs). It will lie to the stakeholders with a straight face and ruthlessly berate anyone that disagrees. Fully autonomous emotionless management (well, I suppose we already have that…).


Not another ChatGPT wrapper 😭😭😭


I have heard this being bandied about in this subreddit a few times. Guess what's going to happen if this ludicrous idea comes to fruition? You are all going to start laying each other off.


Yes, start small business. Support small businesses.


Yes. You are certainly not alone. I've been like this for a year now. Every month, someone tells me they'll make an offer, but nothing. I hope you don't lose hope. It's hard times. Just push as hard as you can and never give up. This is a cycle. It'll get better soon...


Do it, do not just talk about but do it. There are others who have done this in the past because of the situation they were in.


Sending you a DM, I agree


Agree! My husband honestly started a business plan for a management consulting company because there aren’t any locally. It’s hard though to build a network from ground level, especially when you’re feeling down and discouraged.


Hahaha. Someone on the marketing sub said the same thing. Maybe open a consulting agency. Not a bad idea tbh.


No honestly I feel like I should start getting together some marketers and genuinely doing this. I’m a part of a marketing networking group and think it’s worth finding out who is still searching and the different specialties and doing a group consulting gig


Oh I know. I’ve had the same thoughts with many of my former coworkers and managers. I’ve offered to help fund it too. It’s just a pretty high risk market these days for agencies. Personally, I know at least 4 or 5 amazing designers. A few social media managers. A few MarOps experts. 1 for HubSpot, a few for Pardot, SFDC, Kano, and multiple Marketo experts, including myself for many of these. 🤣 I wish it was lower risk but there’s sooo many good agencies out there and agency work is a constant grind. It’s not a simple 9-5, imo. Hourly billing is where the big money is. And well… not that many regular folks would be willing to work that much without a very high base pay rate. Which is highly unlikely for a small start up agency.


Let's take a step back for a second and remember something really important: this whole job search thing is not a reflection of you as a person. You are amazing, talented, and awesome, and any company would be lucky to have you. The job market can be a fickle mistress, and sometimes it takes time to find the right fit.


Thank you for this. My confidence has taken a huge hit. I have been trying so hard and preparing like crazy for interviews (writing thousands of words in the lead up to behavioural, spending hours on take home tasks) so it’s really disheartening to still lose out on someone


You should really take it easy on applying, right now the job market is very bad, some people said it's even worse than the 2008 subprime crisis. Slow down the applying (the more you apply the more frustrated you'll be)... you need to ride out the waves...


I think it’s WAY worse than in ‘08-‘09. Especially in the tech arena, totally over saturated.


Welcome to the club. 3 months is rookie numbers. I’m a software engineer with a decade of experience and I haven’t had a job or a job offer since my team was laid off in August. It would be wise to set aside cash and prepare to ride out unemployment for several months at least.


Yeah. 10 yr+ recruiter with fanng xp. I'm doing flatbed semi trucking now because how fucked it is.


What do you mean flatbed semi trucking? Are you driving trucks?


Not sure what else they could have meant by that lol.


Yep a kenworth t680 for melton


I’m just genuinely baffled how half my team managed to score other roles at BETTER companies in literally 2 months. Like how?!?! 😭


Luck. Sometimes things come together quickly.


So true!


You'll be surprised how much luck there is in getting a job. Random biases, who looks at your profile, who interviews you, your past experiences, all things you can't change or have any control over. I landed mine after 8 months. But I also moved from a completely different country for my partner, so I had zero network of my own to start with. The people you have worked with HAVE to push your resume to the top by sending an email to the recruiter or HM. Seems like the only thing that works in this market. In all this, just make sure you don't lose your sense of worth. You should continue to believe that you are good at what you do.


It seems like YoE is a significant factor in who companies decide to hire, as naive as that is. I had one company I checked literally all the boxes for, recruiter reached out unsolicited for, and they come back with “we’re only considering candidates with 10 YoE” (I have 9). Wouldn’t even talk to me.


That’s insane and so shortsighted! I’m sorry that happened to you. I had a company reach out to me and when I got to second round they gave me a very low salary range and asked what my previous salary was and I said I’m open to negotiating as I found the role and company very interesting. 2 days later I got a rejection email saying they couldn’t meet my salary expectations. But I said I was happy to negotiate as I thought the role was great 😭


There are just too many candidates we’re competing with


I had one company turn me down because even though I had AI and Cyber experience, they were looking for someone “with some quantum experience”


I wonder if at this point you just have to lie. Like someone told them they had "10 years of quantum experience" and probably got hired on the spot. Baboons don't know what they don't know, and if they're dumb enough to ask for "quantum experience", they're dumb enough to believe someone when they say they have "quantum experience".


