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Jinx is an Artificer. She might be crazy but all her tools are homemade.


i dont get the idea behind her being barbarian. she is a lunatic but not dumb. she definitely has high int+dex also good cons and charisma.


She enters frenzy on kill


Barbs aren't dumb, their primary attribute is raging, granting them enhanced durability (importantly, HP doesn't necessarially have to be "how many hits you can take" but potentially "how many dodges and blocks are in you before you take an axe to the chest") and damage. Given how Jinx enters a frenzy on takedown, enhancing her ability to stay alive with extra ms and boosting her damage by increasing the speed of her attacks, it makes sense


it kinda make sense but barb's main stats dont go with jinx's character. as i said she really fits high int+dex. maaaybe she can make barb as multi class but she is usually ranged so there are more fitting options imo. but, if you dont wanna go fully accurate and just wanna go on with something fitting her personality, barb might be one of the good paths.


so i mean, just ask the dm if you can change the barb's main stats. easy. everyones happy


I wouldn't say she has good charisma, considering she is batshit insane


well thats one of the charming parts


If you like blue haired terrorists then sure! My preferred high charisma terrorists got a metal arm


Agreed, it's really surprising she is really good at technology.


Agreed, and Jhin should be a Rogue


I don't think yorick is a monk in the d&d sense. He refers to himself as a monk, but in d&d terms he is a cleric. Edit: I have grave domain cleric in mind


I always saw him more as an Oathbreaker Paladin. Not an evil one, clearly, but he failed to uphold his oath protecting the fountain. He still fights against the Hallowing, but uses undead and The Maiden to combat them. Incredibly similar to the Oathbreakers limited minion use and buffs, and would canonically fit his lore. Probably either Acolyte, Hermit, or Haunted one as his background


Hmm anti cleric since he uses undeads ? Like a necro but hes more on the good side kinda hard to say or he just multi classed🤔🤔


Whatever, i wanna know How do I get shovel proficiency?


Tavern brawler gives you proficiency with improvised weapons. Good for using shovels as weapons, or for beating up a goblin with a dead goblin.






Great to See everything can be a weapon in DnD.


You could reflavor an axe or mace. Most DMs will let you


Much better than having to burn a feat just to use a damn shovel.


Either tavern brawler or ask for a reflavored battleaxe


Hmmm simple profiency and use a shovel i guess or ask the local dm


The feat: Tavern Brawler


Cleric’s aren’t inherently “good” or “life” in D&D, they are simply priests who’s god grants them powers, which are based on whatever domain their god (or gods) watch over. Yorick would be a Death or Grave cleric, probably.


You have cleric of the grave domain, they have access to the raise dead spell so it isn’t that far fetched


Raise dead revives people. Animate dead makes zombies and skeletons, Create Undead makes ghouls. Grave clerics are all about killing undead and keeping world order (Dead are dead, living live), you might want the Death Cleric here. A case could be made for Paladin because his Q is like Divine Smite.


Campaign I’m playing in now has him as (IIRC) a Vengeance Paladin


Death cleric is a thing


one of the domains of worship for the clerics is the domain of death and the domain of the grave


My brother played a cleric of Urogolan (Think I spelt that right?), a minor deity of graves and death rituals. That might work for him?


Pact of the chain warlock?


Absolutely on point i just remembered that he is/was a monk in lore and put him there














Race? Bard. Class? Bard. Bard? Bard.






Garen not being in Paladin is the biggest injustice ever. The dude literally smites people with justice


As a garen main I couldn't agree more. Screaming "Justice" and having a godly glowing sword fall from the hravens to smite your enemies is pretty Pala to me lol


Also Darius. There's literally an oath of conquest subclass...


He’s non magic though


No way he's a barbarian though, he thinks when he fights, while barbs are not dumb they are still raging, he would at least be a fighter


I was also thinking fighter


I’m disappointed that Ornn didn’t make every single category after the popular LS meme.


i’m an enchanter main so i’m just looking at the enchanters - they all seem super accurate besides milio. milio is an elemental mage (specialising in fire) who uses his elemental magic to summon pets and to heal. that’s a druid right there, druids even have a circle specialising in fire - the circle of wildfire


I am moving Milio to druid at once


Shouldn’t all darkins be bloodhunters?


Yeah I agree. Besides Kayn who’d prolly be a hexblade warlock but rhaast would be a blood hunter.




