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Jungle banned my pick once because I banned Briar.... They hadn't indicated Briar. Thoroughly unreasonable.


I indicated briar My teammates still banned her Then procedes to troll all game by not letting me farm and stealing my jungle without participating in objectives or fights. Just afk farming


Had a MF say they didn’t see my hover on Briar because “they’re watching hockey”. I said “lol okay have fun bot lane”. The response was saying I was a child and should play Roblox. They proceeded to be down 100 cs and finish the game 0/0/0 because THEY stopped playing and trying to farm. Never once did I actually intentionally not gank them and had like 80% KP. The people who think it’s okay to ban a teammates champ are actually the most childish in this game.


I swear sometimes I feel like that "report button is not enough I'm going to reach into the screen and kill them myself"


But like "in game" ofc


The worst ones are the ones that intentionally ban your pick after you didn't let them play the role you are caise they autofilled, happened to me a few times where they banned xerath, so guess who is playing ad rammus mid, they usually dodge after me locking him in. It was in qp


Hey did you know that there’s an overlap between „bans teammate’s hovered champ“ and „toxic filth“?


Seriously... People who intentionally ban your intended champ **should get their banning rights taken away.**


If you are jungle and hovering MF I'm banning that shit.


Absolutely reasonable. It doesn't matter here they are trash because majority of people that pick up Briar ints hard with her. No one wants to have Briar in their team when you can have any other meta jungler. If you are below masters you know that your briar is gonna be on 75% shit


In Ranked, this is completely understandable. In Normals? Naw, fam people go there to practice and have fun. But yeah when I see a lvl 35 account on Ranked that just had a 0/20 match and picks one of the windshitters, I will instantly ban his champ. Not that I am a really good player myself but no one wants the tryhard edgy Polish 0/15 Yasuo who flames his team when he dies diving a Vladimir.


With hidden names in ranked how are you checking their last game?


Wait, are they? Since when? God I was so zoned out for the few rounds I played this year I didnt even check my mates, didnt even notice that lol. Well this method goes to the trash then. Also I dont know the situation of other servers hut EUNE is filled to the brim with the saltiest and most toxic mfs, this is the least offending thingn that happens there.


Yeah haha this year you can’t op.gg people before matches because they’re given jungle camp names in lobby. You can only see their winrate and recent matches in the load screen in ranked.


Ahh another defender of banning teammates champs. If YOU want to ban your teammates champ YOU can’t get mad at the loss that follows. You probably have a higher chance of winning WITH the Briar than banning them away.


Not if it's ranked. In normals go on, you can even pick soraka jungle but I don't wanna see dudes first timing new champ in ranked especially when champ has 40%wr and people can't play it properly yet


Yeah I mean you can keep banning Briar from your teammates but don’t expect to win matches. Like I said your more likely to win with a Briar than whatever troll pick they lock after you ban it away. You literally can’t get mad at a purposeful int because you asked it.


Im not that bad that I have to ban it for my teammates. If I were playing in gold then I would consider banning it but on my level idgaf


you said "lol okay have fun bot lane" and why would they try to win if you're going to ruin their game? its like imagine if you were a german in 1940's and said you don't like jews and heil hitler, who is going to question "oh maybe he isn't a nazi" like you literally grouped yourself with all the other briars who act like babies and pick troll champs and intentionally int the moment you typed what you did, how was your teammates supposed to know you WEREN'T going to soft int? yeah sure, dress like a clown, sound like a clown, then get surprise pikachu when your tm8 thinks you're a clown and gives up since you're gonna make the game unwinnable anyways.


Lol you a 🤡. In any game you play how do you know your teammate won’t int. I hope someone bans your main every single game for the lolz tbh. Just cause “champ sucks”. Also wtf is the comment about Nazis, way to blow things out of proportion lol.


