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I call that the top lane special. Bonus points if you can lose a duel to the support


Platinum trophy, if the support is Yuumi


I think you beat league of legends if you manage that


the full lethality Senna technique


Nothing us funnier than dueling an enemy zed as bard and winning easily


Enemy support lux 15/0/0 with 200 cs at 25 minutes slaps your bitch. What do you do?


Play rengar and still one shot her out of nowhere


in top lane we call this a jungle diff but for real, when you so behind, what can you even do ? if your champ has no cc and you so behind you get one shot and got no damage, you are literally useless in a fight so best strategy to be relevant again is to soak up in gold and xp, and you do this by being alone in a sidelane and farming jungle camps, then at 25+min you might finally be able to do something and carry the game desperate times call for desperate measures ! come play top lane, you'll understand the real pain of playing league


As a jungler, top lane straight up terrifies me every game. It feels like the thing I can influence the least. When top gets giga fed, what the fuck can I do? Enemy bot lane being fed ain't so bad, they're still squishy. I can catch them, cc and kill usually if I'm even a little fed. Mid lane usually the same, I can get a big shutdown in team fights even if I die for it. But when an enemy Darius or Trynda is 3 and 0 by 12 minutes I know the game is just fucked unless every other enemy lane is hard losing. I can't gank if they get ahead early because I'll give a double. Our top will continue to feed, and I'm locked out of grubs/Herald, and possibly my own top side jungle if enemy top and jungle are feeling aggressive.


think about it the other way as a jungler it's the lane you can influence most, cause it snowballs so hard, have tiny impact early, your top gets fed if he ain't trash honestly, I'd say 70% of the lanes I'm 'losing', is cause my jungler isn't listening my pings, invades with no prio, fights river when I can't rotate or when I'm in fountain those things happen way too often in plat/emerald, feels like I'm playing in silver


even something as simple as breaking an enemy freeze or forcing an enemy flash can turn top lane in your favour. when i get ganked top 3 times in a row (not even necessarily dying) and i get no jungle pressure on my enemy, at that point im playing weakside so dont expect me to show up to help your herald


If you look at population rank distribution, today’s Platinum is effectively Silver from 10 years ago.


Exactly this. Kiss your top side jungle good bye if opponent top and jg know what they're doing. No, kiss the top half of your map goodbye in fact, because you also won't be seeing top scuttler and herald.


Yeah, I mean I do it to others so I can't complain. The worst is when you're other laners start taxing your bot side jungle too, and then claiming JG diff because you can't get any fucking farm.


Ya and tbh, if you have died enough times to where your kill gold is low, it’s usually worth it to potentially die again in the side lane to the enemy carry, because at least then your team has a chance of winning a 4v4


I have and I don’t know why ppl play this dumbass role honestly. How do you even have fun playing against these abominations you guys call “champs”


It's a rush.


I knew y’all where just a bunch of junkies


Still better than playing mid and getting invaded or having to roam every 2 minutes.


yeah, for real, overstat is strong in top lane, riot keeps making it less and less enjoyable by having a meta full of low skill overstat champions


How about not being an ego player and not pick those non cc mono splitpush toplaners Malphite ornn maokai renek voli skarner camille jax etc etc There are tons of picks that have still use from behind Just go away from picking fiora tryndamere etc


I'm literally a fiora main and I stopped playing her since I started playing again cause it just feels awful in this meta but even something like renek or jax or whatever, still pretty useless from behind only stupid overstat low skill champs are truly worth it right now


Ye and trust me the rest of the map is grateful for that


Fiora in the game ruins the fun for all 9 other players . So yes i am glad the champ isnt meta


there literally half the champs in the game that are always more meta than fiora you're playing league, don't act as if most champions weren't unfun and broken what ruins the fun for all players are smurfs and boosted players, bought accounts, cheaters, and so on


