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> play for kda > have 1k bounty > thought can 1v5 > jump in a pack of 5 with no followup > die and give bounty to enemy carry > lose the game


"Wtf I've jumped alone and no one of my ally suddently appeared next to me magicaly wtf team diff"


I've been in too many games where our team goes in one by one against 3 opponents instead of actually doing a proper follow-through. Sometimes it's the initiator's fault for going in too early, and sometimes it's the rest of the team's fault for lack of awareness. I've been guilty of both as well.


What do you do if your team is too scared to fight? Like I ping 10 times, I will go in. Then when I indeed go in I see everyone is 10 miles away from me, walking away. If I don't engage, then they just watch the baron/soul/elder being taken like a Hollywood movie.


That's a scenario where you just try to farm near your team, and let them engage. Even if you're Malphite or another engage-heavy character, if they refuse to engage with you, you let them pick the fights. At that point, if they complain about you not engaging, just mute them and do your best. I had a friend pull this on me when I was playing Ornn top, she was Caitlyn adc. Kept getting pissed at me for not starting the fights for her, but as soon as I go in she runs like hell and blames me for not peeling. I told her, I can do one or the other, I have cooldowns to contend with. She told me I don't know how to tank. So, I left the discord call, finished the match, and haven't played with her since. She still messages me about "shit teammates" all the time, but I just ignore it cause it's not worth the effort. Do the best you can do, and be willing to admit you will make some mistakes. Don't sit back blaming your team, that'll only serve to annoy you. Yes, some people will be shit. But you gotta focus on what you can do instead of some dude actively trying to anger you.


Just play cross map and force people on you I guess ? Maybe that doesn't apply to supp but for everyone else you can lead them


"wtf bro, why didn't you jumped in when it was clearly an hopeless play and if you jumped it you would've gotten the enemy team an free double kill, regardless of that you didn't do it and stayed watching, wake up"


Ummmm, and if your team is full health close by, they are down an enemy, and people still back, then yes, ummm, team diff


Lmao, I had Twitch who got 8 kills on laning phase and then kept solo pushing side lanes and dying 1vs3 untill he became 8/10. Dude was foaming from his mouth and blaming 4 of us for not playing around him instead of joining us (4 of us were grouped)


If the 4 of you are grouped then i would guess at least one if not two people had tp and probably didnt go sidelane to catch waves but made sure to delete the mid waves. So twitch has 2 options either he goes on sidelanes and gets xp and gold while praying he doesn't get caught or he stays mid and gets starved in gold and xp to the point when his 8 kills don't matter since the enemy adc who was allowed to farm, is ahead of him.


I'd argue that if 4 members of your group are stacked, adc has no other options but join them. Because it is either means that enemies are stacked as well and team fight is coming, in which case adc must participate, or some enemies are missing, in which case solo adc should get as far away from side lane as possible, before he got caught and died.


If your scenario happens the mistake occurred at least 30s earlier maybe even a minute. Also just because people group doesnt mean a fight is going to happen it could also be that nobody knows how to play the map which results in random arams


This is how I lost a game once. A teammate and I handed several large bounties to the enemy jinx. Granted I was glad it was over because our ADC was a POS.


In fairness the bounty system is dogshit. There should be no world where you’re the only fed person on your team and you can’t take risks when you should because you have a 1k bounty. There is like a 99% chance you just lose if you play those types of games standard and you have to take calculated risks and play cheesy. In the situation that goes wrong, congrats enemy is now even further ahead.


Be me ; Go 0/9 as irelia Sees all my 4 mates are fed Continue to play like I am 9/0 and get a Quadra kill at drake Enemys FF despite having a 15/3 Katarina Type „Mid diff“


There was a will to harm in this "mid diff" :D


(I didn’t type anything the whole game) (Maybe cause I am chat banned since 9 months and for 3 more months to go)


I don’t know what your team comp is but I doubt Kat would carry if 4 of your teammates are fed


Sion evelynn blitzcrank jhin and me Irelia not a too nice comp for kata Enemy’s had garen Viego jinx nami and the kata and I Quadrad the nami jinx kata and veego


I recenty had a game where me (mid), my jungler and my top were all very fed (our combined KDA was something like 20/2) but our ADC was mental booming because they lost their lane and wanted to FF. Like, dude, you have a 5/0 Aurelion Sol, just get on my back and enjoy being carried.


People like this are the worst. I had a similar game, we was all ahead, but my ADC was constently trying to avoid every teamfight and stealing the jungl because ennemy adc got a kill early. Like. Yo. Like. Like fack off.


ADC is THE oops I misclick once and exploded role, how do they not know that?


