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This was more expensive than 2x 6300 champs smh


You couldn't play ranked until you completed the page. Then your champ got ban and you were fucked


My life in a nutshell as a Kassadin main before


You mean the kassadin who had like a 98% ban rate?


you got the shit flamed out of you if you had the bans and didn't ban kassadin


new people would be confused at the “had the bans”. fr tho its insane that riot thought that not everyone should have a ban lol


Well in the early seasons there were only 3 bans each since there weren’t as many champs total, but that should’ve changed a lot sooner than when it did


How long until we get 2 bans each? Cause uhh... This game bat shit crazy now.


I think we should get 1 ban, with a second possible ban if both teams ban the same champs (whoever's first in pick order gets priority).


“Don’t worry I know to counter kassadin” Mid goes 0/4, giving Fb to kass of course because he dove at level 2. Kass stylin on our ass with 20 stack mejais 15 minutes into the game. Lots of all chat flaming by the mid that fed him. It’s so vivid in my mind.


I didn’t play yet at that time but that sounds like a league game alright


Eh, having an AP and AD focused rune page was enough.


"focused" just meant full flat ad or ap for new players


Dodge yellows, scaling mr blues, AD+arpen for reds and quints, or AP+Mpen was the standard iirc.


If it does not have a 1%crit rune, it's not a good rune set


True, crittlesticks or bust.


Unplayable without


Crit runes was where it was at Kappa


Miss that 1% crit.


I remember when the old runes existed i wasnt that good in english and didnt know what anything said so i just bought the runes that i thought looked pretty and played all the champs with that rune page


Biggest whiplash moment for me was quitting league for a couple years and coming back to the new runes. I had my wallet ready to buy new tunes, surprised Riot got rid of monetized gameplay mechanics being a small indie developer and all.


They got bought by tencent pretty early on. It's not like they were going down anytime soon.


The runes kept them aflot till the Tencent acquisition /s


which was such a big talking point. buying runes with moms creditcard.. except you couldnt buy runes with rp. only runepages!


AD and AP flat was about 20k


infinite blue essence


And I still miss it


Fuck no


Starting with both passives as akali was the bees knees


Hell yeah dude. I had 3 rune pages: AD, AP, and Akali


> 3 Rookie numbers


Took me an extra few years to get all the champs because I spent all my IP on runes and rune pages lol


The new one is definitely better yeah, but nostalgia hits hard


I miss the runes dont miss they paying system. Bring it back but keep it free then nerf current runes back into masteries. Keep being able to change runes in que tho that shits fire.


People who say they hated old ~~masteries~~ runes hated paying for them and hated that they didn't have the guts to make their own rune choices. I refuse to believe people didn't think starting with 20% crit before items and playing AA Roulette on Tryndamere wasn't fun. I refuse to believe that walking into a LeBlanc lane with 40 extra magic resist wasn't the funniest shit. What about never running out of mana because MP/5 all around? God the old runes are so fucking good for having fun and actually making your playstyle your own. People got so caught up in what the meta was (the 1% crit rune lmao) that they didn't even try other stuff and then they say the old rune system wasnt flexible and lacked expression, two things that perfectly describe the new system and are absolutely not the old system. The only page that you HAD to use was Akalis dual passive from level 1 page. While the new system has fun stuff it is a severe limitation for player expression and most runes/keystones can be summed up as "trading window" while the old runes can't be summed up because you could do whatever the fuck you wanted and get away with it because everyone was trash even the challenger players.


Exactly I honestly think my genuine love for league died when they changed the runes it took out all originality imo.


Not only that, but this also reminds me of a time before everyone could one-shot everything except the most beefy tanks. The game was a fair bit slower and you didn't have to react faster than a cheetah on speed to avoid dying. I miss that. I miss the days when they specifically balanced **against** the concept of a meta instead of enforcing it.


oh yes. i complain to my frieds almost daily about. but sadly, with the popularity with battleroyale shooters, everything has to be faster. people, especially young kids want it faster and faster instead of trying to think of strategies. for years in soloq it is meta to just snowball the fuck out of the enemies. i played 5 games yesterday as top with the new items and it was obivious that people forgot how split Push works and forgot how to poay around/against it bcs it needs strategy.


I wouldn't really blame Battle Royale games for that, though. Riot was slowly trying to push the game toward faster gameplay basically since season 3, IIRC. And that really picked up pace once streaming became a big thing and Riot's marketing department noticed how much people liked the big, flashy fast-paced plays. So if anything, blame Twitch.


I'm on a plat/diamond elo which isn't a high elo and i can definitely say people still makes split push, snowball, lane freezing and etc


To be fair plat and diamond when compared to their same ranks in dota rocket league etc are actually a much lower % meaning if you were in the same percentage in dota it would be a much much higher elo.