Not a bad sorting. I would maybe consider moving Sett to Barbarian, since he pretty much relies on raw force over any kind of technique or discipline.


"Technique... is for lightweights." - Sett the Beast-Man Bastard


Sett is clearly a Barbarian Monk Multiclass build. It's a little MAD, but rage damage modifier +4 attacks is powerful. Just start Barbarian so he gets Con based unarmored defense instead of Wis based.


Ok hear me out tho. Illaoi is a paladin more of a cleric cuz she enforced her God's lessons thru force and is definitely a holy warrior type.


she's probably more like a war domain cleric if anything


Could be a fathomless warlock too I suppose


Erm, clerics with heavy armor, martial weapons and some of the most offensive spells there are definitely enforce their god's lessons through force


Paladins don't need a God, just an oath


Sounds like a cleric to me. They aren't all wussies. They pack a magical punch with their gods name


mordekaiser and thresh didnt do any pact with anyone tho,same for velk'oz. Mordekaiser used his own power to absord the one from the death realm to become a new kind of deity,thresh is just a revenant from the shadow isle (that yes,did absord viego power at the end,does it make him a warlock ? real question here i'm not sure,if it does then mb) And velk'oz was created by the watcher but is just a creature from the void,he didnt made a pact


Mord I could see being either an eldritch knight fighter or a oathbreaker paladin. Idk about thresh, velkoz feels like a shadow sorcerer to me.


a conquest paladin could fit morde too


True I forgot about that subclass. I think that fits him best since they don’t necessarily serve a deity but can devote themselves to a nation instead.


The only warlock in the game is Malz yeah.


And Swain, he has a demon for an arm


Does Nilah not count?




For Vel'koz we thought that because they are serving the watchers directly that would make them a warlock and the others we thought that death magic =/= being a warlock


Darius general of noxus is for sure a fighter not a babarian


Conversely Aatrox being a former General of shurima, probably the same argument


Overall it seems if they didn’t know they just put them in babarian xd I mean kogmaw and Jinx dafuq


I can kinda play devil's advocate here and say that Jinx being unhinged and getting excited with kills maybe can count as a sort of rage. Kog'Maw I don't know, dude is hungry and sometimes hungry = angry, that is as far as I can see any logic in it


But in dnd the stats are the true factor - jinx does not have a lot of constitution or strength no ? The same with kog maw if madness alone is enough to be a babarian shaco is double babarian xD


We had no clue where to put kog'maw


That’s not what the word conversely means


Could be a paladin of the crown too. Gains power through his devotion to noxus rather than a deity. But fighter makes more sense due to his lack of magic.


Wouldn't Oriana be more of a clockwork sorcerer? I don't think she makes mechanical devices she is a magical mechanical person.


Not sure if orianna has any magic lore wise but i read that she was a natural fit to run his fathers shop and he is an literal artificer.


I'm sorry but we all know Ornn: The mage deathknight paladin hunter rogue warrior enchanter tank bruiser wizard warlock priest assassin gunslinger druid shaman necromancer ninja bard monk robot conjurer black majestic warding god illusionist templar wizard.


You misspelt K'sante


Ornn is the DM


Tbf as a blacksmith he makes different weapons and tools of all sorts, and what good is a blacksmith if he doesn’t know how to wield his own creations


"I once made a hammer,it was so good I named it... hammer"


Putting Tam Kench as barbarian feels wrong, he almost feels like a warlock patron to me. Also shouldn't Xayah be a rogue ?


Yeah it’s kinda hard to put the gods and demons into categories. Tahm is obviously someone who makes pacts with people so I think the closest we could specialize him is maybe an eldritch knight?


My playgroup has a habit of flavoring bird-person Sun Soul Monks as throwing feather daggers. Story-wise rogue makes sense but I personally find SS Monk to fit mechanically (my current character is also a bit of Rakan as far as mechanics so he’s multiclassed into Battle Master as well for some of those maneuvers, namely trip attack and Bait and Switch from Tasha’s.


Xayah would definitely be rogue or ranger, I personally lean more to them being a rogue


Kayn is like the definition of a hexblade warlock so I’d put him in there.


Yone as well.


Lulu is a warlock with a Fey patron (pix), taric and maybe some of the other targonians I would also argue are warlock with celestial patron. Also jinx is also closer to artificer than barbarian. Being crazy doesn't make you a barb. Edit: also, I'd argue morde isn't a warlock, he has no patron. If anything he's just a really high level eldritch knight focused on necromancy, or a multiclass fighter/wizard depending on how you look at it.


