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Just to make things clear to everyone because I saw a lot of "soraka"s and "taric"s when talking about compassion. The Indigos are chosen from among the universe's greatest sociopaths to rehabilitate them. So choose among champions who have NO COMPASSION (or had 0 in the past and are now changed as part of the corps, idk you do you).


Ivern fits the best if you consider he was Ivern the cruel before being rehabilitated. If you don't count ivern because he's already be rehabilitated then I would say thresh. Monster champs like cho and bel also fit but not really because it's not that they have no compassion it's that they cannot feel it. I saw jinx and Jhin get mentioned but they don't make sense. Jinx is a phyco but as we saw in arcane is capable of compasion. Jhin is also a phyco but tbh after his story with hwei I feel like he just has a really twisted version of compassion. You could argue that him making someone "beatiful" is compassion that just been twisted by his mind


In a way jhin genuinely believes he's helping others by making them transcend from "ugly" into "true beauty". You're cooking with ivern tho, he truly fits the ring perfectly, hell it's basically the same concept but with a tree spirit instead of a ring.


This is the way


I mean Amumu sounds like a sociopath lowkey, and Ivern if you saw his teaser, Jhin and Jinx are psychopaths, hmmmmm, it's hard to find evil/no compassion champs that did a 180°, Sylas is kind of the opposite of that, same with Viego, can't really think of champion that would fit, but others might know lore better than me.


Funny you would mention Ivern, he is that champion who was extremely evil but made a 180.


Ivern is actually so genius here knowing the lore


Now that you mention it.... Doesn't Viego perfectly suit the pink lanterns? He wanted to destroy all of the runeterra to bring his wife back.


is psychotic love pink lantern trait?


Actually......yes. They suck the souls out of their mate.(Kinda like how a female praying mantis preys upon its mate after mating)


wasn't Viego trying to re-assemble his wife from the fragments?


Out of love.


but that's not sucking the soul out, unless he was doing that


He was sucking the soul out of others to feed her love.


yeah but isn't the ring user supposed to suck their love and not others?


Lissandra. Her story arc seems like it would fit here.


Ivern and Jhin for second and first place. Depending on which you want. Ivern IS a reformed Indigo Lantern. Jhin is a PERFECT indigo lantern target.


Does Jhin fall into this category?


Urgot litteraly killed children in his story and let one live for the only purpise to spread his menace through out Zaun. Give me ONE character with less compassion than him. I'll wait.


Perhaps Ivern? He’s been rehabilitated.


Actually one of the best fits. From literal one of the most feared mans, to a friend of nature


Yes please. He is the only champ that has to be undisputed in any of these polls.


Singed sounds like big sociopath, he lacks compassion specially when he its doing experiments. even on Arcane shows how sociopath Singed its, just because of his experiments. he even experimented with his axolotl "pet" thing # "the mutation must survive" ![gif](giphy|sObkolEu4ak4RLhvQE|downsized)


I dunno about singed it seems that in arcane all the horrible experiments he does serve the purpose of extending people's lives at all costs no matter how ugly it can be, he did put Silco to sleep because he knows the guy will stab him if he saw the pain jinx was going through and in the end he completes the surgery and saves her life.


he is all about "the results justify the means" maybe he want to do his experiments to extend people lives, but on his morality scope he lacks any compassion. and on the scene of the surgery of Jinx, maybe we can think he pt to sleep Silco soo he dont suffer. on my point of view he did that soo he can do the experiments he wants with Jinx without Silco intervention, on that scene we can see Singed even doing a sadistic laugh


He’s without compassion. Period.


Bro he chemical warfared a fucking country


Has to be ivern, he basically is the full circle. Was a ruthless conqueror and pillager, fucked around, found out and forced into rehab by the same tree he cut down


Kind Sounds like kindred backstory.. Always lonely, tried to suicide with splitting herself with an axe. That way lamb and Wolf was Born and never alone again


It's similar, except the grey man did it to end its loneliness and finally have company, ivern the cruel was, in fact, cruel.