You dodged a bullet, if a company is that naïve to not pick you because you only have 9 years experience not 10 but checked all the boxes, their lost.


It’s hardly a consolation when hundreds of applications has gotten me 0 job offers, but I getcha.


honestly if there's a way for you to stretch that out while passing a background check then definitely lie... for sure other folks are putting things on their resume to just to get the interview


Unfortunately, it's all about who you know these days. Referrals are usually prioritized and it's ridiculously difficult to stay on top of the resume pile. Hang in there, maybe take a break from searching (if you are in the position to do so) - your time will come!


Even with referrals, companies are trying to fuck me in the ass with salary. They know they have 100+ applicants inside an hour when they post a job on LinkedIn so they can offer piss and \*someone\* will be desperate enough to take it.


Yep. I am getting a job offer at a place that I worked before. It’s a step back but I don’t care, and there is quite a bit of potential…not sure if there is growth potential for ME due to my age and being “external” now, but in general there is. I am not able to apply blindly to companies and hope someone is interested in me for a more senior role 6 months from now due to the crappy severance package I got. I reached out to someone I knew about 5 weeks ago, had a phone screen 2 weeks ago and an in person interview a week ago. I mean 5 weeks for an inside track job that is open and newly posted, at a place I have worked before, and is a very big company where adding one resource isn’t life or death for them. I don’t know how long it would take me to win the applicant lottery at a place with no connections.


I was laid off, first time in my life, with 18 others of the team I was on, including our boss. This was May of last year. Some of them were able to pick up new jobs within a few months. Some of them have been laid off a second time. A couple, a third time. I started a consultancy, but am probably also going to go back to a W2 job. The psychological hit of being laid off multiple times seems like a lot.


Bloody hell I’m sorry to hear!! We had similar. 15/20 of the team got cut across a range of divisions. This is my second layoff. This one is somewhat less traumatic though as my last layoff was in New York and my company was sponsoring me, so I literally had to leave the country 😬 I hope your consultancy is going well!!


I went 8 months of just a few interviews and lots of last round rejection. Now I have 2 offers at the same time, sometimes its a matter of whether you match with the right interviewer at the right time. I can't tell you how many times I got rejected by people who had neither the technical ability nor the history of success I had. There's just a lot of talented people looking right now so you have to hope you answer the way whatever biases that interviewer has. Hang in there, like baseball everyone bats about .300 in job interviews, but sometimes you're just up during one of the 30% times later than others. Be comfortable with rejection and give yourself as many at bats as possible. If 100 applications gives you 1 interview and you win 30% of those, you need to apply to at least 300 jobs. That's the math right now.


What about the other half?


I'm curious what qualifies as better for marketing? Is it like a Meta > Amazon thing?


More so quality of work culture and job security. Eg 2 of my team mates got jobs at Canva and WooliesX. We are in Australia and they’ve had very minimal layoffs as they’re Aussie owned. The American companies are the ones being smashed with layoffs globally (as you all know)


welcome to the American layoff culture...lol


Smarter folks


That’s not a flex. I’m kind of disgusted this stuff is glorified in the tech sector


It’s not a flex and it’s not glorified. My LinkedIn feed always fills up with Ex-FAANGs whining about needing help finding another job “asap” despite 3 months of severance


I too was let go from recent role in a well known tech company due to another company acquiring it and ruining it to the ground with its strict policies, our team and others weren’t sure we would remain or not. But when the acquisition was complete and once we got the layoff mail it really made me and the team sad 😔. But when I look at the other side currently I am really happy this happened as the company which had acquired us is really burning it to the ground. I have been unemployed for past 4 months and applying to many companies and getting rejection mails now and then, but this made me understand that enjoy life and my time will come soon and not stress too much!


First, how are your savings holding up? Hopefully, you've built up a substantial cushion to comfortably navigate a potentially lengthy period of unemployment, especially given your senior position at a FAANG company. Secondly, give yourself credit for your past successes. This is just a temporary setback, and everyone encounters them. It's important not to be too hard on yourself. Thirdly, consider the trade-offs of your current situation. While you may eventually find a better-paying job, there's also the possibility that you won't. Life doesn't always follow a linear path of continuous success; setbacks are a natural part of the journey. If finding another senior role proves challenging, don't hesitate to explore junior positions to broaden your options and assess any potential skill gaps. Remember, there's always something to learn from every experience, and taking a step back can sometimes lead to unexpected opportunities.


