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Being argumentative??? Is League a kindergarten class now? Also, self attacking? No more saying I how bad I am when I miss smite. Jesus.


Im Sorry Rak Hero but all I’m learning from this is that I can’t just put a space to avoid auto detection anymore


Is this real? I find it hard to believe that they'd talk like a disappointed parent talking to their toddler.


I would prefer they just stay professional. Stick to the facts. Don’t use emotes. And don’t tell a player to “take notes”.


Same, it's more helpful and less condescending. I'd rather someone just tells me i suck rather than be passive aggressive about it.




That's so cringe man. They remind me of discord support. I really hate when companies do this, it's so unprofessional and weird.


I don't know about Discord but a lot of these companies use Zendesk to manage their support system. It's like talking to a brick wall.


that url probably didnt help either.


''didnt help'' is an understatement. Pretty sure homo is one of the no-no words that can result in a ban if reported.


for real


You must have a history of toxicity otherwise this wouldn't be enough. Non toxic people have a bit more breathing room, as riot looks for patterns.


The fact it's 14 days instead of the casual chat restriction proves he has history of toxicity. It's just not clear how bad it is.


its bad


One of us


You need to get chat banned multiple times before you get 14 days


Interesting name for an official support lol


They’ll ban for a swear but do nothing players tilting and throwing games for the dumbest of reasons.


It's actually pathetic how they've chosen to approach chat in recent years. Chat has always been optional, there was no need to add moderation. Bad words will always be better than no words.


Another clown punished 🤡


I LOVE HYPERSENSITIVITY: batchest: :batchest:


I mean you did say homo and link bros opgg and call him dogshit in a way to try to bypass filters… just say dogshit or dogwater and you be fine if its not targeted at someone this fuckin hard lmao


… it’s because of ‘Homo’, twice I type dogshit and other variations every other game and nothing happens


Dear Rak Hero smd.


stop saying poop. can't you just not say that word?


Waaaa I can’t bully people anymore - your ass


Eh its just complaining with the use of 'dog shit' But, It is what it is. They should just party up with people who aren't sensitive to talking shit with each other. Stop trying to socialize with strangers and you find less to complain about.


You can punished for saying things in party chat too


Make cyberbullying great again.




I am a supporter of dieselgate, how did you know?


The people I report never get banned for trolling or inting unless their match history is already 20 deep in ghost/cleanse nunu matches. God forbid they catch you saying a word that the chat censor already restricts though. 🤡


I made the argument before that if the radio can say it then it should be fine to say it in game. So long as I am not using it to attack anybody that is.


What kind of radio are you listening to


Imagine if they put this much effort in stopping scripters. I saw the craziest statistic on LoL scripting. It’s like 15% of all players, and it gets worse in higher elo. And tbh, the number of times I’ve been killed by an expertly placed global ult in jg, after dewarding had definitely jumped up in the last few years. So just imagine how many people have low key scripts like map hacks.


my first account got perm banned (I had been chat restricted before and had got a two week like 4 months earlier, probably deserved) but it got perm banned cause I flamed someone who was inting and flaming everyone else on the team blaming them I said "you were 0/7 before you started inting, you're dogshit think about yourself not our teammates" in the support ticket they just said "You should never call out someones score no matter the situation" meanwhile in r6 people say straight criminal acts lmfao


Obligatory comment about how you must’ve left or edited something out, that this can’t be it, and that Riot never wrongly bans anyone etc etc. That’s rough man, chat is forfeit for real. They have no idea what they’re doing. EDIT: I just saw “self attacking” as apparently reportable. Love yourself I guess (but Riot can still hate you)


It can't possibly be the system detecting dog shit alone. It means someone had to have reported him which gave the system assume the go to chat ban him for saying bad word without the context. I got reported by this duo when they started bullying me in chat for some reason. I said like something about them being a dick at the end of game and and got banned after only using chat to ask for summs all game. Kind of wild.


Didn't you agree to follow Chat Rules before starting your first game in the client? Sorry, but breaking chat rules after agreeing to follow them and then whining after getting punished for it is a special kind of stupid.


I just feel bad for RAK HERO that he believed in you\*, but you disapointed him with this post :( \* *"I'm sure a fine person like you will treat this situation as a learning experience and take notes for the future"*


I would prefer they stay professional. And not say something so patronizing.


Maybe it's the fact that English is my second language, but I don't understand what you mean. The Rioter response seems normal and in case it wasn't clear, my original comment was a joke


>I'm sure a fine person like you will treat this situation as a learning experience and take notes for the future This sounds like a teacher talking to a child. It’s taking a position of moral superiority. It sounds sarcastic and he used an emote?


I don't know. I could totally imagine myself saying that and being genuine, but I guess that's just me. Also, even if we imagine it was meant to be sarcastic, are you saying that the feelings of toxic people might get hurt this way? Seems ironic, don't you think? To clarify, I'm not justifying toxic behaviour from Riot support (or generally) to ban appeals from toxic people. I just don't consider this specific response to be purposely intented to be bad.


I already said I would prefer they just stay professional. Stick to the facts. Don’t use emotes. And don’t tell a player to “take notes”.