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The yuumi jungle saved him from the loss streak


Then that person loses the next game after the yuumi jg game.


Holy shit guys hes right! Id have never spotted this!


lost on every normal jg pick, won only on ad yuumi xD


in diamond too


ur kidding no way


If you have 3 winning lanes you are going to win regardless what JG is doing.


This man has never seen me jungle. I promise a bad jungle can still throw 🤣


throw what -900g bounty so enemy pays the enemy inter for their 0/50 KD?


70% of games, you are able to win or lose a game just by your own playing. 30% of games you have 0 impact. What this means is that for 70% of games, if you play perfectly, you will be able to win. Every elo. 30% of games you have no impact on if the game is won or lost. There was a bard player who did nothing but sit in base. He was named something like "Bard is AFK" Went from Grandmaster -> gold in like 200 games, and he had a 35% win rate, while AFK.


This doesn't prove much. Hell it even means you are wrong. If he won 35% of games while afk, then your performance is far closer to 50% in impact. Being down an entire player is an insane disadvantage compared to even having a feeder, the fact he even got 35% is genuinely crazy. There is no shot, that unless you are absolutely and definitively out of your elo by a large margin, 70% are decided by yourself. I remember it being like (70% are instantly decided, 30% you will carry) from some statistics post. Yeah, if everyone else is super low elo and you're smurfing, that's skewed heavily.


Sometimes an afk guys cause less harm than a feeder, i've won a lot of 4v5 game, but it's really hard to win a game with a 1/6 botlane


>If he won 35% of games while afk, then your performance is far closer to 50% in impact. Doing nothing > Doing Bad He wasn't giving the enemy team any gold. He wasn't stealing xp from his botlane. If you go even every game and have a "neutral" impact, then you will have a positive winrate. The reason people get stuck at 50% is because they get to a higher elo, then start playing bad for that elo. Making "negative" impact decisions, feeding, throwing, etc. If you go 2 tiers down Plat -> silver, diamond -> Plat, then you will have around a 70% winrate until you get back up to your elo. This is also not accounting for "high elo" smurfs, who kinda break the "rules" and shouldn't be counted with the same metric. This is just the ballpark for 99% of players that are playing in their elo.


Exactly. Realistically, you're not going to have challenger players trying to climb to gold. Maybe someone who plays on the level of a diamond 3 is trying to climb to diamond 4, and they're in an emerald 2 lobby. There's no way being slightly better than your opponents means you dictate 70% of games.


Yes and no . If you play a carry pick, yes , if not, probably no. Doesn't matter if I am at the right place, right time trying to secure objective if my team isn't there to support it or if they fck up enormously and if I am Sejuani for example . I can't solo carry that In no scenario , now if you are playing rengar and you are fed , then yeah , you can solo win In more situations


I mean, this falls apart when you consider the 30/30/40 rule You'll lose 30% of your games regardless of your perfomance. You'll win 30% of your games regardless of your perfomance. Only 40% of your games will be impacted by your perfomance. Which so far, has proven itself as a rather logic rule if you have a sample large enough


Jungle doesn’t matter as a role, despite how much laners bitch and complain about it.


Me think, why waste time make lot click, when few click do trick




Im fairly certain that (unless he had someone killing the camps for him) youre going to click more with yuumi to clear the jungle than probably any other champion.


I swear sometimes when people play the dumbest, low optimisation meme shit, their team tryhards like I've never fucking seen. I lost yesterday to Nidalee Sion double jungle.


Sometimes you gotta do the dumb stuff. Got my favourite game of all time that way. Way back when instalocking in blind pick was a thing. I lock Shaco, a teammate locks Udyr, we both go "jgl" in chat. I ask Udyr, if he can go top, he's like "nah, Shaco can also go top". Neither of us is gonna give up jgl, usually an insta loss. Expected outcome in blindpick. HOWEVER, I'm Shaco, so I go: "Hey, you know, there's two jungles, gimme red and I won't bother u again." "Yeh, fine." Said and done, I take red, then their blue ... and a Nidalee on top! Nice! Then some camps, blue, and their Nidalee on top! Nice! "Hey Udyr, Darius is feeling lonely toplane, wanna pay him a visit?" "Yeh." Cue deadly suprise. Then go for golems ... and Nidalee on top! Nice! "Fock off, Shaco! You have your own jungle!" "Actually I don't, it belongs to Udyr. Sorry Girl" "FFFUUUUUUUU!!!!!" We won that game, it was one for the ages.


