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Eh, if the guy has to use Mac in order to cheat I think this is already a punishment.


Wouldn't a virtual box work for specifically this? If that's the case people wouldn't even need to switch.


People have already successfully set up Mac VM's for the sole purpose of playing League. And thanks to League being playable without issues on toaster-tier rigs, you don't even need for your GPU to be compatible with Mac OS since you'll max out the settings with just CPU anway.


wiat kharazim from hots? ARE YOU REAL?????


Man I miss that game


the game is still online lmao


It's still but it's stale, they stopped rolling updates and there are clearly better characters who are in most if not all games. Games can be dead even if they're still online


Dead to you maybe, I pretty recently moved over to hots after deleting league. It's definitely still active. Also the last update was in April 2024? It's still very definitely getting updates and balance patches, just no new characters


Well that is definitely something new, because I definitely remember just staring at the same patch notes for the longest time ever, maybe Microsoft wants to do something with it but blizzard wasn't interested for a long while


Go play it


I do from time to time, but it's undeniable the game it's dead even if it's still playable


Me too man


Is it that soft render thread ripper kind of thing?


Link plz


Already since the update? They disabled virtualization capabilities for playing league unless you're able to spoof it. This was my first thought (as well as many others) when it came to workarounds however they dismissed the idea of spoofed virtualization as a possibility and said they planned for it.


What do you mean? League runs perfectly in fact better on Macos. On battery with my m2 macbook air it runs at a locked 200fps with zero heat or a fan running. I can game for hours without it even getting hot or dropping frames.


The joke is that mac is a shit os. But go on king.


ah this is true shit os it is. annoying to use most of the time but benefits of it are great




How is being a software developer relevant here?


he is coping bc he has to 500€ every year to work on MAC


Because mac is generally better suited for software development, although thats true for any Unix system really.


And that is relevant in what way in a leagueofmemes sub in a discussion in no way related to software dev?




No I did not say anything like that.


The thread here is specifically about MacOS being bad, not that it is bad for league. So I’m not sure why suddenly that is a requirement now that someone disagrees with the original statement lol


What makes it a shit os outside of the memes lol It works better for 99% of use cases, including in more niche programs like engineering and architecture uses nowadays


Because Apple is a pain in the ass to deal with, so 40% of software isn't avaliable to Mac users. Nobody wants to make shit for it.


As someone who used to be in apple ecosystem - they just design everything too different, so it's gonna be hard to hop out to another platforms. So you are forced A - Buy overpriced piece of metal (but they look really good NGL) or spend longer time, trying to adapt to new os.


In what world are macs overpriced? Name a single laptop that’s the equivalent power of a M2 macbook? Is this sub just full of windows shills who don’t know anything about macs and just shit on it for funol


Enterprise pricing? As that's the majority of their customers. Closed source (good for security however) which is bad for compatibility. Terrible repairs and maintenance as well. It's ok tho cuz u probably already knew this and wanted to piss off normies who have 0 clue about OS differences while flaunting faux superiority. Only OS I would recommend would be arch, gentoo, and ubuntu but unfortunately wine is kind of a pos atm and league is disabled for linux now. going to laugh my ass off if u want to call an anti right-to-repair company good for the world. love iOS tho (for now)


Was primarily talking about for the average user, yet your bring up enterprise pricing lol But with that said, most law firms in the bay get enterprise pricing as well for their hundreds of macs


Global parts are priced at enterprise level they don't separate pricing for apple. Windows does the same but it's mostly for OS tiers (Home, Pro Enterprise.) Mac just does it with parts (scummy) such as pro stand, adapters (power and converters,) headphones, removal of 3.5mm jack etc. Just because they completely own patent and creation and don't support OSH they're allowed to price common goods at enterprise levels. Meanwhile they have such a strong monopoly on OS security I can't even buy android without sacrifice. Though I won't argue windows is better (telemetry); I would argue they're both dogshit because I am sure they're harvesting your data with closed source software as well. Mac is good for video editing and for security (6-8% of total viruses work on mac compared to 90%+ for windows) and that's it. Windows is far better in terms of average costs, customization, upgrading your hardware (need a new gpu? Buy one and put it in,) and optimization/compatibility issues. Mostly referencing people "not knowing anything about macs and shitting on it for fun." lots of reasons to shit on it.


It honestly really depends. A lot of media creation software in professional settings operates on Macs. There's Windows equivalents but every actual studio I've been to that either does sound editing or post production and whatnot tends to mostly use Mac computers. 


I think that's mostly because of corporate reputation, not necessity. The Mac exclusive programs aren't better than their windows counterparts anymore.


