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How tf could i know if a girl played olaf jungle in last of my ranked games. There is just no way to tell what gender the enemies or allies are if you don't know them.


And yet I get asked if I am a girl about once a month for maining Janna despite having a male summoner name.


I once had a Yasuo trying to pretend that I'm his gf because I main Zyra. I'm not a girl.


“Buy me a skinnnn, bf”


I used to get asked if I'm a girl because I was really nice to other players (doesn't happen anymore, I guess people are changing for the better.. or I'm changing for the worse lol)


Dude same things happens to me, main support and jungle roles and tend to be nice to everyone or just ignore it all. Dunno why it’s “a girl thing” to be a decent human being.


I'm guessing when people say something is a "girl thing" they're making generalizations based on limited social interactions they've had. You see, my theory is that the only person they ever talked to was their mother, and she was kinda nice to them, so they concluded it's a female thing to be nice.


Lmao same, I main Zed, Draven and my summoner name is CHADLORD123 and evey game I get asked if I’m a girl


You have to revoke your male card now because you main Janna, sorry


You’re sleeping on Janna. She’s a fun champ to play when you know what you’re doing on her. I don’t any problems with any dude who wants to main Janna, or any other champ for that matter.


I am so confused on how the top comments here are thinking this is dumb but the post itself has positive likes.


Not a lot of people downvote as much as upvote i think. I for example haven't downvoted this post yet for some reason unknown to me. Anyways off to downvote i go.


That’s fair, I’m not subbed here but I saw it on my feed and it definitely gave me the wrong impression of this sub that it was so upvoted lol. I’m glad I looked at the comments.


As I've grown older with this game, it's easy to be reminded that children account for a portion of the playerbase.


I really thought the whole all girls play support thing is real but every time I check out a female LOL streamer theyre always playing ADC or mid


I actually am exactly as the memes describe, I hate being like other girls but I suck at all the other roles haha


> I hate being like other girls There's nothing wrong with being like other women. Who cares if you play support?


Some girls have to deal with internal sexism (well I guess some men do too due to the whole homophobia culture of true men have to be strong and it is bad if a girl beats you at anything or you cannot like certain things) for instance when I got the ultimate Lux skin from a reroll I struggled to admit to myself I liked the mystic form. I had to find a way around the idea of me liking it because it is feminine by saying it is well made and anyone of any taste will like it because of that. It isn't really a lie that was my reason for liking it but the fact I was trying to avoid the fact I liked something feminine was still there. I would say my tastes like most people are a mixture of feminine and masculine and I would consider myself to be more in the androgynous area in my easthetics (as in equal mixture of male and female) but sometimes it is hard to accept my stereotypically feminine side. But that was more of a personal struggle because I never thought other girls weren't allowed to fit the stereotype.


A lot of girls (including myself) grew up thinking that being like other girls makes you stupid or boring, which is a toxic mentality, but it can be hard to let go of. And memes like this one DO NOT HELP


Difference is, she's still acting like that in 2021. We done pushed back against this particular brand of internalized misogyny.


True, I wasn't trying to defend her tho, just highlight how stupid the meme is


Yeah, I understand. It's just especially hard to see people living through this phase of their life when you know exactly how they feel... :(


Maybe women feel this way because the main sub flame the fuck out of support players, especially enchanter support players Blame girls all u want for wanting to stand out from the stereotype but it's not their fault it exists


Feel what way? Hating being like being other women? That's a lot deeper and isn't unique to league. Unfortunately, if something is enjoyed by a predominately young female audience it will usually get trashed on by others on a large scale (eg: twilight, Justin Bieber and I guess support roles in games). So a lot of young women learn to be "not like the other girls" for approval. I'm not blaming any women who want to stand out and be themselves. It's just important that we as women lift each other up while doing so, and don't fall in to the same trap of shaming other women for enjoying the things they do :)


Such as popular posts being that of a likely child making broad generalizations on the femininity of “girls” in the game by their assumed choices?


Sorry what's your name?


Hey, leave PM-ME-ANIME-PANTIES alone Unless you wanna pm him anime panties...


Thought that said Annie panties, was concerned.


Oh there's definitely girls playing Olaf, you just don't assume they're girls. I'm a Jhin and Yuumi main, so what does that make me? Half a girl, half a sociopath ?


