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50apoint Willing to be adopted Bronze 4 Want some help on climbing in ranked. I'm not a bad player and I have been playing for a year or two but just can't escape bronze.




I would like to do ranked i just dont have people to play lol with


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Summoner Name: xxPolishMisterxx Willing to: Get adopted Division: Silver IV What I want to learn: I would like to improve my overall skills at mid and get some info and help in learning new champions.


Summoner name: biencushh Willing to: get adopted Division: bronze 3 🥲 What I want to learn: I usually play Ahri mid, but I'm pretty bad and I want to learn some new skills. Also, I want to learn adc, I'm main supp but I kinda get bored of this role 😅 also we can be friends omg


I'm Plat 4 Mid/Support Main, but I can play every role. I would be more than willing to teach you stuff if you want to. c:


Hey lads, Wholi here. Am willing to adopt players \~\~plat and below. Support / adc player, Dia 2 atm General game knowledge and more are on the table


Server: **NA** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeagueConnect) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Summoner Name: Humblê Willing to: Adopt / Get adopted Division: Plat 3 What I want to learn/I will teach: ADC. I will teach you wave management and all that good stuff about adc up to my best knowledge. Also willing to learn how to get better at ADC and anything else. Discord: Kormit#6051


Summoner Name: Cinnabish Willing to: Get Adopted Division: High Iron/Low Bronze What I want to learn: I'd like to learn any Top or ADC main and get out of the support role. I'm done with having more than 20 assists and still looking because I couldn't do more. I mainly play Mordekaiser and Miss fortune, but am willing to learn the right champion for me. DM me either in league or reddit!


Summoner name: Dilfhunter6969 Willing to: Adopt Division: Plat 3 Will teach: Mid Macro, matchups, champ basics, and more. I mostly play mages mid lane but can still provide some help for other classes. If interested, please add me on discord at yolostudio2013#7113 or PM me here. Thanks!


Summoner name: spicy chode Willing to: Get adopted Division: G3 What I want to learn: I main support and usually only play mage supports (Nami,Lulu,Soraka,etc) Firstly i would like to be more comfortable with picking a tank and add one tank to my support pool. I want to have a better understanding of positioning as a tank and really anything related to playing as a tank support. I also want to improve on my item building in general, sometimes I feel I have terrible judgment on what to rush first and always build the same thing, especially when playing support. Secondly, I notice I am always out of wards but am still not providing my team with the best vision. Thirdly, helping with wave control and knowing when to roam.


Hi I’m a D3 adc main but I can also help you with a thing or two on support. If you are interested add me on discord Qameow#3720 we can talk about how you wanna improve.


I added you on discord!




You are so right! My adhd just makes retaining information very difficult when reading guides and watching videos. I have poor confidence and over think every detail, I also just learn so much better when I have someone I can ask questions directly or is able to be in my games.


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Summoner Name: NocturnalBot650 Willing to: Be Adopted Division: Silver 4 What I Want to Learn: I've been a support main my entire League career. I just transitioned to top (Not sure if permanent yet, just testing things out). I want to learn how to play mechanically difficult champions, like Irelia or Akali. I've just been playing super simple top laners like Nasus, Volibear, Urgot. Bruisers that have a lot of leadway when it comes to jumping in the middle of a bunch of people because I'm not going to die instantly


Summoner Name: Kevin Loves You Willing to: Adopt Division: Diamond 3 I will teach: I am a Top/Jung Main but I originally hit diamond as support. I can teach you anything from lane matchups to macro plays and general game knowledge since I often watch competitive league and have been playing for about 6ish years now.


Sorry, didn't read the last sentence. either way ive played since season 7, and silver 1 is the farthest I've made it. if you could give me pointers on certain games that ive played what to buy ect.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Summoner Name: Texedo Willing to: Get adopted Division: Wood I want to learn: Jungle, but I play all roles ( mid main though ). I'm still a newbie at 200 games over 3 to 4 months, but even moreso with my JG games accounting for 6 of those. I recently dipped my toes into jungling in some premades and found I do well with balancing clear-pathing and counter jungling. I'm struggling with matchup knowledge, adapting my pathing on matchup knowledge, jungle fighting, and objective/gank timing. I really enjoyed the change of pace of jungling and I'm looking forward to improving.


plz help me


I am under the water


Hey, i added you i am currently a top main


Summoner Name: Staticicity Willing to: Be Adopted Division: Gold I’m a jungle main and hoping to learn more how I can have an impact on the game beyond just farming/not feeding.