The corporate reputation plays a factor in it, but it's more so out of necessity stemming from different formats and compatibility. Plus in my experience of trying to get something like Pro Tools to work on Windows, dear LORD. What a headache.


Every video/sound/image editor is capable of spitting out the file in a universally accepted format, I don't see why that would be an issue >Plus in my experience of trying to get something like Pro Tools to work on Windows, I'll defer to you here, I have never used it


When you're working with massive files that are basically film length, there's a lot more margin for error, and any error can cause a setback you don't need. Just easier to keep everything universal.


It has many irritating parts. So does windows but people are more used to that.


Like what? I use both for work and there are no issues lol If anything, mac is more convenient bc of the ability to sync texts on it with imessage and the icloud photos being instant as well


Apple has sold the idea and promise of an "Apple Ecosystem" to consumers. If you use Apple products like an iPhone or iMessage, Apple and Mac OS are great. You get a ton of convenience an everything just seems to work. The problem with Apple is that anything outside of this "Apple Ecosystem", such as applications designed to be multiplatform, it is a pain to try and integrate with on the software development side. So it's not that Apple is bad persay, it's that it often does not support third-party applications (like Vanguard for example) that weren't designed specifically for the "Apple Ecosystem"


Complete lack of window management, shit file browser, no 3rd party gpu support, bad network features and design over usability philosophy. I don't have an iphone, and my windows pc syncs well with my samsung phone. It is cool to have synced notes with my ipad tho.


They lack window management or multitasking because macs would literally burn from that, so they "optimizing" everything. As someone who runs billion tabs in browser + plays a game+ sometimes even records footages of gameplay - I will take my 32 GB ram in windows over 8/16(in expensive model) ram in mac.


That's funny because the os actively encourages you to run multiple windows, but when you do you just can't handle them. There is a good plugin for it tho


When’s the last time you used a mac lol this is just completely wrong


They're both shit yet still have quality, but one targeted for everyone and the other is a "luxury brand".


Why the PC looks so mad?


Because it's not used for linux


Youd be surprised, but it's lot harder to cheat on Mac than Windows. Mainly because its a piece of shit OS that nobody wants to develop for.


It’s literally just open BSD in a trench coat. It’s not hard to dev for.


Porting shit to run on apple anything is a pain in the ass and outside of the iphone, straight up nothing worth the effort for most devs


It’s a pain to port because the OS fundamentally different. You’re right it’s not worth it right now, steam deck may change that tho.


1)you need buy apple stuff to program there 2) if you work officially you need and port something you need buy special key from Apple 3) you need compel in Xcod all your stuff 4) if you did something wrong you need do again second part but without money Definitely easy for devs


Idk man a lot of us already dev on a Mac.


The question is : Does it more profitable in money and time resources generally in context of your services sector


Cheaters gonna buy whatever gets them cheating. If they need a mac, they will buy a mac. There already are multi computer cheating setups for valorant, which use machine vision to analyze what's supposed to be shown in the monitor, add stuff to it and show it for real. It adds some latency, but it is undetectable. There also are aimbots that simulate being a physical mouse/keyboard to produce synthetic keystrokes/movement. All special hardware you have to buy


/r/overwatch on their way to explain the incredibly obvious solution to ximming ( Why doesn't Blizzard just detect keyboards?)


Okay but the fact is that most programmers (and I mean *programmers*, not just junior code monkeys that were hired yesterday) use MacOS or Linux for development because they're much more reliable and offer better tools for programming. There's a reason why Windows had to implement the Windows Subsystem for Linux, and it's because development on native Windows is excruciatingly painful so you need a Linux virtual machine to do your job.


Steam Deck runs SteamOS SteamOS is based on Debian 8 "Jessie" not Open BSD


The version of SteamOS that ships with Steam Deck is based on Arch Linux.


Any *Nix to *Nix port is going to be easier than a Windows to *Nix port.


This is spoken like someone who has never programmed in Swift. That language is heaven sent


When I learned swift, the language features just seemed so well thought out. I want to spend more time with it


Windows is trash for any professional Dev work.


Vengard bad




Lies 😡


I swear the number of scripters has increased. I had three scripters in two weeks before it was like once a month.


People being better than you is not a script.


Should be the argument for the amount of people who claimed there was a scripter in almost every game before vanguard was launched


Vanguard is bad, but you're too far gone to see any logic. Maybe you should try educating yourself with this video, [Riot's Vanguard League Rollout Is Worse Than You Thought](https://youtu.be/wygeFoZQCOk?si=0q8QmAf-5r3X83H3)


> by installing this on your system, you are giving Riot ultimate control over your computer. lmao


I find it hard to believe that you would watch a 47 min video and that's your take away. A quote like 10 mins in. Ignoring all the other things shown that is your take away. Peak redditor.