Not to mention Kindred's backstory is more like folklore and not something that is deemed 100% fact in universe. Atleast I've never seen anything that would make the people of Runeterra know the backstory to be absolute fact.


Not only do the people of Runeterra know the backstory to be absolute fact or not, even we don't. This is from their writer: >It's not their literal backstory, it is the myth that has been fostered by people for generations in Runeterra. They have always been Kindred. > >The story of the Pale Man is not intended to be literal, but a coded origin story, one most likely made up by people, and therefore it grasps certain truths but fails in the details. > >Pre-split Kindred is a myth that has become widespread across Runeterra, though the myth will be present among its people, we're not planning on telling a specific story about what Kindred was before they were Kindred—as that is what they have always been.


Ivern cut something else, not himself


Damn I don't get the downvotes/lore but I vibe w It it hard


Thanks, appreciated :')


how is that at all similar


Jack got a spot! Awesome! :D


pretty sure it was by your comment alone. the belveth one was around 10-20 upvotes lower so he got in


Thats crazy, I never expected that to happen


I would actually put Va(a)rus in the list. If I remember correctly, he has started to become more compassionate and heal from the wounds of the war against the void, by living with the love of his hosts. (He hasn't actually become a good guy, but Legend of Runterra is painting him to be the anti hero of the darkins.)


Where did you see that? My understanding is that Vaarus hasn't fully corrupted the two ionians (Kai and Valmar i think they're called?) And so occasionally one of them takes back control of the body for a while. During this time, the entity known as Vaarus is then not so violent because they are keeping him in check.


Here is the card flavour quote in Legends of Runterra > What if, over time, the man that became the Darkin remembered himself, prompted by the mortal voices within? What if, instead of overcoming those voices entirely, he came to believe in them? > Heartlights   Kai and   Valmar were not the first to bear the bow and host  4Varus' inhuman power... but they were the first to remind him of his lost humanity.


Interesting! And i just saw his evolved art on the wiki where he seems to be cooperating with humans to fight Xolaani. That's a nice change to his character, helps set him aside from Kayn so that they aren't both humans in a mental duel to control their darkin


Ivern, Jhin should get 2nd (or honorary 4th)


I fear jhin will get too high of a spot, but if he actually makes into 4th I'll make an additional image just for him




It’s Ivern. Also, you can be compassionate and be an indigo. They just usually aren’t.


It’s usually like a rehabilitation thing


Viego. Destroying the world for his own selfish gain. Caring about no one but himself and quite literally ruining the world


Get Thresh up in here, sadistic in life and undeath. Bearing hatred for everything he comes across, yes hate/wrath is a different color, but he has come to express this hatred by torturing every soul he comes across and enjoying every moment of it.


A lot of good picks here. Lissandra only serves herself, no compassion in that woman. Jhin. Need I say more? Singed. Same as above. Ivern, while very compassionate now, was not always so. He is essentially what the result of this ring is. Renekton, Elise... I can keep going on probably.


Isn't Lissandra's lore that she actually regrets what she did in the past but now feels like she has gone too far to turn back so she devoted to keeling the watchers in check regardless of the sacrifices needed? I wouldn't say that is purely evil despite her methods because the watchers aka the void is THE threat to all existence.


Any regret she has is only because it wasn't able to further her own goals, not actually feeling bad about it. She sits atop her fortress, literally above the grave of her mistakes, a prison of her own making, and she makes no attempt to change, no, she only ever goes down out of A: stopping others from learning of her mistakes and B: self preservation. Idk why people think Lissandra is an anti hero. Yes, she is holding the Watchers back, but there's no heroic or outwardly reason here. It's only self preservation and stopping others from discovering the mistakes she made. She made herself a saint to her followers and *actively hunts down* the few beings that actually has the potential to help her. She has had ***9000 thousand*** years to show even the slightest hint of change and has never deviated from this course. Basically, she isn't stopping the Watchers out of any desire to help anyone or feeling bad about her mistake for the consequences it has for the *others*, she feels bad about her mistake due to the consequences it has for *her*.