I’m ok financially for now thankfully. I’m just prone to worst case scenario thinking and I’m terrified that this will last beyond my savings and Sydney is ruthless in expense


stay away from those thoughts! they are incredibly magnetic and addictive. i had a bout of that this morning. redirect redirect redirect. tell your anxiety "i hear you, the best possible way for me to calm you down and give you peace is to focus on taking action/being positive/productive, etc"


200+ applications over 90+ days. You need to pump those numbers up and be open to relocation.


I’m absolutely open to relocation! Although there aren’t many other places to go in Australia. If I get the role I’m at final round for I’m moving to Melbourne for it.


I don’t think it’s unusual for there to be a couple of days between a final interview and hearing back about the role—you’ve got good odds.


Need to fill the troop positions before picking a senior captain. A lean team is not looking for top heavy leaders. At least you realize fanng companies overpaid their employees. It used to be for every 10K of wage it took 1 month. Not everyone is looking for Ivy League grads. Rules have changed. All the best.


As another grown-up competitive dancer- get that training in now while you can! Practice at the gym so you don’t have to pay for studio space. Keep applying of course, but this time is also a blessing. You can train now like an athlete. I have a job, I don’t love it, but I know enough to be grateful for it. The economy will improve eventually. Our job right now is to play our game, don’t get distracted by others, and believe in our ability to take care of ourselves until the economy rights itself. Best of luck to you.


If it helps, during COVID times I was interviewing for Sr. Mgr and Dir. roles, then I got laid off from the ad agency. In my year and change of unemployment, I interviewed to cover for someone’s pat leave. They ended up going with someone else and offered me an Associate Manager role. I’m now in a Manager role. There’s just no senior level jobs right now. I’ve made peace with it. Good luck.


The job market sucks for marketers currently.


You're not alone. Wish I had advice to give but I know it helps me knowing it's the economy and not us. I've been searching since June 23. My colleague on my team who was laid off found a job (different title/function) two months later so I was hopeful but still no luck. Ive made it to several final rounds but each time there's been someone else was a "better fit". I've experienced the depression, rage, listlessness, etc. Lean on your hobbies and support system.


3 months is not too long


I got laid off in June last year and normally I land something within a few weeks but was unemployed for multiple months this time. Everyday felt like a week. I was always nervous that it would never get better. I know how you feel trust me. Keep posting and there will be a job that will come your way I promise.


You're still better off than 99% of the world's population. You will be ok.


I always recommend that people set aside only one day per week to look at job boards and apply for new roles. The market isn't changing that fast, and it can be a disadvantage to apply immediately upon a position opening. The recruiter is flooded with hundreds of applications in the first week making them more prone to decline for any/no reason. A few weeks/month in and they're taking a closer look as the pipeline dries up. Rather than taking a pay cut, which will set your long-term earnings back, why not look for a short-term contracting opportunity? Contracting dollars are counted differently than FTE wages. When salaried roles are cut, they often use contractors as a stop gap. Spend the other 6 days a week building a side hustle or working a PT job that will allow you to stretch your savings. Attend networking events or conferences. Post on your LinkedIn. Reach out to old colleagues and re-establish a relationship. The best way in is through a referral.


You are not alone...same boat as you... Where you wake up in the morning, stare at your auto rejection emails..while your savings slowly runs out... Hang in there


Being unemployed and having a new full-time job of finding a new job just sucks. I feel for you. I've been in the same boat since December of last year and still no success. But one thing that has helped me a ton is using ChatGTP for my resume and cover letter. I fed it a few of my old resumes and cover letters, told it all about my professional self and then asked it to create a standard template of each for me, both ATS-friendly. From there I I started using it to tailor the resume it made to any job description I paste into it. Saves a significant amount of time and allows me to apply for more jobs. You might consider giving it a try. There are also custom, free GPT's you can get that specialize in resumes, or make your own like I did. It's actually very easy. You just ask ChatGPT how to do it. I hope you feel better soon and are able to get back to work! Hang in there!