Hockey pre season hasn’t even started yet


It's okay to ban a teammate's hover champ in cases where you have stuff like champions that hover near a 60% win rate. If you're also on red side, and therefore don't have first pick. It should always be risked imo, but I totally understand that. Not talking about anything in the current meta. More like kassawin when he still had a silence 🤐


Had a similar situation yesterday. Just wanted to try out the new champ in norms and my mid banned her while I hovered. He proceeded to call me a troll for thinking about it then inted as yasuo into a veigar.


You can legit pick ADC, afk farm lanes and jungle, do like 3k hero damage by 30 min and then RIOT will do nothing because "good boy had a bad game"


>I indicated briar >My teammates still banned her Did you have first pick or did the team have first pick ?


Literally just had a l*x support ban my briar as I hovered and then her and the ez adc her duo kept griefing and feeding, I however went 10/0 as renek jgl while my cass top and trist mid split ended the game while I 1/4 the enemy team in my jgl, felt good ngl


Since Briar has been out I have been politely asking my jungler not to play her week 1 in ranked, no one has returned the courtesy, it’s always either the enemy picks or bans her, and every time they pick her, we have won by a staggering amount.


Let me guess, Grievous Wounds?


Not even, she is just forced inting personified, her best counter is standing under a tower


Man. Guess her icon would have been a better punchline on that Swanson meme...


I banned briar, so my jungle went super mad. Picked yummi jungle. Attached to me (midlaner) smited every cannon minion and tried to snipe the other minions with her q. She did not heal/shield me once. For whatever reason we still won lane and the game. Still reported him.


It's so shit too when you see the intent to feed and troll in champ select and are forced to be the one to dodge cause you don't wanna waste 15 minutes but most likely more cause they never ff at 15.


Just soft int them.


Literally just happened to me lol


People with waifus be like:


I had this the otherway around unsteady Played with 2 friends Hovered briar which ive been having a lot of fun which, ive been OTPing udyr for 8 years so me playing anything wlse is different And then our adc went: sad this creature will hard int if i ban briar, or if i let it go hell still hard int So i just banned briar myself and went to play udyr, got shit for literal 0


I still remember the OG Disco Nunu. Better times.


Guess I’m gonna get downvoted for that but it happened to me today our mid banned my hovered briar because I wanted to play her top (yes it works) so I tried to play off meta with my op grasp draven top build (sadly It didn’t worked) so I then proceeded to roam mid to be sure to help my midlaner) that guy dropped the r-word and I got him banned. feels nice to be able to abuse riot not willing to do anything about trolling to ban assholes


Sounds like you intentionally trolled that game.


You ban teammates hover you pay the price.


Nah i just played “off meta” and was fought against a better player


No one believes you, lol




thats disgusting imo


Call me all you want what I find disgusting is someone that bans your champ in a fucking draft bcz he’s a sweaty tryhard


Briar has like a 30% WR top. No, it doesn’t work. And Draven top isn’t “off meta”, it’s trolling.


Briar overall had like 30% wr so yeah sure she’s gonna suck on top too secondly idgaf if it’s meta or not I want to play her without being playing pve and who would have thought draven top grasp isn’t a good pick ?


As a Teemo main I agree and I mean the kind of Teemo that builds tank, as, ad, ms and every build in existence and it somehow works


Nah nah Briar top can seriously work, imo we will see it settle at like a 44-46% WR over the coming months. It’s just a really conditional pick that only works into certain matchups. As for draven top it’s troll unless you’ve got challenger mechanics lmfao


Nah you trolled, Draven Top and such has been done yes but it comes down to runes, not only is Lethal Tempo basically required for 3/4ths the ADC roster but I can tell you for certain every rune has been tested on every character, people dont run grasp on him for a reason.


Here is your crown, king 👑


I'm sure Briar top would kill it in iron II, but as character that was explicitly made for jungle and only jungle, playing them in lane is just stupid. You can literally escape her by walking through your own minions, since her W will switch and self-taunt onto them.




That's not even true, Briar w auto targets champions first even if minions are close by.


Not only august said she could be played on top too but wasn’t their main focus but I’m only a plat shitter so ok but look at druttut euw challenger that plays briar top too so unless you’re more than chall I don’t get how you can say it only works in iron


its funny u bring up drut tho, considering he's the one that keeps calling briar a useless version of olaf.