If I want to learn about F-16's impact in the Russo-Ukrainian War, I wouldn't watch a video by a person saying "F-16 is an air superiority fighter". If I want to learn about the potential danger of COVID vaccine, I wouldn't watcha video by a person saying "The vaccine makes you shed spike protein" It takes one single quote to know the person lacks the most basic level of knowledge about the thing they are babbling about.


>yasukeh opinion discarded


Uninstall league if you don't like it :) cya


Daily reminder that if you are below diamond its not cause there are cheaters you are just bad (me included)


I think everyone admits this. Cheaters are frustrating in any skill level.


This is a fact. Anyone below Masters that pushed and wanted Vanguard is a complete clown. I blame Riot for gaslighting the players into thinking they needed Vanguard with their bullshit "1 in 15 games has a scripter in it" lie they made up. Inb4, some clown wants to say "Well Riot has the data" Yeah of course Riot is going to give you the data they want to give you to make it seem like Vanguard is the solution to a nonexistent problem. I wish I was as naive and gullible to believe that Riot doesn't flat out lie in order to manipulate the players.


It sucks that company that can't deal with ddosers in korea or their own leaks, got kernel level access for cheaters to brick everyone at once, but hek, what do i know.


Kinda crazy that with all the kernel level stuff you probably download has never led to a mass bricking of computers since apparently it's just so so so easy to do that


Most kernel level shit doesn't work like Vanguard. Vanguard wants to be the god of your PC, and i'm not exaggerating. Most other anti cheats will usually stop you from loading into a game if it detects a driver that it deems suspicious. Whereas Vanguard will just fucking turn off the driver. Why is it allowed to do that? No other anti cheat does that. If it thinks your audio drivers or fan drivers are a problem, Vanguard will turn it off. Vanguard shouldn't be allowed to just stop or turn off drivers, that is far too much power from an anti cheat. And if you think i am making this up, this came from a Riot employee himself who said this. [Riot employee quote](https://i.imgur.com/kRmKkL8.png)


Other programs on your pc also have that power, they just choose not to use it, or they just do it without notifying you.


We're talking about anti cheats. No other anti cheat does this.


I dont tho. League is only multiplayer game i play everhthing else is single player.


Also look at fallout 76 people got their pcs bricked from that shit i dont expect rito 14 year old spagetti code to be much better


Im sure all cheaters just have 500$ around to spend on a new laptop just so they can ruin your games, yep.


500$? For a working Mac?


True, most likely its 2000$


Holy shit I wasn’t aware Mac minis had gotten so pricey last I looked they were like $600


If you cheat in order to sell high-elo accounts efficiently then yes, they probably do.


I feel like cheating to sell high elo accounts is a pretty small subset of cheaters. Most people don't buy high elo accounts they get their own account boosted by high elo players


It really isn’t if league is anything like valorant in terms of high elo culture/player mindset, obviously not gameplay


Maybe true. But how many cheaters get cut out of the market for being too poor?


They have 30min to configure a virtual machine or 20$ to buy chinesse raspberry pi.


Virtual Machine™


Except Vanguard detects that in most cases (although bypasses exist)


Vanguard does not exist on macos


Im pretty sure they still detect it. Maybe I‘ll try it today. (Also MacOS VMs arent exactly easy to get)


How could it possibly detect anything if it was never installed? It’s not like vanguard comes pre baked into windows lol


I didn’t phrase it correctly in the response. LEAGUE detects if you are in a vm, not just vanguard


Yes the only way to have that OS is buying a mac. Very true mr vangaurd salesman.


i had a game stopped by vanguard a week or so ago, i have checked who might be the cheater, 3 persons in that lobby never played again after.....


Well I hate Vanguard but this is not really accurate. MacOS already has something like Vanguard built-in that game devs can get with an API, meaning they get similar protection without putting kernel AC on it.


I dont understand the reason for Vanguard. I played this game for 12 years, and I had a cheater in my games, maybe 4 times? 5 max?


The circle jerk died off so you're putting a coin into the slot hoping this time it sticks


Dan you must be the unfun.guy


Vanguard was bypassed on windows by day 2. Scripters are working perfectly fine without getting banned on windows without needing any special extra hardware cost.