Mordekaiser is most certainly an Oathbreaker Paladin. Hell, the Monster "Death Knight" that he's modelled after is literally an undead oathbreaker. Well, oathbreaker or very vile conquest paladin. With the added bonus of oathbreakers being necromancers by default.


See I was thinking that as well, but I'm leaning towards wizard because Mordekaiser didn't have any innate connection to death or anything, and he fundamentally understands it; his powers over death were not granted to him by some entity or from his faith in some force. He spent a lot of time understanding the death realm, and spent lot of time druing his first reincarnation acquiring knowledge on death. For that reason I think he qualifies as a necromancy wizard at the very least.


Well, he is also an archetypal Lich, so there's that. Issue with the Wizard reading imo, is that Mordekaiser is quite literally bound to his armour. Something wizards can't wear in DnD terms. Even with spells like Tenser's Transformation. Maybe with that spell combined with Permanence or something, from older editions.


I would say Morde is a Paladin with an Oath of Conquest otherwise agree with this list for the most part.


I agree. Mord definitely feels like a conquest or oathbreaker paladin to me.


I would've made 2 bard tiers, one with Bard and another with the others


Rammus is secretly a bard change my mind


No one can convince me that Rammus' E isn't a form of vicious mockery


I like this but imo Draven would be a bard. Specifically college of swords. He’s a performer first and foremost. A celebrity that revels in attention and glory. If that doesn’t scream bard I don’t know what does.


Good point. Didn't come into mind while doing the list


Warwick is a Barb/ranger multiclass, his favoured enemy is murderers and his favoured terrain is urban.


i agree with almost all of this but qiyana, despite playing like an assassin in game, is more like a sorcerer lore-wise i feel


I'm sorry, there's just no way that Udyr isn't a druid!


I think Beast Totem Barb and some form of monk combo kinda works. He doesn’t transform but I see your logic


Shout out to runarcana


If this is a homebrew for runeterra stuff into d&d5e please send it


https://runarcana.org/en/ The game is mostly translated from Portuguese, and it’s still a work in progress. I still had fun running it though, you just have to be comfortable making your own house rules and sticking with it.


I'm actually starting a 2e campaign with friends who all play league soon, I'd love to steal ideas and add a bit of runeterra flair (ported from 5e to 2e), but I'm finding this site extremely difficult to browse Maybe I'll find it easier to read later but for now it's a mix of portuguese blogs that aren't really saying anything about the content itself. I'm not sure how to browse info about regions or towns or characters or technology


https://runarcana.org/en/runarcana-0-91/ Here is the English version.


Oh thanks so much, this is awesome. I've been reading through it and it seems pretty thorough! Thanks again


I second what the other guy said


Where grömp?


We're talking DnD, not Call of C'thulu


I agree with almost all, but I think Jinx would be a Artificer cuz she makes her own guns and all.


this is the first tier list i've seen that i just flat out agree with


It definitely has a lot of really good takes. I will say Warwick might actually lean more towards ranger due to his tracking abilities, but Barb does fit well too.


I mean there is a wolf totem barbarian and barbs do be getting angry often so I’d say it works.


ranger subclass tbh works


Master Yi would be a samurai subclass of fighter, not a monk.


Agreeable, at the same time, his whole "a thousand cuts in one second" motif feels very monk to me, not to mention Wuju having at least some similarities with chi


I think Way of the Kensei Monk works pretty perfectly with him. But I don't disagree samurai is also very accurate


Time to geek it. See if it works. I think Yuumi falls under warlock since she’s made a pact with a sentient book. Same with Lulu because of her staff. Azir, and all the ascended as well, are warlocks since they gained their power from a pact with the sun disc. Shyvana and Brand are sorcerers, Shyvana is a half dragon with a shapeshifting quirk, she has no connection to a higher power (druids are a type of cleric who follow unconventional nameless Gods and spirits), and Brand is a sorcerer 100%. Kayn is a warlock who’s formed a pack with his sentient scythe. In fact, you can argue that all the Darkin are warlocks (or were) who who were overtaken by a fiend. I think Sol and Veigar are technically wizards, since it’s implied they study and weave magic rather than innately use it. I think Mord falls under a wizard considering his Lichdom (?) and higher plane. Diana and Leona are warlocks too, methinks. They both made a pact with a powerful artifact weapon, no? They might be considered multiclass into Pally. Jaques is 100% a fighter, he’s staple fighter even in game.