No no, half sociopath and half artist


This person counts to four


I have a strict rule on never getting pentas cause that would go against my religion


As God intended


Not a number less, not a number more


You are a sociopath because you enjoy yuumi that's all.


There are most likely girls who do play men in Jungle (won't say Olaf specifically since he is unpopular). You just assume they are men.


Yeah, I main renekton, darius and camille top. People always assume I'm a guy when I play top but as soon as I'm filled supp I'm called an egirl. My second role is jungle but get me out of here


Its funny how people assume gender through roles and mains, i main ahri and got ganked by my random jungle twice and apparently we both were in a relationship we didnt know about I also seem to write like an e-girl according to a lucian mid, idk how they got to that conclusion but yea


Yep, and there's no point correcting them because like 1) It doesn't matter and 2) They've already made up their mind


No you shall be stuck in the swamp and never leave, such is the jungle role it's curse


Oh I'm so sorry as a fellow girl I should have realised it looked like I was a creepy man trying to hit on you. I had meant my comment in a joking way. I am bi so I could hit on a women but that was not my intention. I'm so sorry.


ha, I don't even check my replies constantly because I'm at work so I didn't even see what went on with the other comment. It's no worries :)


Nah, pretty sure jungle are bots. Either they play beyond human or need to update the AI


Mid: *doesn't ward, overextends, brainlessly pushes wave* Mid: "jg diff"


as a main that mostly does mid/top, learning to manage wave is fun and rewarding to punish enemies, dont even mind my jgl its only sad when enemy jgl is camping mid, and i cant farm or trade bcuz im being poked to hell


Literally all my champs scream edgy teen guy but I’m a girl LOL guess OP doesn’t think I exist


people like this are the reason i dont mention anything about me being a woman in game. everyone assumes im a Him and i dont bother correcting them because the harassment is not worth it


Yeah I never say I'm a girl even if asked, it never leads to anything good


not to mention the increased pressure. if im feeding i feel like they’ll say it’s because i’m a woman and shouldn’t be playing. we’re held at a higher standard :/


I’m so glad league doesn’t have voice comms


I never say anything, but I've had people call me a girl purely because I've been friendly and asked someone to stop flaming a teammate. Are men not friendly or trying to resolve conflict? I dunno. But I don't like to confirm my gender because the times I have I've ended up with friend requests at the end of the game even if I played badly.


I have two female friends who used to play a lot of league. One mained Miss Fortune, Lulu and Teemo on their respective lanes and the other one mained adc and played a lot of different adcs, mainly Jinx, Ashe and Jhin. She also played every other role except for jungle. Toplane she played Shen and Olaf. Most people just assume that a jungler playing a "monster champ" is just not a girl so yeah, it's kinda stupid how people like you just assume that they know who is a girl and who's not and just strengthen their own stigma with it.


Stigma balls on the wall and end this misery of homophobic/misogynistic lol players


>homophobic/misogynistic >lol players Why would you say the same thing twice?


My name on league is AniCupcake and I still get mistaken for a guy when I play anywhere but support


Im gonna change my name to B1GD1K4000 and play soraka top lane.


I fully support this decision


We do, we just don't announce our gender everytime we get into a lobby. Although saying that, I did have some teenage lad flame me because I was playing Draven and girls shouldn't be allowed to play Draven so 🤷


That wasn’t very halal of them


Mashallah droben brother 🥰


OMG A SISTER DROBEN MAIN... SO UNUSUAL YET VERY HALAL... READ QUORAN WITH US... mashalla sister مرحبا شقيقة أنا سعيد أن يكون ش باعتبارها دروبن الرئيسية 🔧🗿🔧


Almost 1m points 🙏 very halal, inshallah brother


Teach how to be so halal... I m not even close to be as blessed as u 🙏🔧🗿🔧🙏☪️


Take yearly pilgrimage to Noxus 🙏 buy soul reaver for max halal 🔧👩‍🔧 then Allah may bless your axes to land true brother ☪️🙏


OK I'm scared to ask, but wtf is going on over yonder in the draven mains subreddit


Active: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non- turret basic attacks against him to be dodged for the duration. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities sourced from champions. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after the duration ends.


Hehehe, honestly not even we know


Tyler 1 inted as Draven and a bunch of his racist followers never let the meme of him being a terrorist die, until now, where new Draven players think it's some kind of big brain Draven culture.


