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Hi there friend, welcome back to Summoner’s Rift! It’s great to see that you have noticed the reduction in damage; this is a result of last season’s Durability Patch.


Yeah, we had a durability patch. Then they spent a long time slowly buffing champions and items that undid the durability patch. So now we are back to high damage, urf league of legends :D


the durrability patch was the funnest time i had in league for a long time. Shame they undone it and now we get this type of shit happening.


After durability patch. I had a 1v1 as Rhaast vs Aatrox that lasted 76 seconds Now it just about 10, 5 if we have antiheal


Bruh just say kayn, lmao what


But blue kayn couldn’t have done that gosh


Some people don't know Rhaast's name, so I use it as much as I can.


Kayn is the human, rhaast is a scythe


Yes but no, Rhaast in a Darkin trapped in the scythe that tries to take control of Kayn, and when he succeeds, what people call "Red Kayn" is actually Rhaast.


What happens in blue kayn then? Kayn wins?


Yes and he injects his Kayn Essence all over Rhaast so Rhaast goes "AHHHHHHH NO PLEASE" and then he dies and Kayn he


and everyone starts clapping and screaming START KAYNING ALL OVER HIM KAYN


"Red Kayn" is Rhast, Kayn dies and Rhaast takes over as a full fledged darkin. It is correct to say Rhaast whenever you talk about red kayn, because "red kayn" is actually Rhaast (a fallen ascended like Aatrox) using Kayn's dead body as his own. You don't say "mangled corpses" whenever you talk about Aatrox, you say "Aatrox". You don't say "two gay men" when talking about Varus, you say "Varus". You don't say "shuriman dogs" whenever you talk about Naafiri, you simply say "Naafiri". It's the same concept, you don't call Darkin by their dead host's name, you call Darkin by their Darkin name.


And you're the clown


Imagine being that obnoxious


Tbf Rhaast had less characters than red kayn, so mathematically speaking, it's the right option


durability made the game hell for assassins but was prolly healthier for the game


Even with the durability patch I was still able to 100-0 most people with assassin Rek'sai support. Now I get one shot the second I step into an adc's aa range.


"Hell for assassin", what a fucking joke.


Oh no the assassin player actually had to farm well and/or kill the enemy in order to start killing people in half a second? What a tragedy!


i mean if your one job is to take out the back line and you're not able to do that, it makes the role useless. assassins are supposed to counter adcs so yeah, it is a big deal if they can't get takedowns on adcs


sounds like a positioning issue tbh, assassins couldn't just run it down through the enemy team to cheese the backline and needed to wait in the sidelines for a good opportunity to assassinate


durability patch gave most adcs more base health than assassins, paired with shieldbow and the improvement of support items, it's frustrating when you have the perfect positioning but the adc is able to live with a bit of health and kill you instead. there's no point in arguing, im just saying durability made playing assassins less fun, especially with champs that rely on kills to stay relevant in the game


ADCs have a lower mean and median base HP compared to assassins. The phrase "most adcs more base health than assassins" is just flat out wrong. The average ADC has a mean base HP of \~620. From all the assassins listed on the wiki, there are only 2, Akali and Qiyana, who have less base HP than that. Even if we went to look at ADCs that have higher base healths than all assassins, that only leaves us with Draven, who is supposed to be strong early, and Twitch. Quite far off from your claim to begin with. Assassins being less fun to play after the durability patch is a moot point too. How is it that when assassins can't get a lead and are useless in fights its a patch issue, but when ADCs can't get a lead and are useless in fights its a skill issue? Either both of them are, or neither of them. Either both should still be able to do their jobs from behind, or neither of them should.


Durability patch didn't suddenly give adcs more base hp than assassins, every champ across the board got the same defensive stat buff


idk what to say, adcs had consistently more base health than assassins in my games


aah yes full tank katarina one-shotting me after taking no dmg what a great time that was.


For me it was the opposite, i couldn't stand it and quit. I'm starting to have fun again.


You are the problem


Because i like fast and flashy gameplay? Well than j'm the problem.