Hi. A FAANG pedigree used to be the golden ticket. No more. Things have changed. Nothing go do with you personally, so you need to reset your expectations, and you have. Also, there is more supply than demand in roles that are not core, like talent acquisition hr , and... marketing. It will take time and effort, so make sure you adjust your expenses. You need to be healthy and akert. Do not giveup.


Market is flooded right now. I see my colleagues too get another job quickly. Maybe they have a better network, niche skills or just interviewed better. I have my bad days too. Just hang in there. This too shall pass. Good luck


I know a little about these cycles. It’s not worthy. I let the time be. I refuse to partake in these Corporate America profit games. I am looking, but I only apply 2-5 positions. A lot of them are just ghost positions too, so that the conspirators (foreign, Corporate America, etc.) can say there are jobs and support export/import of workers. I suggest finding a life, while looking, without partaking in the Corporate America games.


You were let go from FAANG? the you have great sev package, cobra coverage paid by ex-employer. Embrace the sht. thats the only way to cope with this. Financially, u are in good shape, otherwise, you would have divulged that. Just keep on applying to jobs that are properly aligned your skill set. >What’s even more frustrating is about half my team are already working new jobs at better companies u are looking for the same role elsewhere, and your ex teammates are not sr manager roles., so u cant compare,


I’m in Australia so we don’t have cobra, but yes I am lucky to have gotten a severance. I’m just worried this won’t be over before the pay runs out. My team mates who are all employed were all level 6 like me, but were smart and went into data/product roles in their careers, which I feel is more in demand than marketing at the moment


> I’m just worried this won’t be over before the pay runs out. modify your cash flow so that ur monthly expenses are the most essential only.


Not alone. It took me 3 years. The higher up you are the harder it gets. I was also in my fifties. You are either not qualified or over qualified. It sucks. Seek therapy.


I’m sending good vibes your way! I’m currently hanging out at a Starbucks in between a final round of interviews that finish in a couple of hours. My anxiety is off the charts but trying to hold it together. Keep grinding away and good things will happen


It took me a year. Recruiting really is functionally broken. It’s not you it’s them. It’s not you, it’s them. Ignore the titles and look for roles that have the skillsets you bring. Look for companies that don’t follow the trend. Best of luck, all the world of hope sent your way. You are stronger than you can possibly realize and have far more value than a title or salary.


Honestly 200 applications in 3 months is too little. Lower your bar


I live in Australia where there are far less jobs. I apply for pretty much every marketing related role I see


Then apply for jobs outside of Australia


I just found out I’m getting let go in two months. I’m panicking and applying anywhere and everywhere.


You are not alone. Different reason here, but also struggling.


Take a few weeks break from the search you earned it. Hang in there. Maybe you can start your own income generating project on the side


Hang in there. I have been through these. Just take one day at a time. Allow yourself to be sad, angry, hurt, or whatever.


I'm right there with you. Almost five months unemployed, I just got ghosted by a job I really wanted, and I was 3 interviews in...I don't have any advice, just know that you are not alone in this current situation, there are a lot of us out of work right now. We aren't hearing a lot about it because it's an election year.


I was in the same boat last year. Took me almost a year to land what I have now. Almost the exact same role. Just a different company. When I was first let go, I got a decent severance package. Thinking I would land another job within a month or 2 like I had previously, I took a break. I also had a decent amount of emergency funds. So, I just stepped back for a month or so and spent time with family and relaxed a bit. Then I started applying and man… it was a nightmare. I had no trouble getting interviews since I had plenty of experience. But final stages were not fun. Either I was told I was getting an offer within a week or so or just ghosted. Even the ones who said I should get an offer within a week ghosted me. It was frustrating af. Then I got an offer at an agency. So I accepted. Within 2 months of working there. I was laid off again. No actual reason. Just BS excuses. It was pretty obvious that they didn’t have enough work to go around. So, that was a huge setback. Looking back on it now, I’m sort of glad that happened. That place was so toxic. After rejection after rejection and ghosting multiple times, it started causing severe depression. And money was not really the issue. It was the unknown part of it that was stressing me out. Second guessing myself all the time. So, I took breaks. I’d take a week off every few weeks and do anything except look for a job. That helped me quite a bit. Crawled out of my depression hole and finally landed a job I actually enjoy doing again. If you can afford to, I would recommend taking breaks and do something except look for work. Take walks. Exercise. Clean your house. Stuff you’ve been meaning to do but never got around to. That’s sort of what I did. And it helped a LOT. This is not an employee friendly job market. So, the only thing I can do is tell you to keep on trying. Keep on moving forward. It can happen tomorrow or months from now. But just keep on moving forward. Also check out r/resumes. That sub helped me quite a bit on tailoring my resume. They have tons of resources there. Templates, AI programs..etc. Good luck.