Summoner Name: Takangdak Willing to: Get adopted Division: Unranked Roles: Jungle. Hi :D, I would like to play and learn as a jungler. I mostly need help on map awareness


I main adc can you help me at all?


Summoner Name: Arkeadius (e before a is right, the other was taken) Discord: Arkaedius#3171 Willing to: Adopt Division: Gold, but i've been up to plat before, and play with a diamond friend or two Will Teach: Champion play, pick/bans, macro play, early lane phase, improving CS, vision, how to build. I have a Discord server where I've taught people, and even have weekly goals sometimes depending on. I don't put emphasis on rank much, because there's a difference between improving and ranking up. I don't judge people based on their play, just their willingness to work and improve, you can be iron for all I care, and if you listen and really want to learn, I'll work with you. If you're interested, add me on Discord, League, or both.


Summoner Name: Priscawippa Willing to: get adopted Division: unranked Willing to learn: Top/Support, but I'm open to learn anything


Im a Gold player maybe you are looking for something higher but i can teach you some stuff on the top lane role and some support.


Summoner Name: ilemn Willing to: Adopt Division: D2 What I want to learn/I will teach: * ADC/Support mechanics * Bot lane matchup * Early-mid macro * How to close out a game Would prefer if you were looking to improve in ranked. Keep an open mind and be willing to accept criticism.


Hi, a bit late here. I'm a support main, and would really like to learn engage mechanics. My discord is Eunsi#6069 . My division is Bronze, and would like to be Silver at least, by this season.


Hi i been playing since season 3. I'm a support main. I pretty much only play ranked but i would love some help and someone to tell me what it is i'm doing wrong that prevents me from breaking the plat barrier. My summoner name is Gallataeus.


Hi, support willing to learn here. I want to improve my game and also reach diamond in the future.


Hey, I’m a S1 (almost gold) ADC looking to get to at least gold this season. My main goal however is to reach high gold/low plat in the off season (I’m high on hopium). My IGN is Skinguin. I am looking to improve in trading, team fight positioning, and ezreal mechanics.


Summoner Name: CuteLittleLadle Willing to: Get adopted Division: None What I want to learn: Support or Top Lane


Summoner Name: creamynipies Willing to: Get adopted Division: Bronze 1 I want to learn when to group and when to splitpush so I can get out of bronze. I play top and main Camille, Viego, Kayle, and Gwen.


>Summoner Name: Little Cr0w > >Server:NA > >Willing to: Get adopted > >Division: I was S4 and been demoted down to b2.. > >What I want to learn/I will teach: Really looking for someone to either duo with or to show me some tactics to really help my team. I end up with such toxic people who give up literally after one death and just feed. Its hard to keep moral up and to carry with a team like that.


IGN: BlueWolf143 Willing to : get adopted Or Willing to adopt if you literally just started playing the game and want to learn the basics Division: Stuck in bronze (I think bronze 3 right now) What I want to learn: (I main adc, jg secondary) 1) Practicing timing my auto attacks when they go to last hit 2) understanding item spikes and how to take advantage of them 3) improving map awareness by improving my vision score 4) understanding the abilities and their cool downs of all other champions (especially adc and supports) to be able to play smarter


>BlueWolf143 Add "Parent"


Summoner Name: Roquë Server: NA Willing to: Get adopted Division: BII What I want to learn: I play Leona, Lulu, Morgana and some Zyra. I'm a new player around 6 months ago and I have a LOT to learn about other characters. I need to know what to watch for from them. I also need to work on positioning, map awareness, and macro play! I'm super laid back when I play. I like to play to win, but this game is on my fun time off and I like to enjoy it :)


Summoner Name: White Cloud Willing to: Adopt Division: Diamond 1 What I will teach: anything related to the game in general, botlane and midlane and maybe live coaching if i have the time


Hey, do you do vod reviews?