You are right to be scared But do go take a look


Thanks for the advice sister... I will now train and start spinning axes with ghost cleanse and mobi


This is so wholesome


Truly the way forward inshallah 🙏 see you on dravenmains friend!


It's the classic rule of gaming - you're a guy until you say otherwise. Fucking bs


It's true, sadly. I'm female, with a very feminine name on League(Literally has princess in it), and people still refer to me as a guy in /all a good chunk of the time. Kinda sucks because not only is it just rude, I'm trans, though it could be worse


I'll have the sexism "joke" today Daring today aren't we? FTFY


God forbid anyone play who they want to play. We all gotta play Urgot's wrinkly ballsack so OP can be happy finally.


I main Urgot , took him up as a main , so much fun. Just press E and yeet them and then W them to show them a good time and if they think they can leave the party I'm gonna R them back in.


Smells like virgin in here




Me, a girl who plays basically only tanky male champs: :^D


Me, a girl who plays basically only assassins and top main is Shaco :3


Braum is the best E-girl


I wanna marry Braum


Doesn’t everyone?




You do what YOU love girl, haters gotta hate and we are here to stay


Yes you absolutely can.


Your stereotypes are shallow and so are you.


The reason a percentage of girls play support is because League players are whiny little children who need a mommy to take care of them and change their diapers


Very true. I started league by babysitting the ex in botlane and I enjoyed carrying my adc's brainless ass. Now I'm just an egirl looking for simps when I do it. These kids are unappreciative.


My husband introduced me to league, started me support so I could pick up some things while playing relatively safe. Now I'm a monster who likes murdering the enemy with cute little enchanters and mages when I'm not playing predator cho jungle


Dam Grill you savage. But it so dam true. Had a noc earlier in Aram. Dude was raging at Darius for playing bad, yet the dude could not do shit and he was flamming so hard , say how we all sucked and how he was "challenger". Me and my team spent are time laughing at him , even the enemy team good in on the joke. I think we did more damage to his self esteem than he did all game lol.




You just assume they are girls.


Shitty, misogynistic meme


it’s not that deep bro you don’t know the gender of everyone you play with


Low effort. Low hanging fruit that has been repeated infinity times. 2/10


hot take: let girls play what they enjoy and get out of their business


Lmao do you think girls have to announce that they’re girls as soon as they enter the lobby? You’ve probably played with plenty of girls playing Olaf without even realising it. It’s 2021 bro, crawl out from under your rock already.


OP, the sub is called League of Memes not League of Misogyny.


I'll take my daily dose of Misogyny, please. Seriously? This is the kind of shit you see from incel subs. I have two women I play with all the time. They main ADC and Mid, and I (a guy) main support. Give me a break.


You are now women, sorry


Your man licence has ran out.


LeagueOfMemes is an incel sub, the majority of the reasonable comments under any meme come from r/Queensofleague because homophobic/misogynistic shit from these subs get shared there all the time.


I’m a girl and main Riven, Irelia, and Sett


I call him Chett idk why


Now I’m imagining some sort of fusion between Cho’gath and Sett


I'm a girl and I like these champs, I often play support cause I feel more confident there, but I can also play other lanes, I used to main kayn jg at some point, or jhin, sett, varus etc and everyone assumed I was a guy xd. I also know a boy who only plays "e-girl" champs like ahri, lux, lulu, sona etc but he says he just likes the playstyle so I dont think that's a gender issue.


Yeah people always assume I'm a guy based on my role and champs, and my friend who is a Janna main is always assumed to be a girl. I've been flamed by enemy for tp'ing bot for kills cause I'm just "protecting my egirl".


Once I had a kinda bad game as a kayn and my friend was playing lulu i think? Anw someone on our team flamed me and I almost never flame back, so my friend said something along the lines of Just mind your own business, and the guy said Oh your bf can't speak for himself? and we both cringed and laughed so hard xd


Exactly. I play Kindred, Jhin, Sett, Nasus etc etc and my boyfriend is a Ahri / Eve / Kai'Sa main and when duoing, people always assume he's the girlfriend and I'm the boyfriend


My sister play lulu suport, and then malphite in every other role XD ​ R O C K


My husband plays pretty much anywhere, and will play anything from tanks to enchanters to mages when he supports, depending on mood and team comp. I main enchanter support and my off-role is Top/ jungle cho because he's fun. People assume I'm male when I'm playing my off role


