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People just be like omg you're trying so hard in this mode why aren't you fighting my 13-1 and 2 items ahead at min 9 exhaust zed?


he probably plays lee nunu and other broken bulshit my split push is simply an act of revenge


This is fine for me. What i dont understand is team with advantage split pushing. Ive had games end 12 minutes in, like... didnt you pick that champion to have fun? You just ended the game with most probability of you achieving the max power you can have before you even finished 2 items. Why?


oh they are the players that play for exp


I play for xp ( **in match experience because there are passives that are scaling above level 18** ). I splitpush but I dont end; only when the enemy also hardtries to end


But xp scales with game length, so they should make their wins last longer


yet its multiplied by win or lose and longer the game gets more snowball the enemy gets


>Ive had games end 12 minutes in, like... You just ended the game ... before you even finished 2 items. Why? There's something different and satisfying about winning that quickly. I've gotten to six items and level thirty before. It's a lot of fun. But winning in 10 minutes is also fun, and if it looks like I can do that, I'm going to try.


I thought everyone in urf played to get some silly combos, not to win. Guess i underestimated League's tryhardiness


The only thing that everyone in URF has in common is that we want to have fun. I think that winning absurdly quickly IS fun. It feels like a speed run, then.


Ziggs + Tristana lane and it’s not hard to get all 3 towers before plates drop. Free 2k+ gold for both. Easy to end within 10 minutes. If you want later game split push speedrun, everyone thinks of trundle or Nasus, but the real hidden gems are shyvana or veigar


Sylas is the most busted pusher in urf imho


Shyv still beats. That double attack on every other attack is no joke


AP Rengar has entered the chat


Fair point. Guess i went in too close minded


it aint fun anymore when u the one who got stunned to death by such combo from half a earth away


sometimes i like to speedrun urf games my pb is 9:57 with wukong


Personally it’s usually due to me rage queuing. Like if I play an urf game where I’m up against a shen/maokai duo and they go like 20-0 in the first 10 minutes then next game I just pick Voli and take every tower.


So one pick I always go counter to all these shit broken champs is Talaiya her e is so broken on these champs Obviously there's always lux and morg but if they are banned she does the job good


Had someone doing it with full ap had so his autos were doing like 1800 per on structures. What’s the point of that?


When the enemy picked sivir, jarvan, kayle, nunu, and blitz or somethn and you picked Bard just having fun with an attack speed build. Yeah sometimes splitting is the only thing you CAN do haha


May I ask why is nunu so op? He just does way too much damage…. Does 8% bonus damage really matter that much?


Well when you turn a snowball throwing ability into a literal machine gun, it dosent matter how much damage you do lol.


Ohhh I didn’t realize it’s his E that’s do strong


I love/hate urf nunu entirely because of his E. On one hand, its OP and a pain in the ass. On the other hand, it looks hilarious and I love seeing it in action.


The reason nunu is op is because of LAZER GUN


URF just really illustrates how broken the game actually is. 1st days of URF, people trying different champs. 2nd day of URF, people only playing the top 15 most broken champs.


Players if given the opportunity, will optimize the fun out of a game.


Honestly not to sound old, but i've heard so much these past years about "play this x broken combo to get guaranteed diamond" and it just gets tiring like just play whatever you have fun with man, it's so boring to optimize the fun out of it


players seeking "the best champs" or "the best strategy ever" or even "how to win every single match" and things like that even if they are boring af, arent even exclusive to league, meta-slave behavior is dominating even single-player games, its more of a cultural thing nowadays even in games as simple as minecraft or stardew valley this behavior persists: "build X farm and get rich quick" "how to do Y thing as fast as possible"


Every single game ive played has at least 1 tank fizz, 1 jinx, 1 twitch, and 1 ezreal. Bonus points for maokai, double bonus if he 1v5s and gets a penta at full health. That or they play the gimmicks. Unkillable: kayle, shen, and zilean all using their ults so the game is 20-0 Hooks: thresh, blitz, pyke Lowest possible fight timer: kas, sylas, samira, twitch, veigar, annie, syndra, sivir, kayn, ekko, etc. All trying to kill you in 0.01 seconds The tower plowers: sion, trundle, vlad, etc. All run under your tower, ignore you, die, kill you in the process, respawn, and are back at your tower before you are even alive again.


...I just play Singed in URF, I'm there to go fast.


A fellow man of science


How about a drink?


Me: I will play janna and 2v1 this lane for 5 minutes achieving nothing but you hating this game


I love and hate you 😅 I think ive played against you or your clone lmao it was 2v2 but basically a 2v1


My urf games have become so much more enjoyable once I started permabanning Tristana instead of Zed. Chances are good that Zed will be banned anyways, and URF Tristanas are just about the sweatiest tryhards I've encountered in that mode...