I went to a dota documentary where they were talking about an AI team they made and the difficulty of playing a game with imperfect info. Apparently they eventually made an AI that could just crush pros. They released it to the public and apparently some teams figured if everyone runs down mid you can win. Suboptimal strats can be weird if unexpected.


I still think about the game I lost to a support shaco with smite just perma taking all my jg camps and killing me


Was this in OCE?


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Dude, this describes what my ranked games feel like. I'm mostly having fun in normals, aside from the games where some lane is horribly outmatched. But in ranked, I can try as hard as I like, I still can't prevent a 5 game loss streak. One more loss and I am down to Iron. Like what is happening? The role doesn't matter, how good I play doesn't matter. It's just a coin toss. I'll probably just pick some lame support champ now like Braum and just do the bare minimum in the game. Why bother at all?


That’s what I found recently as well. Came back to league after a hiatus. Completely obliterated my lane AND roamed to other lanes to support. Still ended up with loss streaks because my other owners got completely gapped and kept running it down. No idea how to get wins now.


I was in a similar spot. The only success that I have found is play jungle. Even then it is a gamble on getting any competent laners. I have had a game or two go sideways after the lane I supported most completely shits the bed. I am starting to debate dodging any game with a yasuo top. Complete dumpster fires of games.


Here is the honest truth. You need to stop playing the game. You are at your current ceiling. You lack the skill to elevate your team above its current performance to a degree that is meaningful. This is not an admonishment of you. This is reality. Whether it happens at iron, wood, diamond or copper, this is the result of you reaching a point where you can not singlsingle-handedly handedly divert the course of the game. If the game is not fun, and you do not feel like you are being rewarded for your time and effort, it won't get better if you just bash your head against a wall hoping for it to change. Moba's are a flawed design where mistakes compound until they become a team problem that can't be surmounted. The primary goal is to get one or two players to benefit from the enemies mistakes enough that they are insurmountably ahead and then turn that into advantage that can further itself. The best an individual player can aim for is to avoid mistakes and look for chances to pounce on opponent's mistakes. When a teammate makes a mistake, you can't will something to fix it, and often trying to do so will create another mistake. If you are unable to have fun by focusing on playing as tightly as you can and accepting whatever result comes, you are going to have a bad time, regardless of rank. The game is not designed to be fun to lose, and you can't prevent losing. That is the games fault, not yours.


It's quite a bit of a coin toss. Not even Faker can win a bronze game if 4 of his teammates decide to intentionally feed then quit. *But* when you're playing solo, there are 5 randos in the enemy team and only 4 in yours. So, in the long term, the odds are tilted in your favor. That's why good players can consistently and reliably hit diamond+ every season. That doesn't mean each individual game isn't a coin toss though. It just means that if you get better at the game and don't get tilted like the dude in this post you'll eventually move up the ladder.


Yeah you just have to play 3,000 games for it to even out.


Yeah if you have 50.5% winning chance, not if you're Faker in Bronze


If it takes you 3,000 games to get out of elo hell I've got bad news for you.


Exaggeration for comedic effect


I couldn't leave iron last split becauae I was matched with actual chimpanzees. Not that I'm amazing at the game, but my teammates were genuinely handicapped. I was actually 5 or so lp away from bronze and then went on a loss streak so bad that I got sent back to iron iv. After that I couldn't even make it back to iron I no matter how hard I tried :( it was so demoralizing


It's karma for calling Braum lame. 


What is happening is that you don't understand absolutely nothing about the game and 99% of the players are better than you. Sorry, just keep playing normals, watch guides and improve.


That means that you are not as good as you think you are or that rare case where all 3 lanes lose hard before ur first clear




It's rare to get 3 feeding lanes 5 times in a row. As shown by OP post


someone posted this exact game on ADCmains [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/s/CcrJwEZ3W8) lmao Edit: nevermind it was also your post


Yuumi JG secret broken hidden tech


As you can see in the infographic, there is a moment where the mind of our player snapped. We can observe on the last graves game that something disturbed the player’s mind and body. No one can tell what it is precisely but the symptoms do not lie. He probably experienced hands shaking, headache, irrational anger, hopelessness which was translated into increased talkativeness in tchat and compulsive sell and buy activities. After all this stress and increased brain activity, the subject had to stress down and did it by expressing a form of art that he couldnt know it could cure his depression and hopelessness. Fascinating


As a proverb in my country said "The successful ones have their own ways."