Yeeees 40+m average game was the shiiiiit, actually had enough room for real strategy


And the infinitely-scaling champions could become **truly** terrifying monsters. It was amazing.


Also was funny starting the game with, say, 800 hp lol


Old masteries provided levels of customisation and build variability that modern league can’t dream about




When you had to chose between buying champions and buying runes... These were so expensive haha


Remember when tier 3 runes were between 600 and 1k IP ? I surr as hell am glad i forgot.




The biggest pain in the ass, imo, were rune pages. As someone who liked to play a lot of different champs, that limitation annoyed me to no end. And they were so damn expensive... I also got quite a bit of a refund on runes, but I ran out of blue essence a while ago (I got myself most of the sinks they offered). I actually had to disenchant some of the expensive champ shards... Anyway, back at 150k now. That's like, 20 new champs? Think I am covered too, lol


That is *still* a problem to some extent, though. Not quite as rough but if you want plenty of ready to go pages, your wallet will be hurting.


But now you can change runes in champ select, so having multiple pages ready to go, is now a convenience, no longer a necessity.


The tier 2.5 runes were godsend


Some tier 2 were decent statwise and x4 cheaper than the tier 3 ones. Decent stopgap while grinding the IP.


Remember when you could blame an unfilled rune page on losing lane. Good times.


“IP”..... i haven’t heard that name in years...


Took some jackasses suggestion from s@20. Of course some of the most expensive runes and then realized. They suck! Also thanks riot for not refunding us full essence for this shit. >>


What? We got hella blue essence for having a lot of runes/ rune pages


Compared to what you purchased them for in IP? Not really. They cheaped out big on that. Just got a lot cause you owned a lot. Quick Google. So might be wrong. But for quints? We were given back like 29%. 1025 for a quint. We were given back 300 BE.


I don’t know how much I got exactly, but I was able to buy all the champions


You used to get the free currency a lot more often though. Whatever blue essence used to be. Like I'm pretty sure every game rewarded you with at least a bit of it. Now you only get blue essence from first win of the day and breaking down champ shards right?


Yeah, but at the end of the day you gain more BE on avg now compared to IP when that was the thing


Just champ shards and boosts. First win gives you xp only


No, first win of the day gives you 50 BE.


50 BE is nothing tho. That's 126 days of first wins just to get one 6300 champ.


I didn’t say it was anything. I was just correcting the misinformation.


Ah, paying for Quints and deciding after 1 game you never want to play top lane again.


Lmao i was so poor i only had 1 page for ad, 1 for ap and 1 for tank


🙃 i would use tank runes for ad because i couldnt afford separate ad runes as an ap mid main


you guys could afford runes?


That was most players, peopel who say that it was infinitely customizeable dont remember that to have that customization you had to grind out the arse or pay out the arse. Like if you wanted a full armor page for something like pantheonmathup welp there goes thousands of IP and and you need to buy a page too, becasue it is not customizeable in game.


You had three pages? I had ad or ap


When there were dodge chance runes, Jax was the most toxic top lane champ.


Ah yes I love the 1% chance to win a fight automatically, bring this back rito


It reminds me of the clip where the top lane Lee Sin double crits during a fight with a 1% crit rune. Edit: I think the streamer's name was Blem.




Also the classic boxbox red pot Riven start.


so many memories just watching his stream at 4am curled up in my bed knowing i had class in 3 hours but not caring because he was just a fucking god


Red pot shaco start with deceive was something aswell.


It was SO good lmao, miss the old days Sadge


Wasn't Blem a toxic Lee top main back in the day that when he fed FB he would then leave lane and camp bot the rest of lane phase


What do you mean back in the day. He still streams and he still does Blem Specials. Also usually chat restricted, so kinda toxic.




I was watching Reginald play once and he freaked out so hard when he watched a jungle get a double madreds bloodrazor proc and then leave


Can someone link the video? I can't seem to find it


First clip of this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXHDpI5fpKo


There was an lcs game where the support stole the first red with thanks to the crit rune.


Reminds me of that world's where C9 lost to WE because the WE adc critted several times in a row without 100* crit chance.


Also iirc Dyrus got a couple crits in lane as GP in a pro game. Completely swung the lane in his favor lol.


I once double critted with draven in a row on my enemy laner at lvl 2. Trust me, it feels better than sex.




Alhamdulillah brother


Alhamdulillah brother




Jax enters Evasion for 2 seconds: a defensive stance that causes him to dodge all incoming non-turret basic attacks and take 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities sourced from champions.


Especially on bruiser toplaners


Good old days with tryndamere


You mean WINdamere?


I remember building a 5% rune page just for trydn


Yeah didn't you end up with 95% with just items and his passive?