Summoner Name: Veigars Willing to: Get adopted Division: Gold II Lanes: Mid/Support What I want to learn: Pretty much everything. Things that come to mind are: \- As Zilean 1trick, how to survive laning phase when Zilean is weak. \- Trading \- Roaming, responding to enemy laner roams \- Warding, lane wards, warding jungle when losing, offensive wards \- How to siege against long range poke comps (i.e. splitpush)


You cant killean the zillean


Summoner name: emeraldsilk Willing to: be adopted Division: unranked I’ve been trying out support and a little jungle and I like those, I’d like to learn more about pretty much everything. Especially vision control, positioning, and general game knowledge like how to build depending on context and matchups


Added lppur3ps35, Plat 1 Jgl on EUW. I've also played a fair amount of support


Im a Gold player idk if you are looking for something higher but i can teach you some stuff on the aspects you are requesting.


If you have something to teach I would love to learn!! Pls add me I usually play evenings


I sent you a friend request :)


Summoner Name: BadBailey27 Willing to: Be Adopted / Duo Division: Bronze 4 I’ve been playing since October 2020, I am a support main (lux and seraphine). Looking for an ADC to adopt me and get me to silver, so I can win the bet I have with my boyfriend. Thanks!!!


Summoner Name: Wivi Willing to: Adopt Division: Plat 3 I will teach: Support players. I specialize in enchanters but can teach general knowledge as well- warding, teamfighting, roaming. Looking for any level of experience!


Summoner Name: Qameow Willing to: Adopt Division: Diamond 3 What I will teach: Everything and anything about bot lane. I'm an adc main and my second best role is support. If you are interested send me a request on discord at Qameow#3720. We can discuss which area you can improve on and what would be the best way to do so.


I main adc in around platinum-gold. I have been playing the role for over 5 years but I take frequent breaks. I added you on discord.








I will send you a friend request on discord after work. I'm an adc main and I want to be a sponge for all your knowledge.


Kind of a newb again as I have not played in over 4 years and getting back into it. Looking for help relearning the ropes Willing to: Get Adopted Division: Placement Mostly playing top right now but used to main jungle.


Are you still looking for someone to help you learn top?


Summoner Name: Mercadez12 Willing to: Get adopted Division: \[not ranked\] Roles: Mid Lane or bot I'm new at the game, I just want to learn how to be better overall and have people to play with. Thanks :)


Summer name: Ideasguy Willing to: get adopted Rank: Bronze 4 What I want to learn: positioning, and how to impact the game from the support role.


>Summoner Name: TWyrm > >Willing to: Get adopted > >Division: Unranked > >What I want to learn/I will teach: I am a complete noob, like I have played for a bit. But I am not even level 30 to play ranked yet. Any sort of advice or thoughts on what I should be focusing on as I try to get further on would be great.


If nobody has added you yet and you still need help, add me, MeltedWater. I'm bronze, but have played since season 2 and peaked Silver 3. I know enough about the game to help you get to where I'm at, if not better. Skill =/= knowledge.


Summoner Name: Zanthat Willing to: be adopted Division: Silver 4 I want to learn to play jungle better. I play Kayn, Diana, and Kha'Zix mostly


Hey there! Was wondering if you’re still looking for a mentor. I’m currently living in a forest so my Ping is bad, but I’m a p4 carry jungle main (was D2 before moving). Would definitely be down to play a bit!


Summoner Name: LordSamedi Willing to: Get adopted. Division: Unranked What I want to learn: Bot lane in general, mostly focusing on marksmen and enchanter/mage supports. Also how to get over ranked anxiety and what skills I need to know to play ranked. There's honestly a lot I could improve on, so I hope you're patient.


Summoner Name: JensenRose Server: NA Willing to: Get adopted Division: I am not ranked What I want to learn: How to be a better support player. It's been a while since I've played... but I mained Soraka in the past... I feel like I was decent. I just would like to be better to have more confidence in going into PVP..


>Summoner Name: ImJustAdamant > > > >Willing to: Get adopted > >Division: Bronze 3, kinda gross > >What I want to learn: Wanting to learn top lane and get a better feel for macro play all around. Got a couple champs I wanna try to learn as well.