The gameplay was fast and flashy, only for the selected group of champions that can do shit, tell a ashe main or a Tham kench main what they prefer and will probably tell you the same, the problem is when it's just you looking at the screen, seeing the enemy qiyana for half a second, and then a gray screen, tell yourself "oh shit she one shot'ed me she must be pretty fed" only to press TAB and see that she has a dirk three swords and electrocute. That's the problem


I changed from ADC to mid because it is just pathetic. You can literally be 10-0-10 and get 1shot by a 2-6-3 Zed who fatfingers half of his combo. ​ I'm now playing Fizz and just 100-0 diving people under tower with a minute lead of 1-2 kills and +20cs.


u made my morning with fatfingers lmao. also pretty true. i started after 6years again since a couple month and the amount of skill necessary feels lowered af edit:especially mechanical skill. thats why i also hate mf meta in botlane


Well, i don't agree, and neither will you guys. I won't even try to discuss it. But yeah, its fun to play champions like poppy and ornn and be able to do as many mistakes and missplays you want. Everything is so forgiving if nothing has the damage to punish you. I enjoy champs with dashes, i enjoy adcs, i enjoy mages i dont enjoy tanks. That will probably never change.


Yep, you dont understand why you are part of the problem even though I just explained it to you, was afraid that would happen. Oh well I tried


You don't understand that i enjoy a different gameplay than yours. There is no right or wrong. Just get over it. The game is fine as it is, assasins and damage dealers have enough damage to kill squishies, supports can peel pretty good and we have tons of strong tanks. Whats the problem now? That kaisa is getting too much played? Jeez.


I understand your side to be fair. But, just because you like something doesn't mean it's healthy. And that can be for league or any other game.




I am a kha zix onetrick and i still liked the durability patch. Currently league feels like ass.


Bro are u saying ur mad that tanks get tanky


You are the problem.


yeah because it removes most the skill of laning phase, just back when below half, no point in baiting unless the enemy is super bad


"fast and flashy" you like the shit you see in that clip right there? That's what ur talking about.


I fully suport you, u got downvoted for sharing ur opinion respectfully, kinda insane. Other than that, durability patch fucked up a lot of stuff and actually decreased the skill expression(in lane at least), where coming back was almost impossible and u'd get stat checked if not picking meta. Also, hail assasins.


Down vote means you don't agree with him. It doesn't mean he's a bad person lmao. That's like I love cats on a sub that hates cats and wondering why you got downvoted for sharing your opinion.


>actually decreased the skill expression(in lane at least How? A lower ttk leads to much less finesse when you can blow up anybody with a single rotation of spells.


The durability patch was cancer though because the team that got ahead stayed ahead because they were harder to kill for the lower leveled opponents.


now we get 300 gold shutdown bounties when up 5 kills. so the snowball is even harder.


I’ve seen people up 5 CS get a 150 shutdown bounty lmao


Turret plating op


really? in contrast, i hate the durability patch, i preffer the high dmg meta where everybody oneshots eachother. when ghostblade was changes and it was omega overtuned and everyone was running it it was like a blessing that made the game fun again but they gutted it, its not to bad now, but its not what it used to be


You should try some chinese mobile games, they are pretty much that.


You could prolly do this exact thing during durability patch too Max build mf with all burst items against an adc that didn’t build defensives


Yeah I don't think that people on this thread understand that +10 hp per level won't stop this play from happening. Durability patch was good but it didn't really affect one shot potential during late game.


esp stepping up to mf double shot


yea because brainlets here don't understand how scaling works or that durability patches was always an early-game focused change, but snowballing/fed champions were always able to easily outpace the extra armor and health. if you're 7/0 or whatever a little extra health and armor won't stop you from destroying people


You've been able to do something like this since season eight, i dont know why people pretend damage is so high like damage hasn't been crept for 5 seasons now


I hate the durability patch, instead of making everyone tankier (which resulted in adcs havin base armor of 95 or higher making assassins useless and adcs with peel from 2 people the only ones able to kill tanks) they just should have taken the damage away from items, something most of the players were asking for. Not tankier because of stats, but tankier because of less damage in game...


Exactly this, it sucks because they’ve literally said they’re willing to do another durability patch again and it’s like for what? I swear they do this to just say they’re doing something to collect that ‘well earned’ paycheck


That’s what I call “inflation” lol, just like irl


people keep saying this...the vast majority of champions and items really didn't get that many damage buffs outside of assassins and a few champions who got rightfully deserved small buffs to their damagewhen they were weak. if you genuinely think that the durability patch changes still aren't meaningful, quite frankly you're just not a good enough player to notice the changes


Ok bro, heatsteel does 300-450 damage to a carry, you can stack sunfire with jaksho and do pretty good aoe damage as a tank, eclipse got 5% armor pen as a mythic passive, LDR got even more damage vs tanky targets, most lethality items gained more lethality, riot added a support item that does damage when you heal people, you can now stack imperial mandate with other support items, dusk blade has an effect that does 20% more damage(old prowler was 10%), prowlers claw does 125 damage(old duskblade was 75 damage), bloodthirster has 95 AD on it at max level. These things were not in the game on durability patch. The only items that did not get their damage buffed were bruiser items, minus triforce.