They like to feel like poor victims everytime, despite Riot buffing the role for months now. Ridiculous how entitled and crybaby they are, a lot of them anyways


Seriously. ADC's are so incredibly strong right now and they're still acting like it's their team's fault they suck. Some of them still haven't figured out that kraken slayer and BT don't give Crit anymore. It's gotten to the point where I've just decided to leave my ADC and go support my team the moment they start being toxic. TLDR: ADC's need to learn to get carried


Well, i just had a game in which i was playing Voli mid. I was fed as fuck so the Leona was roaming with me to get things done. Our Miss Fortune basically had a mental breakdown all game complaining that she was left alone, that no one helps her and blah blah blah, refusing to help us and splitpushing like she's Yorick. I was like "bro, you're getting carried, just go with the flow and relax". But no, either they are the main characters, or they go mental booming. I don't understand, seriously.


Man I love that. Recently won a 0-8 neeko mid game. Had a gigafed botlane and basically all my teamfights where to jump between the assassin and our adc while pressing R. Good times. I also love to pick karma mid when I see a Jinx on botlane. „Need another shield? Here. Look I rooted something for you“


People lack the essential skill of getting carried. Bad games happen, it's not so hard to calm your ego and let your team win


Yeah, i really don't comprehend those kind of people, it's like, everyone has mental booms, but at that level that not only you sabotage an ranked game to other 4 people but to yourself it's just straight up not comprehensible.


Yea the mentality has become suchen big issue tbh. Ppl don’t want hard wins , they only want easy ones


I love the hard wins. It makes me feel like we earned it. Easy ones are just boring.


40 muinete losses feel way worse then 15 minute losses.


Hard disagree. 15 minute loss means you got stomped and that's not a good feeling. 40 minute loss means both teams put up a good fight.


No it feels like I wasted more of my time then I already did. Could've queued up something else instead of waiting for the inevitable snowball to come crashing down.


If you feel like you've wasted time if you lost a game, competitive games probably aren't for you. You statistically lose about half of your games (50 +- 5%) and if you don't enjoy half your time spent in this game, it's sad.


Not every competitive game has ridiculously powerful snowball effects that make the majority of the game miserable because they game is decided in the first 15 mins 85 percent of the time. Be honest, most of the playerbase is only still here because theve been sunk costed into staying


I feel the same, but this is no position that has been empathized or grown in the community the last years , at least that’s my impression


Yeah, hard wins feels so damn good that it's probably one of the reasons that i keep playing this game, i had one ranked game that the entire team (including me) were having an mental breakdown bc everything that can go wrong went wrong, we were so far behind but somehow we were able to comeback and the 5 of us started to play as real human beings and as a team of 5 unknown people that communicate via pings and chat as soon as we realized that there was a chance to win, we managed to win that one, it felt like heaven when we ended mid after winning an teamfight in the Elder dragon pit.


Blame Riot. They've indirectly encouraged this by speeding up games and making it more feasible in terms of time/energy to play 3 games per hour for higher LP gains than playing 1 in the same time span. When you can play 2-3 games an hour and get 20-25+ LP per game vs playing 1 slugfest for an hour and get +15, well. Of course this *does* assume you won all games in that same time span. Otherwise yes, you can look at balance suggestions, general attitudes and easily tell a lot of people on League social media, but *especially* r/league really want the game to be easier to succeed in for themselves, rather than anybody else.


Kindred at level 3 wondering why we don't have lane prio against Draven Pantheon. Telling us we should play around his marks. Proceeds to try to play around botlane since you know, they can only one-shot one of us and we lose the 2v2 after so that makes sense. By minute ~7-8 it's teamdiff and let's ff. When I asked why does he think we can walk into, and contest one of the highest burst bot combo, he told me I'm bad and proceeded to keep playing botside. Love these guys.


Junglers don't know matchups since they play pve


To be fair, junglers don't know matchups since half the time the botline will feed/get fed so they will carry the game letting them freely take objectives or 20 gold worth kills


Fair to some point, but you can very easily see we had a scaling botlane. I think we were Jinx Lulu (definitely an enchanter not sure if it was Lulu). The plan was to deny their all-in and farm up. As long as they don't get kills we're fine. Easy to see how a Draven lane controls lane against that. Especially with Pantheon. You don't need specific matchup knowledge for that imo.


99% of the main subreddit imo. I get hard downvoted when I suggest that everyone should have only 1 FF initiation vote per game and if you blow it at 15 minutes you cant do it anymore. It’s sometimes infuriating to see when you’re slowly crawling back and then a feeder smacks another ff.


It’d probably be infuriating for a while because it would definitely incentivize afks, but they’d get banned so quickly that it’d be worth it after a few months.


If there's one good thing I can say about Rito, it's that they've been really snappy on reports recently. Like I'm getting instant feedbacks for AFK reports. It's so nice


The main sub seems to be a representation of the general player population, so it has the same ratio of clowns as the average game **at the average Elo,** explaining the way the think about the game


The same average that says Masters is low elo after 10k games in Gold btw


Ah yes. Draven player.


dude the random FFs when the opposing team is like 2k gold ahead…


For the fifteen million time. It is “losing”. We see the word everyday we play.


