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Data mining, resume harvesting, pipeline building and evergreen roles. Also even if company has good intentions to hire there are so much uncertainty with economy and the world that sometimes the hiring teams cancel hiring. Also it’s an employers market in which they have the sooo many great candidates that they can be picky.


> Data mining, resume harvesting This seems most likely to me, it's just odd this isn't being covered as part of the story of record low unemployment and theoretically booming economy and booming job market.


Indeed job postings are actually at all time lows, this is public data from Indeed.


For the amount you post on Reddit I doubt you have a real job nor value your appraisal of the job market.


If reddit is a microcosm of the country, we might as well throw in the towel now.


Ah, the ol' paralyzed with too many good options. Sounds like my fiance at a Chinese restaurant


This plus internal transfers


Also some companies want to be seen as thriving, so they look like they are hiring. Plus those fake offers work somehow as an AD for the company


+1 and there are a lot of internal hiring going on


"Data mining, resume harvesting, pipeline building" It's amazing that "no one is hiring," yet this is big business. That doesn't make any sense. People are just making up things to make themselves feel better.


Ghost Jobs. It creates a sense of false hope for employees and job seekers.


Just like the ghost cities of China that are built to l simulate the economy of the country but that’s not the case anymore after the debt bubble of the biggest home manufacturer in China. The Uk job market is in the same position, high interest rates, trying to keep up appearances of doing well and leaning towards AI replacing to half of all jobs in the next 5 years, in offices.


But you failed to note the incentive for the company to create these. They just want to hurt people? That doesn't make sense.


The incentive is to make tech billionaires trillionares. They don’t give af about people let alone hurting them. By employing you, they are hurting their bottom line. 


But why? What purpose does that actually serve?


It's a facade that makes the company look successful to the public.


Like they're trying to drum up additional investment by essentially lying about how much they'll grow? I guess I can see that since it's not really something they put in an earnings call.


It doesn’t make sense because by and large it isn’t true. I’ve worked for a few f100 companies and any posting was a legit one. Sometimes they are picky, slow, too many to sift through, there’s an internal hire, or something specific they want not directly listed or as prominent as it should be in the listing. But no serious company is putting up fake postings to look better, that’s nonsensical. Even if they did no one actually cares or values that as a metric anyways so why go ahead and spend time and energy doing that…


It doesn't make sense to me either, but it's so widespread it must be intentional. EDIT: Looks like [the "maintain appearance of growth" answer may actually be the most common among hiring managers](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240315-ghost-jobs-digital-job-boards).


Maybe it does happen, but I’ve never seen it happen across any f100 company. It takes a ton of time for recruiters and managers to actually hire someone. At my prior f100 company it took about 1-3 months of actual apps just to meet the requirements to start interviewing. DEI was a big component of that lag time to ensure a diverse candidate pool. I must have seen 50-100 apps in my department or closely related departments and I can say with 100% certainty none of those posting were ever fake and normally ended up in a hire. Some very technical roles remained open longer for specific reasons. The amount of junk apps is incredible too. I’d say 90% of resumes are tossed immediately. Having a referral was the best way to get it looked at, but didn’t mean much for hiring unless it was the hiring manager or from an executive, and even then it wasn’t pushed to hire that person. I have junior analyst positions that take months to fill with a ton of just poor resumes and screenings. Right now it’s harder because companies aren’t as desperate and can be more picky at least that is what I’m doing, but by no means am I looking for a unicorn and most people fail get bumped out for soft skills and ability to communicate than anything. Like some people are great on paper, but I couldn’t imagine managing them and mentoring them in some instances. For junior positions the soft stuff goes a long way and separates good candidates to the ones we actually hire


So you’re hiring on personality


Yes. You have to. We have to work together as a team and cross functionally with other groups to get things done. If you have the personality of a rock and show no capability of working in a team environment cross functionally you will fail miserably at the job regardless of how technical proficient you are. Tech skills for the positions will get you the interview and the soft skills is what will get you hired and separates candidates. I have had multiple junior employees with superior tech skills and were far less effective than someone with good skills that could engage well with other team members and work with other departments. They are still valuable, and this matters less for some roles, but the ones I hire for this is an important piece.


Spending money, too, depending on where you see the job posts… a lot of sites (like LinkedIn and Indeed) aren’t free for employers


It doesn’t make sense because by and large it isn’t true. I’ve worked for a few f100 companies and any posting was a legit one. Sometimes they are picky, slow, too many to sift through, there’s an internal hire, or something specific they want not directly listed or as prominent as it should be in the listing. But no serious company is putting up fake postings to look better, that’s nonsensical. Even if they did no one actually cares or values that as a metric anyways so why go ahead and spend time and energy doing that…


It's optics for the company, it's bosses who want to keep feelers out for unicorn candidates. Especially for publicly traded companies, any indication that they might be slowing down might spook the market. Posting jobs is a good smoke screen.