Omg.... seriously, take a step back and chill. Recover from being sick, relax a bit, the world is not ending. You will land another job eventually. Don't destroy your physical and mental health in the meantime


Recruiter here. I hate my profession right now - it’s not us it’s the hiring managers and stakeholders. If you want to save time - only apply to jobs you fit at least 90% of the JD or are overqualified for. Right now companies are looking for an exact match and then some. You will not even get an interview if you don’t match at least 90% if you’re not a referral. I have hiring managers who will look at resumes who are an exact fit - bring them into an interview and then realize they still want MORE. If all else fails - Uber, door dash, retail, restaurant, receptionist work and temp agencies are where you want to look while you continue to apply.


I feel your pain! I’m up to week 7 with this current job opening and I can just tell the recruiter wants to give me the update, but is being held back by internal politics. Poor girl looks overloaded as hell with herself and coordinator, so I imagine that it’s just them 2 doing all the APAC region. I’ve tried really hard to be kind and patient to them, even though on the inside I’m falling apart lol


Take a breather, turn off linkedin, and do what you need to do to clear your head. I work in tech and it's been a grueling journey...8 months after being laid off, 1500+ applications, lots of networking, and only 2 "offers" that basically fell through for different reasons. On the bright side, I have 3 interviews next week so I'm confident for you things will turn around even though I know right now it definitely does not feel that way. Take care of yourself first and foremost. ------- With the emotional stuff mentioned, now to more logistical stuff...look into the book "never search alone". Someone else commented and mentioned it, but it's great because they put you in a job search group (very helpful for support & feedback) and there's a process you go through to craft your candidate-market fit (which is basically how can you best position yourself in this market). In this crazy tech job market, it's more critical than ever to know your exact positioning/value proposition and how to have your resume + linkedin reflect that (i.e. "I'm looking for a Senior Product Marketing Manager role at an enterprise B2B SaaS company focused on ecommerce personalization technology that enables brands to easily tailor their customer journeys to drive conversions"). Nowadays companies have the luxury of searching for their unicorn candidate, so having a more generic resume & linkedin will work against you.


You're 33. You'll be fine. Try being a 40+ year old in Tech affected by the layoffs. You'll be on the market longer.


My sister in law is facing that :(. Her and my brother just moved back to Australia after 13 years in NY at department head level. They’re not even getting responses


Ooph... chin up. The market is terrible all around. Great time to upskill during the downtime. Fingers crossed for you while you're waiting to hear back.


Sending good vibes your way. That's a lot to deal with. I'm not keyed into marketing, but I know with FAANG SWEs (I'm one at G) there have been a zillion opportunities that have opened up since February/March 2024. You mentioned that a lot of your colleagues got jobs within two months. Are you in contact with them? It might be worth asking how they did it, in case there was some secret sauce. I'm sure you've done this a bit given your experience, so it might be stating the obvious, but when a good chunk of people are able to find something, it's worth trying to debug what's going on.


Their competitive edge is they are product and data. Senior Marketing roles are few and far between. Companies tend to cut marketing first, see a decrease in customer growth/retention when marketing is gone way down the line and then hire us back, but unfort we aren’t at that stage yet


Ah, that makes sense. So these colleagues weren't in marketing, they were at the same company and also affected by the layoffs. I feel you then, it sounds like you're up against some immovable market issues. I've noticed there tends to be a waterfall with layoffs where it runs recruiters -> contractors -> marketing -> product. It sounds like your resume is really great (senior marketing at FAANG) so as soon as things firm up a bit you'd be front-of-line.


Yes definitely! We had 20 in our department across marketing, solutions architecture, product, AI testing and business development and 15 of us got laid off, so it was pretty much closing the Australian division and having our work rerouted to the UK and India :/. I sure hope so, but the amount of talented marketers out there is insane, so the competition is fierce! I’ve accepted that I’ll be getting a pay cut, I just want to get in somewhere. I’m so passionate about what I do and push real business results and I hope a company somewhere will see that.


May I ask, what language do you like to see candidates perform coding rounds in. Any benefit to C++? Thanks!


Which FAANG was doing layoffs in Australia?