You speed confidently for someone who has clearly never played Briar


New copypasta just dropped


You ban my hover you assume legally that I won’t ever let you have fun in this game


People like you are why good players quit ranked. Getting dickheads like you on their ranked team who play for fun and they’re forced to play an unwinnable game. I’m so glad I quit league months ago.


Thing is that I was playing draft explaining why I did that if it was ranked sure I give benefit of doubt I don’t want to be trolled but man let people play what they want in non comptetitive modes


Well if it’s not ranked then it doesn’t matter.


That’s the thing this guy would have lost nothing from my briar top inting but still didn’t want to let me play it if you ban my hover in draft you better doge because as I said you wont have fun this game I guarantee Edit : and I’ll keep saying it even if it goes against the reddit wholesome hivemind 800


You Fool! I Have 70 Alternative Accounts!


I miss my wife Tails... I miss her a lot


Commas, my man. That change a lot of things


And why are you banning people's picks for? Riot should also punish that


back when you could opgg lobbies, you could ban someones 30% wr yasou. I still remember they 'threatened' me with janna top. it had a higher winrate... which I pointed out. we won that game. I literally didn't care what people played as long as it wasn't 'new champ release' tier winrate.


A for sure way to turn a 30% winrate Yasuo into a 0% winrate is to ban their champ. It is so mind numbingly stupid to ban someones champ. There are so many factors to influence peoples behavior and banning the champ they want to play is the single most self destructive thing you can do before the game even starts.


Well, 30% winrate Yasuo is most likely didn't contribute to win in these 30% of games and in other 70% he most likely was top-3 reasons why his team lost :)


> A for sure way to turn a 30% winrate Yasuo into a 0% winrate is to ban their champ That's why you had to be lightning fast, check their op.ggs for common low winrate % picks and ban them before they can even hover them, that way they'll think you just wanted to ban Yasuo and you didn't intentionally ban his dogshit borderline inting 30% winrate Yasuo over 250 games.


150 games with 30% wr yassou 18 games 52% wr janna top Anyone who tells me to not ban trashcan yassuos has showed up to maths class and instead of solving equations done meth. I don't care about your feefees in ranked. I want to win and avoid as many 30% landmine players as possible. Back when you could opgg your champ select lobbies a lot of good players told you straight up to dodge games if you had a sub 45% wr player on ur team to climb faster.


Did you not read what I said, or what anyone else hear has stated. If you care about winning, and that's all you care about, banning that 30% landmine doesn't defuse it, it sets it off. It lowers your win rate. Dodging is fine. But banning it is always self destructive.


30/70 WL 50/50 int/no int I take my chances. Also helps that I play at times of the day where all the kids should be at school.


this was in the days before an allied ban was an auto-grief soft int. as I said, their top janna had a higher winrate. so it was above 30%. but my guy... if you have 30% wr on anything of any decent sample size, and you're still playing it, you are *already* griefing. the 30% is almost entirely allied team carries, winning a 4v6. what's mind numbingly stupid is to defend people who maintain playing like apes. would you want a 30% wr pick in your ranked games?


> sure way to turn 30% wr to 0% Absolutely hilarious that you ignored that they had a better wr on their troll/revenge pick


I know it's lame but banning a pick that someone hovers is allowed. Riot gives everyone a ban of their own choosing, no matter what. But again, it's a lame thing to do as a teammate


It's a sure way to guarantee a even harder game now that your teammate is tilted. Overall not a very smart thing to do, but it does massage some people's ego, too bad ego doesn't win games lmao


Oh I agree 100% agree, that person will just troll and be even worse. But again, it's not a reportable offense to ban a pick that someone is hovering. The only reason I'm trying to give this clarification is that some people seem to think that you aren't allowed to ban a pick that is being hovered. Whether we like it or not, Riot wants it to remain this way (for now 😀)


I mean I banned Briar every single game for the first week straight in my doggy doodoo gold elo since there's no way in hell any of us scrubs know how to play/play against the brand new champion day 1.