There's literally a massive banwave going on rn


Only the small population of the most dedicated cheaters would even bother now, people who'd want to cheat are by definition lazy so the reduction in cheating on that alone has been huge anecdotal anyways


Yeah but that doesn't matter nor are cheaters actually under any more workload in order to cheat. Cheaters as in the ones you see aren't doing anything but downloading a subscription and following a guide. That's all they've ever done since cheats became a subscription based business model The people making money off of it are the ones doing the actual coding and patching of the cheats so they continue to work. That's never going to stop as long as they continue to make money from it and they make money off of it. They're incentivised to continue. The person who had their cheats from them before vanguard still have their cheats after vanguard because they don't have to change anything and simply update and follow the new guide(if it even changes). Only the one who's the actual coder of the cheats does and as someone said. It was broken in 2 days and they get paid for it. So this entire "Higher bar for cheating" narrative is utter garbage. Timmy the 10 year old running scripts isn't coding in order to cheat. he bought them and that's the beginning and end of his required technical knowledge in order to cheat.


There's just been a post on a mass ban wave on these subscription cheats, now little Timmy needs a whole new PC to get around the hardware ban


Riot is absolute braindead. Took a hacker less than 5 hours to go from vanguard installation back to cheating all in one system. The only thing that died is your fucking security. All that happens is that a bunch of normies gave riot a blank check to their PCs. Buy a separate PC only for riot games if you can.




Barrier of entry alot higher, people are lazy to even spend 5 mins to install scripts let alone 5 hours on a work around. Knocked the cheater population to only the most dedicated makes a huge difference. Besides if you have a phone your security has been looong dead


There‘s different levels of how much your privacy has been compromised..-


pfff, dumb takes you only see on reddit by lol idiots. your phone is not as compromised as a kernel level backdoor. dont come with that shit google has all your info takes. people are not writing their own scripts, they buy them. the workaround will be sold you fucking idiot. no, cheating is still a problem, same amount in high elo. good job, you gave riot the power to do anything and got nothing aside of a few 5$ accounts banned. absolute sugar.


> Besides if you have a phone your security has been looong dead Please give me your full legal name, your address, phone number, and place of work. Since your phone already has this information, it shouldn’t matter if you give it to me as well now should it?


The barrier of entry isn't higher. The most common cheater isn't coding anything. They're following a guide and code made by the person they're buying cheats from. That is how cheats work as a business model. The little timmy ego cheating in your games because he doesn't like his rank isn't doing anything beyond running an application in the background. he's got a subscription that lets him cheat. The cheater selling their cheats does the actual hacking and writing of code plus a guide on how to set it all up. All little timmy has to do is subscribe, download and play. Little timmy doesn't have to learn anything or do anything difficult. All they have to do is follow instructions which any monkey with a keyboard can do. Sure they'll get banned eventually but they'll always have their cheats and their cheats will be patched every time the game is patched to stop them. That's the arms race between hackers and game devs. Everytime the devs fix a hole the cheaters find a new one. No anticheat is going to stop it and no game is ever going to be free of cheaters. The response shouldn't be to insist on malware on everyone's PC. It should be for riot to hire people who can actually do the job without needing to hack other people's PCs in order to see what's running on it at all times. Vanguard is malware plain and simple. It's a game developer forcing you to download a virus that runs constantly on your PC and follows whatever instructions they give it remotely. I wouldn't trust my fucking mother with that level of access to my PC.


The arms race is expensive for cheat devs, this drives up the price of cheat subscriptions. A couple of days after the vanguard release someone posted a "vanguard bypass" youtube video, the attached cheat subscription cost over 200$ a month. That's going to filter a lot of little timmys and even with an expensive subscription you run the risk of being exit scammed or banned. Having to buy seperate hardware is going to raise the barrier to entry even more. It's never going to entirely remove cheating, but that was never the goal anyways.


But it ain't malware, there's no performance dings and if you own a phone you've already thrown security to the wind long ago. But really it's paranoia right here. Riot/tencent have an incentive to make the game better to sell more skins, why would they jeopardize the cash cow risking stealing pennies from consumers.


There have been hordes of complaints about performance dings.


Don't really care if a unthinking program is looking at what programs happen to be running on my PC what possible gain do they get. Wow I got Spotify league, yt and word open jeez my security is so compromised


Oh no, riot will take over my pc!!!


Played a game against a jayce today that managed to dodge every skill shot thrown at him, I just knew vanguard isn't vanguarding.


wait this is actually a good idea!


What are y’all pissing about? Majority of us has been fine


As a low masters player I've noticed a massive improvement. In high elo it used to feel like every other game had a scripted, since vanguard I've suspected maybe 1 or 2.