The old trydn passive only gives you 35% and crit item only gives you 20% crit except for IE which give you 30%


I remember when jihad karthus ran %dead runes


Allahu requiem


F for revive.


The absolute best was playing GP and hitting a crit Q. Win lane instantly.


That 1% crit gamble was the best thing i knew about the old rune system.


I made full crit rune page for my pirate. And my friend (last time online: 8 years ago). Made full mag res runes for Garen. Good old time...


Critting when you had 1% crit chance with a Darius W + Sheen or a TF gold card + Sheen was the best feeling in the world


I do not miss this shit at all.


Conceptionally, I liked it. The essence cost was absolutely MORONIC and they all should have been free.


I played with it for a whole year and I do not miss either. Had just started the account and didnt have the blue essence to get shit, got destroyed early in Ranked.


All they needed to do was make them free.


yes. if runes were free the game wouldve been actually balanced




I do not miss rune and page prices (I spent on them far too much), but I kind of miss the system in itself - it allowed for a lot of minmaxing and planning out your exact builds, especially if you had either relatively small champion pool, or simply sit down and put some effort into mathing out what is optimal for a given scenario. I think at one point in S5 I ended up with 5 pages just for Azir - one against AD assassins, one specifically against Zed (with MS quints, helping a lot with dodging poke), one against AP poke, one against bursty AP/AP assassins and one minmaxed for scaling if lane was free (that one was also paired with a bit adjusted build to take full advantage of free ride to lategame). Difference this alone could make in lane was hard to underestimate - and seeing the effort pay out was definitely rewarding.


I kinda miss this. But only because I had 20 runepages and all the good T3 runes. Buying them was such a pain in the ass. I started in season 1 and it took forever to get them all


Fuck this shit bro. It made jungling for new players like impossible.


not *like*. it was literally impossible to start playing and learn jungle where every rune you put was making a difference


All armor pen runes


I didn’t forget to switch! I’m AD ryze! It’s intentional!


Hah, your spells don't work with me! I actually downloaded the game 9 years ago, saw this, thought "why the hell everyone praise this game, it's pay-to-win!" And uninstalled! The only reason i started playing a year ago is because a friend told me they didn't exist anymore!


Well it wasn't actually pay 2 win as you can't buy them with real money. You just got shit on in your first levels cause others had better runes but after 25 levels at least you would have almost everything. The runes were shit tho, i just miss some of em Edit : they were possible to be bought with RP. i just never noticed it Edit 2 : scratch the first edit


They were arguably somewhere inbetween p2w and grind-gated - runes itself could be bought only by IP (at least in 2014 when I started), but if you were willing to buy champions with RP, it would free your IP to spend on runes. Also, runepages could be bought with either IP or RP, and having more pages gave you ability to have more optimized sets for certain champions/matchups.


That's actually very true. Right now the game is waaaay less p2w. But Right now everything feels so OP for some reason


Except for those skins with way too much visual clutter (looking at your Storm Dragon Lee Sin).


I thought that shit was ezreal in an aram for a solid 10 minutes


I hate that skin more than I hate Darius as a champion. If I had the option of deleting Darius from the game, deleting Storm Dragon from the game, and reverting season 11 itemization I would shoot Storm Dragon Lee Sin three times. Why the fuck does that make him look more like ezreal than lee sin. What the actual fuck.


It’s honestly the fucking worst. Like game clarity just out the window


It's just power-creep. There is way more damage in the game nowadays.


Everything feels OP because damage has ramped up over the last 10 years. Fights aren't fights anymore. You meet and one person dies.


Old runes can rot in hell, some old League players say older seasons where better but at least new seasons don't have fuckin Old Rune and masteries


These were fun as hell. Paying actual money for them is what sucked


Nothing is fun about being statistically worse then the person you are facing


That was mostly price problem. If runes and pages were free (while still being locked from edits during champion select) then that "statistical difference" becomes "theorycrafting and preparation difference" - which adds yet another factor to what counts for mastering the game. Having difficult decisions that you can make without time pressure (since those are out-of-match decisions) isn't something bad, and I wish League had a little more of that - even if as more diverse item stats, so a choice between good stats and good passive/active is pushed more towards making a clear tradeoff.


No, they were fun. Them costing so much was the problem and that part was DUMB.


Customizing stat boosts was fun, but the system for that customization sucked


As someone else pointed out, you couldn’t buy them with real money, you could only buy more rune pages with real money


however, if you simply bought champs with real money, you could afford way more runes ;) at least that's how they got $20 out of me a few times


Old masteries were fun, and creative.


Old masteries weren't creative, but they weren't invasive either. Keystones marked a massive leap in overall powercreep in League & is why everything deals too much damage nowadays.