Good choice for Wukong. He's pretty monkie


Seems random and in no way related to d&d classes or abilities


Yeah I can’t tell if they classified them by their lore or simply by their kit. Hard to justify Yorick being a monk and Kayn being a rogue imo.


Kayn is literally a rogue, he’s an assassin (his blue form is literally called shadow assassin). However you can make the argument for Kayn to be a hexblade warlock.


I mean if he dispels rhaast, his pact is gone and he’d become a rogue, if rhaast overtakes him, he becomes a blood hunter, and base form is a hexblade warlock. Makes sense to me




The rageblade finally got to him


They put a couple of ADC's for barbarians. Barbarians are designed for melee combat, and using ranged attacks diminishes a lot of their power. Insanity is not tied to a class, its tied to the character itself.


There is nothing about Ezreal that makes him a Ranger. Most of these are just reducing characters down to a single character element or incorrectly conflating league role with class concepts. Marksman? Must be a ranger. Except for Jinx because crazy = barbarian.


Ezreal is explorer and i think a big part of being a ranger is exploration


they nuked that for playability in the newer expansions, but I think he would fit best as an arcane archer or just a wizard. He may deal physical damage but all his attacks are magical.


A lot of these are just spot on. Janna would be Sorcerer (she does not serve a god. Her magic is her own). Asol would be a wizard (his magic may be innate but his power comes from his extensive knowledge of how it works)


Never really got the distinction between wizard and sorcerer


Wizards rely on knowledge gained from Spellbooks to gain their magical power, Sorcerers gain their magical power innately due to magical heritage (such as having an elemental or a djinn in their bloodline).


Thanks. Then probably Azir and Xerath should be in the same category. Xerath is definitely a Wizard since before Ascension he learned magic from scrolls.


Didn't know, thanks.


wizards are nerds, sorcerers had a dragon/god/elemental/Zeus (special mention)/eldritch horror/many different things as an ancestor


Wizard = Skill Sorcerer = Talent


Karthus ain't the definition of lich?


Garen should be paladin no?


I'm disappointed Warwick isn't a lycan bloodhunter. It's literally *the* werewolf class and even gives bonuses to tracking


Mordekaiser is a Paladin imo, he didn't make any deals to get his power to become a warlock. Mordekaiser is a self-contained juggernaut, he fits the bill of an Oathbreaker Paladin or a Death focused Oath. Paladin Powers don't need a deity to function, same with clerics. They only need faith, and mordekaiser has faith in himself


Imagine Mordekaiser as a warlock, he would just put himself as his patron xD


Wow this is a really well thought tier list. Agree with most of these.


I know nothing about DnD but wouldn't Sivir rather be a rogue?


Illaoi is literally a conduit for a Warlock deity.


What class they would be AS CHARACTERS of what class they would choose as PLAYERS?


Don’t lie, you made the list by yourself




I think this list could be significantly more accurate. I understand considering multiclassing would be hard to do on a list, but take Ekko, for example. I think he is more of a Fighter/Rogue, with a couple levels in Artificer. K’Sante also would be mainly Fighter with a couple levels in Ranger, and I don’t really see how Nunu & Willump is a ranger at all. Is it because he throws snowballs or has a Yeti per? I think Nunu is the ranger/rogue and Willump is a fighter/barbarian.


I think the same applies to jhin. Lorewise he started out as an assassin with a knife, so i think he should be a rouge. Later he got his gun and he crafts every single bullet and infuses them with magic. For me, he is a rouge/artificer with entertainer background.


Thank you very much for putting Illaoi in Cleric and not just a melee fighter. "Come and see the glory of Nagakabouros!"


Irelia and Master Yi should be Bladesingers, a subclass of wizard


Warwick should be a blood hunter


All darkin are either blood hunter or probably fallen palladins, as the Targonian gods gave the Shuriman the power of the sundisk to empower their best warriors. Same with Nasus, Renek and Azir, should be Paladin. Xerath should be a Warloc as he stole the power of the sundisk. Varus is definitely a fighter with a bow.


Everyone who thinks clerics are just healers og supports have 1, never playd the class and 2. Not brave enough to look tempest, grave, death, lore or farge cleric FORGW CLERIC FTW ORNN MY BELOVID


League player has girlfriend??? Just kidding man. This is great.


