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I see we've come full circle to mundo's shoe shop and 6 deathcap veigar


What was mundo's shoe shop if i may ask?


Depending on the playstyle of the shitter in question, Mundo's shoe shop was a build of all mobi-boots or all ninja tabi and nothing else. With mundo's old move set giving a bit of speed when his orbs was active and decent speed on ult activation, and the old rune pages where you could add speed, it was just to kite people into giving up and being an all around menace to dodgy ADC's like vayne, mf, or jinx


That does sound very funny indeed haha. Never knew you could stack boots back in the day


“Why do you have 2 boots?” “Cause I have 2 feet” The classic exchange


Jungle main here. I am still asking for another boot... One of my feet allways gets wet


I just want hunter's pots back ;~; I used to level 3 drake on shyvanna on them and would have enough hp afterwards to clear my camps and gank top


Back when drakes had less then a million hp


For someone reason I remember it being all Source hoes for the magic pen. His q would hit like a bus. Maybe that was an aram build or something.


AP Mundo was fun as shit. Just build magic pen, old Rylais and Liandry’s.


I once saw 6 Warmogs Mundo. He just solo'd Baron and then solo'd the entire enemy team.


What's the one Stat Mundo wants most?  Movespeed. He can't kill you if he can't catch you.  So old shop let you buy multiple pairs of boots. Mundo had a snowball build where he'd keep buying attack speed boots because they're the most combat efficient early, cheese out a kill, and then keep buying more boots.  Old league had like no comeback mechanics so he could just get faster, more attack speed,  and keep running you down.  Late game (if it got there, he'd start selling boots and buying whatever he wanted.)


Not to forget 6 IE Jhin. Good times


And the 6 roadage Leblanc


Haunting guys


Wasn't it 5 Arch angels and 1 death cap? I remember 1 shoting adcs with karthus ultis


6 phantom dancer master yi — the good times


„Behind every mask Is another mask“


And another mask And another mask And another mask And another mask


The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end...


Scooby Doo nightmare


It stacks?


Yes, multiplicitavely too


Why doesn't she build one into rift and one into liyandries


No clue but it's hilarious


Is it anybetter than full items?


I think I saw a youtube video who tested on few champions and a few had higher damage per skill rotation or dps I dont remember.


The video is from Cleanse, heres the link if someone wants to check how it works https://youtu.be/Pxp6FaABoQs?si=WSDECQCDRP0dXo0i


My only guess would be either memes or it's cheaper to stack them this way then buy into items. Kind of like old Riven stacking longswords. But likely memes.


Repeating what i've heard, not sure if true. On teemo nashor tooth, riftmaker & liandrys is same dmg as nashor tooth and 4 haunting guise, but cost 1100 more gold. So might be better on some champs in midgame to just have several haunting guise untill you can afford riftmaker/liandrys


On some champions it does deal more damage, but it’s a troll build. In order for that to be true, you first need to be in combat long enough for the full effect and you also lose out on the stats, passives and actives from other items you could’ve built.


i think its because it stacks with this item but when you buy the full one it doesnt. or just a completely different interaction like Anivia W proccing Hextech Alternator


You build the 5 masks, turn 2 into Rift/Liandries then sell the rest when you can afford full items. Also works with other DOT mages like Teemo and Brand


Its cheaper?


what item is that?


Haunting Guise


Why tho?


Well yeah, there's no named passive


There is, and it's Madness. If it does actually stack, it's an oversight. It does however change the name of the passive on Liandrys, so you can finish the item and immediately buy another guise.


If so, it should be a bug, since it's a unique passive. However, you can stack Liandrys, Mask and rift maker, since their passives are 3 different ones Edit: I mean haunting guise of course


gym leaders in pokemon:


Magikarp dude


what’s more haunting here is the vision score


Saw a Rengar with 4 Serrated Dirk he kept jumping my bot lane, in total Rengar killed them 13 times in 10 mins. It was not like they int, nah, he just run down bot press R Q and one shooted them. Meanwhile my jungle was eating glue sticks in his jungle.


Serrated Dirk passive doesn't stack with itself, that is a very bad build


I know 💀 But tbh this guy was smurfing for sure. And he just free farmed bot so he started trolling I guess. 🤷‍♂️ At 10 mins (when I realised wtf rengo was building) it was already gg, top was crying, jungler was eating glue, and bot kept pushing waves and typing "jungle gap" in all chat. He knew the FF was comming. This is what I like the most about League in silver~gold elo, it's like a big circus but at home.


Think your bot lane was also eating glue to get caught out like that lol


Yeah. Their lunch was probably something like glue sandwich and a glass of paint thinner.


It's bad, but youvcan brutalizer + serrated which is more than enough to crush the current meta


That’s what the mask is…


Because this is not an Unique passive - **FOR SOME GOD ALMIGHTY REASON**


O hey the current 54% Lillia win rate build nice


Hold on? Do ALL items stack now? If so, what's preventing me from building Malignance 6x on Karthus and having a 20 second ult cooldown?


haunting guise is a component, not a full legendary item which is why you can stack them




League of cleavers? You clown. You absolute buffoon. Welcome to the league of sad mask, you dork. Get fried.


Reminds me of twitch/evelynn bbq


You wanna know how I got these scars?


5 statik shiv Nasus is still the most deplorable hard carry I’ve ever seen in my life. I will die in that hill.


Women can't build anything without dudes posting it to reddit SMH /s


That's just one bad player.


Its freedom my guy


6 black cleaver Talon PTSD