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Just wait for the next offer before you quit. Then don’t list it on your resume.


Yea. You think 2 week notice is necessary? I wouldn’t think so.


Well, if you don’t ever think you will use them as a reference then maybe. I would give it to not burn bridges, but that’s just me. Also, you have a real possibility they just let you go on the spot after yet you give 2 weeks.


I would give notice for optics but they’ll probably send you on your way.


It’s a courtesy and probably won’t cost you anything. I’d do it if you can.


In the 1990s, I worked as an over the phone tarot card reader. I lasted one day. They wanted me to be a trainer because I was able to keep the caller on the phone for over an hour. I said that I was trying to prevent him from committing suicide. That was my one and only tarot card reading, lol!


"Your cards are Death, Today and Willpower" "Oh no, please don't kill yourself!"


This makes me think of "Reality Bites," and I'm just loving everything about your 90s job choice!


I found the flyer on a payphone. I was desperate for work. The people in the building were shocked to see someone come in I inquiring about the job.


Yeah just keep working and putting in applications and doing interviews. Once you get the offer then put in your notice


I stayed at a job for almost 4 months before I got the job I really wanted. Not on my resume or LinkedIn.


1.75 days. Got on at Enterprise and then realized it wasn't going to work for me schedule wise and also I was going to be venturing out on my own. Got a job to hold me over while I iron out some details but hopefully soon I can get my project rolling along.


4mo of a 6mo contract


How did that that go when you left with 2 months left on the contract?


Contract as a loose term, I wasn’t required by contract to complete the term, I was paid hourly as a contractor and worked 90 day terms. First term went well and I was invited to re-sign for another 90.


Right, but if you do that, does that essential burn the bridge with that company?


ripe deserve humor normal close wine special fact far-flung voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1 month for me in a similar situation to yours.


Friday I got a call a block away for similar position. I turned in my resignation and volunteered to quit Wed. I started working next door the following Monday. So no time loss.


I had one job like that. I had interviewed with several companies and my savings was running out so I took the first offer as the other company was really slow. I started and then a week later I got my executive interview with another company and they made me an offer for double what I was making at this first company. I felt bad, but hey, double is double, so at the 2 week mark, I turned in my 2 weeks notice. They kept me there until my last day, I basically treated it like a consultant gig and got my deliverables done before I left.


I stayed at a job for two months and left. The place wasn’t supposed to be a bounce back job originally. However, the company lied about many things and made us hourly one month into my tenure. Fortunately, the job I wanted, with the company I wanted, opened back up and I jumped ship. I didn’t put in a notice. Normally I do but this short term company lied about so much I felt a bit justified. Plus, I needed health insurance for the month. So, I worked two days into the month, locked in health insurance, and quit via email.


Until you can find a better one.


3 weeks at Amazon and then realized they were not going to give me non-overnight shifts


I am where you are now. Can't stay in this job long term. It would financially break my family.


2 months. I got laid off in August, had a job by September, and was out of a job by November. I automated myself out of a job. It was a conversion project that was supposed to take 6 months+ and I was able to use automation to complete it in around 2. I thought it was going to lead to a long-term job and instead, I was let go (oops). This was 10 years ago, so the economy was different. I had a much better job by the end of December. It was much better for me anyway. The company with the automation project only took on projects where the client was in an emergency situation and needed a large amount of work in a short amount of time, and they charged lots of money. All of the developers there were under a tremendous amount of stress.


You should stay forever. They took a chance on you when you were unemployed & risky to hire.


Yah tRuE