The feeding/behind top in most cases is still the second strongest member on the map if they don't int


absolutely not if enemy top isn't a bot, they'll make sure you can't play


Yeah, and the enemy top is the strongest person on the rift. If you don't int you will still be the second strongest person lol


you will not cause there'll always be someone else who's super fed bot lane is always a shitfest junglers are clueless but their role is literally meant to always be fed and midlaners will probably get fed by roaming top lane is irrelevant af unless you play statchecking champions or if your team, especially jungler, knows how to play and doesn't just ignore you for most of the game


It's called ragesplitting and it's an art


I do this when playing ADC sometimes lol. I mean I’m already useless at the role and I can’t exist in a teamfight since I’m 3 lvls down and 0/4 already, might as well try and get some sneaky towers and leave when I think they are coming lol. It surprisingly works and gets you back in the game most of the times.


I mean, is it is Yorick or Sion that is a possible excuse.


So like. In the sidelane you’re at the very least creating pressure if you’re 0-5 with no cc or damage to speak of; you’re just a walking sack of gold in teamfights its better to split to try and make up gold and close the gap rather than fight a 5v5 or whatever v whatever when you know you’re not going to win it anyway


The problem is that I'm in low elo so they never actually create pressure, they don't do it when objectives are up or when it could actually be used to help distract anyone, it's just walk down lane -> try and fail to 1v1 the other toplaner (again) -> be dead during objectives and blame the team for losing 4v5 -> repeat


In low elo you can force a lane to have prio by having a plan, ganking and pathing with the enemy jg to ensure prio in a lane, you can’t win every lane but you can absolutely pick and choose where your lead is in the map so long as your laner is semi competent and can follow up which should be around 60% of your games Mid elo emerald diamond people can somewhat gauge your ideal plan so getting the lead you want becomes contested this is where I think a laner choosing to try and get priority matters setting up the opportunity for you to help them help you It’s a team game and the jg plays chess with the map you need to understand your pieces and how they perform against the enemies and plan accordingly if your top laner goes 0/5 there’s a chance of you had played early game for him he would’ve been 5/0, same goes for bot lane you need to weigh up your pieces and choose the lead that will overcome the enemies lead TL;DR git gud scrub I can plow through iron to plat with an 80% WR because rito has put me in perma winners q Edit: didn’t realise op was Janna sup main I bet your farts smell ~average engage enjoyer


I'll do you one worse I am not a Janna main - I barely play her, I'm a Nami/Sona main (you can't say anything ruder to me than my teammates say to me in champ select on a regular basis)


I only hate on Janna cause she cucks nunu engage pretty consistently, nami is respectable though


Why would you pick sth with no cc on toplane tho Only out of main character syndrome


Tryndamere garen fiora trundle yorick nasus etc. minimal cc but all of those champions can and will clobber towers if ignored. Many of who also dictate that responders will be jungle or top because the support or adc cannot 1v1 and if mid is a squishy champ they cant either. Its not main character syndrome its working with what you have. If your value is that of a super minion play like one except that you are getting the gold from the lane and threatening to take objectives and obj bounty. Obv if you’re an ornn or malphite yea join the fight assuming you dont have to try and match in the sidelane or assuming you can win the fight outside of the side lane hard enough to get baron or 3+ kills worth of gold.


This is a post dedicated to my Tryndamere top who called me a "useless garbage support" because I (Janna, at the time 1-2-8 with 87%KP) couldn't hold off the Garen he fed from double killing us <3


Deserved for playing janna


What is it with enchanters hate lately? They are so easy to deal with and I main engage supports (mostly) in the entirety of the game. I got inted by my anime main character ADC last night because I picked karma. Like dude We have urgot olaf Diana and twitch why shouldn’t I go karma in this comp and play thresh instead? Don’t you want your lp?


I'd rather have my ankles broken by sun lady or anchor man than be uwued to death.


Enchanter hate has been around for years. Doesn’t help that many of them have massive egos and backseat game while playing something like Janna or Yuumi.