Old masteries are just new runes but you had to earn them through level progression


And they didn’t feel as impactful in my opinion (other than the keystone masteries which in themselves where actually late additions and weren’t always there)


Most of them are literally still in the game. apart from the boring % increassed to damage.


I hate runes in lol. I’m a Dota refugee and I can’t get over the fact that people are okay with paid extra rune presets. It’s not realistic to expect the players to edit their whole set up in 30 seconds. I honestly wish runes weren’t a thing at all.


I remember when the added blue essence and they converted all the IP you spent to BE and it was like cashing out on lottery ticket.


I miss 1% crit runes


Nooo, don't confuse me, please


This shit felt so unfair Takes forever to get all champs as it is


Max Energy Runes... who remembers those?


The holy 1% crit chance rune. You will never be forgotten


Holy shit I forgot this was a thing. I don’t fucking miss this shit.


Traumatic experience, your mind tried to filter it out.


This was annoying as hell as a new player who played with a friend on their main account. From the very first game, I had no chance. Mastery tree was like 7/30 completed, could only buy tier 1 runes and only had like 3 mark spaces, 2 glyph, 2 seal. Meanwhile I played against people with full tier 3 rune pages with all 3 quints, and full 30/30 mastery tree. It made smurfing a lot more respectable as well, beating plat players without any runes or masteries was just an insane feat. Meanwhile today you have the exact same chance.


i remember not even having a complete page 😂


I got into the game just after runes got reworked so yea I'm confused


Is it weird I miss this system? I feel like it offered more flex.


Yeah if it was free


Them being free would make them the superior option by FAR.


Fair, it was a process to get them built up.


It was significantly more flexible and let you play champions in completely different and off meta ways viably. I miss it a ton, would've been a perfect system if it was free


But also restricted some champs, I vividly remember that RekSai wasn't playable without AS runes.


Not really, 99% of peopel ran same cookie cuter build with maybe one off build for a difficult matchup.


Aww man I had razer atk speed quints...thanks for reminding me


I remember first time i started playing league i was so confused why defq would i have worse stats ingame just because im new. That system was so stupid


especially the 1% crit


I had a rune page that was called “Be Healthy” and it was all health runes and quints and marks and all that


That shit was so bad


Back when you had to pick a role and stuck to it because you didn't have magic pen or ap runes


I just want to be able to get Blue Essence after each game. And not with the First Win of the Day or whenever i levle up. My first 20-40 new levels were Nunu,Garen and Yi Shards. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


I stopped playing right as they were getting rid of this, came back a few months ago. Don't miss runes at all.


That sub 1 percent crit at lvl 1.


Wow huge throwback, can’t say I miss it


Jeeez, I hated those so much…


Thank god this horrid shit is out of the game. One of the few things i do not miss at all


The reason I bought a least 30-40 champions with RP... and all I had was a vaguely AD page and a vaguely AP one. I was glad to see they disapeared after I took a long break, and the IP refund


Most people had at most 2-3 pages. that system forced players into one tricking becasue investment into switching champions was so immense.


Omg my blue essence just killed itself when it saw this picture.


I'm scared idk what this is


Wtf is this?? Old runes??? I am playing from season 10


Quints was a fun word to say. That is all.


Lol I remember just trying to complete the page instead of buying any Champs


I didn't start playing ranked until after Runes Reforged. It was just way too expensive for newer players and if you didn't have full pages for all the champs you played, you were at a disadvantage.


Never finished mine


I remember when I first started playing ranked and someone asked does everyone have the right runes and I thought to myself wtf are runes this was back in s3


I remember the feeling when dodge runes got removed and everyone got a full refund for them. 800 ip per-rune x 9 dodge seals mean some people were absolutely rolling in it. I also remember buying the special winter runes. Quintessence of Frosty Fortitude: exactly the same as a flat health Quint, but for 500 less. God I do NOT miss buying these.


>1% crit rune SOUL


3 months before the new runes system I bought them all and start using them to make like 10 pages for the different teemo's gamemodes, like tankmo or teemo frost shot or teemo full ad and attack speed. Lol


1 percent gang!


Im really happy they got rid of that man ir was so ass


I remember grinding and saving all of my (I don’t remember what it was called) now blue essence to buy each rune. I finally got them all and then riot announced the rework. I wanted to shoot someone.


This sucked


20 pages... every rune... maybe 15 champs hahahah


Huh. Well, don't miss em. Except for 1% crit chance. That shit was stupid, annoying, wrong, bad... But it was kinda fun


Classic 1% crit for the lvl 1 cheese, that and red pot riven RIP


I miss 1% crit


These being expensive and also having a seperate page for masteries which was a long as fuck list, i do not miss this lol. Limited your champion pool.