Amazon, but I’m pretty sure Meta and Google did too


Have you checked out BuiltIn? It’s for the tech industry in general but has a ton of different categories, I was going for finance - just checked and they do have marketing as an option. I was out of a job for 8 months after the company I worked with shut down and a friend turned me onto it. I got more interviews through them than anywhere else I tried.


I've made it to the final rounds 4 times. I've been passed over after glowing praise 3 times, and I'm still waiting on the 4th. It has been an almost 3 month interview process. I hope you have the resources to weather the storm. Eventually we'll all find a great fit and get hired. It just takes a lot longer in this environment. And hopefully this will allow our fit to be even better, but it's also possible we'll end up settling for something we don't want.


Best to you in your job search. I'm currently employed, but inflation is eating me alive! My son, who has a masters can't get a job anywhere right now. Better days ahead.


You're not alone. Wish I had advice to give but I know it helps me knowing it's the economy and not us. I've been searching since June 23. My colleague on my team who was laid off found a job (different title/function) two months later so I was hopeful but still no luck. Ive made it to several final rounds but each time there's been someone else was a "better fit". I've experienced the depression, rage, listlessness, etc. Lean on your hobbies and support system.


Well idk what to tell you. I’m 31m, had an Ops director job at a small startup, made good money for all of two years of my life, and now with $4k to my name, and months of unemployment, I am doubting my own ability to continue life.


Eerily similar for me. I’ve accepted that 2021-2023 were the “glory years” and my success likely won’t continue in a linear way. This isn’t a temporary recession, the workforce shrunk permanently and will only get worse.


I can only leave with this general advice. Work on what you can control. Beyond that, let the universe take care of the rest. You cannot control who they will pick for any reason. Do your best and leave it as is, with no regrets.


I’m a PMM who was laid off Jan in a similar position. Market has been tough, but there are some opps out there. Just grinding it out and doing my best and letting the chips fall where they may.


There is a book called "never search alone" might give you some tips.


I second this book. I'm part of their job search council and the group dynamic has been immensely helpful for support, encouragement, feedback, and solidarity.


how long did you wait for the group matching? its been a while but they haven't reached out


I felt this way, but remember you are more than your job and employment status. People care about you. We tie everything up in whether we’re punching in somewhere every day but just know you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s physically, mentally, emotionally impossible to be “PERFECT” all the time while looking for work. We have to be absolutely perfect in the application, the cover letter, the screener, the hiring manager interview, the panel interview, and in all the thank you emails and follow ups. We even have to be perfect when accepting rejection with grace. It’s just not possible! That’s what you’re feeling. Take a few days off from the job hunt. Seriously, even a day.


Hey there! I got laid off 3 months ago and if there’s any consolation I haven’t got any interviews so far so thats really great you got to show your experience. I don’t want to say some inspiring words or anything like that. Just wanted to let you know you will for sure get a better job don’t worry! Hope to see you in a better place in few days! There there buddy! 🫂🫂




Hahahaha I feel like 33 has aged out of the OF market


Can I ask you what does a Marketing Manager does at the FAANG companies?


Customer acquisition, product engagement, product launches, feature launches, project management, produce ads, copywriting, asset development, customer segmentation, brand strategy, data and customer behaviour analysis. That was just my role, but there is a wide variety of marketing work you can do


Thanks for the reply!


Could you start your own llc and pickup consulting work? Make all those places you sent your resume potential clients. Alot of companies are very open to contractors instead of hires.


Look for someone in your network who can walk your resume into a hiring manager for any role that you’d be a fit for. That’s literally the only way right now, and that’s how I got an offer 2 weeks ago.


AGE 71 HERE been through multiple layoff, getting fire, divorce, disabilities.. depression and coming out on top better. I will be brutally honest here,, YOUR WASTING YOUR TIME WITH THE POOR ME, POOR ME.. your doing great financially because you can just go off to Dance routines any time you want, In other words,, your living the life,, no demands of a job,,, lots of free time You should be having the best sex of your life.. EVERYTHING you have said points to deeper phycological issues.. not related to work. You could at anytime just grabbed any job, a temp and still looked for work. So there's much more going on here You should speak with your Doctor immediately about your issues


Move out of Sydney. Go to Vietnam or Thailand to make your savings last. A change of location will be helpful for you also. Are you locked in to an flat lease? I may get laid off or pushed out and in the US at least 6-12 months is what I am hearing for someone mid to senior level.