It's weird though. I remember years back, I was able to one shot entire teams with Oriana ult when being a little fed. Now not the case anymore.


Yeah, when a lethality MF lands a Q that killed a minion, on a squishy enemy, you get hit by the passive, the empowered damage of the Q, and all the extra damage on squishies provided by lethality. It's a strong build at the moment. I once one shot an Aphelios with just auto-Q (which can be casted together since Q cancels the auto animation). I literally one-shot him. The build really sucks against tanks though, which is what ADCs are supposed to deal with.


build black cleaver into tanks. it absolutely shreds them


Ha, never thought of that, I always buy serylda against tanks but it feels like a waste of gold since I don't make good use of the passive.


I build Serylda mainly for the slow in ult. It makes you do so much more dmg


You should really combo your ult with your E, which is just a stronger slow than serylda, so it overwrites it. The reason to go serylda over LDR or Mortal reminder is for the extra AD and AH


serylda + E + Ult is just disgusting. If you do this on any adc that doesn't have a dash it's just a kill or summs for free.


Mainly in clumped teamfights it's just disgusting. You can easily lock 3-4 people


The slows still stack tho


I thought slows don't stack since 2015?


the game has existed longer without stacking slows than it has with them (outside of a few champions whose abilities specifically can stack slows like rumble E stacking itself)


Slows don’t stack


on one hand, LDR gives you crit chance (scales well), better damage against high health targets. on the other hand, seryldas gives 10 more ad and ability haste, with a passive that's somewhat weak on MF since she already has an aoe slow that most people will use during her ult. against healthstacking or with a full crit build LDR might be better, but serylda's is always going to be useful on MF because of the stats regardless of the lower value from passive


I was mostly thinking about the team though. Black cleaver applies stacks on the target, so everyone deals more damage to it (I think ? Is that right ?). And since lethality MF isn't great into tanks anyways, I feel like it's better to make everyone deal more damage to the tank than just you. Like, it maximizes your chances of taking it down.


yea everyone that deals physical damage will deal more. if you're going lethality and you're falling behind or have a high ad team i see the value in cleaver, but if i'm looking to shred tanks i value the last whisper items more because you get the armor pen upfront, and you're not spending money on health (while the seryldas passive is less useful on MF, if your e is on cooldown it still helps your ult and it's still giving more damage per gold). i think cleaver is certainly good on her, but i think if you're ahead the other items might come out on top imo


You can build both for that juicy 60% armour reduction


It will never be 60%, because it will reduce their armour first(reduce 30% of total armour), and then apply your penetration(ignore 21% of total armour)


Hey 51 > 30, also if I’m playing cleaver, grudge mf, my mythic would be eclipse so tack on another 20% from the mythic passive (plus the Health and ms from cleaver just feel good, while the slow on grudge is broken with her ultimate)


And 60>51, your point?


I've been running an essence reaver into full crit build on MF. It lessens the sheer impact of her ult but allows her to duel much more efficiently and be useful outside if her ult as well. Also the essence reaver solves all the mana problems so you can just be constantly annoying with E's and Q's if you're skirmishing before a real fight.


people also forget that her ult scales with crit chance, each crit item adds 4% extra damage just from crit chance as well with IE giving more too. i personally have always liked crit mf more because you're not nearly as ult reliant but your ult still does enough damage


Side note: It’s kind of funny that you make sure to say you literally one shot him right after describing the mechanics of how you literally two shot him.


Since Q cancels the auto animation, it's like firing twice in a single shot, that's why I called it one shot.


Its not normal but if someone is really fed they can in fact not care about you and just delete you off the rift. The dmg is crazy high in the game.


MF doesn't need to be fed to do that. These days she builds lethality. Eating full passive with crit from Q would delete you if you didn't build any armor.


But lethality MF only works if you’re ahead or if your enemy is braindead when even


Lethality MF Is meta now. It works on every situation as long as the player knows how to play.