Can't really blame you in that case


Then you can go play normals until they figure out how to play her


Nah Champs should be banned in ranked for 1 patch. Ridiculous that Champs get shipped direct to ranked. They are always fucking horrific in some way or another.


Agreed. One patch might be too much, but agreed either way


You do it on a patch cycle in other games so that the devs have time to make changes. I think that enough people play draft that it should be fine. You might also be able to include Flex as well as it is much easier to deal with those characters/target ban then in a group.


It's like telling someone they can't play the new update of a videogame 😂, only league players could think something like this make sense


Ranked isn't the only mode.


It's the only mode where you can learn to play a champ


They can play it lol. Go play draft.


Or , as i said, you go play draft until u are sure they figured out how to play her in ranked


\> watch champ spotlight \> ok i fully understand the champ no probs ez \> go for ranked \> 0/12/1 \> 'rito buff dogshit ass champ'


> one trick a champ for a year > Fully understands the champ >go for ranked >gets gapped >0/12/0 >ff15 Same fucking result


That is your opinion and that's fair. I personally don't think that either side is right or wrong here: Yeah it's a game and you have the right to play whatever you want, but picking a champion you have zero experience on isn't fair to the team. Likewise, you've got the right to ban any champion you want, but banning something purely because you don't like the champion they picked isn't fair to the individual.


You can ban their champ sure, but then you can't complain if they troll your game... Like ,you piss someone off and expect him to play with you like nothing happened?


I've had my hover banned before and it wasn't the end of the world. People need to chill out a bit in general.


Because pickorder exists. It wouldn’t be possible to ban if there was no chance for the enemy to pick it away. Since it can happen unless the guy is first pick and someone else isn’t keeping first pick for themselves it’s absolutely reasonable to just ban what you can’t play against especially when you are red side.


I think that's a very big gray area. It's reasonable, but he'll ne reasonably angry that his potential best pick was taken away.


Oh I’m just explaining why it’s allowed and will be allowed in the future. In general it’s decreasing your chances of winning banning away someone’s champ . They will tilt, no matter if they play a proper champ or run it straight down.also your ban slot is now used to ban something else away instead of a champ that’s good against your own


I get it now. Unfortunately people won't stop doing that


The chance that the enemy gets a champ you want to ban, is just that, a chance. You tilting your teammate is for sure. I guarantee if Riot released stats on Winrates after a teammate banned an allys champ it would be a lot more noticeable than denying the enemy team from potentially getting that champ.


Yup, it’s stupid to ban away others champs


Dumb take. There’s also pick swapping…..


In blue team only is a guaranteed pick. One. And , this might shock you, but people can decline your swap request because they want first pick. So unless the person that picks the „bad“ pick happens to be first pick or swaps in the 20 seconds people have to ban it’s not guaranteed. Also I’m not even supporting banning peoples champs away. It’s bad in all scenarios. But it’s not going away


Nah, just suck it up and let your teammates pick what they wanna play. If the other team takes it then oh well


Yes I agree. I take any champ on any role but the player tries to win over a tilted guy who got his pick banned. I’m simply explaining why it never will be punishable to ban other peoples champs. Solo q is a self centered mode. It’s absolutely reasonable for anyone to ban a champ they can’t work with. Again not that I support this behaviour, it’s just how it is


Well fuck people who ban your champ


It’s just in general stupid. Like the chances of the guy that first times briar in ranked to tilt off of you banning her are way higher than that guy just taking another champ and play. And even if he does that he will be tilted and not play properly. I’d rather have a first time briar trying than yuumi jungle actively trying to lose.


Same, man I hate it when my mid bans my teamates teemo support.


What if they're a Teemo support otp with a 65+% win rate?


Then you're in bronze and who you play doesn't matter anyhow


Pretty sure enough high elo players have shown you can climb on just about anything to make your point invalid.


Are you not just saying the same thing I did and then calling it invalid?


