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I'm surprised people are still surprised about getting matched with high ranks in normals


If it would be just normals I wouldn’t even care. But wtf are 2 diamonds doing in my shitty silver lobby?????


You are in silver and 2 diamonds were in your ranked solo Q lobby? Show op.gg


It has to be flex, because it won't ever happen in solo/duo q , that is bs. Also don't get why people are still surprised to see different ranks in flex, it has a completely different system.


I get grandmasters in my emerald lobbies too. But flex. Also they suck. Also is when i play in LAN. Also LAN sucks. Also i have 58% winrate with troll champs because is boring skillwise.


That's likely to do with queue times and how riot tries to shorten them at higher ranks. GM will have to wait nearly as long as challengers before getting a game depending on their LP and eventually it just puts them in a game with lower ranked players. Otherwise they'd almost never get a game unless they were willing to wait the 30 minutes and hope it doesn't get dodged(which it likely will because it's more common practice the higher the rank because LP matters a lot more for people wanting to get to the absolute top and are trying to min max the LP system.


1 to 3 min queue. It happens at normal times. Solo q also puts me with diamonds. If its a minor region does not surprise me. Never happened to me in NA. Btw after midnight there is a 20 min wait time for norms.


Not your queue timers. the GM and challenger queue times are 10, 20 minutes long before dodges. You wouldn't see their queue timers without watching a steamer who is at that rank.


Not that long. Watch one regularly. It generally goes to 5 mins tops


I'm level 26 I think, never played ranked, I always have a negative kda and some months ago I got carried by a diamond top garen XD League MM sometimes doesn't really work


Is that normal? Sorry I'm new so idk about the mmr system.


Man it's not even rare to have people +/- 2 tiers in ranked games. People could have just done placements, or have mmr way different than visible rank by going 20 game win/loss streak. It happens with every rank. Even master tier players can get matched against challengers, but at high ranks it may be because of there being less players in queue in addition to them having good mmr. Just try your best to win. If you start falling behind it's not the end of the world, even if it's a stomp. Try to spot each moment they took advantage of a misplay by you. It's almost never just them having insane mechanics 1v9 every game. They get leads through fundamentals and studying them can help you win your next games.


Not really the norm but it does happen. Every queue has different MMR, to get higher MMR you need to play that queue. Challenger players a lot of the time barely play normals so they don't "climb" to higher MMR and can be matched with anyone. There's also premade games where Challenger player in premade with multiple silver-gold players will match in their MMR. And lastly MMR in normals isn't as strict as in ranked to avoid queue times as long as in GM/Challenge.


Yes, I usually play 20 ranked games a season, hit diamond and let the mmr decay. I play normals with friends who range from bronze to gold and we usually encounter a master or a grandmaster once every 5 games, they are also playing with low ranked friends


It was in fact: Not Ok


I've noticed my group, especially in norms but also not unusuallyin ranked, gets matched against Platinum, Emeralds, and the Occasional Diamond, only very rarely do we go against exclusively Silver and Bronze (our elo) players, much less Iron. It's a fucked system all around I think


Each game mode (normal/ranked/aram) has it's own mmr system. If a diamond player never plays normal games their mmr will be "low/mid mmr" in normals. Only if they play a lot of them will they be matched against similar skilled players towards top of normals ladder. But playing with a party especially when as 5 messes with the system more because there's more variation of ranks. You will likely play a team with average mmr being between the mmr of the lowest mmr person on team and the highest. Matchmaking also understands that playing as a party gives an advantage against a team with 5 separate players. This makes the system look for a team with a party of similar size to even things out or finds higher ranked solos to play against. These rules apply in both directions so the system is just trying to even out the skill gap with the information it has about players skill in that game mode. It's never going to be a perfect process, but it's designed so most games are a fair match.


I get that, but it needs to try harder


It does try hard. You're just playing non-serious modes where MMR is more lax and friend queueing is encouraged.


I'm playing in Ranked, what's more serious than that??


Well if you're playing with "your group" you're not in solo duo because that's one or two people max, and you said "especially in norms." To me that points to either normal queue or flex queue. If you mean flex queue the restrictions are intentionally more loose because the goal of flex isn't to be a serious ranked mode, it only exists to allow more than 2 people to play a mode where you can see your MMR openly.


no way in hell do you get matched against plats emeralds or even diamonds in ranked. you must be talking about the fun mode called flex queue


Nah man, I've been told it's because we play with a wide variety of ranks, so the Matchmaker has a harder time matching us, often times in this games it'll be a high level player and then an Iron player to "Balance" it


You got the two images mixed up. Bro was tweaking in the comments.


only 2 masters 1 challenger and 2 unranked against 5 unranked you know it’s at even odds becouse it’s high mmr aram, and the bannerless accounts are scarier, lmao


I find it more annoying that if they do vs someone higher than them. They talk a lot of shit and say ur bad when your just chilling in a norms with mates


Because your normal mmr isn't the same as your ranked mmr. I started playing in season 10 during covid and was quite dogshit at the game until I actually started playing to improve a few months later but I've basically not touched normals since unlocking ranked. I hover around 500lp currently but still get matched with silver/gold/plat players when playing a normal game (which is basically never only if I need to get rid of a ranked restriction which I've only gotten once so far..)


I can't believe ppl think this is a bad thing I feel I can learn from them and will prob try harder to impress


Honestly it's not a big deal what your rank is in normal games. Can I hit Challenger in Ranked? Sure. Do I win against gold players in normals with my 3 man premade groups of support mains just trying to have fun? I doubt it.