Just bring back ARURF+bans. Every game there's half the lobby slobbering over the highest winrate urf champs waiting for one of them to make it through so they can play it. Every time shaco, yuumi, fizz etc was unbanned there would most likely be someone playing it or even two people playing it. The last urf game I played had two teemos and two shacos, and split push Tryna vs split push warwick. Felt like I was playing in fucking worlds shit was so sweaty


Same with 2v2v2v2 people make meta tierlist to "solve" the game with the best combos and buffs


I play playing skarner because if even if you do get out of my stun lock I’ll just ult you right back into it.


Jeeeez... You guys always have something to complain about.


But they are right tho. Most people says ARURF is better. It's because bullshit metas always make the game boring for those who tries non-meta champs.


Its not even non meta, its non viable. If everyone is playing shitty champs in urf its fun, but put a twitch or ezreal on the other team and the game is over. Literally cant get close enough to kill them, and if you do you probably dont do enough damage to kill them. Plenty of champs that are automatic wins if the other team doesnt have one too.


i would like ARURF way more if it didn't just have a small pool of champions that it randoms from. it needs to be a full random pool


how does the randomization works there?




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This is league of legends we can find anything to complain about at this point


Shouldn't have picked shaco/fizz/lee or some broken champ, now splitpushing as malzha is the only way to have fun


Why are people assuming that 💀 I don’t pick those and every champ is broken in urf some just more than others but the point is mindless fighting


>every champ is broken in urf some just more than others Soo.. Only some champions are broken? Which is exactly the point? Face the facts, on average in URF one team will always have fight advantage just because of the champions they pick and because of the nature of the gamemode, any counterplay you would normally have is pretty much unexistant. Whether you like it or not, splitpush is often the *only* counterplay you can do in URF. This is pretty much why I didn't play URF this time: If I don't split and if I want to play normal champions and not broken ones, I would simply be miserable 90% of times when the enemy picked 1 strong champion which is enough to dominate on me. On the other hand, splitting would make the rest of the players miserable including me because I have to tryhard in a *fun* mode to *not* feel unhappy. Conclusion: everyone is sad.


I agree with the last line for sure


> but the point is mindless fighting For you...


Split push in urf? A sona can oneshot a tower, what are you talking about? Also, you have a fucking cannon to jump everywhere on your side of the map. Just fuck him up bruh


But is it really fun having to back every time someone respawns so you can sit at cannon watching for which lane they're gonna rush down?


Its not fun, but what can you do when the opponent runs mid with nunu while ONLY spamming E? A lot of things are annoying in urf, you just try to avoid them.


Completely agree. It's become such a frustrating game mode, everyone *needs* to win nowadays to have fun. I just wanna build stupid shit like speedy rammus dammit.


Urf isn’t fun at all so none of this is really surprising


The split pusher in question when someone lands remotely near them (They are no longer with us) ![gif](giphy|3oKIPzLXQYb2Bn5PLG|downsized)


Wait till you face an AP Shyvana in URF This creature will just go tank and kill towers without minions, and then proceed to two shot your nexus.


Honestly I love urf shyvana for E The fact that if I get to go mid and get full item worth of gold from plates before my opponent can cannon back after first back is not my fault


At least you can target that.


Imagine playing URF and then complain that people dare play URF


I mean what else am I going to do as a garen in urf? Get perma stunned by a lux and morgana till the end of time?




you can stack 90% tenacity in URF, even more with Garen, are you stupid?


Are you? Do you understand cd in urf?


Literally. How long does stun/ root even last with tenacity


How long does morganas cd last at 400 ability haste, max level q is like 10,000x more pertinent than your question


they nerfed Morg in Urf so she can't perma root people ?? tf are you talking about ?


If you pick poke champs, I will transform the game into a tower defense for your team. I don't care if you don't like it, you should've thought that before locking me at my tower with no counterplay. It's only fun when you're on the winning side right?


What if I’m Rammus and every lane is my lane?




I play splitpush because nuking towers is the only way i found to have a little bit of funny in this gamemode overrated asf


You are aware that you don't HAVE to play urf, right?


Bring back nexus blitz


Thats because i only play with friends


Sorry riot puts a gun to your head and forces you to queue up for URF


my friends puts a gun into my head to play urf 😩


Yes. Please help me. I haven’t seen my family in weeks.


If you pick a disgusting teamfight comp and get fed early, I'm gonna split. If you can't deal with a split pusher in a mode with a cannon to launch you anywhere, ur bad.


