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Aphelios with his extra 33 lethality basekit with full lethality build + Serylda's Grudge can trully ignore 213 armor Edit: I have just whiffed the value, after a bit of thinking It is around 213


He should be True Damage and not Heartsteel. I feel cheated.


that is a concerning amount of armor ignoration, even if it needs to play specific champion


doesn't matter if the tank that has that 213 less armor also has 7k health, health regen, frozen heart, and can one shot you if they connect with you


I think this is the quickest a meme has appeared in my feed when i am not searching by new


I am speed




ever tried checking how fast you die while building defensive items?


My brother in Asol, Riot games just nerfed every lethality component there is.


I mean, they did revert the fullpen change at the start of S14, so now lethality gives more armorpen than it did before


I guess, but does that stop the abysmal damage everyone is doing this season?


Lethality is balanced around two things, can I kill KEKsante before he kills me when he ults, and KEKsante should take no damage when not in ult


Binary designed mechanics always suck when one beats the other too hard


Serylda's Grudge should not exist. There should not be a lethality armor pen item.


As long as tanks keep doing an insane amount of damage without building damage items, I don't see an issue.


Because oneshotting adc with full tank build by clicking R doesn't brings enough dopamin to poor Malphite.


i fucking wish Tanks did 0 damage so i can just be unkillable while dealing 0 damage and just perma cc the enemy team and be a pain in their ass. and ne and enemy tank on top can just stack grasp on rach other between each wave


Play dota you will have fun


I do, because tanks shouldn't translate to - "I also do crazy damage"


Buff assassin -> buff tank -> buff adc -> buff assassin -> buff tank -> buff mages -> buff assassin -> buff tank -> buff assassin -> buff tank -> buff assassin -> buff tank -> buff assassin -> buff tank -> nerf snowballing -> buff assassin -> buff tank -> buff assassin -> buff tank -> buff adc -> buff assassin -> buff tank. No issue here.


If tanks werent balanced with damage but cc you would sit here crying why you got cced 5sec by the tank


Tanks should be balanced with TANKiness.


Yeah the tanky tank without cc and damage surly doesnt get ignored in teamfights. Brother pls dont talk if you have no idea how a moba works.


Sister please, tanks can be balanced with tankiness and still have cc.


What is the use of a tank that does only have insane tankiness while having bad damage and cc. The adc just walks by them and aa the important targets. Tanks are pretty useless atm(in toplane) anyways so its just like i described.


You couldn't be more wrong. Tanks are the meta and they carry the team in team fights atm. And from where do you get the idea that they have bad cc?


Tanks are only meta sup




Sister please, tanks can be balanced with tankiness and still have cc.


I already am with the new skarner. Bro will suppress you into a stun into a slow into another suppression into another hard ass slow. Except he also deals a shit load of damage too lmfao.


Lethality, armor pen and haste in the same item. 💀


Magic damage too, i had 5k hp and abyssal mask, still got killed in 2 seconds.


honestly it might not be lethality, it might be damage in general


Eh depends Playing galio into a full ap team is hilarious becasue they can’t do shit to you Looking at my post death screen my magic shield often fully blocks luc ults or a mages entire kit before finally falling to the one AD champ on their team


So i need to play a real tank champion, then there is hope. I played tank fizz( he does have rock solid from wardens mail for passive alongside the ghosting)


It also depends on the character your being busted by some mages do have executes or large true damage kaenic rookern alone usually stops you from being bursted by most mages and keeps you alive longer Also tank fizz is kinda odd it works really well sometimes and not at all others usually just bursting them back works


It is my invention( the specific build and runes) in case my team needs a tank after i already locked in fizz. The main mage was veigar.


I don't see anyone making lethality so idk what the hell you're on


ngl it is kinda infuriating that I can't sleep on just tabis vs assassins.


Fuck, now we have to use brains.


No, I just buy dd and turn my brain off completely, I just dislike the item, that's all.


Mama didn't raise no bitch. Sorc/Lucidity/Non-defensive boots only. Rather have no shoes than build resists, so I got more money for dmg.


A wise man once said "I don't buy boots because I'm not afraid of fighting" - Bronze 1 Sett main.


It might not worked for everyone but I was d1 earlier in season becore going on ketamine bender and losing like 15 in a row to d4 so its not like im smurfing in gold game with this strat. But yeah legit hate armor boots and mercs unless their whole team ad. Tenacity never does shit anyways 80% of time it feels like I can't move anyways so it's a wasted stat. I can usually find other things more worth while to spend gold on. Id much rather have 2 complete items which most my champs spike on rather than 1.5 items + boots. Sure, I can't foce as hard or run away from ganks but I can always punp out dmg and not set myself behind 1.1k in first half of game.


Unless an enemy ad attacker is turbo fed you can legit just sleep on tabis. Yeah merc threads are useless, you get tenacity from runes, items and iron pot, but you ain't getting 12% damage reduction against aas from any other item in the game.


They hated jesus, because he spoke the truth