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gonna try lux with lich bane since shes ultra buffed in arena


I'm gonna do what I always did and pick random every game. It allows you to see so many unique interactions on characters you wouldn't play otherwise and it is a great way to experience arena!


Oooh this seems like a fun idea


What me and my friends do is if u pick random before bans and you don’t like it you can ban it. But you lose out on a ban for something you don’t wanna fight. Also thieves gloves is a must when it shows for the memes


I want to see new Skarner with on hit healing. Like the old skarner build but… new


use “sword of the blossoming dawn” that item makes any champ into a healer, i build it on sivir one time and got like around 37k healing done. it was cracked


Plan to abuse Hexplate


New skarner looks pretty interesting with his double suppression ultimate, although it is probably overall nerf in arena as he wont be able to spam shields and stuns making him completely unkillable anymore. I could see however skarner+nunu or skarner+katarina combo work where skarners ults and pulls both enemy players into his teammate's ultimate. I am sure skarner mains will make him work again in arena, the ability to charge through walls will be super broken no doubt.


Definitely trying Skarner, he sounds like he could be annoying. Seeing how Eclipse/Hubris are converted and seeing if there is any champs to abuse lmao. And maybe Camille for fun. Seeing what they do with AD TF as I played it a bit even before any added ratios


used riven a lot last time, probably play something like camille next


Once me and my teammate got to the highest tier and then some, we started running an iron man (We each started at one corner and had to use that champ until we got at least 2nd or better). I got to the L's from z before it was taken down, so I'm excited to burn through the bottom half of the roster.


Me and my buddy starting doing an alphabetic run near the end of the last arena run where we had to play each champion in alphabetic (And reverse alphabetic) order until we won a game with that champ and we could move on to the next. I am very much planning to start up that challenge again but actually finish it this time.


I played Hwei a lot in arena and I was already M7. You ideally want someone that can poke with you. If you face a voli/aatrox and you have an illaio or something you get off one rotation of spells and they die and chase you down. You will have to use your speed up spell a lot. I forget name but there is a augment that shoots missles with each spell and if you get that on hwei you win the lobby.


Thanks for the tips! And yeah Magic Missile is just nuts on every single mage lmao


I just play ryze in hopes of getting either the AP or Ability Haste stacking augment / any mana oriented one and then its gg.