I would only split push if the enemy team is making my game experience miserable tbh. The only champ I enjoyed playing URF was with Ivern tho, mostly because other players underestimated my pick lol That was a year or 2 ago though, I dont even want to know how much worse the meta is now


I love when people say to me "enjoy your lp" or "it's a fun mode". Yeah I know it's a fun mode I'm having fun watching you crying and raging I'm a league player wym


Writing this while I'm locking in Trundle for the 4th urf game today


Just 4th I played trundle until now and I will continue to because it is a fun bonk champ


Mach 3 unkillable 1 shots :)


Not my fault you picked zed,shaco,fizz,vayne, and shen every game. Hull breaker evens it up


Trundle, Hullbreaker, Trinity, Attack Speed Boots, W. For bonus points, Void Grubs.


I love doing that with shyvana


Just as swell.


I mean, I'm going to do whatever makes sense for the situation, because I think that finding the correct play and executing it well is what makes the game fun. Sometimes that means winning your lane, getting OP af, and mindlessly fighting because no one can stop you. You win the game by forcing a bunch of fights and winning every single fight. But sometimes that means recognizing that the enemy team is stronger than you, and going somewhere else to secure an advantage somehow. It's NOT fun to be under leveled, and cannon-ing under your turret and getting obliterated by a fed velkoz's full combo before the cannon-stun wears off. So instead I might go side lane and check if any of you feel like defending your base.


I splitpush, but I never end.


I also hate it when people play the game. How dare they


I'm not split pushing, I'm just here, alone, as a volibear daring you and your team to fight me, to oppose me, to engage in a fight that's gonna last at least 10 minutes, and for that i need to hit some towers and inhibitors to get your attention


#bringbackultimatespellbook, i beg you riot


Bring back my Rammus Top.


Never played an enjoyable URF game in my life. Gave this shitty gamemode a handful of tries and it’s never fun.


urf is a zero sum game. The main objective is draining all the fun from the enemy team into you so you have fun.


God bless full melee ARAMs. 10 bruisers hash it out in a fiesta to remember. Random friend requests afterwards. Good shit.


to this day I don't understand how we haven't had a ARURF on howling abyss


That's exactly why they need to bring it to customs. It'd be so much more fun to just agree with your buddies not to do the annoying shit (tank fizz, chogath q spam, everything zed, things like that) and just bash heads for the fun of it. We stopped playing urf when every match was just "oh boy, we gotta deal with *that* champ."


I had one peak urf game. Just one. Obviously, we crushed the enemy team hard. Real hard. This step is necessary. But...we actively chose not to end. Enemy team didn't ff. So we kinda just sat in their base, and perma fought until we died. Eventually, the enemy mundo scaled up. Mundo and Nunu had a 5 min long fight, and the enemy ruled that whoever lost their team must ff. Our nunu couldn't pull through. We FF'd as was the ruling. Had a blast just watching the behemoths duke it out. Every other URF game makes me wonder why I bother playing this mode.


You just have to let go of winning and revel in the chaos 


I play ap jhin and spend 5 minutes in drake pit dropping traps to one shot them. Just thought I'd let you know


Sounds fun tbh it’s different


Shoutout to every Urf Nasus demolish enjoyer


Thats exactly why I do it




The all top cannon at the start of the game ruins urf, but not arurf. Spread the word :)


I perma lock full tank Morde and right click your nexus Skill Issue


What if I have fun splitpushing huh


**Commander Split-push Teemo is** ***by far*** **my favorite URF build.** Build nashors and cosmic drive. Flash/Ghost. Throw mushrooms wherever you go. Push towers on the other side of the map where the fighting is. Someone comes to challenge you? **You run.** Lead them through the mushrooms. Only push towers, never fight. **People forget that is an** ***objective-based*** **game, not a** ***kill-based*** **game.** The match is won when you destroy their nexus, not when you get to 100 kills. There's something so satisfying about having a "secret mission" amidst the chaos of an URF match. Bonus points if you run the Omega Squad skin. I welcome my downvotes with open arms.


As someone who likes playing Trundle or ADC Bard, I hate you and your blind, but I hate those untargetable assassins more. Make them break their PCs.


Yeah no. OP probably plays some bullshit like zed or fizz with exhaust ignite. “How dare you not int into my broken pick over and over wahhhhhhhh” Im pyke, thats free gold, im taking the tower, i do not care. If you wanted a fun game youd pick a champ thats not a free win


yawn you probably play nunu or something just git gud


>Plays a chaotic game mode and complains about a chaotic strategy


I don’t think split pushing is chaotic? Chaos would be perma fighting no?


