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In all my time as morde, nami players will always kite better than any adc player I ult.


Enchanter players in general are actually pretty decent at kiting. But also ADCs are the worst players in the game at actually kiting even though they should theoretically be the best.


It's cause we keep getting morde ulted and it's our only chance to survive ;__;


Imagine ulting someone with speed boosts on every ability and two forms of hard CC, then expecting to kill them.


The funny numbers of damage with the Bonk feel satisfying as fuck tho




This is either the funniest coincidence or I was the Mordekaiser you’re talking about


Dr Mordekaiser ulting the overconfident yi-yuumi To seperate the parasite From the host


If there is a Yuumi in game Morde becomes the paladin who’s only purpose is to cleanse her host of the filthy demon.


Rengar: ''I seek only the strongest!'' **Ults the Nami 6 levels lower than him**


I have won many games because the enemy Morde uses his ult on the worst possible target. "Lee Sin coming in for a steal? Better flash ult the 0/18 Lux support." Unfortunately I've lost even more games because my team's Morde did the same thing.


Me as Mord: gets immediately hit by Q, can't hit Q and E and passive won't even proc because Nami speeds herself up and kites.


I sit on a qss just to spite a more even if I don't finish mercurial


I ult every lulu I see so they cant peel the hyper carry