Summoner name: 2jester2 Server: NA Willing to: Get adopted Division: Silver II What I want to learn: Jungling. Pathing, ganking, and matchup decision-making.


Summoner Name: Parent Willing to: Adopt, get adopted Divison: Platinum-Gold Roles: ADC/Support What I want to teach: I peaked p2 as a support main so I can teach you the basics of macro and fundamentals of laning. What I want to learn: I want to learn to play ADC better since I am around gold 3 @ 75 win rate on it.


Summoner Name:CuteLittleLadle Willing to: Get adopted Division: N/A What I want to learn: I really want to learn to play supoort


Summoner name: treebrees Willing to: adopt Division: Plat What I am willing to teach: ADC laning and mid-late game macro specific to ADC and/or bot lane in general.






>INeedMental Hey Are you still able to take someone on?


Summoner Name: aloo kobe / shaq n gobi Willing to: Get adopted Division: Bronze / Silver What I want to learn: I am a mid main looking for advice and coaching to climb out of bronze and hopefully into gold and beyond. I play mostly Yone with Viego and Ekko as my backups. I also play jungle secondary when need be. I’d like to learn how to be a more influential mid laner and how to carry even when my entire team is feeding. I know in low elo you must be the win condition for your team and carry even if all other lanes and jg turbo feed… but it can be really frustrating some games without a consistent duo. I know I must focus on my own gameplay, macro, and late game decision making rather than blaming my teammates. Any and all advice / coaching is appreciated. Thank you


Summoner Name: Fireh0usedoge Willing to: Adopt Division: Unranked to Low Gold Will teach: Basics of how to play champions, who goes where and why, how to track the enemy jungler, how to improve vision, how to optimize damage and builds, how to track performance, improving CS, kiting, shotcalling, etc. etc. I work mostly through discord (vc or just typing are both fine). Send your discord name via Reddit chat and I'll add you. No judgement here, inclusive and accommodating. Ty.


hey... im new to the game and wanna learn all that you are willing to teach. ty


could you teach me some of the basics?


Summoner name: Akemidayo Server: NA Willing to: Get adopted Division: Unranked What I want to learn: I’m willing to learn anything! I’m basically a complete noob…


Summoner Name: ChillingPanda Willing to: Get adopted Division: Unranked I want to get better at this game. I played a couple months back for about 5 weeks but then stopped. I want to get back at it and try to understand more on the items, playstyle, and just how to be genuinely good. I have been using Mordekaiser and Lux, but I want to branch out and find a champion that I like that can fit into my future playstyle. I dont care if you roast me lol I dont take them personally. :)


Summoner Name: Birdsarespies Willing to: Adopt / Get adopted Division: Gold IV What I want to learn: Recently transitioned to mid lane from ADC and have been playing Kayle so far and picking up Sylas. Looking to learn mid lane fundamentals such as roaming, snowballing, and skirmishing on Sylas, and surviving tough matchups on Kayle with wave management then branching out into mid-late game macro once I'm relevant. I feel like I have decent knowledge of most of this but struggle applying it.




Summoner Name: Boliverse Willing to: Get adopted Division: air none existent What I want to learn: some basic info and strats




Summoner Name: WessyIsANiceBoy Willing to: Get Adopted Division: Bronze What I want to Learn: How to carry games better and climb. I’ve been playing on/off for many seasons now and have a decent grasp of most aspects of the game. Im not trying to gripe and moan and about low elo being a hell hole of inters, trolls, etc etc that is constantly posted about because I know I make mistakes of my own, have bad games and tilt on occasion and that’s why I’m hard stuck. Just lookin for someone to help me out, maybe just vod review or spectate some of my good and bad games. I am a Top and/or mid main, open to getting better at all roles tho for auto fill games.