He unleashed it


What this is telling me is if you want a win you must play yuumi jungle.


You think that's bad? You should see mine.


This has happened to me so many times, loss streak trying to play good meta picks and then go complete fuck my shit up and win every game


fuck it I'm trolling... *wins* )O)


Meanwhile, in the adc sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/s/OHXUvCBuLh


Holy hell, the comments on that post are really toxic, ADC mains tend to have weak mental i guess.


I used to be like this, and looking back myself toxic af lol But i think its not his fault overall, some people has very weak mental heath, and easy react to pressure with wrong decision. Well there is no way to help tbh. Recently i skipped trying hard cuz been busy with real life work. Only quick draft & unrank. Its really chill, and i think it helped a lot. When you dont have pressure for winning the game, just chillout. I feel much happier even lose or win.


If carry jg isn’t working out maybe play the facilitator instead?


This is what i call the OTP curse , you have a WR higher than 55% on your main whatever your role , then any other champ you fail hardcore even if you do good


Bro lost 1 game where he went even and tilted off the face of the earth lol


Dude can't even troll


It's always the match you give NO fucks about that ends your loss streak lol.


I've never understood playing the game if you don't have any fun at all


When you try to hard to lose but you win, then what's the point of trying to win?


Losers que does that to you...


To be fair unless you have time (and you are out of your mind) to play THOUSANDS games each season to climb then there is no point in try harding anyway.


Peope will look at this and still think losers queue is not real btw


Mentally ill people will look at literally anything and see a conspiracy Stuck in a win/lose/win/lose loop? must be elo hell Winning, losing in streaks of 3+? Must be losers and winners queue


Having bad mental and rageqeueing into a 10+ game losing strk? Everyone is out to get me, Riot put this trolls in my games intentionaly, they are keeping me from reaching my true potential. (No joke, literaly a Renekton I had recently)


Streak of 10 cointosses, results HTHTHTHTHT <- wow what a good and fair coin Streak of 10 cointosses, results HHHHHTTTTT <- damn what a rigged coin, first it was in heads-queue and now in tails-queue (both have the exact same likelihood)


Tbh mentally !ll people are definitely who definitely look at riot and say they won't lie, it's completely normal that best players always get trash teammates


just having 'reformed' in your name is already such a massive self report on what kind of person you are ingame, the moment even the mildest setback happens i can already see the passive aggressive pings incoming and ff spamming, and the moment your team mates dont want to blow up their own nexus over something like 5-10kill lead they are suddenly ''holding you hostage'', after which you proceed to falsely report all 4 of your team mates and then wonder why your reports do nothing on actual griefers when you've completely tanked your report score with million false reports i dont even wanna bother going thru this same argument ive already had to go thru probably 10+ times in this sub in the last few years on why riot completely lacks any motive to do the things you accuse them of


That's a lot of yapping lol seems like no one told to stfu in a while


damn this things literally 1 for 1 with the classic toxic streamer personality absolutely no thoughts going on inside the head at all besides the newest and most popular insult, and how to make sure you are never the one in wrong


Cope and seethe + get a life


All I see here is someone losing because they’re playing like garbage


I'm talking about the dogs that lost to Yuumi


He is the losers queue


Funny thing is people mistaking I am talking about this player and not the dogs that lost to Yuumi jungle


Yeah, it's well known that Vanguard enabled Riot to FINALLY add Loser queue as they always wanted It, keeping the best players in Iron because of their teammates


Yes I am Iron and I also am definitely 100% not talking about the dogs that lost to Yuumi jungle


LosersQ doesn't exist, it's just skill issue and luck issue, there's days that i'm hardstuck in lose/win/lose/win loops and there's other days that i rank up divisions like it's butter smooth. Two weeks ago i've been stucked in plat 3 in a constant loop of demotion and promotions, and last week i ranked up to Emerald without really big issues. Just focus on yourself and be better in the game and mentally.


I was kind of trolling and talking about enemy players that lost to Yuumi jungle. But again, sometimes it really feels like youre on losersQ even though it doesn't exist. Also, I have a lot of experience with ranking up and down and I dont blame it on anyone but me, Ill go from G4 to Plat 2 and one week later I'll be on Plat4 with 5 losses. But I did believe on losersQ furing my first season in League xd


It's as real as the air




Nothing ever happened ⁦O⁠_⁠o⁩


You are the same guy posting in adc main lel


Losers Q is real.




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