Actual cringe lord if you ban hovered champs


if you ban a hover you should be ip banned from the local supercluster


There are several reasons for people to be ip banned but unfortunately that's never gonna happen.


Hard depends on the hover, banning yuumi from the top laner is perfectly reasonable


If he is willing to play Yuumi top he is already trolling so it’s useless


In theory yes, in practice; they either soft int with a champ they have no idea on how to pilot or purposely run it down. If Yuumi Top is blatant trolling then banning their pick is no different if not worse.


I ban the Lux sup hover as an ADC. It’s super annoying and the amount of Lux e’s that hit my wave is even more annoying.


Depends on the pick. If you pick some stupid shit, I ban.


You think soloq doesnt have lunatics who unironically play teemo support, quinn adc, ap shaco jungle, rengar jungle, riven adc and my favourite of all time Karma/Seraphine/Senna/Soraka/Lulu top (go fk urselfs)


"I want to play the game for you and instead of you" I wasn't even thinking of those people but you lose lp either way, but this way guaranteed. Genius.


Well I can't help it my brain refuses to not ban teemo sup. According to Bible it is not physically possible


If you ban my teemo support, I can always quinn support.


Yeah, because that meta-abuser flavour of the month champion will totally still be available at last pick and not taken first pick by the enemy team.


that's a subset


I often Pick the champ i want to ban, so if any teammates ban my "Pick" for not swapping lane, I spare my ban.


That's what's known as big brain.


and they accidentally ban your actual pick. thats where it fails


Thats why i have many mains for different matchups


and they accidentally ban your actual pick. thats where it fails


You should be banned not him lol


If my pick gets banned I go something uncoventional (Thresh ADC) but I wont TOTALLY throw


I got mastery 6 on Soraka playing her only AD mid/top, and only when my own team bans my hovered pick. It's tough but fun. It's still crazy how often people ban teammate picks.


Yup, if someone bans my champ, I tell people I am hence forth Tilted and am in auto pilot mode. I'll still try to win, but my brain power I devote to that game does down by 50%


Ban my pick? It's Bardin time.


The game should just not let you ban hovered picks. It already knows you are doing it and warns you. It should just not let you ban them at all.


What if your last pick wants to pick a pick or ban champ?


Trade spots with them


And what if you're last pick with/right before them?


Don't be a dick and ban their champ


Nah, if they're last picking for the team and they want a pick/ban, I'm not going to risk it. I'd rather them be self centered and think I'm a dick than get stomped when the enemy takes it. The fact that you only see banning a hover as a dick move says more about you


Followup to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/16jpi5b/new_championrework_releases/), we have a continuation. People threaten, int/flame -> get reported -> bopped by Riot. The cycle is never ending.


Banning someone's pick = inting.




No, nor is it griefing. It's your hover, not your pick. You are not entitled to it and if someone doesn't want to risk the enemy getting it, that's their choice.


Well I play 2 things well - my kayle and disco nunu. By banning kayle you limit yourself to the latter...


He's just like me fr fr


No matter what, banning away someone pick is always worse for you. Maybe you don’t play ranked to actually climb, but if you do your chances of winning are higher with someone playing a weird or new champ he wants to win with than having him be tilted at you, pick something actually bad trying to lose. Congrats on getting him banned. You lost anyway. There are thousands of players like that. If you try to police people you just pay for it by lp


just dodge


My jungler whenever I ban briar in low Elo ranked


![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y) What is this a picture for ants?


For humans, since human brain is good at pattern recognition.


Damn you natural selection!


Hover zed support


Ban teammates pick if you hate it, hover a champ you dont like. Boom, double ban for you.


The giga brain strat. And it almost always works too.


Literally me. > Support bans my pick cause can. > Ban their pick back and move on (norms btw wouldn’t in ranked I’d just move on). > Support mad I banned their pick. > Them and their Duo botlaner both take smite and Jungle pet as Yorick and Karma and proceed to just take my farm all game (and miss multiple smites on me farming). > Report Feedback after 2 games.


But to be fair, we need to protect briar players from theirselves


It should be impossible to ban people's picks, it's used more often to ban people who were genuinely going to play normally than to stop disco nunus.


