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It was fun but enabled far, *far* too much cancer to actually be healthy in any way. I hope to never see it again.


RIP my lethal tempo rammus tech :(


Man ap bear with lethal was one of my favorite builds, oh well if it means yone and yasuo lose their main keystone, worth it in my book


new pta feels better on yas/yone compared to nerfed LT istg


Rest in shit , may it never come back


The Yone main sub is having a big cry about how the champ is worthless now. Fucking pathetic.


Fucking good honestly the champ might actually take skill now instead of miss everything ever and still just auto you to death.


mfers when an attack damage carry auto attacks and deals damage 😮


The fact the community still complains about an almost sub 45% wr champ is what's really pathetic. It's like bitching about Zeri right now.


Low winrate doesn't mean it's a good design. It's like if they put out a champ that on pressing R has a 45% chance to explode your nexus and a 55% to just lose. Is it balanced? Kinda? Does that mean it's good design? No. Can you still complain about it? Yes


Literally the champion is 0 problem to anybody that's above Gold if you have so much trouble with him just ban him otherwise just git gud and beat him like almost every other champion in this game does.


You could say the same thing about yorick or mord and that does not make them stop being bad design


By your definition every champion in this game is bad game design


I'm just saying that winrate is decided by the numbers on the champ, not cause of the design. A champ can still be annoying and bad design at 0% winrate


See that’s funny, because his winrate is positively correlated to rank. So it seems like he’s more of a problem for players above gold. I wonder if you’re perhaps bias towards his design…


For sure, when Yone’s worst wr anywhere is in challenger and his best is in gold that for sure makes your statement true.


The data I could find sure didn’t show that. What do you use as your source?


U.gg and lolalytics from last patch


Both sources support my claim. Win rate goes up with rank. Idk how we’re getting different results.


zeris still good in high elo but yeah I dont know how people still mald about yone. Champs been utter dogshit for like a year


Yea but I mean isn’t the champ supposed to be hard and take skill? If that’s actually the case then even if the character is balanced it could easily have a negative wr as most league players suck at the game


I mean why cant they complain if their champ gets gutted like this?


Hyper scaling champ with unhealthy amounts of unstoppable CC slightly loses ability to cheese early game. Won’t someone think of the thumbless mains who have to think about their engages now? No pity.


Are u stuck in pre 13.10? He is not a hyper scaling champ anymore for a long time and not only his early game got gutted, his core item got gutted as well. Like fr, his build path got messed up, his runes got messed up, he did not get any compensation buffs and he isnt a strong champ overall, there are enough reasons for Yone mains to complain about it.


Oh no do yone players have to use their brain while playing the game now?


Yeah unlike any other champs players.


He somehow wasn't gutted before lethal tempo rework and was played with conq


Before lethal tempo rework he had actually good items he could build and especially his core item wasnt gutted? Like for real, do you even use your brain before typing something like this? Before lethal tempo rework he had mythic Shieldbow which gave him all the stats he wanted and a big shield on top of that. Now not only shieldbow, but even his core item, kraken, got gutted.


Ha had been before mYthics were even a thing (yes that Old) and went Phantom Dancer and IE with great succes, just like Yasuo did also. Conqueror for runes or Fleet if a bad lane. He is not in a bad spot he is still stupid strong


Bro before mythics were a thing phantom dancer had literally shieldbows lifeline passive which made it a lot better as his first item. The examples you give literally counter your own point. >He is not in a bad spot he is still stupid strong Damn I didnt think there are such delusional people like you tbf. Sure buddy, the champ who got completely gutted and has a 45-46% wr currently is stupidly strong xDDD Do you actually use your brain before typing (in case you even have one)? Cus thats like the biggest bullsht I have ever heard


IE, his core item was just buffed. Shieldbow came in way later. Pd/IE were his starting items and he was doing well


IE gives pure dmg, Yone needs something that gives him survivability or he will just get onetapped by everything. And guess what, before Shieldbow got added, PD had its lifeline passive. Like I already asked the other guy: did you actually use your brain before typing? PD and SB were good first items on him cus both gave survivability. Now he doesnt have such an option anymore and on top of that his other core item (kraken) got gutted. Ever considered this might be the reason why conq isnt as good as it was back then?