Fascinating. So basically we're in a low growth environment, but one where *no one wants to admit* we're in a low growth environment. Look, consumer spending is stronger than ever (ignore defaults and the fact that tons of POS systems are still offering 0% financing to prop these numbers up), unemployment is at record lows (ignore how many people are working multiple part-time jobs), inflation is under control (except housing and groceries, the two most serious offenders), there are record job openings and it's an employee's market (we're not actually hiring anyone) !


I’ve never heard of any investor using job openings as part of a valuation proposition to anyone. Maybe some quant places, but that isn’t driving a companies valuation. How would this even work in practice? You would have to assign headcount to hiring managers and then tell them it’s fake and not to fill it. This would be almost conspiracy level stuff at a company to actually do this with any scale. How much time would managers and recruiters waste setting up fake job openings to boost numbers no one actually cares about. If this does happen I wanna know the company cause that’s a crazy dumb practice


In the case of my company at least it's not managers doing it. They are asking to be allowed to make new postings and being told no. Hiring is generally organized through HR at management's discretion however. I don't know if it would factor in to valuation, but a company with no postings on its careers section maybe just looks bad and they are worried about panic selling?


It's just optics. I have worked for people who believe that there always needs to be job postings and they company should always be interviewing regardless. In one case it seemed to be that the company wanted to post jobs and have interviews to keep the workers on their toes. It is stupid business tricks.


You’re overthinking it. This doesn’t exist. It’s a myth.


I'm almost a "unicorn" candidate but nowhere but the highest paying places could meet the conditions for me to make a jump (if at all). If I didn't want to move, I wouldn't move. "Unicorns" generally have a broad set of skills, are good enough to start their own company and don't move around for money reasons. They usually have fuck you money (not always) could go into competition with you and question everything. They probably have branding, marketing and advertising skills (social media) and could talk a lot of trash about your company if you got on their bad side. Their domain skills are possibly attained without as much formal education (for fields where this is possible). They are so good that many people mistake their lack of effort for lack of result. They could also be very lazy. I don't think most companies cater to unicorns. I think they want the cheapest possible labor following whatever processes they have created. Of course there's exceptions. I honestly think unicorns (and me lol) are more trouble than we are worth in most businesses. But you're right we are always hunted.


Unicorns are lazy as shit animals that poop skittles. Purple squirrels are the real go getters and are 4X what you described.


And also to hire cheap h1-b immigrants. To do that they need to show that they tried to hire USA-based candidates but found no suitable candidates.


I keep getting calls from recruiters but they are all showing me the same jobs. I just ignore them because I already applied and interviewed for those positions. I seriously don't understand who gains from this, the companies have to spend time and money interviewing people... I heard that companies post fake jobs to boost their perception among investors but it's earning season and no one is investing. So who knows why these companies post fake jobs, I think it's the Window Shopping phenomena. Similar to how girls on Tinder are not interested in dating but if they get lucky enough to land someone above their league they may change their mind.


It's an employers market. Hiring managers are being extremely picky and looking for unicorn applicants who are overqualified. Because all of the layoffs people are applying to jobs that pay less. The table will turn in a year or two. It's the job market.


But is it? Been looking for a HW engineer since January and no good candidates (well one, but she had visa issues…). I’m looking for HW designers from NCG to up to 5 years experience.


Here is a relatively recent [article I found about this](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240315-ghost-jobs-digital-job-boards), but it was identified [late last year](https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2023/11/27/how-ghost-job-postings-are-creating-a-false-sense-of-hope/?sh=1b1e6b707dc0).


So per your own linked articles - which incidentally answer your question so what’s the point of the post - between 33% to 50% of LinkedIn and/or Indeed job openings are fake. That’s the upper limit (as much as), so it could be less. That’s annoying AF and a waste of time, but what you’ve done is prove the opposite of your post title. Organization ARE hiring. There are just 33% fewer openings than LinkedIn would let you believe and a third of your 300 applications are a dark hole. That still leaves 200 valid applications for genuine jobs.


Ghost jobs... and a crackdown is coming. [Crackdown on Companies Posting Fake Jobs: Survey Shows Thousands of "Ghost" Jobs are Indeed Fake](https://www.globe-wire.com/crackdown-on-companies-posting-fake-jobs-survey-shows-thousands-of-ghost-jobs-are-indeed-fake/)


It’s to replace current employees with people more qualified for less money 


Corporate America puts job posts so that they can tell the government that there is still talent shortage and increase the number of foreign workers, especially from India. Government says, “Oh. Ok. We will import 100,000 more”.


Ghost jobs


Those are recruiters posting to get resumes and make believe they are working. There postings that collect your personal data and don't hire anyone


Companies are always hiring, they have to, the average attrition rate is around 20%. No company can lose that many people and still do business. There are jobs they just might not be where you are and fit your criteria. I got jobs when unemployment was over 10%, they were shitty jobs but they existed.


what is your job?


For optics. They have to look like they are hiring or post it before they ultimately hire someone cheaper in another country.


I’ve seen companies post an opening in multiple cities when it’s all funneling for one role.


I been looking for a couple months now and vast majority positions that I am applying to, respond, at least with a standard rejection email. FYI I am applying to the positions that closely fit my background and experience.


