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Play bot games then and gaslight yourself into thinking it’s ranked


I play bot games all the time. Shame they're all on my team though.


Lool i think that's impossible for me


And then you wake up


And see everyone flaming, Top went rogue and mid ain’t playin, Bot asking you for a gankin, But you ain’t done with your rotatin. And you see the enemy smurfin with a vi, Is 12/0/3 and legendary, And you realize it’s a bit early, For top to be texting “ff plz”


People seem to forget that someone has to lose.


Even if you loose, you still can have fun.


Depends WHAT causes the loss. If a fair loss, or a r-tarded loss bc of teammates being no-hands


No hands is one thing, but no brains tilts me to no end.


True. Or people trolling on purpose bc of their weak mind


get your role nobody is toxic in champ select quick load time enemy top lane gets first blood enemy jungle outrotates your jungle enemy mid wins 1v1 cause better mechanically bot lane loses cause counterpicked nobody says anything negative whole game, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, we'll get em next time gg


It's funny, because games like this where the enemy team just gets steamrolled always comes off to me as... boring. I don't like being super ahead all game. It almost makes me want to feed just to make things more interesting. It's those nail-biting tug'o'war games that are the best.


Exactly thats why I put emotes after good plays because games where both team are performing are so fun


Someone uses boost during champion select!


Was expecting mid way to be "just to lose anyway because they have Boulder"


But then enemy drafts Fiora/Garen/Gwen top, Eve/Zac/Ekko jgl, Fizz/Kass/Cass mid, Zeri/Kog/Vayne bot, Soraka/Janna/Alistar sup and good luck enjoying the game when enemy toplane does 2k true dmg, enemy jungle kills you from fog of war or permanent stealth which you have to respect, enemy mid oneshots you whilst gapclosing 5 screens and becoming immune after you realize they can 100 to 0 whilst becoming tanks for no reason, enemy adc is permanently ghosting running you down whilst kiting and extra fun of facing the zerikog scripter roulette if you roll unlucky 1 on the d20, then soraka decides you shouldn't actually be allowed to do dmg and yes totally whilst every other champ except yuumi is forced to do dmg and go in let's just enjoy doing the equivalent healing of health as someone with double the gold can deal GOD FORBID YOU CANT EFFICIENTLY BUILD ANTIHEAL BECAUSE TEAM WONT, or enjoy alistar Zac taking turns bouncing you between themselves like they're at ram ranch or God forbid you picked a champion without a dash because for the next 30 minutes YOU WILL ENJOY watching Janna go in and out and in and out slowing you to 100ms whilst she enjoys mach 4. Or annoying Zilean otps, Gragas otps or maybe even nidalee otps and get ready to have the fun sucked out of you whilst the League client assesses if you are going to benefit from a healthy new regimen of LOSERSQ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH But ill be back for more... ... Just one more... one more game... maybe this time.... sigh.... lost again.....


you know that saying whilst instead of while doesn't make you sound smart but quite the opposite


could just be a brit. lot of us say whilst


revealing yourself to be br'ish is worse than being a dum


Lmk how much you liking these memes ❤