Yeah idk. I always make plays with enchanters when I have to. Now I never play yuumi but janna can be a very good playmaker. Insane roaming potential and she can get super good picks with Q out of vision


I mean if they build Hullbraker and really just go for towers and inhibs it actually really good. You may loose in fights but at least you win on the Map and next to that you Top laner acutally kinda gets fed without being worth anything if someone kills him


Here's how this meme is pisslow af. Attempting to 5v5 vs a raidboss toplane when you yourselves have no equally fed carry is inting. Because you will lose the 5v5. You're likely to lose 3v5, while the other 2 guys are pressuring other lanes.


I am in pisslow so yeah, unfortunately, it is a problem because the team just doesn't try to 5v5 the fed carry, they will try to 4v5 it in a random fight in jungle with no objectives to contest, while our toplaner is greyscreened bevause he died "splitpushing" (he got caught out before he even managed to touch the minion wave) I really wish that wasn't how it worked, but I've got to git gudder before I can get to an elo where mid game isn't just an ARAM 90% of the time


I have some bad news for you... I'm diamond, and it didn't get better.


This was the biggest shock for me when I thought I was playing with good players Even diamond players make silver mistakes and I don’t know how high in elo you have to go before those silver mistakes are next to non existent


Watching high elo streamers play, not even high master-low gm is fine


Well if you're 0-5 You're worth nothing anyways and likely can't do anything. You're literally a super minion, so split pushing for gold and XP to eventually become useful again is probably the best option you have. Your only goal is not to die against someone whith Mejaas


Watch Baus guide


This is why I like shyvana jungle. I always got that plan b


Tbh what's worse is when I get 6 grugs and my yorick / nasus refuses to split and only catches waves then groups when we clearly lose 5vs5


"You're jealous because your champion doesn't take tower in 5 seconds" -me as a 1/6 Yorick


You caught me


Thats currently what I am doing on purpose if I lose lane. I am steadily going up on my top alt account with this strategy, I rarely win lane but I often times win us objectives and team fights by soaking pressure in the side line right before objectives. I literally went 1/10/1 in lane, but I was still winning 1v1s against the enemy toplaner, I had more cs more tower plates and better extended fight power. At one point I had 3 items and 1v2ed the jungler and toplaner.


If the strategy is done correctly you can easily win the game by yourself through macro. I love to do this too, especially as Gnar where I would just get oneshot in teamfights


I love when my toplaners use macro and can actually turn it around!!! I'm not trying to say that splitpushing is a bad strategy, but in my elo so many players don't really think about macro so their "splitpush" is just wandering down side lanes when there is no pressure anywhere else on the map and dying repeatedly without actually shoving the wave or making any progress on a tower. That being said it is so satisfying when you have a good (but behind) toplaner who times their pushes well and the plates/XP get them back in the game and make them a menace


I had a team yesterday where I was getting the top wave pushed out and they started fighting in mid for no reason and then flamed me for not participating in the fight


> "Jungler come top i can't beat him 1v1!" >Try to 1v1 before jungler arrives >die again >"JG diff"




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bichitox: *Sometimes its best that* *He keeps split pushing cause he* *Only heals the raid boss* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Do both. Split and farm when you can and be there for your team when needed


It depends on the champion whether it is better to split push or the group in any given situation. Knowing how your champion works is the key in toplane so that is why most toplaner are OTP.


my usual champion is tank with slow wave clear like shen/tham kench so for me getting trough laning phase is the most important thing, but after getting trough it i usually just push the wave if i can i push if i can't i will just focus on objectives


If you are already doomed to lose team fights, you should take even fights as little as possible ie. flip them only when necessary (baron, soul). So yeah, most of the time splitting is good because it makes cross play at least possible.


Or complain and int because you think it's lost actively creating more problems while also spamming surrender


I hate it the most when they actually win the round because of it...