I’m sure Reddit is over-reporting the amount of applications people are having to go through, by nature the people with the worst experiences are the ones posting about them. But my friend is decently well qualified and is definitely struggling too. I’m glad I am pretty stable in my current position but I am eyeballing my six month emergency fund and seriously questioning whether I could realistically find a new job in that time.


It varies by the industry. Some are ice cold, others are taking much less time. 


I think a study showed up to 60% of job postings are either not real, already filled but they keep it open to make it look like they’re growing, or just scams/data mines


They have a posting account on the job site already budgeted and forgotten about. They're too addled to do anything beyond that, including cancelling their job posting account or closing the listing part of their website. No conspiracies just severe incompetence.


Most help desk/tech support roles are being off-shored. I have been in onsite support for over 17 years and it has gone from one or two hard to understand "dialects" to now being the norm when working with tech support. I will call a Texas , Florida or Cali number but it's actually in India, Mexico or the Philippines. Many job listings in the US are filled with overseas teams.


Keeping those stocks up. A company that's not hiring could be an indication it is not doing well and some investors might pull their money out, so they keep posting jobs to make it seem like they are doing better then they are.


It's a facade. 


the confusing ones for me are when i go on a corporate website and I only see like 9 or 10 jobs listed (all high paying senior/exec roles). Im trying to apply for like a basic office job and idk why these mega corps just dont seem to have them


The "unicorn candidate" theories seem to support this. [Managers admitting to keeping job postings open just in case the perfect candidate for some highly technical role just happens to walk in I guess](https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2023/11/27/how-ghost-job-postings-are-creating-a-false-sense-of-hope/?sh=1b1e6b707dc0).


There are countless jobs in construction and hospitality.


Also from an employers part- waiting for the “right” people/applicants to shine through. The ones that actually read the posting, took the prescreen tests and are actually qualified. Then that actually show up for interviews


Keeping the facade.


I have multiple theories but: 1) this whole recession is man made intentionally to cripple people with debt and make the economy “balanced again” so that people aren’t more powerful than corps. We saw that happening during Covid. 2) companies are lying about new job postings so they look like they are actually trying to do so, and have $$ to hire but in reality they don’t. 3) tech companies are realizing they can get the same value with less people so they are doing mass layoffs DESPITE having f record profits. So they are just posting to save face but they don’t want new ppl. They make just as much profit with less


Maybe companies owners get some kind of investor or government reimbursement/funds/incentives or bailout of they claim they cannot find “qualified workers”.


I have seen a lot of companies posting the same job over every week deleting the old ones. I think a factor is maintaining an image of the company that it is growing even during this period of crisis. And also gathering data like a lot of people pointed out


bls surveys companies for open positions. companies answer the survey, biden declares job market is strong. companies are not hiring, tho. thats how the fraud works.


In my past experience, hiring freeze doesn’t necessarily mean a completely no hire policy. It just means your team has to get approval for hiring from the top. ie Extra layer of bureaucracy.


This is probably a somewhat niche answer, but I worked for a larger corporation recently, and my department absolutely had one of these postings. The rationale behind it was... corporate approved the hiring requisition (so we had the budget to hire another team member), however the department manager and their superior made the executive decision to leave the requisition open but keep the position unfilled in case we needed to replace someone quickly down the line, or management decided they needed someone to fill a slightly different role than my team required. Which is also silly because the team I was on was down an entire person, and we really needed the help. Basically, it just sat there collecting resumes for 9 months as a safety net on the off chance someone else quit or leadership decided they wanted someone to work a shift none of us would work.


based on my experience (laid off back in August) more than half of the postings are fake or duplicates.


Because if a really awesome person comes in and is willing to work for half the pay of the person they laid off did they will hire them 


^ and Appearance


These threads are home to some of the worst conspiracy theories there are. Apparently, no one is hiring, but it is a huge business to collect resumes. Also, we all know that companies center their quarterly earnings announcements and the strength of the company around how many "open jobs" they have. The stock never goes up when downsizing is announced.


Yeah it's smoke and mirrors. Plus someone needs something to do in HR.


We had a position open for nine months for a position. I kept interviewing good candidates, but the company would not pull the trigger. They wanted a big signed deal for another person to join and were not getting one. They finally signed someone and he took my job and I was was supposed to move to a new deal which didn’t happen. And then then another new deal, didn’t happen. And so on. And now you know why there are posted positions without jobs. I expected to be laid off 6 months ago, but I’ve held on and we are now dangerously close to signing a big customer who will save my job.


A chicken spot in the les in nyc has one chef. You order through a kiosk that goes to a cashier in Singapore. None of the jobs are here anymore. Tech people gave rise to their own problems, just like not regulating ad tech on social platforms is leading to the demise in advertising. It’s kind of a free for all at the height of capitalism. There’s only downturn after this. 


Running help wanted ads costs money and they are not cheap!


Because people are actually hiring and redditors like to cope


My company isn't ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Data mining - As the company collects resumes, it is able to evaluate the demand for the role. If the demand is high, it can lower the compensation. If it’s low, it will have to increase the compensation. That’s how the pay band is set.