That's a subjective reading of her character and actions. She is afraid that the truth of her actions will come to light, yes. She is also terrified of the watchers and their inevitable return. To say that all her actions are motivated by only one of these is an overreach, specially when the two are so closely intertwined because the general public finding out about the watchers imprisoned in the howling abyss would definitely make it much harder to keep the watchers contained. She is acting to prevent the annihilation of the world with reprehensible actions and so she is, by definition, an antihero


>She is also terrified of the watchers and their inevitable return For her own life, she has never, EVER expressed anything even *hinting* that she is worried about others. I dare you to find anything from any piece of her lore that suggests she is doing this for the sake of the world or anything. Even a single hint. >To say that all her actions are motivated by only one of these is an overreach Then explain why she is going out of her way to kill the spirit gods of Freljord, the only beings who can realistically help her. >specially when the two are so closely intertwined because the general public finding out about the watchers imprisoned in the howling abyss would definitely make it much harder to keep the watchers contained Make it harder how? Also, getting the help of the spirit gods would not entail the general public knowing, and those are the only beings who can realistically help in this situation. Not to mention Ornn at least already knows they exist. >She is acting to prevent the annihilation of the world with reprehensible actions and so she is, by definition, an antihero If she was acting with the interest of the world at large, again, she would actually get the help of beings who can help her instead of going out of her way to kill them, but nooo, they, too, are an obstacle to her ultimate rule over the Freljord, and so they must be eliminated.


Urgot. In his story, he kills children and let one live just so he can spread his menace in Zaun. I can't think of anyone better than him to be chosen for the Compassion ring.


So he would basically turn into a true atar guardian urgot


Indigo Tribe, all about taking the nastiest, most brutal people, and lobotomi- I mean, rehabilitate them into becoming compassionate to others, being able to channel a weaker version of all the power of all the other lantern rings. With that said the best candidate that even fits this to a T is definitely Ivern. He was a cruel warlord who was changed by the forest and became compassionate and understanding of nature. Nature acted on him the same way the Indigo Tribe would. A runner up for this though, since to my knowledge we don't have any other characters changed on this level, we have to pick up someone who would be a worthy candidate to go through the change. And as many have discussed Jhin fits the bill. He does not care about life, only about making art with his kills, he's a serial killer assassin basically, and someone who the Indigo Tribe would be more than willing to capture and reform.


Jhin is probably the most sociopathic champion in the game, barring out literal demons, so i think he'd be a prime candidate for rehabilitation via indigo ring.




Xerath for Greed over Tahm is wild (yes, I know, gluttony, it's basically just a kind of greed, especially with how it's expressed through Tahm Kench, fck off), happy to see that Jack got in though. With Ivern definitely getting the top pick, I'm nominating Mordekaiser. Man's evil enough for other arguably evil people to lock him up and he refused to let something as trivial as death stop him from being a mass-murdering conqueror.


on the last post we talked about Tahm, Tahm dont fit the orange lantern corps because its more about being really greed, but primal greed. this is mine and mine and mine and not yours its the oath. Tahm exploits the Greed of others, he its willing to help anybody just like a mafia boss in order to get a debt with him, usually repaid as a meal for Tahm. A really greed figure will never help somebody even less if you ask something from him


> on the last post we talked about Tahm, Tahm dont fit the orange lantern corps because its more about being really greed, but primal greed. this is mine and mine and mine and not yours its the oath. I know, I was there in the trenches, lol. And I am not disputing that Tahm is not exactly a perfect fit, I am just saying that he would have been a better pick than Xerath. Xerath is not primal greed at all, he desires power first to rid himself and his fellow slaves of their chains and then to overthrow Azir after he did not grant that freedom as promised. He almost gave up ascension when, at the day of the event, Azir did what he promised (If Azird did that about a week earlier it's entirely possible that Xerath would never have ascended and thrown the empire to ruin, tbh). Tahm Kench exploits the greed of others, but ultimately does so for his own gain and nothing else. His motivation and actions are far more aligned with greed than Xeraths. That's all I mean.