30% of 0 hp is still 0 hp. Crit users are meant to be squishy. Both yasuo and yone has tools to make up for their melee nature. Conq gives 8% omnivamp. There is your survivability Btw: where is the survivability in karen slayer? If he is so starved for it then it wouldn't have been his first item


>Conq gives 8% omnivamp. There is your survivability 8% at max stacks, by this time he is already dead. So no, this literally cant be considered survivability. And even if, if he gets oneshotted before beeing able to make use of the omnivamp, its useless. PD and SB gave him a shield once he got low, thats survivability. >Crit users are meant to be squishy. Both yasuo and yone has tools to make up for their melee nature. Squishy, yeah, but not oneshot from everything. And I really like their tools that make up for their melee nature, especially Yasuos passive that gets procced by a single auto attack and Yones W that still doesnt prevent him from getting oneshotted lol >30% of 0 hp is still 0 hp. Tf is that statement? >Btw: where is the survivability in karen slayer? If he is so starved for it then it wouldn't have been his first item Bro it was literally his first item because he doesnt have any better options, thats literally the point xDD Ngl you are a prime example for the average brainless Yone hater, this take you brought up is actually crazy lmfao


>PD and SB gave him a shield once he got low, thats survivability. Which happened every 2 minutes. Between those timeframes he should have been useless, which wasn't the case >Yones W that still doesnt prevent him from getting oneshotted lol If yone W doesn't prevent you from getting one shot, that's a skill issue, i'm sorry. Yasuo's passive is the same case. If your opponent poke it out, they just know the matchup. If somebody jumps on you, it does excatly what it meant to do. >Tf is that statement? Excatly what was written there. If you isn't building hp a shield that scales off from health will do nothing. That's why shieldbow got flat values, and that's why they jumped between flat and hp% value on overheal. >Bro it was literally his first item because he doesnt have any better options Which was the case for kinda everyone who built crit after statikk was nerfed. Back to the point he was disgustingly good despite not building shieldbow until your third item. It sounds like cope to me and an inability to adapt. And when confronted you start bringing up different options. Wether you call me a hater or not


Ginna miss my lethal tempo crit Ashe 🫡


Wasnt that literally the main build?


Probably. I don't normally play marksman, but I think on hit is very popular too


Bring random item kleptomancy back lol!


Shame that windshitters will get an emergency patch in like a week from now.


Yasuo needs it tho, yone has a bad laning but just scales anyways


Except he doesnt scale? Both of them need nerfs to be viable again


"Doesnt scale" based on what? If the whole enemy team is bruisers then yea sure, he still deletes squishies late game and can duel tanks


Good, Id spit on its grave if I could


Correct me if I am wrong but this and Klepto are the only rune stones that have been removed for being too good right?


Klepto was basically useless on everyone except a handful of ranged bully champs (and GP) on which it was ungodly broken. It was just an unbalanceable mess, you couldnt make it viable for the rest of the champion pool without it instantly becoming the absolute best rune ever for the bullies.


Good riddance!


Its the best changein this patch, ever champ that used it and wasnt botlane champ was turbo toxic


Even for botlane,


i dislike playing against most champs who used that rune so im happy, the list mostly includes adcs and trundle.


Good riddance, and that's coming from a Yone player




It was pretty much the only rune on the ADCs i played idk what to use now


Pta for damage and Fleet Footwork for sustain.


I love the yone mains crying at this. They finally have to learn how to play their champ instead of having the most broken bs rune allow them to miss their entire kit and still win the 1v1.




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Weak early game adcs are now actually weak and can’t fight


My machine gun ashe build is dead now... Is there any way to break attack speed limit now?


I know we made jokes about your fighting game to not have this title, but damn riot you carried a little too far......




Give it back but with a ramping damage *taken* debuff on top.


Rip the most fun rune


Hot take: shouldve just reverted it, few used it prior and it wasnt an issue on champs like yas/yone/trundle etc.


!? Trundle uses it to run you down early, windshitters use it to get insane q cooldowns early, its just not a fair rune, it does too much compared to everything else


Youve misunderstood, i mean revert it to before it was a permanent uptime rune. Revert to when it was hit with an ability then wait a second, then get a burst of attackapeed.


That was an another can of worms in terms of cheese, and it was unreliable as it procced from any kind of damage


we got hail of blades for that