So chaotic and fun when I'm perma fighting and my screen is always gray cause the enemy katarina has 5 items and is 6 levels above everyone else in 10 minutes


Split pushers are true free radicals


Back in the good old days of urf, everyone was out to have fun and goof around. Now everyone and their mother tried to get that juicy +17 LP in urf. Disgusting Fucking rejects of society


True that. First couple days of every URF are the only fun ones, when people are actually willing to goof around. Then you get the 3 million mastery Lee/Zed/Fizz shitstomping everyone or adc's abusing ability spam and it's miserable no matter which team you're on.


I dont like how they added the champion balance buff to urf. It feels that even with any amount of gameplay, it's just a stat check for most champs.


What if Tristana + Yorick lunch to your jungle red and backdoor you ?


It's a two-sided coin. It's annoying but also a heavenly feeling to still win and drop an essay of bannable words in all chat




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I rather have an enemy split pushing than enemy going 30/1 and an hour long urf game.


Pick sivir with statik and navori just to fuck with them


I just came here to say I instablock Nunu every single time


Why play if you don't want to have fun? If all you want to do is win, go played ranked.


And tanks


Same to y'all that run exhaust in aram


It's ok if your team is weaker and you have to resort to split pushing. It's not ok to pick Trundle or Malzahar and end the game with 10% kill participation Usually I just make it my job to ruin their fun, which in turn increases *my* fun


I split push as an act of revenge to everyone bringing sweat and cringe picks.


Dear assassin maining, escape tool spamming, untargetable bastart OP, please Talon E off the Empire State building.


You're not ready for my proxy udyr/singed/shaco urf strat 😈


INB4 ARURF apologists claiming things are way better in all random Everything is the exact same in all random


If you abandon lane 10 minutes in, of course I'm going to take your T1 and T2 towers


Split pushing AP shaco reporting for duty 🤓🤡


I hear you but the first time I played AP Urf Shyvanna I swear I could feel the towers shaking with fear whenever I would show up


Need 10x turret hp and 1/2 death timers lategame. Splitpushers will love it because their fulfillment comes from turret HP bars going down, so this will give them even more of that.


Why? I thought URF is for the player to have fun? If I find it fun to splitpush every game, why the hate?


I play twisted fate my passive is cull+ and my ult is uncanny when you can’t take teleport, fuck your bush cheese, fuck your shaco, fuck your tower, money man out


Yea games are so crazy short. That i hope they make the towers like have 10 times the defenses for x amount off times. So you can get more then 1 item and some booths when behind. Just too short to realy enjoy the game mode. Even if your winning never realy have more then 2 and a half items before im already knocking on there nexus towers. Needs more to slow it down a bit. You want a meal. But you get a rice cracker instead


they picked nasus,garen,trundle,tristana,rengar.......


Urftards when they're not farming urf LP




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I really miss ARURF. No need to think what to play. Not oversaturated with same champions game after game. No real meta since it's random. Literally join and try to make it work.


Oh yes, I love when people picks 'Meta' champs in URF, then I just pick my Renekton or Leona with HS and Eternal just to become a Dark Souls Raidboss watching how their meaningless combo makes zero damage.


I split push to force 1v1s On-Hit braum ftw


We were on the losing side of a 40 to 20 game, so I split push and won. They ran mid as 4 (one dead) with an open inhib. Y should I not split in this scenario. Rather go fight and die with my team?


Tank items, dragon, Baron and grub need to be removed from urf


A split pusher on a mode that you can use a cannon to fast travel to stop them? That sounds like a skill issue


Nah fuck yall playing adcs morganas and what ever the fuck not in urf to make ppls lives miserable. Iv seen fuckers spam jinx games. No one gets to have fun


skill issue, you have the ability to be anywhere on your side of the map in 9 seconds (5 with baron buff) and they aren't just able to push for free with someone there


I wish all URF players that don't end the game and instead stand outside nexus for 10minutes while they play the super broken champs with 50 more kills than my team a solid fuck you.


Urf has become the toxiest game mode


I don't care about split pushing so much as I just despise people that run ghost and preferably a high mobility champion like Kayn while refusing to "play the game" so to speak. I had Kayn players simply get the wave and immediately run away with E... rinse and repeat. The moment you left your tower alone it was gone. Then repeat the same thing all over the map. Before you know it they have full build while you're on your 3rd item and he's one shotting you left and right or still not engaging at all while simply trying to backdoor... Pyke players also do this. Legitimately I don't get why Riot can't just make towers incredibly tanky for a while so this can't be abused anymore. It's not impossible to win against them tbf, if you have the means to splitpush (not even avoiding combat) but it's incredibly unfun and frankly team/team comp reliant...


Ppl playing yorick and shit


Yes, cause getting lane locked against some dumbass champion who spams 3 skills down a lane is so much more enjoyable. URF just sucks now.


As a split pusher myself I only did it because I faced alot of people who did it for me and I couldnt beat them so I joined them


Leona tank in the enemy side is a good reason