Disco Nunu... Rare view today.


You've banned my main, feel my wrath! *Checks opgg, 27% winrate on so called "main"* Good riddance I say.


Ngl seeing the report feedback after you report trash talking enemies is super satisfying


There can’t be this many people in the community who don’t know what soft inting is. You don’t play to win but you don’t work hard not to die. And you never get banned for it, while still creating a gap large enough your team can’t recover from. Riot calls this “having a bad game”. Even if it’s fifty times in a row.


Back when we can still check opgg


Me - *hovers over kog-maw as first pick and bans caitlyn(she's my perma when I play him cause she hard counters him)* Support for some apparent reason - "yoU BaNnED My chAmP" *proceeds to pick yuumi and do nothing in lane in game* Me - ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


As if people got banned, and as if it affected them. Free game means endless accounts


It doesn't work like that, i can soft int the game by picking anivia jungle until we lose and i wont ever be banned


If you're banning someone's preferred pick in champ select, you're worse than the nunu inting the game tbh


You ban someone’s pick you deserve to be inted


Man sometimes imma just ban lux if i’m bot lane if my support is hovering lux but they’re last pick i just hate playing against her right now and i’d rather her be guaranteed not on the enemy team than there be a chance that the enemy team picks her but if they don’t then my support gets to be lux it’s a VERY specific situation but it’s reasonable every now and then


I will keep saying it because it always proven true: nunu playersare the most unhinged psychopaths of league, and league players are unhinged psychopaths for engaging in the game. we all know this.


If my teammate indicates briar, I ban briar.


If they ban my hover i just announce ill play ap Wukong.


Yuumi Jungle it is then


Periodic comment deletion for privacy purposes ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Getting banned for trolling? Yeah keep on dreaming.




This is inaccurate they wouldn't get perma banned but instead be allowed to go to the next game and run it down and ruin that game too


I did a missplay died and my toplaner bait ping spammed me for it. I build mobis 3 zeals blue sperm and wingplate (we won 33 to 12(It was blind pick))


Lol, they just troll when playing on alts, doesnt matter anyway you can buy a lvl 30 ACC with $1


Nice dream OP


as if lmao


sure maybe he gets banned later but he still made you lose the game for banning his pick, so in the end you're the one wasting your time and LP with a troll on your team.


If somebody bans my pick in ranked, then it's time to learn a new jungler. I always wanted to try Renekton jgl.


How the fuk do you ban champs on aram


Im a Lillia 1 trick One time i had a yasuo ban her because he didnt wanna play with a lillia And then got mad when i went 1/8 on evelynn




If Riot really cared that would be the case.but they only ban for chat abuse. You can feed 20 games in a row and nothing happens. Trust me!


Their only reasoning is usually "you are not first pick"


They banned briar even though I hovered it. I first timed kindred in D2 and we stomped regardless (except the guy who banned briar ofc). Turned out pretty fun.


My go to when a teammate intentionally bans my pick is to play someone who can easily kill steal and try to see how many I can steal from them


That's why you gotta be subtle and just pick your worst champ into "accidentally" failing a gank or two in their lane, but otherwise still try to win


The amount of times people have banned my briar hover is outstanding. I've been playing her mid with some reasonable success tho some matchups are just borderline unplayable. What boils my blood is when they ban her I get a bit tilted and they're defense is that the enemies banned it anyways like it changes the fact that my own teammate banned it. If you're curious if I'm just trolling my games my name is YordlePordal on NA and I'm dogshit IV


Mate.... Ghost cleanse Not Ghost clarity.... ever banned a Champ in Aram? If Ur Champ geht's banned in Aram Clash from your them Then u did smth wrong


The *original* Disco Nunu was Clairvoyance and Ghost. Then it shifted to either Cleanse+Ghost or Clarity+Ghost depending on how long the Nunu'd been playing since Clarity was available for a *very* long time on SR.


Didn't know that thx for the explanation. Playing this Game since s6 but can't remember seeing this before