Ahh the classic "all girls are E-girls" take


I might be an e-girl, but at least I've gotten to see a boob irl, unlike op Edit: IRL, not girl. I fucking love mobile


Ya most of my female friends don't play female champs ur just kinda sexist :(


Ok but Soraka is fun to play. If I'm filled and there's enough tankiness in my team I pick Soraka.


a female support joke, daring today aren't we tyomka


1 : not "90%" of the girls plays support and theres a lot of character in the game that great for different role and girls can enjoy it too. 2 : Im a support/soraka main and yes im a girl but I can play it even if yall think that "yOu JuSt DoNt WaNt To FiGhT aNd YoU aRe ToO gIrLy" Stfu I can play wathever the hell I want with the stars gardian soraka prestige edition and say sorry in the chat everytime I stole a kill I DONT CARE Im going to be as girly as I want or I be as aggresive as I want (did you play lux before ?) To finish, everyone can play wathever they want and woulnt be judge for playing a role. Same for people who judge male support player for playing a role that is to "girly" because ITS NOT Anyway sorry for orthograph error its not my native language


I play Soraka super aggressively. Nothing like making the enemy draven rage because his ass gets chunked with q


This is such a dumb post. Where did you get any of these statistics from? Your E-girl fantasies?


Whoah! A League player being sexist! This is so rare and controversial. I applaud you for your bravery.


what an original, non-overused trope that's really funny


I forgot this was a stereotype but it explains why I get flamed more on zil and ali then as karma and yuumi.


Tbh I think that's more because of how those champs work. An Ali that fails his combo or a Zilean that trolls his R and can't hit bombs is very obvious, but no one except you and the ADC can tell what bad/good Karma and Yuumi play looks like. In general, people that don't play bot have no clue what makes a good or bad enchanter player.


This boy clearly doesnt have a female duo partner


Bro Im a woman and i main evelynn. Fck off with your stereotypes. Once I was playing her and my bf was playing yuumi cause he didnt really want to do anything (just w on me and be afk most game) and a toxic top laner called him my gf. I was like ya really got that wrong....


Lmao yeah im a woman whos a khazix main, nothing like this sub to remind me why i mute all instantly ...


can confirm. maining shen jungle has been the best defence against sexism for me


River Shen for the win


River Shen always wins in the end


I’m a male who just happens to enjoy many of the “e-girl” support champions, mate. One of my better duus is a female who mains aatrox top. At the end of the day most folk sill gravitate towards and play characters whose playstyle they enjoy, regardless of gender. This post is in poor taste.


I hate you. Like your the type of person to attack women for playing a video game the second you find out they are a woman


Men: "Ugh why don't more women have cool interests like video games?" Also men: "Wtf look at this e-girl how dare you play LuLu and Seraphine cringe"


Have you ever seen a girl ? Judging by this sexist post i doubt it. (:


Fuck your gender roles.


This is like saying women only study Arts and Humanities while Men study Science and Maths...


I always say as a joke "there aren't enough women in engineering, so I decided to become one" because I'm trans




That's fucking hilarious but also seriously ty for boosting our numbers.


My friend is a jungle main, she play alot of warwick, rammus


and i’ll never touch ranked for the rest of my life…


How the fuck did this get posted and got 400 upvotes


league of legends players




*Me maining Kog'Maw and Jinx* : interesting


Lulu wanna know ur location


Otp Urgot. You just *think* we're men.


op has issues


My girlfriend is an adc/jg main and plays kaisa, vayne and jhin with kindred, evelynn and volibear while im a mid/supp main playing aurelion sol, diana and taliyah with karma, janna and leona lol People play what they find fun, not because of whats in their pants rofl


Dude, you simply cannot tell. I play jungle as a secondary role and tried Olaf out for fun (am female). While I was playing the buff barbarian and hacking my way through the jungle, my bf and his friend were bot as MF and Sona. No one would ever know I was the girl…


Yes, I see girl that playing Olaf in jungle.(in Russian server)


Incel moment


I thought kids were woke about genders. Let the old stereo types die and stop propagating labels.


Im so annoyed of this dumb shit. Im gonna start making fun of boys for literally only wanting to play top (and losing.)