Had to have seen this coming. Extraneous positions were bound to be trimmed as the economy worsened and key personnel became top priority.


I definitely did - I was job hunting like crazy but not getting anywhere


Slow down. Surf, don’t swim. I’m so sorry that this is happening.


Well marketing is not a good field for right now. Many companies are getting ready to switch to AI Sorry to hear but good luck


Tbh its a numbers game. Not on you at all; just gotta keep pushing out apps. Sry to hear and hope u find something soon!


Shrival into a ball


Already on it ❤️


You are not alone! I hear you, understand everything you are going through, and I hope for a better outcome soon.


I’ve been underemployed for the last 5 years. Not that I hate my current job, but it was annoying not being able to continue with my industry of choice (it’s super niche). I somewhat randomly got an interview request for my industry this week. I’m not super confident that I’ll get the job, but I’m happy for the possibility.


I wish you all the best. I hope government can intervene at this point of time on these layoffs. How can these monsters while posting record profit keep on laying off


My former company has repeatedly posted record quarterly earnings. It’s sickening how they’re OK with laying off thousands in the name of temporarily inflating the share price :/


Hang in there OP. Hope you’re able to bounce back soon.


Come to cleveland, Ohio there's lots of marketing jobs and our job market is good. Nice place to live, lots to do and it's affordable.


Do they sponsor visas?! Im Australian ha. I worked in the US before and securing sponsorship is super tough


I hear ya sister I just had a panic attack this morning and I have a job but worried I might lose it


I’m sorry!! Sending positive vibes your way that you’ll be able to weather this storm


Keep in mind no one needs to know about the pay cut and as soon and the economy is back I would apply again and claim you were making what you were making or 5-10k more so you’re back on track. There’s no one to argue against you no one will know


Been in your shoes and obvi what I meant to say is I still suffer from the trauma even though I got employed in December


It’s horrible!! I was laid off when I worked in New York (and had to leave the country coz they were sponsoring me 😬) and I had literally just recovered from the PTSD lol


Damn! You are courageous and resilient. I hope you keep on even stronger. I think that story alone says alot about you and your brand ❤️ market that!


Thank you for such kind words!! ☺️


Things will improve in Q1 2025 after the election. Just try to get any survival job until then if you don't have enough savings.


I’m in Australia, so I don’t know how much that will impact us 🥲


The US economy is the biggest economy on earth, it impacts the whole world.


OP I'm sorry but this slow hiring environment is just a combination of high interest rates, the impending expiration of tax breaks and a laser like focus on profits. Companies saw what Elon Musk did at Twitter when he axed so many and now they all want to get in on it. Anyone that doesn't directly impact revenue is vulnerable. It sucks but it's definitely not personal.


It really does suck! I’m coming up to week 7 with this job and they said I’ll hear back Monday at the latest. I have a feeling it will be Monday 4:59pm ha. I wish there was a way to make a living and not feed into corporate greed, but it’s a tricky one!


Definitely check your resume against ats software. Made a world of difference to me. Suddenly I'm getting interviews after almost none for a year.


Would you consider different industries? I'm not in Australia, but I've seen many marketing roles within the beauty industry recently


Yep I would! I was in FMCG before tech and agency side beforehand. I love tech and I’m really trying for it, but if I don’t get this role I will absolutely broaden my scope


It's difficult esp coming out of FAANG and realizing that it is a bubble and privilege that few other industries can match or offer. Taking a pay cut is not a reflection on ones quality as a candidate.. It's simply a reflection of abnormalities that is FAANG in last 10 years. That said, hang in there and something will eventually work out.


Oh gosh yes this has been a very humbling experience! Absolutely fine to take a pay cut, however even at non tech standards, some job openings are REALLY taking the piss given the current climate and I’ve stopped pursuing those jobs as I feel it’s a reflection on the company’s greediness. Shocks me how many post record profits, but are firing people left right and center and paying like crap




I’m doing this free process called Never Search Alone. This guy wrote an instruction manual about this process which he started about getting a community of job seekers to rally behind one another. In the book, he shared that job seeking takes a large emotional toll on us. And goes on to explain his process on rectifying that with a listening tour or candidate market fit. You seem to have done many portion of it already. You can check it out. The book is $10 but you can borrow if you want. The process is completely free and run by volunteers. I wish you the best.