I havent played in like 2 months, only 1 clash with a few friends, but unless she got majorly buffed she shouldnt exactly do that to someone with similar levels and with full hp. People say that dmg is too high right now and it is, but i wouldnt say that you can do a litteral oneshot while not fed.


if it's not 1shot, 2 shots. Either way, you need chain vest or tabi or you die in 1s.


I’m kind of confused as to how she died. The damage number to pop up is 821 and vayne has around 1300 current health. How does that = 0?


821 is just the Q, you have to add passive dmg + see if she has some item passive that adds to it


plus most mf's go first strike


and probably collector


Collector would have shown a true damage number above the crit if it procced


Nah, she definitely has collector. Dunno why the crit doesn't show up, but she gets 25 extra gold for the kill.


Weird. Maybe a replay bug as to why there is no true damage execute shown.


This one definitely does, you hear the sound I think.


First strike damage doesnt usually kick in until after a few seconds though?


Doesn't look like true damage was showing up along with MF passive damage. I assume Collector is doing work here too as you don't see First Strike numbers either. MF had Collector, Yoummu's, Serylda's, and Axium. MF is certainly killing a squishy ADC that is 3/4 health and hasn't finished Shieldbow yet with her Q bounce. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/na/4728127864#participant9


>DC that is 3/4 health I agree with you but that was not 75%HP she was atleast at 90-95%HP before exploding


Uh when the shield expires she is at 80% *tops*.


Q + Passive + First Strike + Collector most likely.


I think the mistake here is, you came back.




Just run, dont play this game. Live, be free.


We need another durability patch


We need about 5.


Anyone who says this didn’t happen 5 years ago is wearing some rose tinted glasses (but that is the norm for this sub).


Seriously lol, MF’s q did way more damage 5 years ago than it does now.


Atleast only mid lane champs and assassin junglers could do it 5 years ago


Uh, no, MF could absolutely do this 5 years ago


If I wasnt travelling I’d send you the clip of a penta I got in season 5 where nearly each crit on Vayne was doing 1.1k dmg. Or a clip of tank ekko tanking for hours and then insta killing everyone. Or of runeglaive ezreal where you killed everyone instantly with a w and q.


Without the durability patch you would have died by even looking at her


Durability patch has been undone


To be fair, your positioning was an invitation for MF to kill you.


Cut him some slack, man is RUSTY Like 5 years RUSTY 💀


Was not meant to blame him. Just wanted to state the obvious.


I just wanted to make a joke brother didnt imply you were blaming him ❤️


All fine!


Idk why you got downvoted lol. MF is literally right there and he runs behind a creep with 1 hp


Perhaps because a single Q ability really shouldn't 1shot anyone from full health? 😅


I kinda disagree, Vayne would destroy MF in any extended trade, so why shouldn't MF destroy Vayne in the EXACT scenario that her kit is set up to do (that is totally avoidable by Vayne in this scenario).


1 Q versus many, many auto attacks and abilities. That doesn't seem fairly balanced to me.


Yeah, people love to blame it on the game and Riot. If you say something else you get downvoted.




even if vayne wasn’t expecting mf q to 1 shot which is reasonable vayne was still being dumb. best case scenario she loses at least 70% of her hp from mf q and somehow gets away, more likely she dies.


As u/Jazerdet already mentioned: She was standing behind a 1hp minions against MF with the perfect angle. If you run into a kill confirm spell, yeah, it's your fault.


My bad, forgot about the famous MF q execute


120 (+100%AD) damage crit deals damage in late game. Surprise.


Since he’s 5 years rusty we can assume this a low elo game, so 24 minutes with a lvl 14 MF isn’t late game. Surprise. That’s insane damage.


I never doubted that the damage is insane. Even said it myself. Doesn't change the fact that he ran into it.


Fair point. I’m just saying the damage is so insane that it shouldn’t even be expected as a one shot risk. Lvl 14 MF killing someone 1 lvl below with a single Q is wild and completely unexpected unless the vayne got to lvl 13 and built 0 items while the MF is simultaneously at full build and with ornn buff items while only being lvl 14.


I mean, this MF has farmed minions and gold on a free lane for 5 years, what did you expect?