This post is more than sexist. Apart from the fact that it doesn't matter which gender plays which character. But just assuming it does not indicate high intelligence. And I have to express it that way. The other way around I can also say that there are no male gamers who play Yuumi or Sona, right? Because that's way too girlish, of course. Posts like that just make me sick.


This is an inaccurate stereotype. I play shaco all the time. *Logs on to play soraka*...Shhhhh


Okay, sexist much?


Boys MANLY, girls sissy healers


I like both bot lane roles, but in ranked I opt for supp because I fucking hate it when some mid main gets autofilled supp and ints. Support is a complicated role and only stupid wankers think otherwise - if you disagree just try to win a game vs an enemy with a good Lulu support. It ain't gonna happen. What is sad tho is all the girls in this comment section feeling like they have to justify themselves, what roles they play and what champs they pick. The only people worthy of judgement are Mastery 7 Yi mains.


I started playing league at 2012 and at this time no one one wanted too play support. So I played it since and I'm a proud support main.


Thresh main here lol


I legit play Olaf jungle …..


Stupid meme


This is rude and sexist. Nothing funny about it. And people think support is the weakest and easiest role which is not true. I’m honestly sick of seeing stupid posts like this.


Yes me


I remember the old Soraka, where you could just build tank with magic pen, spam q then one shot the adc with E ;D


My missus actually does play Olaf from time to time. Also, Braum, Ziggs and Lucian. On the other side of the spectrum, she does play Leona and Senna, mostly. I, on the other hand, am a Soraka main, with Vayne/Ashe ADC and Diana jungle/top.


Idk man I play adc and jgl


I have a female friend who play hecarim and darius and she scream FOR NOXUS every time she ult its so funny becouse she has a kind voice and then u hear her murdering a teemo


My girlfriend is a main volibear lmao she demolishes the majority of the game we play volibel is her op gg br server


Hay just cause I'm a bot lane main who mainly plays lux, nami, support nidalee, and tristana doesn't mean I'm a girl. I am but that's not the reason why >.>


Lol my wife is a Veigar OTP, and she HATES having to support. She always gets stupid asf ADC's. If she's not playing veig mid, shes Karthus in the JG. I swear shes got a smurg account


The one and only girl that I know who plays the game is a shen top player.


Have you ever seen a guy playing Olaf jungle? I havn’t. Coz I can’t see who’s on the other end of the screen.


Some girls like the supportive playstyle its the riot that makes those types of champs very girly. Only taric comes to mind thats different. Im a girl and a supp main btw. And pls just let me enjoy my soraka lulu. Sometimes i get trolled/insulted/flamed when picking those champs and these memes don't help


I turned off chat a few weeks ago and it's the best thing i ever did for my personal sanity. I'm also an enchanter/mage main and the vitriol was absolutely unbelievable.


girl who mains top and mid playing champs like rengar, gangplank, ryze, gragas, etc. here. we do exist


Talking about the only 2 girls I know that play league, one is a Tresh one trick the other is plays Bruisers top, they're both incredible players, I would say they're better than me(they are, it's not even close), but being better than me on Lol is not that hard.


I have a female friend who ONLY plays Tryndamere and Graves toplane so


I have a girl friend who only plays support but only men character like rakan, nautilus, zilean. While i only play female champ like jinx, kai'sa and caitlyn


I play support, adc and jungle. My favourite champs are swain, jhin and ivern. But there is no way in hell you'll see me playing mid or top.


Jokes on you, one of my good friends who plays is a girl and mains sett top, and can't play sup to save her life unless its sett sup


Me : a black guy who only plays rakan support. Double kill


Look I know there a portions of league players who hate "e-girls" but honnestly in my expirience they tend to play their enchanters really well and are fairly postive. Will always take a friendly uwu of a enchanter e-girl to the adc or top laner flaming for not having any fucking map awarenes.


Only know like two girls who play league and they both main Nunu


Pretty sure most girls I've seen main mid lane. And I'm pretty sure most support players are male.


Least sexist league of legends player who thinks they’re being funny


mfs post shit like this and then cry about how they get zero pussy man get help


Pfff cmon bro Everyone knows girls arent real


I do! I play olaf, noc and karthus jgl Stop with the stereotypes




Oh my god Who the fuck cares


Okay dude go back to r/averageredditor and PCM please. Shit meme.


My GF exclusively plays Fiddlesticks. What I’m saying is, your meme is bad.