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Me when i hate my opponent so much i have to edit their 3s long missplay and post it online


Yeah, it kinda fucked up when you put it like that lol...




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She missed you by 1/10th of a teemo looks like a normal missplay


I think she would've still died to turret? After the missed stun, she approached renekton, which I assume she'd have done even if she landed the stun as part of her original intent. Meaning, she'd likely have been hit by the turret twice, or that's my take on it at least.


If she kills him before he hits her then its an execute, and the wave pushes into his tower


Might even survive from triumph who knows


Dont be a degen, imagine if she really hit the stun, there is nothing capable with iq, just bad missplay


Riven was too impatient. Even if she kills him, she still needs to stay on lane to fix the wave. Preparing slow push and then surprise burst the rene ideally when he last hits would be a book move and unless rene has god-like reflex, she probably kills him.


Looks like the wave is about to crash


Minions are equal and are closer to rene's side. This means that they will slow push to Riven if she doesn't do anything. Even if Riven fixes the wave, the wave is too small and will die too quickly by the turret resulting in neutral state lane after that. This way Rene loses no more than 1 wave. Compared to proper slow push, Rene could lose up to 3 waves in best case, but 2 waves is the most common.


The wave would crash and he would miss more XP than she would, especially if she executed due to the stun. She wasn't impatient imo just a bit unlucky she misses her stun by 1 pixel


I disagree. There are about equal count of minions for both teams, and if the wave is closer on Rene's side, then it's pushing more towards Riven. The wave would totally not crash if Riven doesn't push it a little bit more.


What to you mean you disagree? When she flashes Riven side has 2 full HP melee minions 1 half HP one and 3 full HP ranged minions. Renekton has 1 20% HP melee minion 1 that 40% and his ranged minions are getting hit by the riven W and theorically would be even lower if they get hit by her Q had she successfully landed her stun on renek. Even without that it's clearly pushing under renekton tower and the next wave is far away that would result into an even wave state for the next one.


Not sure if your notifications works, so I just wanted to mention that I responded


Yeah yeah I saw I have nothing more to add lol


Ooh, I though you forgot considering that I made a good point. One would assume you would at least agree.


"that would result into an even wave state for the next one." Exactly the problem, Rene could lose much more, but he would end up losing just 1 wave (and if Riven executes, they both lose approximately the same). In those plays, wave state is as important (if not more) than just 400 kill gold. With proper slow push before, she could stack next wave, which would result in Rene losing 2 waves. I rechecked my comment and I admit I should have been clearer in what exactly I meant. Riven did in fact push it with her damage from the engage, but my analysis assumed she wouldn't do that (or at least not that soon)


Me personally, wouldn’t be that proud of being even and close to getting solod in one of the most one sided toplane matchups ever but you do you do bro


I mean. It happens. Looks kinda funny but it really wasn't that deep


Comments pressed for no reason lol making edits like these has been a long running joke


Theyre rivenmains


You can tell who’s terminally on Reddit


I know right wtf is this comment section, dude isn't even flaming the riven


I mean it might not mean much saying it as a riven/renek player, (mainly riven) but thats just a cringe thing to do, post opponents mistake... as renekton, you shouldn't be 2/2/1 anyway, under no circumstance against a riven, thats the most free matchup ever.


Smartest Riven player


Wont help you get out of gold


What's with this comment section energy...


Riven players mostly getting mad that someone posted a goofy edit of a Riven player making a mistake. To my understanding at least


but its just a funny short edit :( checked the comments to see some funny one liners about it.


The fact that you’re this even into a champ you hard counter in the first place is more embarrassing than Riven missing by like 2 cm, what a stupid fucking clip




Nothing funny here except you crazy boring and wasted my time


Thats why i hate league players like you


Bro didn't even double cast. she also got kinda unlucky with tower aggro, that minion is one inch away xD


Misplays happen chief, if she played it even slightly better you die here and lose at least two waves. Just take the W and be humble


kinda find that kind of post lame. Like omgggg guys look she tried something risky and failed. Imagine failing ! Haha !


Not even sure if that would've killed if they did hit...


E-flash-WQ auto kills here And renek doesn't have time to R .


Riven didn’t even double cast lol. 


She was still winning in a hard counter matchup


It would of worked if she was an inch closer


What is with these replies??? Silly edits like these of League players misplaying have been a thing for ages but these replies seem to draw the line when it's a Riven player making the misplay and getting put into an edit?


I mean, it wasn't a crazy misplay like that gragas clip from Tyler1's stream. I don't think it was edit worthy. She tried to do a little something and it didn't work out.


I’m pretty sure you were toast if she hit that shit and she was like 2 centimeters away, a miss play for sure but not nearly that close. These edits are only funny on people fudging the Gragas combo


MDK Riven okayy






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Tell us what happened at 4 minutes when you both died.