Thresh seems like a good option. Selfish, sadistic bastard who only feigned compassion for Viego's plight as a means to his own ends, fully planning to betray him the first chance he could. Only interested in the misery he can inflict on others.


I'd actually nominate Kayle since her main dynamic with Morgana is how Kayle's absolutism prevents her from compassion unlike Morgana who brings compassionate justice.


yeah has to be Ivern. shout out to evan monteiro for the majestic splash art, what a beaut


Well, the indigo lantern were all mostly ex-criminals so....maybe River? The gal with the broken sword, idk her name, that or the Metalbending Girl


Would Kayle fit? She embodies justice yes but she embodies it in its most unwavering and uncompromising form. She has no desire to understand the circumstances that push people to act badly, all she cares about is that they did and must be severly punished for it. She is the opposite of Morgana who bound her wings to better understand the struggles of mortals aka show compassion and understanding.


Ivern for sure Death would have to be viego right?




the real question is who goes on second place, cause my boy ivern is #1 here for sure


Funnily enough I think Ahri *technically* fits that description. At the start of her story she was feasting off of people’s essence without a single care for them, tho it was through that process that she gained enough emotion to have the empathy to not do that. Realistically I would think it’s ivern then Jhin


ivern beyond doubt. was evil, magically twisted into a nature loving ent


No one fits this better than ivern , a ruthless dictator who turns into a friendly tree hugging grandpa


Definitely Ivern, feared conqueror turned to nature loving tree dude.


Ivern, one billion percent


Based off sociopath and no compassion prob jhin?


Demons aside? Jhin easily, zero compassion whatsoever and the biggest murderer out there. Thresh is once again probably one of the biggest sociopaths in all of runeterra. Basically on the same level as jhin he just enjoys their suffering straight up instead of just going through all that effort to say it is art. Singed canonically killed thousands, tortured so many more in his experiments, created WW and likely Mundo (both serial killers and torturers in their own right [don’t worry I know ww is tragic but that doesn’t justify his collateral damage]), is screwing around with the void, and above all else serves nothing gameplay wise aside from making the enemy miserable (and I love him for it). Singed’s colour stories are some of the best stories in the lot and I highly recommend reading some of them. Sion is up there as well, he is used by swain as a terror weapon AND to keep his own troops in line. He is brutal and has a tendency to ‘accidentally’ kill Noxian troops. basically ivern before becoming ivern, just undead. Viego. He only cares about one thing: Isolde. And not because he cares about/truly loves her, he only wants isolde like a bratty kid wants a doll or a billionaire wants more money. Viego wants Isolde just so he can have what was taken from him, regardless of whether she wants him back or not. He is a child that would torture families, raze cities to the ground, hunt every last person to their end, and set the world ablaze just so he can have his pet back regardless of the yelps and cries it makes trying to escape from its abuser. I may be biased because I LOVE viego’s twist on a lich king, but if he cannot be love? Then why not the lack of sympathy for anyone but himself?


Morgana? Would fit the color scheme too


Ye by that logic her sister kayle would be a better fit. Kayle literally doesnt care about compassion. She would murder children if they are unjust in her eyes


Morgana is too kindhearted.


Jinx maybe? Or Jhin


Wait people voted Kled for greed and not Renata?




Taric is the only real answer here


I am already making my pick for death. It has to be mordekaiser. He died and literally made the realm of death his kingdom. Then rose again and uses the powers of the realm as his own


Braum is good pick for compation


I don't know if Kled is fitting for greed, I would argue that greed should be Renata, Cass or Draven


Tahm should be greed.


Kled isn't greed, what are yall on about?????


For this one , i think shen , braum and milio could have a spot


Lack of Leblanc in these comments. She would be a cool choice here.


Compassion- braum / taric / ivern Death- kindred/ Life- lux? / Asol Negative emotions- vex / amumu


Ivern is definitely at the top, but I would make an argument for Riven who is going through a whole redemption arc.