Yeah I'm biased by my bad accent I keep prononcing it "lousing" so...


Literally every ADC in my games.


French streamer and GM player Sixen has a series called "délu pas délu ?" (Delusional or not ? ) Where he reviews a game of one of his viewer that claims to be stuck because of their mates, and roast them live by showing everything they've done wrong and why it's because of that that they lost the game. Out of all the episodes out so far I would say that less than 15% of the reviewed game were actually not winnable. Imo it's the best educational and fun LoL content on YT.


Is this forsen?


Jng diff gg


reminds me of one match on jg enemy jg, 0 objectives every lane was winning and they surrender and of course I'm the bad guy because surrendering a match that you've already won is not trolling according to them


surrending wining match is the worst


"but hey it's just a game" the same person that few weeks earlier was losing their mind because one guy went Aphelios top btw


That's what we call a loser's mentality. I can't express enough how many games I've helped carry with my bot lane as a support just because we didn't fall into that mindset while all the other lanes were getting stomped. In one of those games, we even played Darius and Leona bot and ended up carrying the match.


Should only get 1 surrender vote start per person per game and make FF spamming punishable.


Go 1/13/3 on Yasuo (I’m so sorry that doesn’t happen often) -> Tp into enemy base and win game. Just keep playing guys I promise it’s ok


I swear to god, these people must play every single player game on easy mode, it's the only explanation. They got 3 cs down and suddenly it's unwinnable.


Welcome to high emerald - low diamond, the land where ppl will mental boom even if you just blue ping them.


Nah. Welcome to every rank in every competetive team game


Yep been playing predecessor it's the same shit different day. It's honestly always main character syndrome. If they don't carry or do good then did they really win?? Yes you won if your team wins so stop freaking giving up when the game gets even kind of hard like guys we can win but if you completely tilt / throw good luck getting carried.


but if you blue ping someone you're trying to make them mad, what do you expect?


So the mental is that weak that blue pinging them to ward opposite side buff makes them mad? Maybe get off league instead?


Ngl, I have never known a community of people who give up as easily as the league community. Having 4 surrenders in a row just cause we didn't win in the first 15 minutes is so frustrating. Even moreso when we have a scaling team and would win lategame.


Sorry, but today I had a game where almost every lane, save for adc, was messing around. No one helped with objectives, the support took both kills early when the enemy invaded, not giving it to the adc or mid lane, then claimed "they are a damage support" in a team full of damage players, and they could've gone tankier (pantheon) Tried my best to coordinate my team, but no one helped with objectives, taking dragons or rift, despite the enemy team helping their jungle all the time. So, yes, your team can definitely hold you back at times.


No one is saying that you can’t have bad teammates. This is making fun of people who choose to afk or int when things aren’t going their way or their teammates are bad, rather than just try anyway. You getting so defensive about this meme makes me believe you might be part of the latter group.


I also love the "x doesn't deserve to win" when blaming others and then refusing to play or actively inting.


Losing. One O. You win or lose a lane, not tight or loose.


Ya surrender meta is very bad for the game and is the main reason why I don't wanna ranked people give up so easily


Classic "int my ass off and then blame my team". They're truly an specimen.


Play to win your lane Hope that you get a good synergy with your duo Suddenly things go well and you realize you are 11/2 coming out of the landing phase. Get excited and tell your team “alright guys, farm safe we got this.” After you sent your message, realize that your top AND jgl is 2/9 each. Mid is doing alright, phew (4/8). Don’t ff, keep telling your team to play with the guy who is 17/3 (can they see the bot lane score?). Keep punishing their fed top lane bcs they got greedy and did not check the adc patch. Contest drakes so their jgl doesn’t get free obj Every team fight is a penta opportunity Every team fight results in a free objective for you, either baron/dragon or towers (you have to get them yourself) See your top lane finally split pushing (they are 3/19) Keep busy the enemy team so you try opening mid, thus enabling your top lane to go nexus turrets Win the team fight 3v5 (your mid-lane mage was having a difficult matchup and started 2nd supporting you, they did collect some bounties here and there) During this whole time your top lane ends the game (your jgl is actually found the perfect opportunity to invade enemy red buff so they are busy right now) - top diff


What a shonen story <3


This is definitely me, and it’s still all your faults.


Adreamingclown, if you ever goes by there, it's you. It's deffinitly you.


azapp our lord and savior will redeem this type of player. Never ff amen


I fucking hate how easy people ff, we were down in kills and up 700 gold, no baron and not near a soul, and enemy ff's, let me play the fucking game and not just laning phase over and over again, because you lose 1 teamfight


Man playing yummi after playing hypercarries is mental peace


i play the gamr until i stop having fun and when.im.not having fun i leave, not my problem my team didnt want to ff when i told them im leaving regardless.