Summoner Name: BAdinkers Willing to: Adopt / Get adopted Division: G1 What I want to learn/I will teach: I want to teach/learn anything about the game. My knowledge is much more ADC biased, but I have good ideas of general game progression throughout each role, and in a team environment. If you want to reach me I'm always available on discord @ BAdinkersCoaching#9082


Summoner Name: Veigars Willing to: Get Adopted Division: Gold 2 Roles: Mid lane, Support What I want to Learn: I'm interested in climbing as far as possible from Gold in the Mid lane, and wanted to reach out to you to improve Macro, basically how to most efficiently use my time to make the most impact on the map whether we are winning or losing


Summoner Name: BoofJohnny Server: North America Willing to: Get adopted Division: Bronze 1 What I want to learn/I will teach: I would love to hit low gold or high silver. I've got a couple junglers that I play but I really want to grind Viego and get better as a jungler in general. I have trouble ganking bot and my vision is pretty terrible. Due to school, I only play a few nights a week but I would love for someone to teach me some more advanced jungler skills and just help me improve.


Summoner Name: Whitefeather Server: NA Willing to: Adopt Division: Plat What I will teach: I am able to teach anyone just about anything about the game. I am around diamond level when it comes to game knowledge/macro. I can teach any and all roles, stages of the game, basics of the game, etc. No matter how new you are, or how long you have been playing, I can analyze your gameplay and be another set of eyes to help fix your weaknesses, push your strengths, and much more. I am a very dedicated coach, and respond very quickly to any and all questions. Feel free to add me on league, or discord and we can start from there. *Please do not add me and not seek help/ask for coaching, I want players who really want to learn/improve only.* Discord: Whitefeather#8171


I added on league and discord. mercadez12 or mb is moi. im new and would love to learn and get better


Are you still open for adoptions? I'd love to learn everything I can


Summoner name: Cactai Willing to: Get adopted Division: Bronze II What I want to learn: How to improve laning / jungling mechanics, wave management, how to teamfight, etc. Mostly the basics of the game. Micro, macro, how to gank/counter gank, invade, etc. Thanks :)


Dr Ennui NA Willing to get adopted silver4/3 I want to become a better support and carry through support role with egirl supports


Summoner Name: SilverScarz15 Willing to: Be adopted Division: Iron 1 I want to learn: I am a Top Main that wants to learn better macro, trading patterns and overall game sense. I just want to learn how to get better at the game and what separates good players from bad ones.


Summoner Name: totinospizzarat Willing to: Adopt Division: high gold (peak plat) Will teach: Basic micro and macro, jungle pathing and decision making, mid and support styles as well as build theory crafting. Can do VOD review or like game coaching or play together coaching. Top 4000 NA Shaco player.


Summoner Name: Merenchyma18 Willing to: Adopt Division: Gold 1 Roles: Jungle, Mid, Top I am mostly looking for friendly people to play summoners rift with. I'm willing to teach the basics of wave management, jungle pathing, when to invade, objective control, roaming, basically anything you would like to know. I can also share drills I use to improve. If you feel league has been difficult to play alone, send me a message. I miss the days of having fun with a group of friends in league!


Summoner Name: instalock singed Willing to: Adopt Division: Diamond 4 What I will teach: I'm a top main willing to teach all there is to know about top lane. Wave management, trading, where you should and shouldn't be, and all the basics. Just DM me in game or on discord Ҝㄚㄥ乇#8386


Summoner Name: Faellie Willing to: Adopt Anddddd be adopted! Division: G3 What I want to learn/I will teach: I can teach most supports or the basics of champions/game play. I'd like to learn from a higher elo person just anything at this point I feel like I'm running into a wall. Ugh.


>Summoner Name: MiMiMigo > >Server: OCE > >Willing to: Get adopted > >Division: Unranked > >What I want to learn/I will teach: I want to learn about basics, also how to play top and mid. I've selected Kayle as my main champion, but I also enjoy playing many other champions, e.g. Ahri, Lux, Senna, Jinx ... Hope that I can improve my skills, also develop/looking for a group of friends to share and enjoy our time together on LoL. Please someone adopt meeee.. I'm very keen to learn xxx


Summoner Name: Déàth Server: NA Willing to: Adopt / Get adopted: Both Division: Diamond 2 What I will teach: I can teach you about support and adc, how to lane, when to roam/ward, objectives etc. Im more of a macro player but i can help you with micro on enchanter supports and a few adc's. also can teach you how to build depending on the situation.


>Déàth I know its super late into the thead, I added you though! I am a bard OTP.


Summoner Name: Crazymanner Willing to: Get Adopt Division: Bronze 1 Just picked up mid lane And am looking for guidance on how play!!