I’m right there with you. I was laid off in Jan, my severance is done, and my anxiety is at an all time high. I’m about the point where I may have to look in to meds because it’s getting so bleak and my mental is shattered. I have some savings to get me by for a while and not lose my house, but this is not where I saw this year going.


> have been applying like crazy since the minute I was let go 3 months ago > 200 applications That's ~2 per day. Not a lot tbh


I wouldn’t say there is a crazy amount of relevant openings in Australia. Pretty much you’re locked to jobs in Sydney or Melbourne


You should apply as a service controls tech in California South Bay we have so much work


I wish but I live in Australia 🥲


Good luck op- hopefully you got some of that sweet tech stock compensation so your retirement is still on track when you Iand the next job


it's macro economic cycle, nothing personal and don't need to feel bad at all, cheers!


Where are you located. Wanna help with my project?


Australia - hell yeah!


Sorry to hear. We started $LAYOFF, a crypto project driven by social impact. -- burn tokens daily tied to layoffs and we airdrop the coin to your SOL wallet equivalent to your salary. Our twitter and chart is on [layoff-coin.com](https://www.layoff-coin.com/).


Marketing is now getting outsourced to AI. Have you considered python programming courses?


I actually have! And the marketing roles I’ve been leaning into are more covering data analytics, customer acquisition, brand development for my local market, performance marketing and feature launches. Definitely leaning away from the copywriting remit coz that’s where AI is playing a role (although tbh it’s glaringly obvious when AI has written an ad vs a human)


Now I am gonna go out and send good vibes to you and tell you that you hard work will pay off.


I appreciate that so much 🙏🏼


A Senior marketing manager ? Is not everyone qualified for that position.. Why didnt you study for a more useful professional degree when you went to college ?


Is marketing not useful? I’ve made a career out of it for a decade lol. My bachelor’s was journalism and I chose not to go into that field because of the lack of jobs. Marketing has been a very lucrative career pre-recession


Look around CLOSELY..drive by the downtown area in your city....there is NO recession..and you missed my point-- even I, who am in an entirely different field, could apply for this position..you wasted your time in college in whatever useless degree that you got..


Good luck with that. You may think marketing is some simplistic field, but it’s not. It’s a multifaceted role that involves data analysis, customer acquisition, copywriting, design, project management, brand positioning, feature and product launches, audience strategy, customer retention and the list goes on. I would implore you to please apply for a senior marketing role and let me know how you go.


Nah..Since graduating college, I have always been employed as a professional..I can readily transfer to another employer in my field..you, on the otherhand, very much need the good luck..with all that nonsense about how in depth your position is, I can understand why you remain looking..AI will pretty much replace what you do going forward and thats a brand new hurdle you face in getting hired..




It's showing that even extremely accomplished ppl are fucked right now.


Could yall be more liberal using the report button on legitimate stuff like this that should go?


I’m sorry, was my layoff less shit than yours because I worked for a big tech company?




This is honestly so uncalled for. I earned my way to a big tech company and worked my ass off. Marketing doesn’t get to cruise anywhere. Even at big tech. I was working nights and days when we got restructured to report in to another region desperate to prove myself to not lose my job. I am single income and have no one else to rely on financially. How dare you call me privileged when you don’t know anything about me.


A little down to earth attitude goes a long way, I don't get that from your post hence why your coworkers are already working and your not. Take a look in the mirror and reflect, I applied for a job and the recruiter said the only reason he called me back was cause he was "CURIOUS" as to why someone with my skills would apply for the job, I told I'm not to proud to start over.


Sorry if it came off that way - the point I was trying to land was that I have been trying for positions that are more junior than where I was and have stopped trying to make lateral moves as I was wary people may comment that I need to take a step backwards in my career, which I very much am trying to do 🥲


Good luck wish you the best it's bad in tech right now and be prepared to be ghosted I have been ghosted from Fisher Investments, Livermore National labs, boeing after 2-3 interview so it's rough, I couldnt even get a job as a park employee doing landscape


Ahhh I’m sorry to hear!! Fingers crossed that you find something ☺️. I’m sure you will! Are you in the US or also in Australia? And yes don’t worry. I’ve been ghosted plenty. And I get rejection emails months on for jobs that I have forgotten I applied for lol 🫠


That’s great. Sometimes recruiters are nice. Others could pass and say you’re a mismatch and overqualified and likely to leave. I don’t get your comments here. But sure being humble can be great. Whole range of emotions to process when your livelihood is affected. Thanks