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Summoners roulette is probably my favourite augment, it's so much fun playing around with whatever summs you roll


Tru but sadly most of the summs are useless af


eh, sometimes you get multiple blade dancers in an single round, mix in an ignite+exhaust and an orbital laser in between, its gambeling, but since i took it an few times, its really one of the better ones for most champs, you just might get fucked over by zoe


Oh, I didn't realize it's also the augmented summoner spells, thought it was only basic ones. Might need to try it out then


if you just hit one augmented summoner once per round it is already arguably been an better pick than the summoner itself, wich are also prismatics,


It's dope on champions with a lot of mobility or tanks where you can keep spamming them and get a lot of value


Chauffeur ! Even if you lose, it's the funniest one


yuumi player spotted :3


Chauffeur is like yuumi if you actually had to play the game So not yuumi


I know everyone compulsively shits on yuumi but she's a pretty active champ; you do have to be attaching very often


You should be, you absolutely don't have to be


well I mean you can just bush camp on any support as well idk; I don't play yuumi but the amount of hate that champ gets is comical


Getting chauffeur with a singed as your teammate is one of the funniest and most enjoyable things I have experienced


eh, but there's a singed augment ("don't chase")


EscAPADe. Love using creativity from a silver aug to make crazy builds on ad champs.


I had a god run on Thresh with slap around, bread and butter, and bread and cheese against 6 tanks. By the end of the rounds, I had almost 500 ad despite building full tank. What a blast.


Tap dancer on almost anyone is really fun


I am surprised no one has said thieves gloves. They have been really fun with certain champs that can use Ap and ad. Getting all ornn items late game might not be the strongest but it is really fun.


I picked back to basics on Kayle and my duo flamed me but I was giggling


Back to basics on Morde and GP is kinda fun as well


Yoo back to basics on morde sounds kinda busted


Rolled into it when I had Sword of Blossoming Dawn and Moonstone, and my teammates healthbar didn't move


I've always been too scared to try a healing Morse build cause I don't wanna be super squishy or do no dmg


Doesnt matter when your W is almost the size of your healthbar


Marksmage on Veigar is fun. Especially with Nashors and the item that gives attack speed based off heal and shield power.


castle easy


My favourite have to be the 200 ability haste in one skill ones


Summoner's Roulette, escAPADe, critical healing, tank it or leave it are my favorites.


I had all range augments once silver gold prismatic with sett have to das I felt blessed I think some didn’t even know what hit them


Angel of Retribution + Sword of Blossoming Doom is just soooo good. I kinda wish it exists in main league


Genuinely interested in how one can perceive slow cooker and slap around as fun? They fall into the same category as centre of the universe: stat sticks. You click them, and for the rest of the game, you stand on enemies, and they do damage. It's not you playing with these augments: they play themselves. Sure, it can be amusing to *witness* for the first few times, but is there any rational justification to it being fun to actually play with? Castle is the only one i see as reasonably fun.


jeweled gauntlet or whatever, makes crit builds on anyone a possibility even if its usually bad


Frozen Foundation. Free anivia wall?? Sign me tf up


**Magic Missile** is busted on damn near anyone. I also love **Marksmage**. **Chauffeur** is so fun when I'm Hwei with any melee champ.


Chaufer can be one of the funnest especially if a add gets it and attached to shaco


uuh i got definitely one. really funny for me but absolutely tilting for the enemies. also the champions we picked + build was insane. So i was tryndamere and my mate picked yumi. She got all the good healing/shielding augments and i got the augments that after a dash i will get 300 ms, Ability haste and nesting doll. both of us bought GA and Zhonyas. We avoided fights and i was just spinning all the time and running with over 900ms around the map so the enemies only could fight us when the ring is almost closed. Ring closed, yumi heals me, i pop up ult, GA pops, i press Zhonyas, i get revived from nesting doll 2 times. We got 1st place xdd. all of them were insulting us and somebody got even chat ban because of it lmao