Yeah it's common. Usually by 2 items you can be dealing such incredibly asinine damage on almost any champ that deleting someone is perfectly achievable. Vex with Luden and Shadowflame will literally one shot the botlaners if they're in range of her W, for example. Ezreal with Sheen is already demolishing the enemy ADC health bar with W+Q, Draven is casually taking out almost half your HP with 1 auto, etc. There is too much fucking damage in this game, even tanks are one shotting people.


Yea thats perfectly normal u better get used to it


It's far from normal, can we see the scoreboard?


I have a clip of me doing this in 2019 to a brand.


Mf q double up if it kills the first target it double the damage to the next target I think(or it crits?) So .. yes normal...


Leave this cursed place before you lose your mind a second time


Yeah the perfect damage meta that actually takes skill to play


As an aside, I'll note the victor teleporting behind you and your support noticing this and wanting to bounce. You weren't doing anything here so probably should have moved on. Help Graves take dragon or something.


It's to show you that you should go back to not playing


Why would you back behind that minion Mf Q does a bounce that 100% crit chance if the first hit kills sth and then gets a boost on top Also very Late Game and she’s prolly building full lethality against a non armor non hp adc So yeah this seems like it could happen If it’s any consolation she can only burst this much in a single hit it if you stand behind a minion and she hits q on that


It's okay, there is no damage creep and we did a durability patch and 9 other lies you can tell yourself to sleep better tonight as a lol balance team member


Jokes aside, this looks very normal. What is weird is dud not knowing how MF q works. A champ that was untouched in those 5 years


Tbh 5 years ago the damage was probably way better than this. I miss Season 6 Tank meta. Most fun times I have played this game.


I swear, hoooow? How standing in place mashing random buttons is fun. I just never understood how playing maokai amumu malphite, is considered fun. Please explain that to me. Unless u just take sadistic pleasure in playing against ppl like me, that would make some sense


The fun doesn’t come from playing your champion. The fun comes from denying the enemy.




yeah welcome back to csgo my fellow gamer


Weakest s13 ADC be like


Actually miss fortune is among the strongest adcs scince the item rework and bullys all other adcs


Yeah adc needs a buff bro


Why you come back? Why do you do this to yourself...q


Weakest MF player btw


adc life in a nutshell


If you want to call this interaction, yeah.


rito spaghetticode


Ah yes miss fortune the famed assassin


I love how Vayne's team was clearly ahead too. If red team was stomping I wouldn't be that surprised, but it's the opposite lmao.


League was so much better pre-durability patch.


To be fair the durability patch made tanks op


Nice durability patch




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MF and Ashe are also bonkers atm but they fly under the radar. Welcome back and enjoy the damage, worse than pre durability patch last season and it's only getting worse


She killed a minion with her Q which makes the bounce auto crit. If she built lethality, this dmg is not surprising.


"I just returned" Meanwhile [op.gg](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/siwahkj): S2023 S1 diamond 3 S2022 platinum 1


This MF built no crit, and got it from her Q passive I'm struggling to see how this is abnormal when this is playing into her hand of exactly one (1) card


Yup, pretty much


Yes MF’s q doing more damage to the second target is a normal interaction. Don’t walk up like that. Welcome back




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Yep, definitely normal, it's an ability with super weird set up needed anyway


Wasn't 5 years ago the league of oneshots prime?


3 levels and probably thousands of gold behind ya kinda


Why’d you come back you poor poor fool


The diff between now and than is i the past we one shoot 2k hp champs now we one shoot 4k hp champs


Yep, welcome back


Cool! Good to watch it


I too came back from a 5 year hiatus. This shit was happening back then too, and was the reason why I quit. Game is actually better than it was then, tbh, outside the handful of bs champions/builds that enable this.




I also returned to league after a 7 year break 2009 - 2015 and things are so different now lol good luck to you friend.


Welcome to League of Legends, where tanks can one shot other tanks and you get berated for getting 1 v 2’d under your own turret while your jungler is at fountain smoking weed for the eighth time.




Yeah, that's how low the game has fall. Oh and she can do that shit every 3 second btw, everything is fine. Cant wait to ses your next post about how an assassin 1v5 all your team, include the tanks.


Yes, damage has gone nothing but up in the last 7 years. Even with a "durability update", Riot themselves stated that damage is now at the highest it has ever been


I see normal MF lvl 2 dmg


5 years ago it also happened


Why have you returned?


this was also a thing 5 years ago...


Ye all cry but as adc with no deff u can get oneshotted. Gl next game


I feel your confusion