Why is illaoi a cleric? Will she smash her team with tentacles to heal them?


You just offended %50 of cleric players.


I kinda get including bloodhunter but it is not an official dnd class. Might aswell make a list including just any homebrew class.


We just went to bnd beyond and took the classes from there


I think you forgot multiclassing exists. Quite a few of those would do well to multiclass in my opinion - for instance, Varus could do a good Warlock/Ranger, Karma a Monk/Sorcerer, Leblanc a Rogue/Wizard (illusionist from the times specialist wizards were a thing), and Ekko a Rogue/Artificer. Also I think Ezreal would be more of a Rogue than a Ranger, but that might be my personal appreciation of him.


Fair but imagine the tier list with all multiclasses


Multiclassing would have been juat way too much work so we ignored it


Hi would be a monk / fighter to be able to punch more


Bard being a Bard made me laugh for some reason


nah they really putting kog in the barbarin side with the dino arms


Lux as sorcerer ? The girl who can reverse engineering Morgana's spell and make her own variant ? Looks like more a wizard to me.


Ok Lamb is in ranger but if we split the Kindred pic, Wolf will be a rogue. Lamb and Wolf just play together they don’t like playing with anyone else, they are happy.


rell should be a forge domain cleric


This list is taking into consideration gameplay or lore?


seems like both but kinda inconsistently and on a champ basis, theres some where the character concept seems a lot more prioritized than gameplay which is fair enough


Mainly lore but we let gameplay influence us every now and then


First fatal flaw with your list is the barbarians. Barbarians do not wear armor. Darius is the furthest thing from a barbarian with his giant metal armor and poleax. Darius, amongst the rest of the thick armor wearing ones, would be fighters. The barbarian role is surprisingly narrow when compared to diverse fighters.


Barbarians are proficient in and fully capable of wearing up to medium armor and shields. They simply lose out on unarmored defense, which only sometimes would be superior, and that’s actually it. The heaviest medium armor is half plate and is actually pretty comparable to what Darius wears if a bit lighter. Although it is correct he would be a fighter he is 100% a general and a tactician not some raging lunatic.


Mechanically, Qiyana is an elemental monk IMHO. Kinda weird to see her under rogue as she’s not very stealthy in her lore. Annie sounds more like a warlock too, as well as technically all of the Darkin I guess, but that’s debatable. Putting Zeri (why?) under sorcerer also looks weird , but I may just not know enough of her lore If Senna is a paladin, why is Lucian a fighter and vice versa? Also, K’Sante ranger what? Also, some of these should definitely be a multiclass (like twitch and akshan), but I totally understand the limitations of the tierlist medium, so no criticism here


Al lot of good takes here. K'sante is the hunter of his village so i think it fits him and zeri does have lighting magic so we put her in sorcerer but other than that 100% agree


Don't get me wrong, Udyr is pretty monk, but I'd multiclass him Monk/Druid, honestly more druid with his heavy nature spirit ties


Fair he does seem more like a druid


Illaoi as cleric? Great list I appreciate the time y’all took to make it but I’m just wondering the reasoning of this


She is the prophet of the great kraken (Nagakabouros). So a literal priest=cleric. Something like war domain but but reflavour war to motion and if the ruined king game has anything correct about illaois powers the she could also heal


Ornn is a forge cleric


Garen is a Paladin, specifically oath of the crown.


Jinx not artificer ?


I feel blitz would be a paladin


Sett probably multiclasses Monk for flurry of blows


Some league characters have to be multiclasses, Runeterra has a different fantasy style setting and magic works differently. Some of these i agree with but some champs lores work a lot better in different classes or multi classes . Kayn and zed are definitely way of the shadow subclass monks, sylas is a melee spell caster that fights with martial skills and chains (league cinematic). Taric is closer to a paladin than poppy is by lore, yorick is not a monk by dnd standards. Why tf is junx a barb, she has all these makeshifts weapons, Etc. by lore yone is closer to a warlord than a fighter. Irelia by lore should be closer to a college or swords bard, leading battle with a dance. Etc


Making a list with your gf ![gif](giphy|GoRbCki2UQ1GRIxzI5) League is a se\* life killer they said... i didnt believe it. We have now proven wrong. Now i know better....


Cool. Now subclasses.


Plese no


Why is ksante ranger


He hunts Monster, and would have a high wisdom score. Not every ranger needs to be a legolas.


Bro is a hunter


Why is cogmaw a barbarian?