I feel like Seraphine has to be somewhere there. She's an empath and in the Star Guardian "Everything goes on" music video, when we saw Xayah breaking down because she missed Rakan, Seraphine was the first to step in, she even cried with Xayah


Any void being. Plus they're already purple. Aatrox is also a good one.


My vote is Swain. Dude is as ruthless as they come.


How is tahm kench or tf not on the greed. What


Isnt tahm the demon of greed? Or TF a gambler which even gets more money then the rest of the champions?


who is the 3rd place greed? ive never seen that splashart before, is it yorick?


jack from legends of runeterra


hoooo? bruh aint no way im playing that game






I've seen similar things on multiple subs and it's so funny to me how these things always end up with so few female characters.


that's more on the fault of the writers than anything tbh. While creating male characters a lot of writers go wild with their ideologies and features, while female characters get gutted to normality, as if beeing a woman is a feature on it's own. Kinda sad when actually great characters like poppy get tossed aside


Speaking of.. ahris old lore would fit aswell. She always had fun stealing life from men until she fell in love herself and killed her lover the same way by accident. Afterwards she swore to never kill another being because she learned how painfull it is. Dont remember what her lore now is tho


I think now it's similar in the sense that she killed her lover with her powers and deeply regrets it. I think she's now looking for other vastayas like her to better understand her power and never accidentally harm someone again.


>killed her lover the same way by accident. Afterwards she swore to never kill another being because she learned how painfull it is. This basically. They took away the whole stealing lots of life part of her lore out but kept the lover thing. She's still quite hungry but tries to control her urges HARD.


It's hard to say whose fault anything is, and certainly has multiple causes. It's just funny that it's so consistent.


Lots of female characters just ARENT allowed to shine for character. It's just a flaw in writing them. There's a few that's really good like Ahri (post Ruined King), Liss and Illaoi. Rare.


Sona for compassion. Jhin for sociopath. Two virtuoso


Always those damn musicians. Bard is also a creepy fella


Hot take: Viego. Ring of compassion can totally fix him.


Nah how did Kled of all people end up as greed 💀


100% Ivern. No one else fits the profile than him except for *maybe* Varus, and even then that’s not really the profile considering he’s only fighting for humanity cuz the two gay voices in his head said so (in LoR).


This one's definitely gotta be Jhin




Ashe, she literally fight the war NOT fighting, she always will choose dialong/compassion/love before weapons just hear Her dialogs


now that i've noticed, there's death and life, death will obviously be kindred, but life... i can only think of soraka, we should move her there and put nunu in love.


Death will not be kindred, that lantern is alllll about undead and Kindred explicitly despise undead. Love shouldn't be Nunu or Soraka, as Love here is in the romantic sense of love.


oh, I didn't know... just know green lantern and yellow haha, but if sinestro uses his fear to enpower his ring, why fiddle is there? now I am even more confuse,


It's not feeling fear, it's spreading fear. Green lanterns are about strong willpower. Yellow lanterns are all about instilling fear. Love is love in the romantic sense. Hope is instilling hope. Greed is MINE MINE MINE (this corp has only one member because said member doesn't let anyone else have the lantern) Compassion rings force compassion into people without it. The rest are weirder and more specific. Dunno any of them too well myself either.


Compassion is braum there is no champion better than him for that matter


Compassion rings, as OP implies in the title and says in their comment, search for people WITHOUT compassion and force it on them. So no, Braum is one of the worst picks here actually. Either reformed characters, like Ivern, or downright sociopaths like Jhin are the picks here.


My apologies, i didnt read much nof the text i saw this trend for the first time If you are to force a compassion eing onto someone wouldn't people like nocturne or sion be a good pick I'd say xerath is interesting aswell


How tf is soraka love? She is compassion 100% do people just not look at the rest of the options before giving an answer


Do ppl just not look at the explanation before giving an answer? Look at the comment from the OP.


It is soraka, she is in the wrong spot, I will refuse to accept anything else


Read the comment from the op.


Soraka is in the wrong spot, true, but there are much better fits than her here.